Research Article
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Year 2005, Issue: 008, 79 - 86, 15.07.2005


Bu cahsmada, kayaclann sunrne davranrslanna gore srmflandmlrnasi amaclanrrusnr. Bukulme deneyleri, dikdortgen prizmasi seklindeki serbest kiris numuneleri uzerinde dusuk gerilme yukleri altmda gerceklestirilmistir. Deneylerde, Mermer (Afyon), Mam (Tuncbilek - Kutahya), Kumtasi (Beytepe - Ankara) ve TUf (Incehisar -Afyon) olmak uzere dart ayn kayac turu kullamlrrusnr. Her kayac turu, ani bukulrne dayammlanrun %10, %20, %30, %40 ve %50'sinde olmak uzere bes ayn gerilme yuku altmda dorder defa denenmistir. Deney sonuclan, ucgen diyagrarruru kullanarakdeformasyon bilesenleri yonterniyle analiz edilmistir


  • [1] D. F. Coates, and R. C. Parson, Experimental Criteria for Classification of Rock Substances, Int. 1. Rock Mech. Min. Sci.,3 (1966), 181-189.
  • [2] A. Kidybinski, Rheological Models of Upper Silesian Carboniferous Rocks, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci., 3(1966), 279-306.
  • [3] r.x; Klingmueller, and MJ. Wallace, Simple Cantilever Beam Instrumentation for the Determination of Creep Behavior in Rocks, Proc. I" Australia-New Zealand Conference on .Geornechanics, Melbourne, 1 (1971),383-386.
  • [4] D.P. Singh, A Study of Creep of Rocks, Int. .; Rock Mech. Min. Sci., 12(1975),271-276
  • [5] C.W. Schwarz, and S. Kolluri, Laboratory Investigation of Creep of Jointed Rock Material, 22nd U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics, 1982,283-285.
  • [6] A. Ozgenoglu, An Investigation into Classification of Rock on the Basis of Their 1ime-Dependent Characteristics, PhD. Thesis in Mining Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, 1985.
  • [7] J.G. Singh, and P.C. Upadhyay, Creep Bending of Rock Beams, Min. Sci. Tech., 12 (1987), 271-276.
  • [8] N. Cetin, Classification of Rocks Based on Their Creep Behavior at Low Stress Levels, M.Sc. Thesis in Mining Engineering, Middle East Technical Uni versity, Ankara,1992.
  • [9] M.H. Leite, B. Ladanyi, and D.E. Gill, Determination of Creep Parameters of Rock Salt by Means of In-Situ Sharp Cone Test, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci., 30(1993),219-232.
  • [10] c. Yang, J.K. Deamen and J.H. Yin, Experimental Investigation of Creep Behavior of Salt Rock, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci., 36 (1999),233-242.
  • [11] M.G. Barbier, S. Chanchale and P.Benst, Creep Behavior of Bure Clayey Rock, Applied Clay Science, 24 (2004), 449-458.
  • [12] J.I. Shao, Q.Z. Zhu and K. Su, Modeling of Creep in Rock Materials in Terms of Material Degradation, Computers and Geotechnics, 30, Issue 7 (2003), 549-555.
  • [13] P. Xu, T.Q. Yang and H.M. Zhou, Study of the Creep Characteristics and Long-term Stability of Rock Masses in the High Slopes of TGP Ship Lock, China, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci., Issue SUPPL, 41 (2004), IB 11, 1-6.
  • " [14] G. Wang, A New Constitutive Creep-Damage Model for Rock Salt and its Characteristics, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci., Issue SUPPL, 41 (2004), lA 11, 1-7.


Year 2005, Issue: 008, 79 - 86, 15.07.2005


In this study, it is aimed to classify rocks on their time-dependent properties. Bending creep tests on cantilever beam specimens are carried out at low stress levels. Four different rock types, namely Marble (Afyon), Marl (Tuncbilek - Kutahya), Sandstone (Beytepe - Ankara) and Tuff (Incehisar - Afyon) are used in these creep tests. Each rock type was tested four times at five stress levels, namely, at 10%,20%,30%,40%, and 50% of their average instantaneous bending strengths. The test results are analyzed with the percent deformation criterion using ternary diagrams.


  • [1] D. F. Coates, and R. C. Parson, Experimental Criteria for Classification of Rock Substances, Int. 1. Rock Mech. Min. Sci.,3 (1966), 181-189.
  • [2] A. Kidybinski, Rheological Models of Upper Silesian Carboniferous Rocks, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci., 3(1966), 279-306.
  • [3] r.x; Klingmueller, and MJ. Wallace, Simple Cantilever Beam Instrumentation for the Determination of Creep Behavior in Rocks, Proc. I" Australia-New Zealand Conference on .Geornechanics, Melbourne, 1 (1971),383-386.
  • [4] D.P. Singh, A Study of Creep of Rocks, Int. .; Rock Mech. Min. Sci., 12(1975),271-276
  • [5] C.W. Schwarz, and S. Kolluri, Laboratory Investigation of Creep of Jointed Rock Material, 22nd U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics, 1982,283-285.
  • [6] A. Ozgenoglu, An Investigation into Classification of Rock on the Basis of Their 1ime-Dependent Characteristics, PhD. Thesis in Mining Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, 1985.
  • [7] J.G. Singh, and P.C. Upadhyay, Creep Bending of Rock Beams, Min. Sci. Tech., 12 (1987), 271-276.
  • [8] N. Cetin, Classification of Rocks Based on Their Creep Behavior at Low Stress Levels, M.Sc. Thesis in Mining Engineering, Middle East Technical Uni versity, Ankara,1992.
  • [9] M.H. Leite, B. Ladanyi, and D.E. Gill, Determination of Creep Parameters of Rock Salt by Means of In-Situ Sharp Cone Test, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci., 30(1993),219-232.
  • [10] c. Yang, J.K. Deamen and J.H. Yin, Experimental Investigation of Creep Behavior of Salt Rock, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci., 36 (1999),233-242.
  • [11] M.G. Barbier, S. Chanchale and P.Benst, Creep Behavior of Bure Clayey Rock, Applied Clay Science, 24 (2004), 449-458.
  • [12] J.I. Shao, Q.Z. Zhu and K. Su, Modeling of Creep in Rock Materials in Terms of Material Degradation, Computers and Geotechnics, 30, Issue 7 (2003), 549-555.
  • [13] P. Xu, T.Q. Yang and H.M. Zhou, Study of the Creep Characteristics and Long-term Stability of Rock Masses in the High Slopes of TGP Ship Lock, China, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci., Issue SUPPL, 41 (2004), IB 11, 1-6.
  • " [14] G. Wang, A New Constitutive Creep-Damage Model for Rock Salt and its Characteristics, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci., Issue SUPPL, 41 (2004), lA 11, 1-7.
There are 14 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

N. Çetin This is me

A. Özgenoğlu This is me

Publication Date July 15, 2005
Published in Issue Year 2005 Issue: 008


APA Çetin, N., & Özgenoğlu, A. (2005). CLASSIFICATION OF ROCKS ON THEIR CREEP BEHAVIOUR AT LOW STRESS LEVELS. Journal of Science and Technology of Dumlupınar University(008), 79-86.

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