Research Article
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Year 2004, Issue: 006, 53 - 66, 15.10.2004


By using “Petri- Plate method” based on gravitation the microfungi flora of outdoor air in Erzurum city was studied. In this research 92 microfungi species and varieties were isolated from 288 samples taken monthly from 4 different areas of Erzurum’s outdoor air between January 1993- December 1994. Among the species, 83 belonged to Moniliales, 7 to Mucorales, 2 to Sphaeropsidales. 88 sterile microfungi colonies were also found. Excess colony numbers were Penicillium, Cladosporium Alternaria and Trichoderma. The most common species were Cladosporium herbarum, Penicillium brevicompactum, Penicillium verrucosum var. verrucosum, Alternaria alternata, Penicillium fagi and Penicillium paxilli. In four stations which we have taken samples, the most excessive colonies were found was Sanayi station and the least colony numbers were countered in Şehitler station. Air pollution has been perceived very much in Sanayi and Gürcükapı stations. This pattern seems to be correlated to the human population and activities, the vegetation areas and environmental conditions.


  • [ 1] Moubasher A. H.1993. Soil fungi of Qatar and other Arab countries. The scientific and Applied Research Centre, University of Qatar, Doha, Qatar, 566.
  • [ 2] McCartney H.1994. Dispersal of spores and pollen from crops. Grana, 33, 76- 80.
  • [ 3] Nevalainen A.,Willeke K., Liebhaber F., Pastuszka J., Burge H., Henningson E.1993. Bioaerosol Sampling. In: Willeke K, Baron PA (Eds.): Aerosol Measurement, Principles, Techniques and Applications, New York, 471-492.
  • [ 4] Willeke K, Baron PA.1993. Bridging Science and Application in AerosolMeasurement. In: Willeke K, Baron PA (Eds.): Aerosol Measurements. Principles, Techniques and Applications, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.3-7.
  • [ 5] Burge H.A.1985. Fungus allergens. Clinical Review of Allergy 3: 319-329.
  • [ 6] Lynch J.M. and Hobbie J.E.1988. Aeral dispersal and development of microbial communities. Blackwell Sci. Publ., 207- 237 pp.
  • [ 7] Isaac S.1996. To what extent do airborne fungal spores contribute to respiratory disease and allergic reactions in humans? Mycol Res, 96: 535-541.
  • [ 8] Li D, Kendrick B.1995. A year round comparison of fungal spores in indoor and outdoor air. Mycologia, 87: 190-195.
  • [ 9] Lacey J., Crook B.1988. Fungal and actinomycete spores as pollutants of the workplace and occupational allergens. Ann Occup Hyg, 32: 515-533.
  • [ 10] Ulutan F., Çopur S., Koçoğlu T. 1985. Çarşamba Kızılot Sağlık Ocağına Bağlı Köylerde Havanın Fungal Florası. Mikrobiyoloji Bülteni, 19: 139-143.
  • [ 11] Özyaral O., Germayan H., Johanson C.B. 1988. İstanbul’da Ev Tozu Küfleri Üzerine Çalışmalar I. Yatak Tozu Küf Florasının Saptanması. Mikrobiyoloji Bülteni 22: 51- 5.
  • [ 12] Güneşer S., Köksal F., Yaman A., Özkoyuncu F.1989. Adana’nın Çeşitli Bölgelerindeki Ev Tozlarında Görülen Mantar Sporlarının Araştırılması. XXIV. Türk Mikrobiyoloji Kongresi.12- 18 Mayıs 1990.Özet Kitabı, 28.
  • [ 13] Ayata C., Ekmekçi S. 1992. İzmir İlinin Çeşitli Semtlerindeki Ev İçi ve ev Dışı Havanın Fungal Florası. Fırat Üniversitesi XI. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, Elazığ. 24- 27 Haziran 1992.
  • [ 14] Boncukcuoğlu, R., Kocakerim M., Bayhan Y.K., 1991. Isıtmada Kullanılan Kalitesiz Linyitlerden Kaynaklanan Hava Kirliliği. Yanma ve Hava Kontrolü. 1. National Semposium, Article Book. p: 533-544. 10-2, June, Ankara.
  • [ 15] Topçu N. 1991. Fosil Yakıtların Erzurum Hava Kirliliğine Katkısı. Atatürk Üni ZF.Dergisi. Erzurum. 2:36-40,
  • [ 16] Vural M. 1993. Erzurum, Yakutiye Yayıncılık ve Bilgi İşlem Merkezi. Erzurum. 41-51.
  • [ 17] Yoshida K, Ando M, Sakata T, Araki S.1988. Environmental mycological studies on the causative agent of summer- type hypersensitivity pneumonitis. J.Allergy Clin Immunol, 81: 475-83.
  • [ 18] Güneser S., Atici A., Köksal, Yaman A.1994. Mold allergy in Adana, Turkey. Allergol Immunopathol, 22-52-4.
  • [ 19] Morton, F.J., and Smith, G., 1963, The Genera Scopulariopsis, Microascus and Doratomyces Mycological Papers, No: 8,1- 96 pp.
  • [ 20] Apinis, E. E. 1964. Revision of British Gymnoacaceae Mycological Papers, No: 96: 1-57
  • [ 21] Raper K.B and Fennel D.I.1965. The genus Aspergillus. Baltimore. 685 pp.
  • [ 22] Zycha H., Siepmann R., Linneman G.1969. Mucorales. Lehre. 1355 pp.
  • [ 23] Boot C. 1971. The Genus Fusarium. Commonwealth Mycological Institue, Kew, Surrey, England, 273 pp.
  • [ 24] Ellis, J.J and Hesseltine, C. V.1965. The genus Absidia: Globose- spored species, Mycologia, 57: 223-235 pp.
  • [ 25] Samson R.A., Stolk A.C., Hadlok R.1976. Revision of subjection Fasciculata of Penicillium and some allied species. Mycology. 2: 1-47.
  • [ 26] Pitt J.1979. The Genus Penicillium. Academic Press. London, New York,Toronto, Sydney, San Fransisco. 200-201 pp.
  • [ 27] Hasenekoğlu, İ.1991.Toprak Mikrofungusları. Atatürk Üniversitesi. K.K. Eğt. Fak. Yay., Erzurum.
  • [ 28] Schipper M.A.A.1984. A revision of genus Rhizopus. Stud.Mycol. 25: 1-34.
  • [ 29] Samson R:A., Pitt J.I. (Eds.)1985. Adverces in Penicillium and Aspergillus Systematics. Plenium Press. New York and London. 483 pp.
  • [ 30] Butler, E. E and Mann, M.P.1959.Use of cellophane tape for mounting and photographing phytopathogenic fungi. Phytopath. 49: 231-232
  • [ 31] Pasanen AL, Niinine M, Kalliokoski P, Nevalainen A, Jantunen M.J.1992.Airborne Cladosporium and other fungi in damp versus reference residences. Atmospheric Environ, 26B, 121-124.
  • [ 32] Braz, R.F and Ribeiro,M.A.1993. Airborne Fungi Isolatd from Natal, State of Rio Grande Norte- Brazil Rev- Microbiology, Vol, 24 No: 3 pp 198 - 202, ıssn 0001-3714 En. En, Algology Mygology Protozoology.23: 48
  • [ 33] D’Amato G. 2000.Urbain air pollution and plant derived respiratory allergy. Clin Exp Allergy, 30, 628-636.
  • [ 34] Abdel - Hafez S.I.I. and El-Saida.H.M. 1989. Seasonal variations of airborne fungi in Wadi Qena, Eastern Desert, Egypt. Grana 28: 193-203.
  • [ 35] Marchisio VF, Nosenzo C, Caramiello R.1992. Preliminary survey of airborne fungal propagules in Turin, Italy. Mycol Res, 96, 535-541.
  • [ 36] Dix, N.J.; Webster, J. 1995. Fungal Ecology. Cambridge, University Press, 549p.
  • [ 37] Purchio, A., Gambale., W., Paula, C.R., Ugoline, C., Remie, C.A.1984. Airborne fungi of Baixada Santista, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Rev.Microbiol.,15:258-265,.
  • [ 38] Burge HA. 1989. Airborne allergenic fungi. Classification, nomenclature, anddistribution. Immunol Allergy Clin N Am, 9:307- 19, Miller JD. Fungi as contaminants in indoor air. Athmospheric Environ, 26A:2163-72,1992
  • [ 39] Yang, C.S. 1994. Toxic Effects of Some Common Indoor Fungi. Enviros: The Healthy Building Newsletter. Sept.


Year 2004, Issue: 006, 53 - 66, 15.10.2004


Yeçekimine dayalı Petri- Plak metodu kullanılarak Erzurum şehrinin ev dışı havasının mikrofungus florası çalışılmıştır. Bu araştırmada, ocak1993- aralık 1994 yılları arasında  Erzurum’un dört farklı bölgesinin ev dışı havasından 92 mikrofungus tür ve varyetesi izole edilmiştir. 83 tür Moniliales’e, 7si Mucorales’e 2 si Sphaeropsidales’e aittir. Ayrıca 88 steril mikrofungus kolonisi bulunmuştur. En fazla koloni sayısı Penicillium, Cladosporium Alternaria ve Trichodermaya aittir. En yaygın türler Cladosporium herbarum, Penicillium verucosum var. verrucosum, Alternaria altenata ve Penicillium fagidir.Örnek alınan dört istasyon içinde en fazla koloni sayısı Sanayi istasyonunda en az koloni sayısı Şehitler istasyonunda bulunmuştur. Bunun insan populasyonu ve aktivitesi,vejetasyon alanı ve çevre koşulları ile ilgili olduğunu söyleyebiliriz.


  • [ 1] Moubasher A. H.1993. Soil fungi of Qatar and other Arab countries. The scientific and Applied Research Centre, University of Qatar, Doha, Qatar, 566.
  • [ 2] McCartney H.1994. Dispersal of spores and pollen from crops. Grana, 33, 76- 80.
  • [ 3] Nevalainen A.,Willeke K., Liebhaber F., Pastuszka J., Burge H., Henningson E.1993. Bioaerosol Sampling. In: Willeke K, Baron PA (Eds.): Aerosol Measurement, Principles, Techniques and Applications, New York, 471-492.
  • [ 4] Willeke K, Baron PA.1993. Bridging Science and Application in AerosolMeasurement. In: Willeke K, Baron PA (Eds.): Aerosol Measurements. Principles, Techniques and Applications, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.3-7.
  • [ 5] Burge H.A.1985. Fungus allergens. Clinical Review of Allergy 3: 319-329.
  • [ 6] Lynch J.M. and Hobbie J.E.1988. Aeral dispersal and development of microbial communities. Blackwell Sci. Publ., 207- 237 pp.
  • [ 7] Isaac S.1996. To what extent do airborne fungal spores contribute to respiratory disease and allergic reactions in humans? Mycol Res, 96: 535-541.
  • [ 8] Li D, Kendrick B.1995. A year round comparison of fungal spores in indoor and outdoor air. Mycologia, 87: 190-195.
  • [ 9] Lacey J., Crook B.1988. Fungal and actinomycete spores as pollutants of the workplace and occupational allergens. Ann Occup Hyg, 32: 515-533.
  • [ 10] Ulutan F., Çopur S., Koçoğlu T. 1985. Çarşamba Kızılot Sağlık Ocağına Bağlı Köylerde Havanın Fungal Florası. Mikrobiyoloji Bülteni, 19: 139-143.
  • [ 11] Özyaral O., Germayan H., Johanson C.B. 1988. İstanbul’da Ev Tozu Küfleri Üzerine Çalışmalar I. Yatak Tozu Küf Florasının Saptanması. Mikrobiyoloji Bülteni 22: 51- 5.
  • [ 12] Güneşer S., Köksal F., Yaman A., Özkoyuncu F.1989. Adana’nın Çeşitli Bölgelerindeki Ev Tozlarında Görülen Mantar Sporlarının Araştırılması. XXIV. Türk Mikrobiyoloji Kongresi.12- 18 Mayıs 1990.Özet Kitabı, 28.
  • [ 13] Ayata C., Ekmekçi S. 1992. İzmir İlinin Çeşitli Semtlerindeki Ev İçi ve ev Dışı Havanın Fungal Florası. Fırat Üniversitesi XI. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, Elazığ. 24- 27 Haziran 1992.
  • [ 14] Boncukcuoğlu, R., Kocakerim M., Bayhan Y.K., 1991. Isıtmada Kullanılan Kalitesiz Linyitlerden Kaynaklanan Hava Kirliliği. Yanma ve Hava Kontrolü. 1. National Semposium, Article Book. p: 533-544. 10-2, June, Ankara.
  • [ 15] Topçu N. 1991. Fosil Yakıtların Erzurum Hava Kirliliğine Katkısı. Atatürk Üni ZF.Dergisi. Erzurum. 2:36-40,
  • [ 16] Vural M. 1993. Erzurum, Yakutiye Yayıncılık ve Bilgi İşlem Merkezi. Erzurum. 41-51.
  • [ 17] Yoshida K, Ando M, Sakata T, Araki S.1988. Environmental mycological studies on the causative agent of summer- type hypersensitivity pneumonitis. J.Allergy Clin Immunol, 81: 475-83.
  • [ 18] Güneser S., Atici A., Köksal, Yaman A.1994. Mold allergy in Adana, Turkey. Allergol Immunopathol, 22-52-4.
  • [ 19] Morton, F.J., and Smith, G., 1963, The Genera Scopulariopsis, Microascus and Doratomyces Mycological Papers, No: 8,1- 96 pp.
  • [ 20] Apinis, E. E. 1964. Revision of British Gymnoacaceae Mycological Papers, No: 96: 1-57
  • [ 21] Raper K.B and Fennel D.I.1965. The genus Aspergillus. Baltimore. 685 pp.
  • [ 22] Zycha H., Siepmann R., Linneman G.1969. Mucorales. Lehre. 1355 pp.
  • [ 23] Boot C. 1971. The Genus Fusarium. Commonwealth Mycological Institue, Kew, Surrey, England, 273 pp.
  • [ 24] Ellis, J.J and Hesseltine, C. V.1965. The genus Absidia: Globose- spored species, Mycologia, 57: 223-235 pp.
  • [ 25] Samson R.A., Stolk A.C., Hadlok R.1976. Revision of subjection Fasciculata of Penicillium and some allied species. Mycology. 2: 1-47.
  • [ 26] Pitt J.1979. The Genus Penicillium. Academic Press. London, New York,Toronto, Sydney, San Fransisco. 200-201 pp.
  • [ 27] Hasenekoğlu, İ.1991.Toprak Mikrofungusları. Atatürk Üniversitesi. K.K. Eğt. Fak. Yay., Erzurum.
  • [ 28] Schipper M.A.A.1984. A revision of genus Rhizopus. Stud.Mycol. 25: 1-34.
  • [ 29] Samson R:A., Pitt J.I. (Eds.)1985. Adverces in Penicillium and Aspergillus Systematics. Plenium Press. New York and London. 483 pp.
  • [ 30] Butler, E. E and Mann, M.P.1959.Use of cellophane tape for mounting and photographing phytopathogenic fungi. Phytopath. 49: 231-232
  • [ 31] Pasanen AL, Niinine M, Kalliokoski P, Nevalainen A, Jantunen M.J.1992.Airborne Cladosporium and other fungi in damp versus reference residences. Atmospheric Environ, 26B, 121-124.
  • [ 32] Braz, R.F and Ribeiro,M.A.1993. Airborne Fungi Isolatd from Natal, State of Rio Grande Norte- Brazil Rev- Microbiology, Vol, 24 No: 3 pp 198 - 202, ıssn 0001-3714 En. En, Algology Mygology Protozoology.23: 48
  • [ 33] D’Amato G. 2000.Urbain air pollution and plant derived respiratory allergy. Clin Exp Allergy, 30, 628-636.
  • [ 34] Abdel - Hafez S.I.I. and El-Saida.H.M. 1989. Seasonal variations of airborne fungi in Wadi Qena, Eastern Desert, Egypt. Grana 28: 193-203.
  • [ 35] Marchisio VF, Nosenzo C, Caramiello R.1992. Preliminary survey of airborne fungal propagules in Turin, Italy. Mycol Res, 96, 535-541.
  • [ 36] Dix, N.J.; Webster, J. 1995. Fungal Ecology. Cambridge, University Press, 549p.
  • [ 37] Purchio, A., Gambale., W., Paula, C.R., Ugoline, C., Remie, C.A.1984. Airborne fungi of Baixada Santista, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Rev.Microbiol.,15:258-265,.
  • [ 38] Burge HA. 1989. Airborne allergenic fungi. Classification, nomenclature, anddistribution. Immunol Allergy Clin N Am, 9:307- 19, Miller JD. Fungi as contaminants in indoor air. Athmospheric Environ, 26A:2163-72,1992
  • [ 39] Yang, C.S. 1994. Toxic Effects of Some Common Indoor Fungi. Enviros: The Healthy Building Newsletter. Sept.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Structural Biology
Journal Section Articles

Ç. Efe This is me

İ. Hasenekeoğlu

Publication Date October 15, 2004
Published in Issue Year 2004 Issue: 006


APA Efe, Ç., & Hasenekeoğlu, İ. (2004). A STUDY ON MICROFUNGI FLORA OF ERZURUM’S OUTDOOR AIR. Journal of Science and Technology of Dumlupınar University(006), 53-66.

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