Research Article
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Year 2009, Issue: 018, 33 - 38, 15.04.2009


Fe(1- x) – Al(x) alaşım sisteminin (x = 0.25 ve x = 0.30) ikinci dereceden elastik sabitleri Genelleştirilmiş Morse Potansiyel Fonksiyonu (G.M.F), potansiyel parametresi (m) ve kristal örgü sabitine (a1) bağlı olarak ayrı ayrı hesaplandı. Kristalin kararlılık sınırında (a0 = a1) elastik sabitlerin deneysel değerlere, m = 2 de, çok yakın olduğu görüldü. Kullanılan potansiyel fonksiyonun bcc yapıdaki alaşım kristaller için de uygulanabilirliği başarıyla test edildi.


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Year 2009, Issue: 018, 33 - 38, 15.04.2009



  • [1] Milstein, F., Morse Function Description of Anharmonicity in Pressure-VolumeRealations of Cubic Metals. Phys.Stat.Sol.b, 45, 681, (1971).
  • [2] Kittel C., “Introduction to Solid State Physics”, J.Wiley and Sons, Newyork, (1968).
  • [3] Milstein, F., Theoretical Strength Of a Perfect Crystal, Phss. Rev.B. 2, 2, (197).
  • [4] Najafabadi, R. and Kalonoji, G., Mechanical sSability Criteria for Interatomic Potantial Functions Used Computer Simulations of Materials. Acta. Met, 36.917.(1988).
  • [5] Rudman, P.S., Long-Range Order in Fe Calculation of Order With Application to the Phase Diagram. Acta.Met., 8, 321, (1960).
  • [6] Leamy, H.J., The Elastic Stifness Cofficientes of Iron- Aluminum Alloys –II the Efecet of Lang Range Order. Acta. Met., 15, 1839, (1967).
  • [7] Das, G.P., and Rao, B.K. Electronic stracture of substiochiometric Fe- Al intermetallics. Phys. Rev. B 66, 184203, (2002).
  • [8] Milstein, F., Mechanical Stability of Crystal with Two- body Interactions. Phys.Rev.B., 2, 512, (1970).
  • [9] Taylor, A., and Jones,R.M., Constition and Magnetic properties of Iron-Rich Iron-Alıminum Alloys. J.Phy.Chem.Solids, 6, 16, (1958).
  • [10] Born, M., and Kun, H., “Dynamical Theory of Crystal Lattice”, Oxford, (1940).
  • [11] Milstein, F., Applicability of Exponentially Attractive and Reulsive İnteratomic Potential Functions in the Description of Cubic Crystals. J.Apl.Phys., 44, 9, (1973).
  • [12] Girifalco, L.A., and Weizer, V.G., Application of the Morse Potential Function to Cubic Metals. Phys.Rev., 114, 687, (1959).
  • [13] Akgün, İ., Elastic properties of antiferromagnetic Fe-40%Mn Alloys. J.Mater.Sci.Let., 13, 56, (2000).
  • [14] Hong, M., and Qiu, S.l. Pressure instability of bcc iron. Phys.Rev., b 66, 24113-1, (2002).
There are 14 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Hamza Yaşar Ocak This is me

Ercan Uçgun This is me

Publication Date April 15, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Issue: 018


APA Ocak, H. Y., & Uçgun, E. (2009). Fe(1-x) – Al(x) ALAŞIM SİSTEMİNİN İKİNCİ DERECE ELASTİK SABİTLERİNİN GENELLEŞTİRİLMİŞ MORSE POTANSİYEL FONKSİYONU İLE HESAPLANMASI. Journal of Science and Technology of Dumlupınar University(018), 33-38.

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