Research Article
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Year 2005, Issue: 008, 137 - 162, 15.07.2005


The 110ra of Akdag (2466 rn). located in the district of the town, Olur, Erzururn Turkey. was investigated. This study was carried out between 1996 and 1997 and 305 taxa were collected. These taxa are given with the identification keys. 12.4 percent was found as endemic for Turkey. These endemics are as follows: 60.5 % lrano- Turanian, 5.3 % Euro-Sibcrian and S.3 % Mediterranean elements. The distribution of the species according to the life forms arc: hernicryprophytes come first with the rate of 48.9 (x, after that. chamacphytes with the rate of IS.7 %. thcrophytcs, geophytes. phancrophytcs and vascular hem-parasites are 15.1 %, 10.2 '70. 9.2 % and 0.98 % respectively The families which have the most taxa in research area are: Compositae (Astcraccac} (48). Leguniinosae (Fabaceae) (31). Labiatae (Latuiaccac ) (30). Grainincac (Poaceae ) (21). Carvoplivllaceac (17). Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) (13). Unibellifcrac (Apiaceae) (12). Rosaceae (11) and l.iliaccac (11). Concerning with the number of species the major genera arc; Centaurca (8), As/raga/lis (7). Sa/via (6). Linum (S).Ollobrychis (S) and Stachys (5).


  • [1] Akrnan, Y., 1990. iklim ve Biyoiklim, Palme Yay.: 103, Ankara.
  • [2] Altan, Y. ve Yurdakulol E., 1984, Contribution to the Flora of Hazar mountains Faculte'des Sciences de I'Universite' d'Ankara, Selie C, Tome: 2. Ankara.
  • [3] Altan, Y, Gucin, F. ve Babac, T., 1986, Gulveren KayU (Erzurum-Senkaya) florasma ait gozlernler. E.U. Journal of Science Faculty, Series B, Suppl., 8, 21-40.
  • [4] Behcet, L., 1988, A preliminary study on the flora of Dumlu Dagi (Erzurum), E.U.Joull1al of Science Faculty, Series B, Vol. 10, No.2.
  • [5] Behcet, L. ve TatlI, A., 1989, Dumlu Daglan (Erzurum) Vejetasyonu Uzerine Fitososyolojik bir Arastirma, Doga TU Botanik D.C. 13, (5), 3.
  • [6] Boissier, E., 1867-1888, Flora Orientalis, 1-V ve Suppl. Basel- Genova Lyon.
  • [7] Bozkus, C., 1990, Olur-Kornurlu-Aksar (Erzurum) Arasirun Statigrafik ve Tektonik Ozellikleri, Doktora Tezi, Sivas.
  • [8] Czeczott, H., 1938, Contributions to the Knowledge of the Flora and Vegetation of Turkey, p. 107.
  • [9] Cetik, A.R. and TatlI, A, 1975, A phytosociological and ecological study on the vegetation of Palandoken mountains. Com de la Fac.S.d'Ank., Series C2.,Tom, 19.
  • [10] Davis, P.H., 1965-1988, Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Volum 1-10, Univ. Press, Edinburg.
  • [11] Devlet Meteoroloji lsleri Genel MUdUrlUgU, 1989, Ortalama ve Ekstern degerler meteoroloji tablolan, Ankara.
  • [12] Emberger, L., 1954, Project d'une classification
  • [13] Handel-Mazetti, H.,1914, Die Vegetations verhaltnisse von Mesopotamien and Kurdistan.Wissenschaftliche I ergebnisse del' expeditions nach Mesapotemien.
  • [14J Huber-Morath, A., 1963, Novitia florae Anatolicae VI. Bauhinia 2 (2): 193-201
  • [15] Krause, K., 1940, Batt ve Orta Anadolu Nebat Forrnasyonlan (Cev H. Birund, YuksckZiraat Enstitusu Yay., 60, s 29, Ankara.
  • [16] Kaya, Y., 1996, Tercan cevresi ile Sengul (Erzincan) ve Bagirbaba (Tunceli) Daglan'run Florasi, TrJ. of Botany, 20, 1, 75-98.
  • [17] Ocakverdi, H., 1986. Akyaka, Arpacay, Melikkoy ve Degirmcnkoprukoy Yaylalan (Kars) ile Sovyet smm arasmda kalan bolgenin florasi, Doga TU Bio D.C. 10.
  • [18] Schwarz, 0., 1935, Die Vegetationserhaltnisse Westanatol iens,Bot..J ahrb.Syst. ,67,297 - 436.
  • [19] Tatl!, A., 1978, New Floristic records. From A8 (Erzurum). Com. de lu Fac, des Sciences de J univ. D'Ank. Serie C2, Tome 22.
  • [20] Tath, A., 1982, Nernrut Dagmm Bitki Sosyolojisi ve Ekolojisi Yonunden arastmlmasi, Ataturk Univ. Fen-Edebiyat Fak. Der., 1,537.
  • [21J Tatli, A., 1985, Gavur Daglan (Erzururn) vejetasyonunun bitki sosyolojisi yonunden arastmlmasi, Doga TU Bot. D., A2, 9, 3, 531.
  • [22J Tath, A., 1987, Allahuekber Daglannm bitki sosyolojisi yonunden arasnnlmasr, Doga TU Bot. D., 11, 1, 169.
  • [23] Tath, A., 1989 a, Gavur Daglan (Erzurum) Florasi'na katkrlar. Doga TV Botanik D., 13,3,337-354.
  • [24] Tatlr, A., 1989 b, Allahuekber Daglan Florasi'na katkrlar, Doga TU Botanik D., 13,3,355- 374.
  • [25J Toprak Su Genel MLiclLiriLigLi, 1978, Erzurum iii Toprak Kaynugi Envanter Raporu, Genel MUd. Yaymlan. No: 294, Raporlar serisi 78, Ankara.


Year 2005, Issue: 008, 137 - 162, 15.07.2005


Erzurum ili, Olur ilcesi smtrlan icerisindc bulunan Akdag (2466 m) floras: uzerinde yaptlan bu arasurmada, sahadan 1996-1997 yillan arasmda 305 tur ve tur altt takson toplanrrus ve bunlar aymrn anahtarlan ile birlikte verilrnistir. Bu bitkilerin 38'i (%12.4) Turkiye icin endemiktir. Bu enderniklerin % 60.5'i iran-Turan, % 5.3'li Avrupa-Sibirya ve % 5.3'li Akdenz elementidir. Fitocografi bolgeleri tespit edilen taksonlardan %57'si iran- Turan, %35'i Avrupa-Sibirya ve % 8'i Akdeniz bolgesine aittir.Toplanan bitkilerin hayat forrnlanna gore dagilrrrunda hemikriptofitler % 48.9 oran ile ilk sirayi alrnaktadrr, Daha sonra srrasiyla kamefitler %15.7, terofitler %15.1, geofitler % 10.2, fanerofitler %9.2 ve vaskuler-yan parazitler %O.98'dir. Ihtiva ettigi tur sayisi bakirrundan alanda ilk siralan alan buyuk familyalar Compositae (Asteraceae) (48),Leguminosae(Fabaceae) (31), Labiatae (30), C;' 'mineae (Poaceae} (21), Caryophyllaceae (17), Cruciferae (Brassiceceae) (13), Umbelliferae (Apiaceae) (12), Rosaceae (11) ve Liliaceae (11) dir. Cinsler ise Centaurea (8), Astragalus (7), Salvia (6), Unum (5),Onobrychis (5) ve Stachys (5)'dir.


  • [1] Akrnan, Y., 1990. iklim ve Biyoiklim, Palme Yay.: 103, Ankara.
  • [2] Altan, Y. ve Yurdakulol E., 1984, Contribution to the Flora of Hazar mountains Faculte'des Sciences de I'Universite' d'Ankara, Selie C, Tome: 2. Ankara.
  • [3] Altan, Y, Gucin, F. ve Babac, T., 1986, Gulveren KayU (Erzurum-Senkaya) florasma ait gozlernler. E.U. Journal of Science Faculty, Series B, Suppl., 8, 21-40.
  • [4] Behcet, L., 1988, A preliminary study on the flora of Dumlu Dagi (Erzurum), E.U.Joull1al of Science Faculty, Series B, Vol. 10, No.2.
  • [5] Behcet, L. ve TatlI, A., 1989, Dumlu Daglan (Erzurum) Vejetasyonu Uzerine Fitososyolojik bir Arastirma, Doga TU Botanik D.C. 13, (5), 3.
  • [6] Boissier, E., 1867-1888, Flora Orientalis, 1-V ve Suppl. Basel- Genova Lyon.
  • [7] Bozkus, C., 1990, Olur-Kornurlu-Aksar (Erzurum) Arasirun Statigrafik ve Tektonik Ozellikleri, Doktora Tezi, Sivas.
  • [8] Czeczott, H., 1938, Contributions to the Knowledge of the Flora and Vegetation of Turkey, p. 107.
  • [9] Cetik, A.R. and TatlI, A, 1975, A phytosociological and ecological study on the vegetation of Palandoken mountains. Com de la Fac.S.d'Ank., Series C2.,Tom, 19.
  • [10] Davis, P.H., 1965-1988, Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Volum 1-10, Univ. Press, Edinburg.
  • [11] Devlet Meteoroloji lsleri Genel MUdUrlUgU, 1989, Ortalama ve Ekstern degerler meteoroloji tablolan, Ankara.
  • [12] Emberger, L., 1954, Project d'une classification
  • [13] Handel-Mazetti, H.,1914, Die Vegetations verhaltnisse von Mesopotamien and Kurdistan.Wissenschaftliche I ergebnisse del' expeditions nach Mesapotemien.
  • [14J Huber-Morath, A., 1963, Novitia florae Anatolicae VI. Bauhinia 2 (2): 193-201
  • [15] Krause, K., 1940, Batt ve Orta Anadolu Nebat Forrnasyonlan (Cev H. Birund, YuksckZiraat Enstitusu Yay., 60, s 29, Ankara.
  • [16] Kaya, Y., 1996, Tercan cevresi ile Sengul (Erzincan) ve Bagirbaba (Tunceli) Daglan'run Florasi, TrJ. of Botany, 20, 1, 75-98.
  • [17] Ocakverdi, H., 1986. Akyaka, Arpacay, Melikkoy ve Degirmcnkoprukoy Yaylalan (Kars) ile Sovyet smm arasmda kalan bolgenin florasi, Doga TU Bio D.C. 10.
  • [18] Schwarz, 0., 1935, Die Vegetationserhaltnisse Westanatol iens,Bot..J ahrb.Syst. ,67,297 - 436.
  • [19] Tatl!, A., 1978, New Floristic records. From A8 (Erzurum). Com. de lu Fac, des Sciences de J univ. D'Ank. Serie C2, Tome 22.
  • [20] Tath, A., 1982, Nernrut Dagmm Bitki Sosyolojisi ve Ekolojisi Yonunden arastmlmasi, Ataturk Univ. Fen-Edebiyat Fak. Der., 1,537.
  • [21J Tatli, A., 1985, Gavur Daglan (Erzururn) vejetasyonunun bitki sosyolojisi yonunden arastmlmasi, Doga TU Bot. D., A2, 9, 3, 531.
  • [22J Tath, A., 1987, Allahuekber Daglannm bitki sosyolojisi yonunden arasnnlmasr, Doga TU Bot. D., 11, 1, 169.
  • [23] Tath, A., 1989 a, Gavur Daglan (Erzurum) Florasi'na katkrlar. Doga TV Botanik D., 13,3,337-354.
  • [24] Tatlr, A., 1989 b, Allahuekber Daglan Florasi'na katkrlar, Doga TU Botanik D., 13,3,355- 374.
  • [25J Toprak Su Genel MLiclLiriLigLi, 1978, Erzurum iii Toprak Kaynugi Envanter Raporu, Genel MUd. Yaymlan. No: 294, Raporlar serisi 78, Ankara.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Structural Biology
Journal Section Articles

A. Tatlı This is me

E. Kaya This is me

İ. Gümüş This is me

Publication Date July 15, 2005
Published in Issue Year 2005 Issue: 008


APA Tatlı, A., Kaya, E., & Gümüş, İ. (2005). AKDAG (OLUR, ERZURUM) FLORASI. Journal of Science and Technology of Dumlupınar University(008), 137-162.

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