Research Article
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Year 2003, Issue: 004, 21 - 30, 15.09.2003


Bu caltsmada, allelokimyasallardan juglon, katekol ve dopa'nin herbisit

o/arak etkileri sentetik herbisit o/an 2,4 -D ile karstlastirtlmtsttr.

Kutahya'daki ekin tarlalannda en yaygin yabanci otlann; Sinapis arvensis,

Cirsium arvense, Papaver rhoeas ve Lamium amplexicaule turleri oldugu

belirlenmistir. Allelokimyasallarin etkisi bu turler uzerinde arasttrtlmtsttr.

Aynca bugdayda allelokimyasallarin herbisit etkileri, sentetik herbisitlerden

2,4 - D 'nin etkisi i/e karsilastinlmtsttr. Allelokimyasallardan katekol ve

juglon 'un yabanci otlartn gelisimini ve klorofil icerigini onemli derecede

azaltugi fakat bugdayda cok olumsuz bir etkisinin olmadigt bulunmustur.

Sonuc olarak jug/on ve katekol allelokimyasallannin herbisit potansiyele

sahip olduklari ve doga! herbisit o/arak kullanilabilecekleri belirlenmistir.


  • [1] Rizvi, S. J. H. and Rizvi, V., 1992, Allelopathy, Chapman and Hall, New York, USA, 480p.
  • [2] Kocacaliskan.l.. 2001, Allelopati, DPU, Fen Edeb. Fak. Biyolji Bol. Kiitahya. 130 Sayfa.
  • [3] Yu, 1. Q. and Matsui, Y., 1997, Effects of Root Exudates of Cucumber tCucumis sativus) and Allelochemicals on Uptake By Cucumber and Seedlings. Journal of Chemical Ecology., 23;817-827.
  • [4] Farkas, G.L. and Kiraly, Z., 1962, Role of Phenolic Compouns In The Phsiology of Plant Diseases and Disease Resistance. Phytopathol. 44, 105- 150.
  • [5] Daxenbicler, M.E., Van Etten, C.H. and Hallinan, E.A., 1971, Seeds As Sources of Dopa. J. Med. Chern., 14,463-465.
  • [6] Rehr, S.S., Janzen,D.H. and Feeny, P.P., 1973, L- Dopa In Legume Seeds: a Chemical Barrier to Insect Attact. Science, 181, 81-83.
  • [7] Oksar, M. ve Uygur, S., 2000, Cukurova'da Yabanct Otlar ve Bunlann Biyolojik Mucadele Olanaklan, Tiirkiye Herboloji Dergisi, Cilt 3, Sayi I, pp. 27-36.
  • [8] Boz, O. ve Dogan, M.N., 2000, Denizli iIi Bugday Ekim Alanlarmdaki Yabanci Otlarm Yaygmlik Ve Yogunluklanmn Saptanmasi, Turkiye Herboloji Dergisi, Cilt 3, Sayi I, pp. 37-52.
  • [9] Iskenderoglu, S.N., 1995, Bitki Ekstraktlan ve Atiklannm Yabanci Ot Tiirlerinin Gelisrnesine Olan Biyoherbisit Etkisinin Arastmlrnasi, Cukurova Univ. Fen Bil. Enst. Bitki Koruma A.B.D. Yuksek Lisans Tezi ADANA.
  • [10] Duke, S.O., Scheffer,B E. and Dayan F.E., 2001, Allelochemicals as Herbicides. First Europen Allelopathy Symposium. Vigo, Spain, 47-59.
  • [11] Batish, D.R., Singh, H.P., Kohli, R.K., Saxena, D.B. and Kaur, S., 2002, Allelopathic Effects of Part hen in Against Two Weedy Species, Avena fatua and Bidens pilosa. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 47,149-155
  • [12] Davis, P.H., (1965-1985), Flora of Turkey and The East Aegean Islands, Vol. I-X. Uni. Press., Edinburg
  • [13] Kocacahskan, j and Terzi, L, 2001, Allelopathic Effects of Walnut Leaf Extracts and Juglone On Seed Germination and Seedling Growth, Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 76 (4), 436-440.
  • [14] Guleryuz, M., 1982, Bahce Ziraatinde Buyutucu ve Engelleyici Maddelerin Kullarulmasi ve Onerni (ceviri)., Atatiirk Oniv. Yay. Ziraat Fak. Yaym No 279. Erzurum.
  • [15] Arnon, D. L., 1949, Copper enzymes in isolated chloroplasts PPO in Beta vulgaris, Plant Phisiol., 24, 1-15.
  • [16] Rizvi, S. 1. H., Mukerji, D. and Mathur, S.N., 1981, 1,3, 7-T; a new natural herbicide, AgriI.BioI.Chem., 54, 1255-1256.
  • [17] Rizvi, S. J. H., Sighv,V., Rizvi, V. and Walker, G. R, 1988, Geraniol; an Allelochemical of Possible Use In Integrated Pest Management, Plant protect, 3,112-114.
  • [18] Singh, H.P., Batish, D.R and Kohli, RK.,2002, Allelopathic Effect of Two Volatile Monoterpenes Against Bill Goat Weed ( Agaratum conyzoides L.). Crop Protection,21, 347-350.
  • [19] Bagchi, G.D., Jain, D.C. and Sushi I Kumar, D.C., 1997, Arteether: A Potent Plant Growth Inhibitor From Artemisia Annua. Phytochemistry, 45, 6, 1131- 1133.
  • [20] Romagni, J.G., Allen, S.N, and Dayan F. N., 2000, Allelopathic Effects of Volatile Cineoles on Two Weedy Plant Species. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 26, 1,303-313.
  • [21] Ohno, T. and Doolon, K. L., 2001, Effects of Red Clover Decomposition on Phytotoxicity to Wild Mustard Seedling Growth, Aplied Soil Ecology., 16, 187-192.
Year 2003, Issue: 004, 21 - 30, 15.09.2003



  • [1] Rizvi, S. J. H. and Rizvi, V., 1992, Allelopathy, Chapman and Hall, New York, USA, 480p.
  • [2] Kocacaliskan.l.. 2001, Allelopati, DPU, Fen Edeb. Fak. Biyolji Bol. Kiitahya. 130 Sayfa.
  • [3] Yu, 1. Q. and Matsui, Y., 1997, Effects of Root Exudates of Cucumber tCucumis sativus) and Allelochemicals on Uptake By Cucumber and Seedlings. Journal of Chemical Ecology., 23;817-827.
  • [4] Farkas, G.L. and Kiraly, Z., 1962, Role of Phenolic Compouns In The Phsiology of Plant Diseases and Disease Resistance. Phytopathol. 44, 105- 150.
  • [5] Daxenbicler, M.E., Van Etten, C.H. and Hallinan, E.A., 1971, Seeds As Sources of Dopa. J. Med. Chern., 14,463-465.
  • [6] Rehr, S.S., Janzen,D.H. and Feeny, P.P., 1973, L- Dopa In Legume Seeds: a Chemical Barrier to Insect Attact. Science, 181, 81-83.
  • [7] Oksar, M. ve Uygur, S., 2000, Cukurova'da Yabanct Otlar ve Bunlann Biyolojik Mucadele Olanaklan, Tiirkiye Herboloji Dergisi, Cilt 3, Sayi I, pp. 27-36.
  • [8] Boz, O. ve Dogan, M.N., 2000, Denizli iIi Bugday Ekim Alanlarmdaki Yabanci Otlarm Yaygmlik Ve Yogunluklanmn Saptanmasi, Turkiye Herboloji Dergisi, Cilt 3, Sayi I, pp. 37-52.
  • [9] Iskenderoglu, S.N., 1995, Bitki Ekstraktlan ve Atiklannm Yabanci Ot Tiirlerinin Gelisrnesine Olan Biyoherbisit Etkisinin Arastmlrnasi, Cukurova Univ. Fen Bil. Enst. Bitki Koruma A.B.D. Yuksek Lisans Tezi ADANA.
  • [10] Duke, S.O., Scheffer,B E. and Dayan F.E., 2001, Allelochemicals as Herbicides. First Europen Allelopathy Symposium. Vigo, Spain, 47-59.
  • [11] Batish, D.R., Singh, H.P., Kohli, R.K., Saxena, D.B. and Kaur, S., 2002, Allelopathic Effects of Part hen in Against Two Weedy Species, Avena fatua and Bidens pilosa. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 47,149-155
  • [12] Davis, P.H., (1965-1985), Flora of Turkey and The East Aegean Islands, Vol. I-X. Uni. Press., Edinburg
  • [13] Kocacahskan, j and Terzi, L, 2001, Allelopathic Effects of Walnut Leaf Extracts and Juglone On Seed Germination and Seedling Growth, Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 76 (4), 436-440.
  • [14] Guleryuz, M., 1982, Bahce Ziraatinde Buyutucu ve Engelleyici Maddelerin Kullarulmasi ve Onerni (ceviri)., Atatiirk Oniv. Yay. Ziraat Fak. Yaym No 279. Erzurum.
  • [15] Arnon, D. L., 1949, Copper enzymes in isolated chloroplasts PPO in Beta vulgaris, Plant Phisiol., 24, 1-15.
  • [16] Rizvi, S. 1. H., Mukerji, D. and Mathur, S.N., 1981, 1,3, 7-T; a new natural herbicide, AgriI.BioI.Chem., 54, 1255-1256.
  • [17] Rizvi, S. J. H., Sighv,V., Rizvi, V. and Walker, G. R, 1988, Geraniol; an Allelochemical of Possible Use In Integrated Pest Management, Plant protect, 3,112-114.
  • [18] Singh, H.P., Batish, D.R and Kohli, RK.,2002, Allelopathic Effect of Two Volatile Monoterpenes Against Bill Goat Weed ( Agaratum conyzoides L.). Crop Protection,21, 347-350.
  • [19] Bagchi, G.D., Jain, D.C. and Sushi I Kumar, D.C., 1997, Arteether: A Potent Plant Growth Inhibitor From Artemisia Annua. Phytochemistry, 45, 6, 1131- 1133.
  • [20] Romagni, J.G., Allen, S.N, and Dayan F. N., 2000, Allelopathic Effects of Volatile Cineoles on Two Weedy Plant Species. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 26, 1,303-313.
  • [21] Ohno, T. and Doolon, K. L., 2001, Effects of Red Clover Decomposition on Phytotoxicity to Wild Mustard Seedling Growth, Aplied Soil Ecology., 16, 187-192.
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

S. Topal This is me

İ. Kocaçalışkan This is me

Publication Date September 15, 2003
Published in Issue Year 2003 Issue: 004


APA Topal, S., & Kocaçalışkan, İ. (2003). KUTAHYA YORESiNDE YAYGIN YABANCI OTLAR UZERiNDE ALLELOKiMYASALLARIN HERBiSiT (OT OLDURUCU) ETKiLERi. Journal of Science and Technology of Dumlupınar University(004), 21-30.

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