Research Article
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Year 2003, Issue: 004, 77 - 97, 15.09.2003


Bu calismada yogun hava kirliliginin yasandtgt Kutahya merkezinde

yasayan insanlarin kan degerleri ay/ar itibari ile incelenmistir. Hemog/obin,

Lokosit, Hematokrit ve Eritrosit degerlerinin o/e;ii/diigii arasurmada

Hemoglobin ve Hematokrit degerleri arasinda cinsiyet/ere gore cok onemli

(p< 0.01) farklihk gozlenmistir. Butun karakterlerde aylara gore nispi

%11 'lere varan ve cok cuzi [arklihklara ragmen istatistik olarak onemlilik

stntrtna ulastlamamtsur. Orneklerin saglikl: ve genel/ik/e gene; insan/ardan

secilmis olmast hava kirliliginin organizma tarafindan tolere edilebildigini ve

kan kimyasinda herhangi bir degismeye neden olmadigt gostermistir. Ancak

bi/hassa Lokosit i/e ilgili degerlerin normal saghk. degerlerinin ust sirurina

yaktn; diger karakter/erde ise aft sintrina cok yaklasan degerler anemi ve

diger enfeksiyon risklerine hassasiyet bakimindan dikkat cekici bulunmustur.


  • [1] Abramson MJ,Marks GB,Pattemore PK.Are non-allergenic environmental factors important in astma?Med J Aust 1995;136:542-545.
  • [2] Anadol, K., Fenerbahce'de Cevre DUzenleme Sorunlan, Cevre- Yap: ve Tasanrm, Cevre ve Mirnarhk Bilimleri Dernegi, Ankara, 1979.
  • [3] Anonim 1995 Arch. Dis. Child. (Archives of Rivase in Chilhood) 1995 Nov.; 73(5): 418-22, Branchial Responsivereness, eosinoplia and short term exposure to air pollution.
  • [4] Anonim 1998 J. Hyg. Epidemiol, Mirrobiol, Immunol (Journal of Hygiene, Epideminology, Microbiology and Immunology), 1988; 32 (2) : 121-36
  • [5] Anonim 1999 Kutahya iIi Cevre Durum Raporu, 1999, s: 63,163-164,54-55, 65,68-69,71-72,276 s.
  • [6] Anonim 2000 Occup, Envion. Med. (Ocupational and Envirometlal Medicine). 2000 Dec.; 57 (12): 818-22.
  • [7] Badman, D., Jaffe, E., 1996, Blood and air pollution, Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1996; 114: 205-8.
  • [8] Bakan, K., Konuk, G., Turkiye de Kentsel DI~ Mekanlann Duzenlenmesi, TUBiTAK Yapi Arastirrna Enstitusu, Yaym no:45, Ankara, 1987.
  • [9] Blatt S,Weinberger HL.Prevalence of lead expore in a clinic using 1991 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations.AJDC 1993; 147:761-763.
  • [10) Carton JA,Maradona JA,Arribas JM.Acute-Subacute lead poisoning. Arch Intern Med 1987;147:697-703. Castro OL, Haddy TB, Rana SR, Worrel KD, Scott RB. Electronically determined red blood cell values in a large number of healthy black adults. American Journal of epidemiology, 121, No. 6,1985.
  • [11) Clark M,Royal J ,Seeler R.Interaction of iron deficiency and lead and the hematologic findings in children with severe lead poisoning.Pediatrics 1988;81:247-254.
  • [12) Cunningham, W.P., Saigo, B.W., 1992, Environmental Science A Global Concern, Wm. C. Brown Publishers, 465-480622 p.
  • [13) Dockery DW,Pope CA,Xu X,et al.An association between air pollution and mortality in six U.S cities.N Engl J Med 1993;329:1753-1759.
  • [14] Dogan, F., 1991, il Merkezlerindeki Dumanli Sanayi Srklig: ile Gogus Hastaltklanndan Olum Hizlannm Artis lliskisi Ozerine Bir Arastirma, E.O. TIp Fakultesi Halk Saghgi Ana Bilim Dali, Bomova-izmir.
  • [15) Erbas, 0., 2001, Kutahya'da Hava Kirliliginin Azaltilrnasma Yonelik Cozum Onerileri ve Matematiksel Modelleme, Yilksek Lisans Tezi, Durnlupmar Univ. Makina Muhendisligi Bolumu, Kutahya.
  • [16) Ergun, N.O., Beyazit, N., Samsun-Tekkekoy Bolgesinde Hava Kirliligi ile Meteorolojik Parametreler arsmdaki Iliski, Turk. J. Environ. Sci., 20, (1996), 300-305.
  • [17] Ernest, R.J., David, G.B., Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, Albert Einstein Colloge of Medicine, Bronx, Newyork, 1996, 114: 105-8.
  • [18] Feychting M,Svensson D,Ahlbom A.Exposure to motor vehicle exhaust and childhood cancer.Scand J Work Environ Health 1998;24:8-1l.
  • [19) Harvey W.R., 1972, Instructures for use of LSMLMM least-squares and maximum likehaod general purpose program. Ohio state Uaiv. Colombus, U.S.A. Hizel, s., Coskun, t., 2000, Determinant of Birth Weight: Does Air Pollution Have an Influeventiol Effeccet?, TurkJ.Med.Sci., 30, (2000), 47- 54.
  • [20] Hartwell T et all, Comporative statistical analysis for volotile halo carbons in indoor and outdoor air, Swedish Council for Building Research, Vol. 4, Stokholm, 1984, 57-6l.
  • [21] Hizel, S., Coskun, T., 2000, Determinant of Birth Weight: Does Air Pollution Have an Influential Effect. Turk J. Med. Sci., 30, (2000), 47-54.
  • [22] Heinze, I., Rainer, G., Stehle, P., Dillion, D., 1998, Assessment of Lead Exposure in Schoolchildren From Jakarta, http://IJ ehpnet p 499-501 Heinzel/abstract. Html, Jakarta, Indonesia.
  • [23] incecik, S., Hava Kalitesi Standartlan ve Tilrkiye'deki Uygulamalar, Meteoroloji Milh., 1:3-6, 1995.
  • [24] Kornurcu S,Ozcan N,Ozkan M.Hipertansiflerde sol ventrikul kitlesinin yas.obezite.kan basmci ve hipertansiyon suresi ile iliskisi.Gs.TA Bulteni 37:293-297,1995.
  • [25] Lancent (Lacet.), 1997 May. 31; 349 (9065) 1582-7, Increased plaslam viscosity during an air pollution episode: a link to marta lity?
  • [26] Lancent (Lacet.), 1999 Mar. 13;353 (9156): 874-8, Effectes of Air Pollution on Upper and Lower Respirotory Suymptoms and Peak Expiratory Flox in Children.
  • [27] Lis G,Pietrzyk JJ.The effeckt of air pollution profile on the prevalevce of astma in schoolchildren from Krakow.Pneumonol Alergol Pol 1997;65:611- 620.
  • [28] Oruc, N., 1999(a) Seyitorner Termik Santrali 'nin Cevreye Etkisi, 1st International Symposium on Protection of Natural Environment and Ehrami Karacarn 23_251h September 1999 Kutahya/Turkiye, 604-610.
  • [29] Oruc, N., 1999(b) Kutahya TOGSAS Azot Fabrikast Desarj Kanalmdaki Azot Bilesiklerinin Derisimi (1994-95-96 ve 98 yillan) ve Bunun Porsuk CaYI Acismdan Onerni, ISI International Symposium on Protection of Natural Environment and Ehrami Karacam 23_251h September 1999 Kutahya/Turkiye, 564-570.
  • [30] Ornektekin, S., 1997, A Study of Heavy Metal Pollution from Motor Vehicle Emissions and its Effect on Soil in iskenderun, ~orth-east Mediferraneren, Turk. J. Eng. Environ., Sci., 21, (1997),279-287.
  • [31] Ozer U,Cebe lvl.Gunes M,et al.Air pollution profile of Bursa.JEPTO 1996;15:129-133.
  • [32] Ozturk, M., Dogan, F., Yucel, E., Kutahya'daki Hava Kirliligi Sorunu, Ekoloji Dergisi, Sayi: 15, 1995,55.40-44.
  • [33] Schenker M.Air pollution and mortality.N Engl J Med 1993;329:1807-1808.
  • [34] Schuurmans, C., New Insights in Climate research reviewed, Change, 22, 1- 4,1994.
  • [35] Syed, H., Khan, K.M., Rehman, K., Siddiqui, S., 2000, Effect of Sulphurdioxide Pollution on Immunglobulins of the Workers and Resident of Vicinity, Pakistan Journal of Biological Science Vol.3, No:5, 872-873.
  • [36] Sahin, T., Cimtay, i., OIC;UcU, A., Bakir Sulfatin Erkek Kuzulann Vticut Agirhgmm Artrnasma ve Bazi Kan Parametrelerine Etkisi, Turk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci., 25, 2001, 933-938.
  • [37] Tasdernir, Y., 200 I, Winter Season S02 Measurement in Bursa and Comparison With Rural and Urban Area Values, Turk. J. Engin. Enviran. Sci., 25, (2001), 279-287.
  • [38] Topuzoglu, i., Cevre Saghg: ve ls Sagllgl, Hacettepe Univ, YaYIl1 no:A-27, Ankara, 1983,50-65.
  • [39] Turker, G., Babaoglu, K., Gedikbasi, D., Demir, H., Berk, F., Aydogan, M., Hatun, S., 2002, Factors Affectingi Bone Health in Children: A Preliminary Study in Kocaeli, Turk. J. Med. Sci., 32, (2002), 43-48.
  • [40] Yalcm, N., Sevinc, V., 2001, Heavy Metal Contets of Lake Sapaca, Turk. J. Chem., 25, (2001),521-526.
  • [41] Yamik, A., Bentli, i., 1999, Kornnr Kullantrmna Bag" Cevre Sorunlan, Ktitahya iIi Cevre Durum Raporu, 1999, s: 267-268.
  • [42] Yip R,Norris TN,Anderson AS.lron status of children with elevated blood lead concentrations.J Pediatr 1981 ;98:922-925.
  • '[43] Yurnrutug, S., Sungur, T., Hijyen Koruyucu Hekimlik, Ankara Univ. Tip Fak. Yym no: 393, Ankara, 1980,479-512.
  • [44] Yucel, E., Ozturk, M., Dogan, F., 1995, Kurahya'da Hava Kirliligi SOfUIlU, Ekoloji Dergisi, SaYI: I 5, s: 40-45.
Year 2003, Issue: 004, 77 - 97, 15.09.2003



  • [1] Abramson MJ,Marks GB,Pattemore PK.Are non-allergenic environmental factors important in astma?Med J Aust 1995;136:542-545.
  • [2] Anadol, K., Fenerbahce'de Cevre DUzenleme Sorunlan, Cevre- Yap: ve Tasanrm, Cevre ve Mirnarhk Bilimleri Dernegi, Ankara, 1979.
  • [3] Anonim 1995 Arch. Dis. Child. (Archives of Rivase in Chilhood) 1995 Nov.; 73(5): 418-22, Branchial Responsivereness, eosinoplia and short term exposure to air pollution.
  • [4] Anonim 1998 J. Hyg. Epidemiol, Mirrobiol, Immunol (Journal of Hygiene, Epideminology, Microbiology and Immunology), 1988; 32 (2) : 121-36
  • [5] Anonim 1999 Kutahya iIi Cevre Durum Raporu, 1999, s: 63,163-164,54-55, 65,68-69,71-72,276 s.
  • [6] Anonim 2000 Occup, Envion. Med. (Ocupational and Envirometlal Medicine). 2000 Dec.; 57 (12): 818-22.
  • [7] Badman, D., Jaffe, E., 1996, Blood and air pollution, Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1996; 114: 205-8.
  • [8] Bakan, K., Konuk, G., Turkiye de Kentsel DI~ Mekanlann Duzenlenmesi, TUBiTAK Yapi Arastirrna Enstitusu, Yaym no:45, Ankara, 1987.
  • [9] Blatt S,Weinberger HL.Prevalence of lead expore in a clinic using 1991 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations.AJDC 1993; 147:761-763.
  • [10) Carton JA,Maradona JA,Arribas JM.Acute-Subacute lead poisoning. Arch Intern Med 1987;147:697-703. Castro OL, Haddy TB, Rana SR, Worrel KD, Scott RB. Electronically determined red blood cell values in a large number of healthy black adults. American Journal of epidemiology, 121, No. 6,1985.
  • [11) Clark M,Royal J ,Seeler R.Interaction of iron deficiency and lead and the hematologic findings in children with severe lead poisoning.Pediatrics 1988;81:247-254.
  • [12) Cunningham, W.P., Saigo, B.W., 1992, Environmental Science A Global Concern, Wm. C. Brown Publishers, 465-480622 p.
  • [13) Dockery DW,Pope CA,Xu X,et al.An association between air pollution and mortality in six U.S cities.N Engl J Med 1993;329:1753-1759.
  • [14] Dogan, F., 1991, il Merkezlerindeki Dumanli Sanayi Srklig: ile Gogus Hastaltklanndan Olum Hizlannm Artis lliskisi Ozerine Bir Arastirma, E.O. TIp Fakultesi Halk Saghgi Ana Bilim Dali, Bomova-izmir.
  • [15) Erbas, 0., 2001, Kutahya'da Hava Kirliliginin Azaltilrnasma Yonelik Cozum Onerileri ve Matematiksel Modelleme, Yilksek Lisans Tezi, Durnlupmar Univ. Makina Muhendisligi Bolumu, Kutahya.
  • [16) Ergun, N.O., Beyazit, N., Samsun-Tekkekoy Bolgesinde Hava Kirliligi ile Meteorolojik Parametreler arsmdaki Iliski, Turk. J. Environ. Sci., 20, (1996), 300-305.
  • [17] Ernest, R.J., David, G.B., Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, Albert Einstein Colloge of Medicine, Bronx, Newyork, 1996, 114: 105-8.
  • [18] Feychting M,Svensson D,Ahlbom A.Exposure to motor vehicle exhaust and childhood cancer.Scand J Work Environ Health 1998;24:8-1l.
  • [19) Harvey W.R., 1972, Instructures for use of LSMLMM least-squares and maximum likehaod general purpose program. Ohio state Uaiv. Colombus, U.S.A. Hizel, s., Coskun, t., 2000, Determinant of Birth Weight: Does Air Pollution Have an Influeventiol Effeccet?, TurkJ.Med.Sci., 30, (2000), 47- 54.
  • [20] Hartwell T et all, Comporative statistical analysis for volotile halo carbons in indoor and outdoor air, Swedish Council for Building Research, Vol. 4, Stokholm, 1984, 57-6l.
  • [21] Hizel, S., Coskun, T., 2000, Determinant of Birth Weight: Does Air Pollution Have an Influential Effect. Turk J. Med. Sci., 30, (2000), 47-54.
  • [22] Heinze, I., Rainer, G., Stehle, P., Dillion, D., 1998, Assessment of Lead Exposure in Schoolchildren From Jakarta, http://IJ ehpnet p 499-501 Heinzel/abstract. Html, Jakarta, Indonesia.
  • [23] incecik, S., Hava Kalitesi Standartlan ve Tilrkiye'deki Uygulamalar, Meteoroloji Milh., 1:3-6, 1995.
  • [24] Kornurcu S,Ozcan N,Ozkan M.Hipertansiflerde sol ventrikul kitlesinin yas.obezite.kan basmci ve hipertansiyon suresi ile iliskisi.Gs.TA Bulteni 37:293-297,1995.
  • [25] Lancent (Lacet.), 1997 May. 31; 349 (9065) 1582-7, Increased plaslam viscosity during an air pollution episode: a link to marta lity?
  • [26] Lancent (Lacet.), 1999 Mar. 13;353 (9156): 874-8, Effectes of Air Pollution on Upper and Lower Respirotory Suymptoms and Peak Expiratory Flox in Children.
  • [27] Lis G,Pietrzyk JJ.The effeckt of air pollution profile on the prevalevce of astma in schoolchildren from Krakow.Pneumonol Alergol Pol 1997;65:611- 620.
  • [28] Oruc, N., 1999(a) Seyitorner Termik Santrali 'nin Cevreye Etkisi, 1st International Symposium on Protection of Natural Environment and Ehrami Karacarn 23_251h September 1999 Kutahya/Turkiye, 604-610.
  • [29] Oruc, N., 1999(b) Kutahya TOGSAS Azot Fabrikast Desarj Kanalmdaki Azot Bilesiklerinin Derisimi (1994-95-96 ve 98 yillan) ve Bunun Porsuk CaYI Acismdan Onerni, ISI International Symposium on Protection of Natural Environment and Ehrami Karacam 23_251h September 1999 Kutahya/Turkiye, 564-570.
  • [30] Ornektekin, S., 1997, A Study of Heavy Metal Pollution from Motor Vehicle Emissions and its Effect on Soil in iskenderun, ~orth-east Mediferraneren, Turk. J. Eng. Environ., Sci., 21, (1997),279-287.
  • [31] Ozer U,Cebe lvl.Gunes M,et al.Air pollution profile of Bursa.JEPTO 1996;15:129-133.
  • [32] Ozturk, M., Dogan, F., Yucel, E., Kutahya'daki Hava Kirliligi Sorunu, Ekoloji Dergisi, Sayi: 15, 1995,55.40-44.
  • [33] Schenker M.Air pollution and mortality.N Engl J Med 1993;329:1807-1808.
  • [34] Schuurmans, C., New Insights in Climate research reviewed, Change, 22, 1- 4,1994.
  • [35] Syed, H., Khan, K.M., Rehman, K., Siddiqui, S., 2000, Effect of Sulphurdioxide Pollution on Immunglobulins of the Workers and Resident of Vicinity, Pakistan Journal of Biological Science Vol.3, No:5, 872-873.
  • [36] Sahin, T., Cimtay, i., OIC;UcU, A., Bakir Sulfatin Erkek Kuzulann Vticut Agirhgmm Artrnasma ve Bazi Kan Parametrelerine Etkisi, Turk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci., 25, 2001, 933-938.
  • [37] Tasdernir, Y., 200 I, Winter Season S02 Measurement in Bursa and Comparison With Rural and Urban Area Values, Turk. J. Engin. Enviran. Sci., 25, (2001), 279-287.
  • [38] Topuzoglu, i., Cevre Saghg: ve ls Sagllgl, Hacettepe Univ, YaYIl1 no:A-27, Ankara, 1983,50-65.
  • [39] Turker, G., Babaoglu, K., Gedikbasi, D., Demir, H., Berk, F., Aydogan, M., Hatun, S., 2002, Factors Affectingi Bone Health in Children: A Preliminary Study in Kocaeli, Turk. J. Med. Sci., 32, (2002), 43-48.
  • [40] Yalcm, N., Sevinc, V., 2001, Heavy Metal Contets of Lake Sapaca, Turk. J. Chem., 25, (2001),521-526.
  • [41] Yamik, A., Bentli, i., 1999, Kornnr Kullantrmna Bag" Cevre Sorunlan, Ktitahya iIi Cevre Durum Raporu, 1999, s: 267-268.
  • [42] Yip R,Norris TN,Anderson AS.lron status of children with elevated blood lead concentrations.J Pediatr 1981 ;98:922-925.
  • '[43] Yurnrutug, S., Sungur, T., Hijyen Koruyucu Hekimlik, Ankara Univ. Tip Fak. Yym no: 393, Ankara, 1980,479-512.
  • [44] Yucel, E., Ozturk, M., Dogan, F., 1995, Kurahya'da Hava Kirliligi SOfUIlU, Ekoloji Dergisi, SaYI: I 5, s: 40-45.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Structural Biology
Journal Section Articles

M.s. Özyurt This is me

H. Dayıoğlu This is me

A. Yamık This is me

Publication Date September 15, 2003
Published in Issue Year 2003 Issue: 004


APA Özyurt, M., Dayıoğlu, H., & Yamık, A. (2003). HAVA KiRLiLiĞiNiN iNSANLARIN KAN PARAMETRELERi UZERiNE ETKiLERi. Journal of Science and Technology of Dumlupınar University(004), 77-97.

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