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Dutch~: Intonation ,Accent and Rhythm, Studies in Oiscourse
Phonology, (Der.)O.Gibbon ve H.Richter, Gruyter,Berlin,s.20-
Brazil,D.(1984), "The intonation of sentences read aloud":Intonation,
Accent and Rhythm, Studies in Discourse Phonology,
(Der.)O.Gibbon ve H.Richter, Gruyter,Berlin,s.46-66.
Oanes,F.(1972),"Order of elements and sentence intonation": Intonation,
Ooğan,G.(199O),"Bir Edimbilim Kuramı Olarak Bağıntı":Oilbilim Araştırmaları 1990 ,Ankara,s .63-73.
Gibbon,D.(l984),"lntonation as an adaptive process":lntonation,Accent
and Rhythm, Studies in Discourse Phonology, (Der.)O.Gibbon Ye
H.Richter, Gruyter,Berlin,s.165-192.
Halliday,M.A.K.(l970), A Course in Spoken English:Intonation, Oxford.
______ (1973),Explorations İn the Functions of Languages,
Halliday,MA.K.;Hasan,R.(1976), Cohesion in English, Longrnan,Londra.
Halliday,MA.K.(l978), Language as Social Semiotic: The Social Interpretation of Language and Meaning, EArnold, Londra.
Halliday,MA.K.;Hasan,R.(1985), Language,Context and Text; Aspects
of Language in a Social-Semiotic Perspective, Oxford Univ .yay.,
Ha11iday,MA.K.(1985), An Introduction to Functional Grammar,
E.Arnold, Londra.
Lindner,G.(1981), Grundlagen und Anwendung der Phonetik, AkademieVerlag, Berlin.
Lipka,L.(1977), "Functional sentence perspective, intonation and the
speaker": Grundbegriffe und Hauptströmungen der Linguistik, (Der.)
C. Gutknecht,Hoffmann ye Campe, H~burg, s.133-141.