Research Article
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Year 2003, Issue: 005, 173 - 179, 15.12.2003


within this study. tilting transparent glaze is to taken form on the tile body

and this glaze is colored was carried out in the working conditions in Eczacrbasi

Diamond Flagstone Ceramic Factory.

Amount of Na-feldspar has been reduced and amount of quartz has been increased on

glaze recipes, which have been formed to prevent glaze error and provision to the

body. Thus, any error has been found and adaptation has been provided on recipes

that has been prepared with content of %20 Na-feldspar, % I0 dolomite, %I6 zinc -

oxide, %40 quartz. %6 clay and %6 magnesite.

Viscosity and thixrotropy of glaze has been provide as 25 second by use of 0.3%

CMC and 0.47% STPF and it has been coloured by paint which has been formed from

five main colour.


  • [1]Jose, F. and Alarcon, J., 2003, Effect of additives on the crystallization of cordierite-based glass ceramics as glazes for flor tiles, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Volume23, Issue6, May, p817-826.
  • [2]Sainz, 1. G., 1990, Physical - Chemical characteristics of ceramic glazes and thir influence on quality of floor and wall tiles, Tile Brick Int , 6, p21.
  • [3]Parmalee, C.W., 1973, Ceramic Glazes, Cahners Books, Boston.
  • [4]Arcasoy, A., 1983, Seramik teknolojisi, Marmara Universitesi Guzel Sanatlar Fakultesi, Yaym no: 2.
  • [5]Kartal, A., 1998, Sir ve Sirlama Teknigi, Cizgi Matbaacihk, Banaz
  • [6]Gokta~, A., 1998, Camlann Olusurnu ve Sirlann Seramik Sektorunde Davranis ve Ozellikleri, Seramik Sirlan ve Boyalan Semineri Bildiriler Kitapcrgi, TUrk Seramik Dernegi yaymlan, No: 18
  • [7]Akba~, M., 2002, Eczactbasi Duvar Karosu Bilnyesinin lyilestirilrnesi ve Uygun Sir Calrsmalan, Yuksek Lisans Tezi, Dumlupmar Oniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu, Kutahya.
  • [8jfsozdogan, i., 1993, SIr Hammaddeleri ve Sir Kompozisyonu Uzerindeki Etkileri, Seramik Srrlan Semineri, Turk Seramik Dernegi Yaymlan No: 7, Istanbul.


Year 2003, Issue: 005, 173 - 179, 15.12.2003


Bu calismada, Eczacibasi Karo Seramik Fabrikasi calisma kosullanna uygun 'arak

bunye uzerine transparant sir gelistirilmesi ve bu sin renklendirme cahs Ian


Sir hatalarrru onlernek, bunye ile uyumunu saglarnak icin olusturulan .'" r,\clckrinde

Na - feldispat miktan azalulrms ve kuvars rniktan arnnlrrusnr. Boylece %22 Nafldispat,

%10 dolornit, %16 cinko oksit, %40 kuvars, %6 kil ve %6 manyezit

icerigiy Ie hazirlanan

sir recetesinde bunye ile uyum saglanrms ve herhangi bir sir hatasi da gorulrncmistir.

Bunye uzerine standartlara uygun olarak gelistirilen Will viskozite ve tiksotropi

degerleri %0.3 CMC ve %0.47 STPF kullanilarak 25 sn. olarak saglanrms ve bes ana

renkten olusan boyalar ile renklendirilmistir.


  • [1]Jose, F. and Alarcon, J., 2003, Effect of additives on the crystallization of cordierite-based glass ceramics as glazes for flor tiles, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Volume23, Issue6, May, p817-826.
  • [2]Sainz, 1. G., 1990, Physical - Chemical characteristics of ceramic glazes and thir influence on quality of floor and wall tiles, Tile Brick Int , 6, p21.
  • [3]Parmalee, C.W., 1973, Ceramic Glazes, Cahners Books, Boston.
  • [4]Arcasoy, A., 1983, Seramik teknolojisi, Marmara Universitesi Guzel Sanatlar Fakultesi, Yaym no: 2.
  • [5]Kartal, A., 1998, Sir ve Sirlama Teknigi, Cizgi Matbaacihk, Banaz
  • [6]Gokta~, A., 1998, Camlann Olusurnu ve Sirlann Seramik Sektorunde Davranis ve Ozellikleri, Seramik Sirlan ve Boyalan Semineri Bildiriler Kitapcrgi, TUrk Seramik Dernegi yaymlan, No: 18
  • [7]Akba~, M., 2002, Eczactbasi Duvar Karosu Bilnyesinin lyilestirilrnesi ve Uygun Sir Calrsmalan, Yuksek Lisans Tezi, Dumlupmar Oniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu, Kutahya.
  • [8jfsozdogan, i., 1993, SIr Hammaddeleri ve Sir Kompozisyonu Uzerindeki Etkileri, Seramik Srrlan Semineri, Turk Seramik Dernegi Yaymlan No: 7, Istanbul.
There are 8 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

A. Yamık This is me

A. Uçar This is me

İ. Nuhoğlu This is me

M. Akbaş This is me

Publication Date December 15, 2003
Published in Issue Year 2003 Issue: 005


APA Yamık, A., Uçar, A., Nuhoğlu, İ., Akbaş, M. (2003). ECZACIBASI DUVAR KAROSU UYGUN SIR VE RENKLENDiRME CALISMALARI. Journal of Science and Technology of Dumlupınar University(005), 173-179.

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