Research Article
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Year 2004, Issue: 007, 27 - 40, 15.12.2004


Abstract. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalance and specieses of house  ust mite (HOM) in Kutahya (Turkey). The prevalanace of house dust mite (HOM) was found 18.05% and Tyrophagus putrescentiae (43.96%), Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (31.03%), Acarus siro (13.79%), Lepidoglyphus destructor (1.72%), Glycphagus domesticus (2.58%) and Cheyletus spp. (1.72%) were identified. HOM was found between april and october and identified on high level between june and april. Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus was found on extreme level on august and Tyrophagus putrescentiae and Acarus siro on july. The number of collected HOM was high on july. The amount of HOM per gram was determined as 0.13.


  • [1] Acican T, Gurbuz L, Emekci M, Mlslrhgil Z, Mungan D, Demirel YS, 1994. The role of mites in patiens with house dust allergy. Doga Tr J Med Sci., 21:31-34.
  • [2] Acican T,GUrbUz L, Emekci M, Misirligil Z, Mungan D, Demirel YS, 1993. House dust mites in Ankara. Doga-Tr. J. Med Sci, 17, 167- 175.
  • [3] AkIsU <;, Acikgoz M, Orhan V (2000). Selofanh lam yontemi ile ahnan anal materyalde saptanan bol miktarda akarlar. T. Parazitol Derg., 24(1): 40-42.
  • [4] Arlian LG, 1992. Water balance and humidity requirements of house dust mites. Exp Appl Acarol., 16(1-2): 15-35.
  • [5] Arlian LG, Benstein D, Bernstein IL, Friedman S, Grant A, Lieberman P, Lopez M, Metzger J, Platts-Mills T, Schatz M, 1992. Prevalance of dust mites in the homes of people with asthma living in eight different geographic areas of th United States. Aller Clin Immun., 90(3)292-300.
  • [6] Arlian LG, Bernstein IL, Gallegher JS, 1982. The prevalance of house dust mites Dermatophagoides spp, and associated enviornmental conditions in homes in Ohio. 69(6):527-532.
  • [7] Arlian LG, Confer PD, Rapp CM, Vyszenski-Moher DL, Chang JC, 1998 Population dynamics of the house dust mites Dermatophagoides farinae, D.pteronyssinus, and Euroglypus maynei (Acari: Pyrolypidae) at specific relative humidities. Med Entomol., 35:46-53.
  • [8] Aycan MO, Atambay M, Sahsivar 0, Karaman D, Daldal N, 2002. Olgu sunumu: Selofanh lam yontemi ile ahnan ornekte saptaman akar. Inonu Dniv TIp Fak Derg., 9(4):267-268.
  • [9] Aygan G. 200l. Sivas yoresinde ev tozu akarlanrun yaygmhgi ve atopik allerjideki rolu, Yukseklisans Tezi. C D Saghk Bilimleri Enstitusu. Sivas.
  • [10] Budak S, 1984. Ege bolgesinde tibbi onerni olan Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus'un yayilisi. T Parazitol Derg., 8(1- 2): 145-152.
  • [11] Budak S, Ozbilgin A, 1988. Ege bolgesinde ev tozlanndan cikan akar faunasi. T Parazitol Derg., 12(1-2):47-53.
  • [12] Collof MJ, 1987 Effects of temperature and relative humidity on development times and mortality of eggs from laboratory and wild populations of the European house-dust mite Dermatophagoides
  • [13] CoIIoff MJ, Spieksma M, 1992 Pictorial keys for the identification of domestic mites, Clin Exp AIIer., 22, 823-30.
  • [14] Croce M, Costa-Manso E, Baggio D, Croce J, 2000. House dust mites in the city of Lima, Peru. J Inv AIIerg Clin Immunol., 10(5):286-288.
  • [15] Donrnez M, Guneser S, 1988. Dogu Akdeniz bolgesinde ev tozu akarlanrun dagihrru ve nem lSI ile olan iliskileri. <::.D TIp Fak. Derg., 13(4):450-458.
  • [16] Dusbabek F (1995) Present state of research on house dust mites (Pyroglyhidae) in the Czech Republic. Wiad Parazytol., 41 (3):337- 342.
  • [17] Dusbabek F, 1975. Population structure and dynamics of the house dust mite Dermatophagoides farinae (Acarina: Pyroglyphidae) in Czechoslovakia. Folia Parasitol (Praha)., 22(3):219-231.
  • [18] Ezequiel OS, Gazeta GS, Amorim M, Serra-Freire NM, 2001. Evaluation of Acarofauna of the Domiciliary Ecosystem in Juiz de Fora, State of Mimas Gerais, Brazil. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio De Janerio., 96 (7):911-916.
  • [19] Fain A, Guerin B, Hart BJ,1990. Mite and aIIergic diseases. Allerbio, Varennes en Argonne.
  • [20] Gomez MS, Portus M, Gallego J, 1981. Factors influencing the house dust mite population IV. Altitude. Allergol Immunapathol., 9(2): 123-l30.
  • [21] GUngor <;, Isik K, Cicioglu B, Altmtas K, 1999 Isparta'da hah atelyelerinde ev tozu akarlanrun yaygmhgl ve dokumacihk yapan kadinlarda allerjik sikayetlerin akarlarla iliskisi. T Parazitol Derg., 23(1):32-34.
  • [22] Hart BJ, Fain A, 1988. Morphological and biological studies of medically important house-dust mites. Acarologia, 29(3):284-295.
  • [23] Hart BJ, Whitehead L, 1990. Ecology of house dust mites inOxfordshire. Clin Exp Allergy., 20(2):203-209.
  • [24] Kalpaklioglu AF, Emekci M, Ferizli AG, Misirligil Z. 1997. House dust mite fauna in Turkey. J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol., 7(6): 578-582.
  • [25] Koraiem MK, Fahmy lA, 1999. Studies on house dust mites in Great Cairo. Egypt. J Egypt Soc Parasitol., 29(1):131-138.
  • [26] Malainual N, Vichyanond P, Phan-Urai P (1995). House dust mite fauna in Thailand. Clin Exp Aller., 25(6):554-60.
  • [27] Matsuka H, Meada N, Atsuta Y, Ando Ku, Chinzei Y (1995) Seasonal fluctations of Dermatophagoides mite population in house dust. Jpn Med Sci Bioi 48(2): 103-15.
  • [28] Montealegre F, Sepulveda A, Bayona M, Quinones C, Fernandez-Caldas E, 1997. Identification of the domestic mite fauna of Puerto Rico. PR Health Sci J., 16(2):109-116.
  • [29] Mumcuoglu Y, 1976. House dust mites in Switzerland. J MedEnt 13(3):361-373.
  • [30] Murray AB, Zuk P, 1979. The seasonal variation in a population of house dust mites in a North Amercian city. J Allergy Clin Immunol.,64(4):266-269.
  • [31] Nelson HS, Fernandez-Caldas E, 1995 Prevalance of house dust mites in the Rocky Mauntain states. Ann Aller Asthma Immunol. 75 (4):337-9.
  • [32] Oppermann H, Doering C, Sobott A, Kramer U, Thriene B, 200l. Exposure status of East and West German households with house dust mites and fungi. Gesundheitswesen., 63(2):85-89.
  • [33] Ottoboni F, Falagini P, Lorenzini E, Piu G, Carluccio A, Centanni S, 1993. Domestic Acari in Sardinia. Boll Ist Sieroter Milan., 62 (4):362-9.
  • [34] Ozcelik S. (1997). Parazitoljide allerji ve dermatid nedeni olabilen akarlar. Edit. Ozcel M.A. ve Daldal N. Artropod hastahklan ve vektorler. Ttirkiye Parazitoloji Dernegi Yaym No 13, Izmir,
  • [35] Ree H, Jeon SH, Lee 1Y, Hong CS, Lee DK. 1997. Fauna and geographical distribution of house dust mites in Korea. The Korean JParasitoI., 35,(1): 9-17.
  • [36] Sanca A. 1997. Ankara ev toz akarlan ve allerjik etkileri. Doktora Tezi. Gazi Universitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu, Ankara.
  • [37] Sidenius KE, Hallas TE, Poulsen LK, Mosbech H. 2002. A controlled intervention study concerning the effect of intended temperature rise on house dust mite load. Ann. Agric. Environ. Med., 9, 163-168.
  • [38] Solarz K, 200l. Risk of exposure to house dust pyrolypid mites in Poland. Ann Agric Environ Med., 8,11-24.
  • [39] Solarz K, 1998. The allergenic acarofauna of house dust from dwellings, hospitals, libraries and institutes in Upper Silesia (Poland). Ann. Agric Environ Med., 5, 73-85.
  • [40] Uchikoshi S, Kimura H, Nomura K, Chian C, Lida M, Miyake H. 1982. A study of the ecology of the house dust mite in dwelling houses. Tokai J Exp Clin Med., 7(2):233-243.
  • [41] Walshaw MJ, Evans CC, 1987. The effect of seasonal and domestic factors on the distrubution of Euroglyphus maynei in the homes of Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus allergic patients. Clin Aller., 17(1):7-14.


Year 2004, Issue: 007, 27 - 40, 15.12.2004


Bu arastirma Kiitahya'da ev tozu akarlannm prevalansim ve tiirlerini belirlemek icin yurutulmustur. Ev tozu akarlanrun prevalansi % 18.05 olarak bulunmus ve Tyrophagus putrescentiae (%43.96), Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (%31.03), Acarus siro (%13.79), Lepidoglyphus destructor (%1.72), Clycphagus domesticus (%2.58) ve Cheyletus spp. (% 1.72) tiirleri tespit edilmistir. Nisan ve ekim aylan arasmda akarlara rastlannus, haziran ve eyltil arasmda ise akar bulunan ev sayisi ust seviyelerde tespit edilmistir. Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus agustosda, Tyrophagus putrescentiae ve Acarus siro ise temmuzda pik seviyede tespit edilrnistir. Akarlann en fazla bulundugu ay ise temmuz olarak belirlenrnistir. Bu arasnrrnada gram tozdaki akar sayisi ise 0.13 olarak tespit edilrnistir.


  • [1] Acican T, Gurbuz L, Emekci M, Mlslrhgil Z, Mungan D, Demirel YS, 1994. The role of mites in patiens with house dust allergy. Doga Tr J Med Sci., 21:31-34.
  • [2] Acican T,GUrbUz L, Emekci M, Misirligil Z, Mungan D, Demirel YS, 1993. House dust mites in Ankara. Doga-Tr. J. Med Sci, 17, 167- 175.
  • [3] AkIsU <;, Acikgoz M, Orhan V (2000). Selofanh lam yontemi ile ahnan anal materyalde saptanan bol miktarda akarlar. T. Parazitol Derg., 24(1): 40-42.
  • [4] Arlian LG, 1992. Water balance and humidity requirements of house dust mites. Exp Appl Acarol., 16(1-2): 15-35.
  • [5] Arlian LG, Benstein D, Bernstein IL, Friedman S, Grant A, Lieberman P, Lopez M, Metzger J, Platts-Mills T, Schatz M, 1992. Prevalance of dust mites in the homes of people with asthma living in eight different geographic areas of th United States. Aller Clin Immun., 90(3)292-300.
  • [6] Arlian LG, Bernstein IL, Gallegher JS, 1982. The prevalance of house dust mites Dermatophagoides spp, and associated enviornmental conditions in homes in Ohio. 69(6):527-532.
  • [7] Arlian LG, Confer PD, Rapp CM, Vyszenski-Moher DL, Chang JC, 1998 Population dynamics of the house dust mites Dermatophagoides farinae, D.pteronyssinus, and Euroglypus maynei (Acari: Pyrolypidae) at specific relative humidities. Med Entomol., 35:46-53.
  • [8] Aycan MO, Atambay M, Sahsivar 0, Karaman D, Daldal N, 2002. Olgu sunumu: Selofanh lam yontemi ile ahnan ornekte saptaman akar. Inonu Dniv TIp Fak Derg., 9(4):267-268.
  • [9] Aygan G. 200l. Sivas yoresinde ev tozu akarlanrun yaygmhgi ve atopik allerjideki rolu, Yukseklisans Tezi. C D Saghk Bilimleri Enstitusu. Sivas.
  • [10] Budak S, 1984. Ege bolgesinde tibbi onerni olan Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus'un yayilisi. T Parazitol Derg., 8(1- 2): 145-152.
  • [11] Budak S, Ozbilgin A, 1988. Ege bolgesinde ev tozlanndan cikan akar faunasi. T Parazitol Derg., 12(1-2):47-53.
  • [12] Collof MJ, 1987 Effects of temperature and relative humidity on development times and mortality of eggs from laboratory and wild populations of the European house-dust mite Dermatophagoides
  • [13] CoIIoff MJ, Spieksma M, 1992 Pictorial keys for the identification of domestic mites, Clin Exp AIIer., 22, 823-30.
  • [14] Croce M, Costa-Manso E, Baggio D, Croce J, 2000. House dust mites in the city of Lima, Peru. J Inv AIIerg Clin Immunol., 10(5):286-288.
  • [15] Donrnez M, Guneser S, 1988. Dogu Akdeniz bolgesinde ev tozu akarlanrun dagihrru ve nem lSI ile olan iliskileri. <::.D TIp Fak. Derg., 13(4):450-458.
  • [16] Dusbabek F (1995) Present state of research on house dust mites (Pyroglyhidae) in the Czech Republic. Wiad Parazytol., 41 (3):337- 342.
  • [17] Dusbabek F, 1975. Population structure and dynamics of the house dust mite Dermatophagoides farinae (Acarina: Pyroglyphidae) in Czechoslovakia. Folia Parasitol (Praha)., 22(3):219-231.
  • [18] Ezequiel OS, Gazeta GS, Amorim M, Serra-Freire NM, 2001. Evaluation of Acarofauna of the Domiciliary Ecosystem in Juiz de Fora, State of Mimas Gerais, Brazil. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio De Janerio., 96 (7):911-916.
  • [19] Fain A, Guerin B, Hart BJ,1990. Mite and aIIergic diseases. Allerbio, Varennes en Argonne.
  • [20] Gomez MS, Portus M, Gallego J, 1981. Factors influencing the house dust mite population IV. Altitude. Allergol Immunapathol., 9(2): 123-l30.
  • [21] GUngor <;, Isik K, Cicioglu B, Altmtas K, 1999 Isparta'da hah atelyelerinde ev tozu akarlanrun yaygmhgl ve dokumacihk yapan kadinlarda allerjik sikayetlerin akarlarla iliskisi. T Parazitol Derg., 23(1):32-34.
  • [22] Hart BJ, Fain A, 1988. Morphological and biological studies of medically important house-dust mites. Acarologia, 29(3):284-295.
  • [23] Hart BJ, Whitehead L, 1990. Ecology of house dust mites inOxfordshire. Clin Exp Allergy., 20(2):203-209.
  • [24] Kalpaklioglu AF, Emekci M, Ferizli AG, Misirligil Z. 1997. House dust mite fauna in Turkey. J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol., 7(6): 578-582.
  • [25] Koraiem MK, Fahmy lA, 1999. Studies on house dust mites in Great Cairo. Egypt. J Egypt Soc Parasitol., 29(1):131-138.
  • [26] Malainual N, Vichyanond P, Phan-Urai P (1995). House dust mite fauna in Thailand. Clin Exp Aller., 25(6):554-60.
  • [27] Matsuka H, Meada N, Atsuta Y, Ando Ku, Chinzei Y (1995) Seasonal fluctations of Dermatophagoides mite population in house dust. Jpn Med Sci Bioi 48(2): 103-15.
  • [28] Montealegre F, Sepulveda A, Bayona M, Quinones C, Fernandez-Caldas E, 1997. Identification of the domestic mite fauna of Puerto Rico. PR Health Sci J., 16(2):109-116.
  • [29] Mumcuoglu Y, 1976. House dust mites in Switzerland. J MedEnt 13(3):361-373.
  • [30] Murray AB, Zuk P, 1979. The seasonal variation in a population of house dust mites in a North Amercian city. J Allergy Clin Immunol.,64(4):266-269.
  • [31] Nelson HS, Fernandez-Caldas E, 1995 Prevalance of house dust mites in the Rocky Mauntain states. Ann Aller Asthma Immunol. 75 (4):337-9.
  • [32] Oppermann H, Doering C, Sobott A, Kramer U, Thriene B, 200l. Exposure status of East and West German households with house dust mites and fungi. Gesundheitswesen., 63(2):85-89.
  • [33] Ottoboni F, Falagini P, Lorenzini E, Piu G, Carluccio A, Centanni S, 1993. Domestic Acari in Sardinia. Boll Ist Sieroter Milan., 62 (4):362-9.
  • [34] Ozcelik S. (1997). Parazitoljide allerji ve dermatid nedeni olabilen akarlar. Edit. Ozcel M.A. ve Daldal N. Artropod hastahklan ve vektorler. Ttirkiye Parazitoloji Dernegi Yaym No 13, Izmir,
  • [35] Ree H, Jeon SH, Lee 1Y, Hong CS, Lee DK. 1997. Fauna and geographical distribution of house dust mites in Korea. The Korean JParasitoI., 35,(1): 9-17.
  • [36] Sanca A. 1997. Ankara ev toz akarlan ve allerjik etkileri. Doktora Tezi. Gazi Universitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu, Ankara.
  • [37] Sidenius KE, Hallas TE, Poulsen LK, Mosbech H. 2002. A controlled intervention study concerning the effect of intended temperature rise on house dust mite load. Ann. Agric. Environ. Med., 9, 163-168.
  • [38] Solarz K, 200l. Risk of exposure to house dust pyrolypid mites in Poland. Ann Agric Environ Med., 8,11-24.
  • [39] Solarz K, 1998. The allergenic acarofauna of house dust from dwellings, hospitals, libraries and institutes in Upper Silesia (Poland). Ann. Agric Environ Med., 5, 73-85.
  • [40] Uchikoshi S, Kimura H, Nomura K, Chian C, Lida M, Miyake H. 1982. A study of the ecology of the house dust mite in dwelling houses. Tokai J Exp Clin Med., 7(2):233-243.
  • [41] Walshaw MJ, Evans CC, 1987. The effect of seasonal and domestic factors on the distrubution of Euroglyphus maynei in the homes of Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus allergic patients. Clin Aller., 17(1):7-14.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

C. Akdemir This is me

H. Gürdal This is me

Publication Date December 15, 2004
Published in Issue Year 2004 Issue: 007


APA Akdemir, C., & Gürdal, H. (2004). KÜTAHYA’DA EV TOZU AKARLARI. Journal of Science and Technology of Dumlupınar University(007), 27-40.

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