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Year 1998, Volume: 38 Issue: 1-2, 427 - 549, 01.01.1998



  • Annett, Marian, 1992 "The Brain and Left - Handedness", Human Evolution, (Ed: S.Jones, R. Martin ve. D. Pilbeam), Cambridge Dni. Press Arsebük, Güven, 1987"İkiMilyon Yıl Öncesinin Taş Aletleri", Tarih ve Toplum, Cilt 8, Sayı: 45, İstanbul, İLetişim Yayınları. Arsebük, Güven, 1990,İnsan ve Evrim, Ankara: T.T.K. Yayını. Brace, C. Loring, 1962" "Cu1tural Factors in the Evolution of the Human Dentition" Culture and Evolution of Man, (Ed: M.F. Ashley Montagu), New York: Oxford Uni. Press. Braidwood, RJ., 1995, TarihönceSi İnsan, İstanbul:Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları. Bielicki, Tadeusz, 1997, "The Intensity of Feedbacks Beetwen Physical and Cultural Evolution" Anthropology Full Circle, (Ed: Ino Rossi, John Buettner - Janusch, and Dorian Coppenhaver), New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston. Childe, Gordon, 1983, Tarihte Neler Oldu, İstanbul: Alan Yayıncılık. Cüceloğlu, Doğan, 1991, İnsan ve Davranışı, İstanbul, Remzi Kitabevi, . Deacon, Terrence, W., 1992, "The Human Brain'', Human Evolution, (Ed: Steve Jones, Robert Martin ve David Pilbeam), New York: Cambridge University Press. Dobzhansky, T. ve M.F. Ashley, Montagu, 1962, "Natural Selection and The Mental Capacities of Mankind" Culture and Evolution of Man, New York: Oxford Üni, Press. DuBrul, E. Lloyd ve Charles A., Reed, 1960,"Skeletal Evidence,of Speech", American Journal ofPhysical Anthropology, Vol: 18, Number:'2. . Faik, Dean, 1980, "Language, Handedness, and Primate Brains: Did the Australopithecines Sign?", American Anthropologist, Sayı: 82.
  • Geschwind, Norman, 1991, "Specializations of the Human Brain", The Emergence of Language, Development and Evolution, (Ed: William S.Y. Wang), New York, H. Freeman and Company.
  • Güleç, Erksin ve Cengiz, Güleç, 1985, "Beyin ve Davranış", Antropoloji, Sayı:12, Ankara, D.T.C. Fak. Yayım.
  • i Güleç, Erksin, 1983, "Dilin Doğuşu ve Antropoid Maymunların Dil Öğrenme Yeteneği", Yeni Adam Sayı 935.
  • Güvenç, Bozkurt, 1984, İnsan ve Kültür, İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi.
  • Hammond, Peter B., 1964, Physical Anthropology and Archaelogy, Selected Readings, New York: Mac Millan Company.
  • Hickerson, A. Parrot, 1980, Linguistic Anthropology, Califomia: Holt & Rinehart & Winston. .
  • Hockett, C.F., 1973, "The Emergence of Man: Fire and Talking", Man's Place in Nature, New York: Mc Graw Hill Book Company.
  • İzbul, Yalçın, 1983, "İnsarun Evriminde Avci-Toplayıcı Yaşam Tarzı, Alet Teknolojisi ve Konuşma Dili", Basın Yayın Y.O. Dergisi, 83/5, Ank.: G.Ü. Yayım.
  • Jolly, Clifford J ve Plog. Fred, 1982, Physical Anthropology and Archeology, NewYork: Alfred A Knope Ine. .
  • Leakey, Richard E., 1981, Maldng of Manldnd, London: Michael Joseph Limited.
  • Leakey, Richard E., 1978, Örigins, London: Mcdonald and Jane's. '
  • Lennenberg, E. H., 1975, "Biological Foundations of Language" Biological Anthropology, (Ed: Solomon H. Katz) , San Francisco: W.H. Freeman and Company.
  • Mettler, Fred A., 1962, "Culture and The Structural Evolution Of The Nevral System", Culture and Evolution of Man, (Ed: M.F. Ashley Montagu), New York: Oxford Uni. Press.
  • Örs, Yaman, 1981, "Evrim Dil ve Bilinç", Doğa ve Bilim, Sayı 5, İstanbul, Gözlem Matbaaeılık.
  • Sagan, Cari, 1986,Cennetin Ejderleri, (Çev: Kayhan Sentin), İstanbul: e yayınları.
  • Simons, Eveleyn L.,1972,Primate Evolution, An Introduction to Man's Place In Nature, New York: Mac Millan Publishing.
  • Teber, Serol, 1995, Doğanın İnsanlaşması, İstanbul: Sorun Yayınları.
  • Türk, Hüseyin, 1995, "İnsarun Diş Evriminde Kültürel Faktörler", D.T.C. Fak. Der., Cilt: XXXVII~ Sayı 1-2, Ankara: A. Ü. Yayını.
  • Washburn, S.L., 1976, "Tools and Human Evolution", Avenues to Antiquity. (Ed: Brian M.Fagan), San Francisco: W.H. Freman and Company.
  • Weidenreich, Franz, 1965, Apes Giants and Man, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • White, Leslie A., 1968, "The origin and Nature of Speech", Reading in Anthropology, (Ed: H. Fried), New York: Y.Crawell Company.
Year 1998, Volume: 38 Issue: 1-2, 427 - 549, 01.01.1998


As it is generally accepted, language is social instrument, which has enabled human to save from the dependence of concrete. From the point of view the surving of human species in the evolution, the evolution of language is important. Because of this important function of language in the evolution, the question of this paper is when did language first begin to evolve in our ancestors? There are several indirect ways of inquiry to answer this question. First of these is the potential for speech in our closest relatives second is the imprint of the brain and capacity of fossil skulls. Third is the link between tools and language. Fourth is the relation of the degree of development between language and prehistoric art. Fifth is the areas for language located in cerebral cortex, together with other biological evidences. In this paper it will be dealt with only the fifth way of inqury of language.


  • Annett, Marian, 1992 "The Brain and Left - Handedness", Human Evolution, (Ed: S.Jones, R. Martin ve. D. Pilbeam), Cambridge Dni. Press Arsebük, Güven, 1987"İkiMilyon Yıl Öncesinin Taş Aletleri", Tarih ve Toplum, Cilt 8, Sayı: 45, İstanbul, İLetişim Yayınları. Arsebük, Güven, 1990,İnsan ve Evrim, Ankara: T.T.K. Yayını. Brace, C. Loring, 1962" "Cu1tural Factors in the Evolution of the Human Dentition" Culture and Evolution of Man, (Ed: M.F. Ashley Montagu), New York: Oxford Uni. Press. Braidwood, RJ., 1995, TarihönceSi İnsan, İstanbul:Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları. Bielicki, Tadeusz, 1997, "The Intensity of Feedbacks Beetwen Physical and Cultural Evolution" Anthropology Full Circle, (Ed: Ino Rossi, John Buettner - Janusch, and Dorian Coppenhaver), New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston. Childe, Gordon, 1983, Tarihte Neler Oldu, İstanbul: Alan Yayıncılık. Cüceloğlu, Doğan, 1991, İnsan ve Davranışı, İstanbul, Remzi Kitabevi, . Deacon, Terrence, W., 1992, "The Human Brain'', Human Evolution, (Ed: Steve Jones, Robert Martin ve David Pilbeam), New York: Cambridge University Press. Dobzhansky, T. ve M.F. Ashley, Montagu, 1962, "Natural Selection and The Mental Capacities of Mankind" Culture and Evolution of Man, New York: Oxford Üni, Press. DuBrul, E. Lloyd ve Charles A., Reed, 1960,"Skeletal Evidence,of Speech", American Journal ofPhysical Anthropology, Vol: 18, Number:'2. . Faik, Dean, 1980, "Language, Handedness, and Primate Brains: Did the Australopithecines Sign?", American Anthropologist, Sayı: 82.
  • Geschwind, Norman, 1991, "Specializations of the Human Brain", The Emergence of Language, Development and Evolution, (Ed: William S.Y. Wang), New York, H. Freeman and Company.
  • Güleç, Erksin ve Cengiz, Güleç, 1985, "Beyin ve Davranış", Antropoloji, Sayı:12, Ankara, D.T.C. Fak. Yayım.
  • i Güleç, Erksin, 1983, "Dilin Doğuşu ve Antropoid Maymunların Dil Öğrenme Yeteneği", Yeni Adam Sayı 935.
  • Güvenç, Bozkurt, 1984, İnsan ve Kültür, İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi.
  • Hammond, Peter B., 1964, Physical Anthropology and Archaelogy, Selected Readings, New York: Mac Millan Company.
  • Hickerson, A. Parrot, 1980, Linguistic Anthropology, Califomia: Holt & Rinehart & Winston. .
  • Hockett, C.F., 1973, "The Emergence of Man: Fire and Talking", Man's Place in Nature, New York: Mc Graw Hill Book Company.
  • İzbul, Yalçın, 1983, "İnsarun Evriminde Avci-Toplayıcı Yaşam Tarzı, Alet Teknolojisi ve Konuşma Dili", Basın Yayın Y.O. Dergisi, 83/5, Ank.: G.Ü. Yayım.
  • Jolly, Clifford J ve Plog. Fred, 1982, Physical Anthropology and Archeology, NewYork: Alfred A Knope Ine. .
  • Leakey, Richard E., 1981, Maldng of Manldnd, London: Michael Joseph Limited.
  • Leakey, Richard E., 1978, Örigins, London: Mcdonald and Jane's. '
  • Lennenberg, E. H., 1975, "Biological Foundations of Language" Biological Anthropology, (Ed: Solomon H. Katz) , San Francisco: W.H. Freeman and Company.
  • Mettler, Fred A., 1962, "Culture and The Structural Evolution Of The Nevral System", Culture and Evolution of Man, (Ed: M.F. Ashley Montagu), New York: Oxford Uni. Press.
  • Örs, Yaman, 1981, "Evrim Dil ve Bilinç", Doğa ve Bilim, Sayı 5, İstanbul, Gözlem Matbaaeılık.
  • Sagan, Cari, 1986,Cennetin Ejderleri, (Çev: Kayhan Sentin), İstanbul: e yayınları.
  • Simons, Eveleyn L.,1972,Primate Evolution, An Introduction to Man's Place In Nature, New York: Mac Millan Publishing.
  • Teber, Serol, 1995, Doğanın İnsanlaşması, İstanbul: Sorun Yayınları.
  • Türk, Hüseyin, 1995, "İnsarun Diş Evriminde Kültürel Faktörler", D.T.C. Fak. Der., Cilt: XXXVII~ Sayı 1-2, Ankara: A. Ü. Yayını.
  • Washburn, S.L., 1976, "Tools and Human Evolution", Avenues to Antiquity. (Ed: Brian M.Fagan), San Francisco: W.H. Freman and Company.
  • Weidenreich, Franz, 1965, Apes Giants and Man, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • White, Leslie A., 1968, "The origin and Nature of Speech", Reading in Anthropology, (Ed: H. Fried), New York: Y.Crawell Company.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Hüseyin Türk This is me

Publication Date January 1, 1998
Published in Issue Year 1998 Volume: 38 Issue: 1-2


APA Türk, H. (1998). BEYİN EVRİMİ IŞIGINDA DİLİN KÖKENİ. Ankara Üniversitesi Dil Ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 38(1-2), 427-549.

Ankara University Journal of the Faculty of Languages and History-Geography

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