Research Article
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Year 2000, Issue: 001, 167 - 178, 15.01.2000


Bu caltsmada, yanma islemi strasinda elektrostatik filtrelerde

toplanan Tuncbilek termik santralt ucucu kulu icerisindeki metal

iyonlarintn (Ni, Cd, Mn) potansiyel hareketliliginin belirlenmesi

amaclanmtstir. Caltsmantn ilk bolumunde farklt pH degerlerinde gerceklestirilen

kolon lici deneyleri sonunda, pli'taki azalmanin ucucu

kulden metal iyonlartrun cozundurulmesinde etkili oldugu tespit edilmistir.

Ni ve Cd, cozundurme isleminin ilk 20 dakikast icerisinde htzlt

bir sekilde katt partikulden uzaklasirken, matriks elementi olan Mn

icin cozunme htzt daha yavasttr. Caltsmantn ikinci ktsminda kul

partikul icerisinde farkli kimyasal bilesimlerde bulunan Ni'in kazantmt

icin uc fir; yontemi uygulanmtsttr. Lie testleri sonrasi Ni %72 ral1~

dtmanla kati partikulden cozeltiye gecirilebilmektedir.


  • Austin, D.E., Newland, L.W., 1985, Time -resolving leaching of cadmium and manganese from lignite and incinerator fly ash: Chemosphere. 14, No.1, 4 I-51.
  • Bodok, I., Polyak, K., Haryanyi, Z.e., Hlavay, 1., 1996, Sequential extraction procedure for the speciation of elements in fly ash sample: Microchemical Journal. Article No: 0107. 54, 320-330.
  • Bodok, 1., Polyak, K. Hlavay, 1., 1996, Determination of chemical species in fly ash collected at different sources: Chemical speciation and Bioavailability. 6(4),113-118.
  • Burkut, Y., Kmkoglu, S., Suner, F., 1991 Kornurlerin jeokimyasal ozellikleri: Editor: Orhan Kural, Komur kitabi BoIUm: 5117-124.
  • E.i.E.i, 1999 Kisisel gorusme
  • Piekos, R .. Paslawska, S., 1997, Leaching characteristic of floride from coal fly ash: www /98-31-4/314/188html
  • Habashi, F. 1993, A Textbook of Hyrometallurgy: Metallurgie Exractive: Ouebec, Enr.Quebec, 689 p.
  • McCarthy, G. J., Johansen, D. M., Steinwand, S. J., Thedchanamoorthy, A., 1988, X-Ray diffraction analysis of fly ash: Advance in X-Ray Analysis, Vol. 31,331-342.
  • Tokyay, M., Erdogdu, K., 1998 Ucucu Kiillerin Karekterizasyonu; T<;MB I ARGE/Y98.3, 70 P
  • Wadge, A., Hutton, M., Peterson, P. J., 1986, The concentration and partical size relationships of selected trace elements in fly ashes from U.K. coal-fired power plants and refuse incinerator: The Science of the Total Environment, 54,13-27.
  • Viktor, L.R., Shcherban, A.S., Dworkin, S.R., 1997, Technology for chemicalmetallurgical coal ashutilization: Energy&Fuels. II, 761-773
  • Wadge, A., Hutton, M., 1987, The leachability and chemical speciation of selected trace elements in fly ash from coal combustion and refuse incineration: Environmental Pollution. 48, 85-99.
Year 2000, Issue: 001, 167 - 178, 15.01.2000



  • Austin, D.E., Newland, L.W., 1985, Time -resolving leaching of cadmium and manganese from lignite and incinerator fly ash: Chemosphere. 14, No.1, 4 I-51.
  • Bodok, I., Polyak, K., Haryanyi, Z.e., Hlavay, 1., 1996, Sequential extraction procedure for the speciation of elements in fly ash sample: Microchemical Journal. Article No: 0107. 54, 320-330.
  • Bodok, 1., Polyak, K. Hlavay, 1., 1996, Determination of chemical species in fly ash collected at different sources: Chemical speciation and Bioavailability. 6(4),113-118.
  • Burkut, Y., Kmkoglu, S., Suner, F., 1991 Kornurlerin jeokimyasal ozellikleri: Editor: Orhan Kural, Komur kitabi BoIUm: 5117-124.
  • E.i.E.i, 1999 Kisisel gorusme
  • Piekos, R .. Paslawska, S., 1997, Leaching characteristic of floride from coal fly ash: www /98-31-4/314/188html
  • Habashi, F. 1993, A Textbook of Hyrometallurgy: Metallurgie Exractive: Ouebec, Enr.Quebec, 689 p.
  • McCarthy, G. J., Johansen, D. M., Steinwand, S. J., Thedchanamoorthy, A., 1988, X-Ray diffraction analysis of fly ash: Advance in X-Ray Analysis, Vol. 31,331-342.
  • Tokyay, M., Erdogdu, K., 1998 Ucucu Kiillerin Karekterizasyonu; T<;MB I ARGE/Y98.3, 70 P
  • Wadge, A., Hutton, M., Peterson, P. J., 1986, The concentration and partical size relationships of selected trace elements in fly ashes from U.K. coal-fired power plants and refuse incinerator: The Science of the Total Environment, 54,13-27.
  • Viktor, L.R., Shcherban, A.S., Dworkin, S.R., 1997, Technology for chemicalmetallurgical coal ashutilization: Energy&Fuels. II, 761-773
  • Wadge, A., Hutton, M., 1987, The leachability and chemical speciation of selected trace elements in fly ash from coal combustion and refuse incineration: Environmental Pollution. 48, 85-99.
There are 12 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Haldun Kurama This is me

Publication Date January 15, 2000
Published in Issue Year 2000 Issue: 001


APA Kurama, H. (2000). TUNÇBiLEK TERMiK SANTRALI UÇUCU KULUNDEN METALLERiN LİÇ EDiLEBiLiRLiGi VE Ni KAZANIMI. Journal of Science and Technology of Dumlupınar University(001), 167-178.

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