Tai Chi Chuan (TCC) can be defined as a series of graceful movements that are made for a spiritual, mental and physical health. The purpose of our <. udy was to evaluate the effects of 37 TCC movements as exercise training on balance, kinesthetic sense and flexibility in sedentary university students, 23 students as TCC group aged 20 ± 2,76 (16 female, 9 male). and 14 students as a control group aged 20,02 ± 3,07 (9 female. 5 male) were participated in and practiced 8 weeks (3 days a week) TCC exercise program. Each session consisted of 20 r-i.uutes of warm-up (3- min. breathing controlled walk. calistening and stretching c xcrcises) 24 minutes of practiced 37 postures Yang style TCC program (originally 108 postures) and 10 minutes cool-down exercises, Static and dynamic balance. sit and reach test, flexibility tests and kinesthetic sense were evaluated before and after TCC training, Static balance with eyes closed. dynamic balan. c with eyes open, flexibility (hyperextension and sit and reach tests) and in kinesthetic sense were improved with statistical significance after TCC training 1;><0.05). 8 weeks TCC training has improved the balance. flexibility and kinesthe uc sense in sedentary young subjects as in elderly. TCC is a low-technology exercise and can be easily implemented in different communities, TCC has potenti ..,1 benefits in health promotion. and is appropriate for implementation in community.
T'ai Chi Ch'uan'i (TCC) bir ruh, zihin ve beden sagligl icin yapilan bir rakirn uyurnlu hareketler olarak ranu.ilayabiliriz. Calisrnarruza TCC egitiminin universite ogrencilerindeki muskuloskletal etkilerinin degerlendirilmesi arnaciyla Kutahya Durnlupmar Oniversitesi Saghk Yuksekokulu Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitusyon Bolurnunde okuyan yas ortalamasi 20.54 ± 2.76.23 ogrenci TCC gurubu ( 10 krz, 9 erkek) ve yas ortalamasi 20.02 ± 3.07 14 ogrenci Kontrol gurubu ( 9 kiz. 5 crkek) olarak 37 ogrenci dahil edilmistir. TCC gurubuna 8 hafta boyunca h.uiada :I olmak uzere 20 dk ismrna ( 3 dk solunum kontrollu yuruyus, gerrne \;~ kalistrr ik egzersizler), 24 dakika 37 adet Yang stili TCC hareketleri ve :O dk .>f.· ,:uma prograrru yapunlrrusur. Degerlendirrne parametreleri olarak statik ve dinarnik denge testleri, Quadriceps ve hamstring kaslarmm kas kuvveti, govde esneklik ve sit and reach testleri, omuzun 30, 45 ve 60 derecelerdeki rotasyonlan kullarularak kincsic.ik duyu, degerlendirilmistir. TCC egitimi sonrasmda gozler kapali pozisyonda statik denge, gozler acik dinamik denge, govde esnekliklerinden hiperekstan-iyr. '.i» sit and reach restlerinde kontrol gurubuna gore istatistiksel olarak anl.ir.}. ;.,.J;; te saglarurken; TCC gurubunu ek olarak kendi icinde degerlendirilmr-si+l: :;ilim sonrasmda dominant ve nondominant quadriceps ve hamstring ka, ..1'.'\ ::iflde istatistiksel olarak anlamh artma saptanrrusnr ( p<0.05). 8 Haftal.k ." . c!],.timi denge, esneklik ve alt ekstremite kuvvetini literaturle uyu.nl: C'larJk aiunrkcn, kardiyopulmoner fonksiyonlarda gelisme saglanrnarrusnr. TCr:: egitimi.iiu ':agllkli bireylerde guvenli ve etkili oldugu, klinik sartlarda kullarulabilecegi bel; ..lcnmis ..•r.
Primary Language | English |
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | July 15, 2005 |
Published in Issue | Year 2005 Issue: 008 |
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