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Year 2007, Issue: 014, 1 - 10, 17.12.2007


OmpC ve OmpF porin proteinlerinin farklı çevresel şartlarda Escherichia coli’nin yaşamında önemli bir rol oynamasına rağmen sentezi üzerine farklı çevresel şartların etkisi ve mekanizması henüz tam olarak bilinmemektedir. Bu çalışmada zengin besiyeri olarak nutrient brot besiyerinde üretilen E. coli’nin OmpC ve OmpF porin sentez düzeyi ve bu sentezin kontrolünde EnvZ, OmpR, H-NS, AcP ve RpoS’nin rolü araştırılmıştır. E. coli’nin envZ, ompR, hns, pta ve rpoS gen bölgelerinin mutasyona uğratılmasının besiyerinde üreme açısından yabani tipe göre bir değişim göstermediği belirlenmiştir. Protein sentezinde ise üreme süresince OmpC sentezi artarken, OmpF sentezi oldukça azalmıştır. Yabani tip E. coli’ye göre özellikle rpoS mutantında OmpF, pta mutantında ise OmpC nin oldukça yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir. EnvZ’nin porin sentezi için oldukça önemli olduğu, OmpR’nin olmadığı durumda sentezin gerçekleşmediği belirlenmiştir. hns mutasyonunda ise OmpC ve OmpF sentezinin hafifçe arttığı belirlenmiştir.

OmpC ve OmpF porin proteinlerinin farklı çevresel şartlarda Escherichia coli’nin yaşamında önemli
bir rol oynamasına rağmen sentezi üzerine farklı çevresel şartların etkisi ve
mekanizması henüz tam olarak bilinmemektedir. Bu çalışmada zengin besiyeri
olarak nutrient brot besiyerinde üretilen E.
’nin OmpC ve OmpF porin sentez düzeyi ve bu sentezin kontrolünde EnvZ, OmpR, H-NS, AcP ve RpoS’nin rolü araştırılmıştır. E. coli’nin envZ, ompR, hns, pta ve rpoS gen bölgelerinin mutasyona uğratılmasının besiyerinde üreme açısından
yabani tipe göre bir değişim göstermediği belirlenmiştir. Protein sentezinde
ise üreme süresince OmpC sentezi artarken, OmpF sentezi oldukça azalmıştır.
Yabani tip E. coli’ye göre özellikle rpoS mutantında OmpF, pta mutantında ise OmpC nin oldukça
yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir. EnvZ’nin porin sentezi için oldukça önemli
olduğu, OmpR’nin olmadığı durumda sentezin gerçekleşmediği belirlenmiştir. hns mutasyonunda ise OmpC ve OmpF
sentezinin hafifçe arttığı belirlenmiştir.


  • [1] Grant, W. D. and Long, P. E., ‘’Environmental Microbiology’’ Thomson Litho Ltd., Glasgow/Scotland, p 215, (1981).
  • [2] Overbeeke, N. and Lugtenberg, B., ‘’Expression of outer membrane protein e of Escherichia coli K12 byphosphate limitation’’, FEBS Letters, 112; 229-232, (1980).
  • [3] Achouak, W., Heulin, T. and Pages, J. M., ‘’Multiple facets of bacterial porins’’ FEMS Microbiolgy Letters, 199; 1-7, (2001).
  • [4] Pratt, L. A., Hsing, W., Gibson, K. E. and Silhavy, T. J., ‘’From acids to osmZ: multiple factors influence synthesis of OmpF and OmpC porins in Escherichia coli’’ Mol. Microbiol., 20; 911-917, (1996).
  • [5] Darcan, C., ‘’Deniz suyunda dezenfektan özellikli kimyasal maddelerin Escherichia coli ML30 ve Salmonella typhimurium LT2 bakterilerinin protein sentezine olan etkileri’’ Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimlerti Enstitüsü, Samsun, 71 s., (1999).
  • [6] Darcan, C., Özkanca, R., Şahin, N., Işık, K., ve Kariptaş, E., ‘’Dezenfektan özellikteki bazı kimyasal maddelerin deniz suyundaki Escherichia coli ML30 ve Salmonella typhimurium LT2’nin dış membran protein sentezine etkisi’’ Biyoteknoloji (KÜKEM) Dergisi, 25 (2); 57-66, (2001).
  • [7] Özkanca, R. and Flint, K. P., ‘’The effect of starvation stress on the porin protein expression of Escherichia coli in lake water’’. Lett. Appl. Microbiol., 35; 533-537, (2002).
  • [8] Massé, E., Vanderpool, C.K., and Gottesman, S. ‘’Effect of RyhB small RNA on global iron use in Escherichia col’’. J. Bacteriol., 187; 6962–6971, (2005).
  • [9] Hoch, J. A., ‘’Two component and phosphorelay signal transduction’’, Current Opinion in Microbio., 3; 165-170, (2000).
  • [10] Forst, S., Delgado, J., Ramakrishnan, G. and Inouye, M., ‘’Regulation of ompC and ompF expression in Escherichia coli in the absence envZ’’, J. Bacteriol., 170 (11); 5080-5085, (1988).
  • [11] Sato, M., Machida, K., Arıkado, E., Saito, H., Kakegawa T., et al., ‘’Expression of outer membrane proteins in Escherichia coli growing at acid pH’’, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 66 (3); 943-947, (2000).
  • [12] Matsubara, M. and Mizuno, T., ‘’EnvZ independent phosphotransfer signaling pathway of the OmpR mediated osmoregulatory expression of OmpC and OmpF in Escherichia col’’,. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 63; 408-414, (1999).
  • [13] McCleary , W. R., Stock, J. B. and Nınfa, A. J., ‘’Is acetyl phosphote a global signal in Escherichia coli’’, J. Bacteriol., 175 (10); 2793-2798, (1993).
  • [14] Heyde, M., Laloil, P. and Portalier R., ‘’Involvement of carbon source and acetyl phosphate in the external-pH-dependent expression of porin genes in Escherichia col’’, J. Bacteriol., 182 (1); 198-202, (2000).
  • [15] Goosen, N. and Van de Putte, P., ‘’The regulation of transcription initiation by integration host factor’’, Mol. Microbiol., 16; 1-7, (1995).
  • [16] Suzuki, T., Ueguchi, C. and Mizuno, T., ‘’H-NS regulates OmpF expression through micF antisense RNAin Escherichia coli’’, J. Bacteriol., 178; 3650-3653, (1996).
  • [17] Vogel, J., Bartels, V., Tang, T.H., Churakov, G., Slagter-Jager, J.G., Huttenhoffer, A., and Wagner, E.G., ‘’RNomics in Escherichia coli detects new sRNA species and indicates parallel transcriptional outputs in bacteria’’, Nucleic Acids Res. 31; 6435–6443, (2003).
  • [18] Chen, S., Zhang, A., Blyn, L.B., and Storz, G., ‘’MicC, a second small-RNA regulator of Omp protein expression in Escherichia coli’’,. J. Bacteriol., 186; 6689–6697, (2004).
  • [19] Rasmussen, A.A., Eriksen, M., Gilany, K., Udesen, C., Franch, T., Petersen, C., and Valentin-Hansen, P., ‘’Regulation of ompA mRNA stability: The role of a small regulatory RNA in growth phase-dependent control’’, Mol. Microbiol., 58; 1421–1429, (2005).
  • [20] Douchin, V., Bohn, C., and Bouloc, P., ‘’Down-regulation of porins by a small RNA bypasses the essentiality of the RIP protease RseP in Escherichia. coli’’, J. Biol. Chem., 281; 12253–12259, (2006).
  • [21] Castillo-Keller, M., Vuong, P., and Misra, R., ‘’Novel mechanism of Escherichia coli porin regulation’’, J. Bacteriol., 188; 576–586, (2006).
  • [22] Liu, X. and Ferenci, T., ‘’An analysis of multifactorial influences on the transcriptional control of ompFand ompC porin expression under nutrient limitation’’ Microbiolgy, 147; 2981-2989, (2001).
  • [23] Miller, H. J., ‘’A Short Course in Bacterial Genetics’’, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, USA, p 456, (1992).
  • [24] Bavoil, P., Nikaido, H. and Von Meyenburg, K., ‘’Pleiotropic transport mutants of Escherichia coli lackporin, a major outer membrane protein’’, Mol. Gen. Genet., 158; 23-33, (1977).
  • [25] Slauch, J. M., Garrett, S., Jackson, D. E. and Silhavy T. J., ‘’EnvZ functions through OmpR to control porin gene expression in Escherichia coli K-12’’, J. Bacteriol., 170 (1); 439-441, (1988).
  • [26] Russo, F. D. and Silhavy T. J., ‘’EnvZ controls the concentration of phosphorylated OmpR to mediate osmoregulation of the porin genes’’, J. Mol. Biol., 222; 567-580. (1991).
  • [27] Nikaido, H. and Vaara, M., ‘’Molecular basis of bacterial outer membrane permeability’’, Microbiological Rev., 49 (1); 1-32, (1985).
  • [28] Lan, C. Y. and Igo, M. M., ‘’Differential expression of the OmpF and OmpC porin proteins inEscherichia coli K-12 depends upon the level of active OmpR’’, J. Bacteriol., 180 (1); 171-174, (1998).
  • [29] Free, A. and Dorman, C. J., ‘’Coupling of Escherichia coli H-NS Messenger RNA levels to DNAsynthesis by autoregulation implications for growth phase control’’. Mol. Microbiol., 18 (1); 101-113,(1995).
  • [30] Delihas, N. and Forst, S., ‘’MicF: An antisense RNA gene involved in response of Escherichia coli to global stress factors’’, J. Mol. Biol., 313; 1-12, (2001).
  • [31] Barth, M., Marchall, C., Muffler, A., Fischer, D. and Hengge-Aronis, R., ‘’Role for the histone likeprotein H-NS in growth phase dependent and osmotic regulation of sigma S and many σs-dependent genes in Escherichia coli’’, J. Bacteriol., 177; 3455-3464, (1995).
  • [32] Yamashino, T., C. Ueguchi, and T. Mizuno., ‘’Quantitative control of the stationary phase-specific sigma factor, _S, in Escherichia coli: involvement of the nucleoid protein H-NS’’. EMBO J., 14; 594–602, (1995).
  • [33] Repoila, F., Majdalani, N. and Gottesman, S., ‘’Small non coding RNAs, co-ordinators of adaptation processes in Escherichia coli the RpoS paradigm’’, Mol. Microbiol., 48 (4); 855-861, (2003).
  • [34] Darcan, C., ‘’Karadeniz suyunda pH, Osmolarite ve Açlık stresinin Escherichia coli’nin dış membran porin protein sentez düzeyine etkisinin araştırılması’’, Doktora Tezi, Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 185 p., (2005).
  • [35] Bouche, S., Klauck, E., Fischer, D., Lucassen, M., Jung, K. and Hengge Aronis, R., ‘’Regulation of RssBdependent proteolysis in Escherichia coli: a role for acetyl phosphate in a response regulator controlled process’’, Mol. Microbiol., 27; 787-795, (1998).


Year 2007, Issue: 014, 1 - 10, 17.12.2007


Although OmpC and OmpF porin proteins have important role to play in the survival of Escherichia coli under different environmental conditions, mechanisms and the influence of different environmental conditions on porin expression is not as well known. In this study, we tried to investigate the role of EnvZ, OmpR, H-NS, AcP and RpoS molecules on control of E. coli OmpC and OmpF porin expression to grown in nutrient broth as a rich medium. It were determined that E. coli strains carrying mutations in the envZ, ompR, rpoS, pta and hns genes showed not significant difference according to wild type point of view grown at nutrient broth. During grown in nutrient broth, While wild type E. coli OmpC expression was increased, OmpF expression was greatly reduced. It were determined that especially increased OmpF porin expression in rpoS mutant E. coli and OmpC porin expression in pta mutant E. coli according to wild type E. coli. There was no expression of ompC and ompF in the ompR mutant. The expression of ompC and ompF in the hns mutant was inconsiderably increased compared to the wild type E. coli.

OmpC and OmpF porin proteins have important role to play in the survival of Escherichia coli under different
environmental conditions, mechanisms and the influence of different
environmental conditions on porin expression is not as well known.
this study,
we tried to investigate the
role of EnvZ, OmpR, H-NS, AcP and RpoS molecules on
control of E. coli OmpC and OmpF
porin expression to grown in nutrient broth as a rich medium. It were
determined that
E. coli
strains carrying mutations in the envZ,
ompR, rpoS,
pta and hns
genes showed not significant difference according to
wild type point of view grown at nutrient broth. During grown in nutrient
broth, While wild type E. coli OmpC
expression was increased, OmpF expression was greatly reduced. It were determined that especially increased
OmpF porin expression in rpoS mutant E. coli and OmpC porin expression in pta mutant E. coli according to wild type E.
. There was no expression of ompC and ompF in the ompR mutant.
The expression of ompC and ompF in
the hns mutant was inconsiderably
increased compared to the wild type E.


  • [1] Grant, W. D. and Long, P. E., ‘’Environmental Microbiology’’ Thomson Litho Ltd., Glasgow/Scotland, p 215, (1981).
  • [2] Overbeeke, N. and Lugtenberg, B., ‘’Expression of outer membrane protein e of Escherichia coli K12 byphosphate limitation’’, FEBS Letters, 112; 229-232, (1980).
  • [3] Achouak, W., Heulin, T. and Pages, J. M., ‘’Multiple facets of bacterial porins’’ FEMS Microbiolgy Letters, 199; 1-7, (2001).
  • [4] Pratt, L. A., Hsing, W., Gibson, K. E. and Silhavy, T. J., ‘’From acids to osmZ: multiple factors influence synthesis of OmpF and OmpC porins in Escherichia coli’’ Mol. Microbiol., 20; 911-917, (1996).
  • [5] Darcan, C., ‘’Deniz suyunda dezenfektan özellikli kimyasal maddelerin Escherichia coli ML30 ve Salmonella typhimurium LT2 bakterilerinin protein sentezine olan etkileri’’ Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimlerti Enstitüsü, Samsun, 71 s., (1999).
  • [6] Darcan, C., Özkanca, R., Şahin, N., Işık, K., ve Kariptaş, E., ‘’Dezenfektan özellikteki bazı kimyasal maddelerin deniz suyundaki Escherichia coli ML30 ve Salmonella typhimurium LT2’nin dış membran protein sentezine etkisi’’ Biyoteknoloji (KÜKEM) Dergisi, 25 (2); 57-66, (2001).
  • [7] Özkanca, R. and Flint, K. P., ‘’The effect of starvation stress on the porin protein expression of Escherichia coli in lake water’’. Lett. Appl. Microbiol., 35; 533-537, (2002).
  • [8] Massé, E., Vanderpool, C.K., and Gottesman, S. ‘’Effect of RyhB small RNA on global iron use in Escherichia col’’. J. Bacteriol., 187; 6962–6971, (2005).
  • [9] Hoch, J. A., ‘’Two component and phosphorelay signal transduction’’, Current Opinion in Microbio., 3; 165-170, (2000).
  • [10] Forst, S., Delgado, J., Ramakrishnan, G. and Inouye, M., ‘’Regulation of ompC and ompF expression in Escherichia coli in the absence envZ’’, J. Bacteriol., 170 (11); 5080-5085, (1988).
  • [11] Sato, M., Machida, K., Arıkado, E., Saito, H., Kakegawa T., et al., ‘’Expression of outer membrane proteins in Escherichia coli growing at acid pH’’, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 66 (3); 943-947, (2000).
  • [12] Matsubara, M. and Mizuno, T., ‘’EnvZ independent phosphotransfer signaling pathway of the OmpR mediated osmoregulatory expression of OmpC and OmpF in Escherichia col’’,. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 63; 408-414, (1999).
  • [13] McCleary , W. R., Stock, J. B. and Nınfa, A. J., ‘’Is acetyl phosphote a global signal in Escherichia coli’’, J. Bacteriol., 175 (10); 2793-2798, (1993).
  • [14] Heyde, M., Laloil, P. and Portalier R., ‘’Involvement of carbon source and acetyl phosphate in the external-pH-dependent expression of porin genes in Escherichia col’’, J. Bacteriol., 182 (1); 198-202, (2000).
  • [15] Goosen, N. and Van de Putte, P., ‘’The regulation of transcription initiation by integration host factor’’, Mol. Microbiol., 16; 1-7, (1995).
  • [16] Suzuki, T., Ueguchi, C. and Mizuno, T., ‘’H-NS regulates OmpF expression through micF antisense RNAin Escherichia coli’’, J. Bacteriol., 178; 3650-3653, (1996).
  • [17] Vogel, J., Bartels, V., Tang, T.H., Churakov, G., Slagter-Jager, J.G., Huttenhoffer, A., and Wagner, E.G., ‘’RNomics in Escherichia coli detects new sRNA species and indicates parallel transcriptional outputs in bacteria’’, Nucleic Acids Res. 31; 6435–6443, (2003).
  • [18] Chen, S., Zhang, A., Blyn, L.B., and Storz, G., ‘’MicC, a second small-RNA regulator of Omp protein expression in Escherichia coli’’,. J. Bacteriol., 186; 6689–6697, (2004).
  • [19] Rasmussen, A.A., Eriksen, M., Gilany, K., Udesen, C., Franch, T., Petersen, C., and Valentin-Hansen, P., ‘’Regulation of ompA mRNA stability: The role of a small regulatory RNA in growth phase-dependent control’’, Mol. Microbiol., 58; 1421–1429, (2005).
  • [20] Douchin, V., Bohn, C., and Bouloc, P., ‘’Down-regulation of porins by a small RNA bypasses the essentiality of the RIP protease RseP in Escherichia. coli’’, J. Biol. Chem., 281; 12253–12259, (2006).
  • [21] Castillo-Keller, M., Vuong, P., and Misra, R., ‘’Novel mechanism of Escherichia coli porin regulation’’, J. Bacteriol., 188; 576–586, (2006).
  • [22] Liu, X. and Ferenci, T., ‘’An analysis of multifactorial influences on the transcriptional control of ompFand ompC porin expression under nutrient limitation’’ Microbiolgy, 147; 2981-2989, (2001).
  • [23] Miller, H. J., ‘’A Short Course in Bacterial Genetics’’, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, USA, p 456, (1992).
  • [24] Bavoil, P., Nikaido, H. and Von Meyenburg, K., ‘’Pleiotropic transport mutants of Escherichia coli lackporin, a major outer membrane protein’’, Mol. Gen. Genet., 158; 23-33, (1977).
  • [25] Slauch, J. M., Garrett, S., Jackson, D. E. and Silhavy T. J., ‘’EnvZ functions through OmpR to control porin gene expression in Escherichia coli K-12’’, J. Bacteriol., 170 (1); 439-441, (1988).
  • [26] Russo, F. D. and Silhavy T. J., ‘’EnvZ controls the concentration of phosphorylated OmpR to mediate osmoregulation of the porin genes’’, J. Mol. Biol., 222; 567-580. (1991).
  • [27] Nikaido, H. and Vaara, M., ‘’Molecular basis of bacterial outer membrane permeability’’, Microbiological Rev., 49 (1); 1-32, (1985).
  • [28] Lan, C. Y. and Igo, M. M., ‘’Differential expression of the OmpF and OmpC porin proteins inEscherichia coli K-12 depends upon the level of active OmpR’’, J. Bacteriol., 180 (1); 171-174, (1998).
  • [29] Free, A. and Dorman, C. J., ‘’Coupling of Escherichia coli H-NS Messenger RNA levels to DNAsynthesis by autoregulation implications for growth phase control’’. Mol. Microbiol., 18 (1); 101-113,(1995).
  • [30] Delihas, N. and Forst, S., ‘’MicF: An antisense RNA gene involved in response of Escherichia coli to global stress factors’’, J. Mol. Biol., 313; 1-12, (2001).
  • [31] Barth, M., Marchall, C., Muffler, A., Fischer, D. and Hengge-Aronis, R., ‘’Role for the histone likeprotein H-NS in growth phase dependent and osmotic regulation of sigma S and many σs-dependent genes in Escherichia coli’’, J. Bacteriol., 177; 3455-3464, (1995).
  • [32] Yamashino, T., C. Ueguchi, and T. Mizuno., ‘’Quantitative control of the stationary phase-specific sigma factor, _S, in Escherichia coli: involvement of the nucleoid protein H-NS’’. EMBO J., 14; 594–602, (1995).
  • [33] Repoila, F., Majdalani, N. and Gottesman, S., ‘’Small non coding RNAs, co-ordinators of adaptation processes in Escherichia coli the RpoS paradigm’’, Mol. Microbiol., 48 (4); 855-861, (2003).
  • [34] Darcan, C., ‘’Karadeniz suyunda pH, Osmolarite ve Açlık stresinin Escherichia coli’nin dış membran porin protein sentez düzeyine etkisinin araştırılması’’, Doktora Tezi, Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 185 p., (2005).
  • [35] Bouche, S., Klauck, E., Fischer, D., Lucassen, M., Jung, K. and Hengge Aronis, R., ‘’Regulation of RssBdependent proteolysis in Escherichia coli: a role for acetyl phosphate in a response regulator controlled process’’, Mol. Microbiol., 27; 787-795, (1998).
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Cihan Darcan This is me

Reşit Özkanca This is me

Publication Date December 17, 2007
Published in Issue Year 2007 Issue: 014


APA Darcan, C., & Özkanca, R. (2007). OmpC -OmpF PORIN PROTEINS EXPRESSION OF Escherichia coli IN NUTRIENT BROTH AND THE ROLE OF EnvZ, OmpR, H-NS, AcP AND RpoS ON THIS EXPRESSION. Journal of Science and Technology of Dumlupınar University(014), 1-10.

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