Research Article
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Year 2006, Issue: 011, 11 - 26, 15.09.2006


In this study, lead (Pb) pollution due to trafic in the leaves of P. nigra subsp. nigra var.

caraminica colletted from different parts of Kırıkkale Province Center was investigated. As

a result, it was found that lead (Pb) accumulation in the leaves of P. nigra subsp. nigra var.

caraminica increase according to trafic density. The most accumulated lead pollution was

observed at the leaves samples collected from Zafer Avenue, and the least lead pollution

was seen at the samples collected from Rafineri area.


  • [1] R.M. Harrison ve D.P.H. Laxen, Lead pollution causes and control, Chapman and Hall Ltd, (1980), London.
  • [2] W.J. Vandenabeek ve O.L Wood, The distribution of lead a long a line source (highway), Hemosphere. 5 (1972), 221.
  • [3] C.H.P. Jones, C.R. Clement ve M.J. Happer, Lead uptoke from solition by Perrennial Ryegrass and its transport from roots to shoots, Plant Soil. 38 (1973), 403.
  • [4] P.K. Hopke, R.E. Lamb ve D.F.S. Natusch, D.F.S, Multielemental characterization of urban roadway dust. Environ, Sci. Tecnol. 14 (1980), 164.
  • [5] M. Rodrigues ve E. Rodrigues, Lead and caddium levels in soil and plants near highways and their correlation with traffic density, Environ. Pollut. 4 (1982), 281. [6] C.R. Hibben, S.S. Hagor ve C.P. Mazzo, Comparison of cadmium and lead content of vegatable crops growing in urban and suburban gardens, Environ. Pollut. 7 (1984), 71.
  • [7] C. Gratani, S. Taglioni ve M.F. Crescente, The accumulation of lead in agricultural soil and vegetation a long a Highway, Chemosphere. 24 (1981), 941.
  • [8] M. Karademir ve C. Toker, Ankara’nın bazı kavşaklarında yetişen çim ve bitkilerde ekzoslarından gelen kurşun birikimi, II. Ulusal ekoloji ve çevre kongresi bildirileri.11-13 Eylül (1995), Ankara.
  • [9] C.L. Ndiokwere, A study of heavy metal pollution from motor vehicle emissions and its effect on roadside soil, vegatation and crops in Nigeria, Environmental Pollution.7 (1984), 35.
  • [10] C.M Shy, Lead in petrol the mistake of the Century Rapp. Sanit Mond 43 (1990), 168.
  • [11] G.L. Wheeler ve G.L Rolfe, The relationship beetween daily traffic volume and the distribution of lead in roadside soil and vegatation, Environ. Pollut. 18 (1979), 265.
  • [12] L.A. Albert ve F. Badilla, Environmental lead in Mexica Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicolgy, (1991) 117.
  • [13] A.N. Onar ve A. Temizer, Çevre kirliliğine etkisinin ölçüsü olarak Cd ve Pb derişimlerinin idrarda tayini, Doğa Du. Müh. ve Çev. D. 11 (1987), 2.
  • [14] M.C. Toker, Uptake of lead by barley (Hardeum distichon L.) roots and its relation to Potasium, Doğa T.U.S Biol. 12 (1998), 2.
  • [15] M. Treshow ve F.K. Anderson, Plant stres from air pollution, 58.
  • [16] M.Z. Igbal, M. Shafig ve S.F. Ali, Effect of automobile pollution on seed weight and Branch length of some plants, Tr. J. of. Botany. 18 (1994), 475.
  • [17] H.V.B. Hock ve E.J. Elstner, Schhandwirfungen Auf pflanzen Der pflanzentoxikologie, Mannheim, wien, Zurih, (1998) 103. Kırıkkale İlinin Çeşitli Bölgelerinde Yol Kenarlarından Toplanan D.P.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Pinus Nigra (J.F.Arnold ) Subsp. Nigra Var. Caramanica 11. Sayı Eylül 2006 (Loudon) Rehder Türündeki Kurşun Kirliliğinin Araştırılması K.ÇAVUŞOĞLU & Ş. ÇAKIR & T. KIRINDI
  • [18] A. Mellor, Lead and zinc in the wallsend burn, an urban catchment in Tyneside, UK, The Science of the Total Environment. 269 (2001), 49-63.
  • [19] B. Culbard, I. Thornton, J. Watt, M. Wheatly, S. Moorcroft ve M Thompson, Metal contamination in British suburban dusts and soils, J Environ Qual. 12 (1998), 226-234.
  • [20] A.M. Moir ve I. Thornton, Lead and cadmium in urban allotment and garden soils and vegatables in the United Kingdom, Environ Geochem Health. 11 (1998), 113-119.
  • [21] J.M. Bubb ve J.N. Lester, Anthropogenic heavy metal inputs to lowland river systems, a case study-the river stour, UK, Water, Air Soil Pollut. 78 (1994), 279-296.
  • [22] J. Kelly, I. Thornton ve P.R. Simpson, Urban geochemistry a study of the influence of anthropogenic activity on the heavy metal content of soils in traditionally industrial and nonindustrial areas of Britain, Appl Geochem. 11 (1996), 363-370.
  • [23] S. Yılmaz ve M. Zengin, Monitoring environmental pollution in Erzurum by chemical analysis of Scot pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) needles,. Environ Int 29 (2004),1041-1047.
  • [24] A. Aksoy, U. Şahin ve F. Duman, Robinia pseudo-acacia L. as a possible biomonitor of heavy metal pollution in Kayseri, Tr J Bot. 24 (2000), 279-284.
  • [25] M.N. Rashed, Monitoring of environmental heavy metals in fish from Nasser Lake, Environ Int 27 (2001), 27-33.
  • [26] A. Çelik, A.A. Kartal, A. Akdoğan ve Y. Kaksa, Determining the heavy metal pollution in Denizli (Turkey) by using Robinio pseudo-acacia L.,Environment International. (2004)(makale baskıda).
  • [27] B. Market, Plants as biomonitors/indicators for heavy metals in the terrestrial environment, Weinheim, VHC Press, (1993).
  • [28] S.M. Al-Shayeb, M.A. Al-Rajhi ve M.R.D. Seaward, The date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) as a biomonitor of lead and other elements in arid environments, Sci Total Environ. 168 (1995), 1-10.
  • [29] A. Aksoy, W.H.G. Hale ve J.M. Dixon, Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) medic as a biomonitor of heavy metals, Sci Total Environ. 226 (1999), 177-186.
  • [30] R. Djingova ve I. Kuleff, Monitoring of heavy metal pollution by Taraxacum officinale, In: B. Markert, “Plants as biomonitors, Weinheim, VHC. (1993), 435-460.
  • [31] A. Aksoy ve M. Öztürk, Phoenix dactylifera L. as a biomonitor of heavy metal pollution in Turkey, J Trace and Microprobe Tech. 14 (1996), 605-614.
  • [32] A. Aksoy ve M. Öztürk, Nerium oleander L. as biomonitor of lead and other heavy metal pollution in mediterranean environment, Sci Total Environ. 205 (1997), 145-150.
  • [33] A. Jiries, Vehicular contamination of dust in Amman, Jordon, The Environmentalist. 23 (2003), 205-210. Kırıkkale İlinin Çeşitli Bölgelerinde Yol Kenarlarından Toplanan D.P.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Pinus Nigra (J.F.Arnold ) Subsp. Nigra Var. Caramanica 11. Sayı Eylül 2006 (Loudon) Rehder Türündeki Kurşun Kirliliğinin Araştırılması K.ÇAVUŞOĞLU & Ş. ÇAKIR & T. KIRINDI
  • [34] P.H. Davis, Flora of Turkey, Edinburgh University Press. (2000), London.
  • [35] K. Çavuşoğlu, İğde (Elaeagnus angustifolia L.) yapraklarında kurşun (Pb) yoğunluğunun araştırılması, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 6,3 (2003), 191-193.
  • [36] I. Türkan, İzmir il merkezi ve çevre yolları kenarında yetişen bitkilerde kurşun, çinko ve kadmiyum kirlenmesinin araştırılması, Doğa, Tr. Bio. D. 10 (1986), 116.
  • [37] B. Fidora, Der Bleigahalt von pflanzen verhehrsnoher standarte in abhonfigkeit von der vegatationshperiode, Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 85 (1972), 219.
  • [38] ZI. Shams ve M.A.A. Beg, Lead in particulate deposits and in leaves of roadside plants, The Environmentalist. 20 (2000), 63-67.
  • [39] J. Caselles, Levels of lead and other metals in citrus alongside a motor road, Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 105 (1998), 593-602.
  • [40] S.J. Eisenreich, N.A. Metzer, N.R. Urban ve J.A. Robbins, Response of atmospheric lead to decreased use of lead in gasoline, Environmental Science and Technology. 20 (1986), 171-174.
  • [41] R.A. Jensen ve D.P.H. Laxen, The effect of the phase-down of lead in petrol on levels of lead in air, The Science of the Total Environment 59 (1987), 1-8.
  • [42] M. Belles, A. Rico, M. Schumacher, J.L. Domingo ve J. Corbella, Reduction in lead concentration in vegetables grown in tarragona province, Spain, as a consequence of reduction of lead in gasoline, Environment International. 21 (1995), 821-825.
  • [43] N. Pirrone, G.J. Keler ve J.O. Nriagu ve P.O. Warner, Historical trends of airborne trace metals in Detroit from 1971 to 1992, Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 88 (1996),145-165.
  • [44] M. Rodamilans, M. Tora, J. To-Figueran, J. Corbella,B. Lopez, C. Sanchez ve R.Mazzara, Effect of the reduction of petrol lead on blood lead levels of the population of Barcelona (Spain), Bulletin Environmental Contaminants and Toxicology. 56 (1996), 717-721.
  • [45] UK Goverment, The motor fuel (lead content of petrol) (amendment) regulations,(S.I. 1985/1728), HMSO. (1985), London.
  • [46] UN, The state of trans-boundary air pollution studies 12, report prepared within the framework of the convention on longrange trans-boundary air pollution, (1996),United Nations.


Year 2006, Issue: 011, 11 - 26, 15.09.2006


Bu çalışmada, Kırıkkale il merkezinin çeşitli bölgelerinden toplanan P. nigra subsp. nigra

var. caramanica türünün yapraklarında çoğunlukla taşıtların sebep olduğu Kurşun (Pb)

kirliliği araştırılmıştır. Sonuç olarak P. nigra subsp. nigra var. caramanica yapraklarında

kurşun (Pb) birikiminin trafik yoğunluğuna göre arttığı bulunmuştur. Buna göre en yoğun

kurşun kirliliğine Zafer Caddesinden toplanan yaprak örneklerinde (%58.783), en az ise

Rafineri bölgesinden toplanan örneklerde (%12.023) rastlanılmıştır.


  • [1] R.M. Harrison ve D.P.H. Laxen, Lead pollution causes and control, Chapman and Hall Ltd, (1980), London.
  • [2] W.J. Vandenabeek ve O.L Wood, The distribution of lead a long a line source (highway), Hemosphere. 5 (1972), 221.
  • [3] C.H.P. Jones, C.R. Clement ve M.J. Happer, Lead uptoke from solition by Perrennial Ryegrass and its transport from roots to shoots, Plant Soil. 38 (1973), 403.
  • [4] P.K. Hopke, R.E. Lamb ve D.F.S. Natusch, D.F.S, Multielemental characterization of urban roadway dust. Environ, Sci. Tecnol. 14 (1980), 164.
  • [5] M. Rodrigues ve E. Rodrigues, Lead and caddium levels in soil and plants near highways and their correlation with traffic density, Environ. Pollut. 4 (1982), 281. [6] C.R. Hibben, S.S. Hagor ve C.P. Mazzo, Comparison of cadmium and lead content of vegatable crops growing in urban and suburban gardens, Environ. Pollut. 7 (1984), 71.
  • [7] C. Gratani, S. Taglioni ve M.F. Crescente, The accumulation of lead in agricultural soil and vegetation a long a Highway, Chemosphere. 24 (1981), 941.
  • [8] M. Karademir ve C. Toker, Ankara’nın bazı kavşaklarında yetişen çim ve bitkilerde ekzoslarından gelen kurşun birikimi, II. Ulusal ekoloji ve çevre kongresi bildirileri.11-13 Eylül (1995), Ankara.
  • [9] C.L. Ndiokwere, A study of heavy metal pollution from motor vehicle emissions and its effect on roadside soil, vegatation and crops in Nigeria, Environmental Pollution.7 (1984), 35.
  • [10] C.M Shy, Lead in petrol the mistake of the Century Rapp. Sanit Mond 43 (1990), 168.
  • [11] G.L. Wheeler ve G.L Rolfe, The relationship beetween daily traffic volume and the distribution of lead in roadside soil and vegatation, Environ. Pollut. 18 (1979), 265.
  • [12] L.A. Albert ve F. Badilla, Environmental lead in Mexica Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicolgy, (1991) 117.
  • [13] A.N. Onar ve A. Temizer, Çevre kirliliğine etkisinin ölçüsü olarak Cd ve Pb derişimlerinin idrarda tayini, Doğa Du. Müh. ve Çev. D. 11 (1987), 2.
  • [14] M.C. Toker, Uptake of lead by barley (Hardeum distichon L.) roots and its relation to Potasium, Doğa T.U.S Biol. 12 (1998), 2.
  • [15] M. Treshow ve F.K. Anderson, Plant stres from air pollution, 58.
  • [16] M.Z. Igbal, M. Shafig ve S.F. Ali, Effect of automobile pollution on seed weight and Branch length of some plants, Tr. J. of. Botany. 18 (1994), 475.
  • [17] H.V.B. Hock ve E.J. Elstner, Schhandwirfungen Auf pflanzen Der pflanzentoxikologie, Mannheim, wien, Zurih, (1998) 103. Kırıkkale İlinin Çeşitli Bölgelerinde Yol Kenarlarından Toplanan D.P.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Pinus Nigra (J.F.Arnold ) Subsp. Nigra Var. Caramanica 11. Sayı Eylül 2006 (Loudon) Rehder Türündeki Kurşun Kirliliğinin Araştırılması K.ÇAVUŞOĞLU & Ş. ÇAKIR & T. KIRINDI
  • [18] A. Mellor, Lead and zinc in the wallsend burn, an urban catchment in Tyneside, UK, The Science of the Total Environment. 269 (2001), 49-63.
  • [19] B. Culbard, I. Thornton, J. Watt, M. Wheatly, S. Moorcroft ve M Thompson, Metal contamination in British suburban dusts and soils, J Environ Qual. 12 (1998), 226-234.
  • [20] A.M. Moir ve I. Thornton, Lead and cadmium in urban allotment and garden soils and vegatables in the United Kingdom, Environ Geochem Health. 11 (1998), 113-119.
  • [21] J.M. Bubb ve J.N. Lester, Anthropogenic heavy metal inputs to lowland river systems, a case study-the river stour, UK, Water, Air Soil Pollut. 78 (1994), 279-296.
  • [22] J. Kelly, I. Thornton ve P.R. Simpson, Urban geochemistry a study of the influence of anthropogenic activity on the heavy metal content of soils in traditionally industrial and nonindustrial areas of Britain, Appl Geochem. 11 (1996), 363-370.
  • [23] S. Yılmaz ve M. Zengin, Monitoring environmental pollution in Erzurum by chemical analysis of Scot pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) needles,. Environ Int 29 (2004),1041-1047.
  • [24] A. Aksoy, U. Şahin ve F. Duman, Robinia pseudo-acacia L. as a possible biomonitor of heavy metal pollution in Kayseri, Tr J Bot. 24 (2000), 279-284.
  • [25] M.N. Rashed, Monitoring of environmental heavy metals in fish from Nasser Lake, Environ Int 27 (2001), 27-33.
  • [26] A. Çelik, A.A. Kartal, A. Akdoğan ve Y. Kaksa, Determining the heavy metal pollution in Denizli (Turkey) by using Robinio pseudo-acacia L.,Environment International. (2004)(makale baskıda).
  • [27] B. Market, Plants as biomonitors/indicators for heavy metals in the terrestrial environment, Weinheim, VHC Press, (1993).
  • [28] S.M. Al-Shayeb, M.A. Al-Rajhi ve M.R.D. Seaward, The date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) as a biomonitor of lead and other elements in arid environments, Sci Total Environ. 168 (1995), 1-10.
  • [29] A. Aksoy, W.H.G. Hale ve J.M. Dixon, Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) medic as a biomonitor of heavy metals, Sci Total Environ. 226 (1999), 177-186.
  • [30] R. Djingova ve I. Kuleff, Monitoring of heavy metal pollution by Taraxacum officinale, In: B. Markert, “Plants as biomonitors, Weinheim, VHC. (1993), 435-460.
  • [31] A. Aksoy ve M. Öztürk, Phoenix dactylifera L. as a biomonitor of heavy metal pollution in Turkey, J Trace and Microprobe Tech. 14 (1996), 605-614.
  • [32] A. Aksoy ve M. Öztürk, Nerium oleander L. as biomonitor of lead and other heavy metal pollution in mediterranean environment, Sci Total Environ. 205 (1997), 145-150.
  • [33] A. Jiries, Vehicular contamination of dust in Amman, Jordon, The Environmentalist. 23 (2003), 205-210. Kırıkkale İlinin Çeşitli Bölgelerinde Yol Kenarlarından Toplanan D.P.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Pinus Nigra (J.F.Arnold ) Subsp. Nigra Var. Caramanica 11. Sayı Eylül 2006 (Loudon) Rehder Türündeki Kurşun Kirliliğinin Araştırılması K.ÇAVUŞOĞLU & Ş. ÇAKIR & T. KIRINDI
  • [34] P.H. Davis, Flora of Turkey, Edinburgh University Press. (2000), London.
  • [35] K. Çavuşoğlu, İğde (Elaeagnus angustifolia L.) yapraklarında kurşun (Pb) yoğunluğunun araştırılması, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 6,3 (2003), 191-193.
  • [36] I. Türkan, İzmir il merkezi ve çevre yolları kenarında yetişen bitkilerde kurşun, çinko ve kadmiyum kirlenmesinin araştırılması, Doğa, Tr. Bio. D. 10 (1986), 116.
  • [37] B. Fidora, Der Bleigahalt von pflanzen verhehrsnoher standarte in abhonfigkeit von der vegatationshperiode, Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 85 (1972), 219.
  • [38] ZI. Shams ve M.A.A. Beg, Lead in particulate deposits and in leaves of roadside plants, The Environmentalist. 20 (2000), 63-67.
  • [39] J. Caselles, Levels of lead and other metals in citrus alongside a motor road, Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 105 (1998), 593-602.
  • [40] S.J. Eisenreich, N.A. Metzer, N.R. Urban ve J.A. Robbins, Response of atmospheric lead to decreased use of lead in gasoline, Environmental Science and Technology. 20 (1986), 171-174.
  • [41] R.A. Jensen ve D.P.H. Laxen, The effect of the phase-down of lead in petrol on levels of lead in air, The Science of the Total Environment 59 (1987), 1-8.
  • [42] M. Belles, A. Rico, M. Schumacher, J.L. Domingo ve J. Corbella, Reduction in lead concentration in vegetables grown in tarragona province, Spain, as a consequence of reduction of lead in gasoline, Environment International. 21 (1995), 821-825.
  • [43] N. Pirrone, G.J. Keler ve J.O. Nriagu ve P.O. Warner, Historical trends of airborne trace metals in Detroit from 1971 to 1992, Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 88 (1996),145-165.
  • [44] M. Rodamilans, M. Tora, J. To-Figueran, J. Corbella,B. Lopez, C. Sanchez ve R.Mazzara, Effect of the reduction of petrol lead on blood lead levels of the population of Barcelona (Spain), Bulletin Environmental Contaminants and Toxicology. 56 (1996), 717-721.
  • [45] UK Goverment, The motor fuel (lead content of petrol) (amendment) regulations,(S.I. 1985/1728), HMSO. (1985), London.
  • [46] UN, The state of trans-boundary air pollution studies 12, report prepared within the framework of the convention on longrange trans-boundary air pollution, (1996),United Nations.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Kültiğin Çavuşoğlu This is me

Publication Date September 15, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006 Issue: 011



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