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Doğu Anadolu Ortaçağ Toplumlarına Ait Calcaneuslarda Artiküler Faset Facies Articularis Talaris Varyasyonları

Year 2008, Volume: 48 Issue: 2, 17 - 28, 01.01.2008


Calcaneus facies articularisin görülme tipleri ve morfolojisi birçok araştırmacı tarafından değerlendirilmiştir. Compos ve Pellico 1989 facies articularis olgusunu çevresel ve genetiksel faktörleri değerlendirerek açıklamıştır. Trinkaus 1975 facies articularis’in görülme tiplerini ayağın dorsifleksiyon ile plantar fleksiyon hareketlerinin özellikle yürüyüş pozisyonunu etkilediğini tanımlamıştır. Gierse 1982 ise facies articularis tiplerini strese bağlamaktadır. Bu çalışmada Van- Karagündüz, Van Kalesi-Eski Van Şehri, Dilkaya toplumlarında Calcaneus’daki facies articularis görülme tiplerine bakılmıştır. Bu varyasyon için üç toplumdan toplam 383 calcaneus incelenmiştir. İncelenen toplumlara genel olarak bakıldığında, tip A % 24,5, tip B % 73,1 ve tip D % 2,3 oranda saptanılmıştır. Erkek bireylerin % 24,5’i tip A, % 68,2’sinde tip B ve % 3’ünde tip D gözlenmiştir. Kadın bireylerde ise, tip A % 20, tip B % 78,4 ve tip D % 1,6 oranda rastlanılmıştır. Çalışılan üç toplumda da tip C tespit edilmemiştir. Karagündüz toplumunun erkek bireylerinin % 31,7’sinde tip A ve % 68,3’ünde tip B tespit edilmiş olup tip C ve D saptanmamıştır. Kadın bireylerde ise tip A % 22,3, tip B % 76,7 ve tip D % 1 oranda görülmüştür. Dilkaya erkek bireylerin % 14,5’inde tip A, % 78,2’sinde tip B ve % 7,3’ünde tip D’ye rastlanırken kadın bireylerin % 18,3’ünde tip A ve % 81,7’sinde tip B gözlemlenmiştir. Van Kalesi-Eski Van Şehri’nde ise erkek bireylerde tip A % 50, tip B % 40 ve tip D % 10 oranında gözlenirken, kadın bireylerde ise tip A % 13,6, tip B % 77,3 ve tip D % 9,1 oranda rastlanmıştır.


  • ARINCI, K., ve ELHAN, A., 1997, Anatomi 1. Cilt, 2th., Güneş Kitapevi Ltd. Şti.
  • BARBAIX, E., VAN ROY, P. and CLARYS, J. P., 2000, “Variations of Anatomical Elements Contributing to Subtalar Joint Stability: Intrinsic Risk Factors for Post-Traumatic Lateral Instability of the Ankle?”, Ergonomics, C.43, S.10, s.1718-1725.
  • BRUCKNER, J., 1987, “Variations in the Human Subtalar Joint”, Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, S.8, s.484-494.
  • BUNNING, S. C. and BARNETT, C. H., A., 1965, “Comparison of Adult and Foetal Talocalcaneal Articulations”, Journal of Anatomy, C.99, S.1, s.71-76.
  • COMPOS, F. F. and PELLICO, L. G., 1989, “Talar Articular Facets (Facies Articulares Talares) in Human Calcanei”, Acta Anatomica, C.134, S.2, s.124-127.
  • ÇILINGIROĞLU, A., 1992, “Van-Dilkaya Höyüğü Kazıları Kapanış”, 14.Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı-I Ankara.
  • DAVIES, D.V. and COUPLAND, R.E., 1967, Gray’s Anatomy, 34th editior, Longmans, Green & Co Ltd, University of London.
  • DRAYER-VERHAGEN, F., 1993, “Arthritis of the Subtalar Joint Associated with Sustentaculum Tali Facet Configuration”, Journal of Anatomy, S.183, s.631-634.
  • EL-EISHI, H., 1974, “Variations in the Talar Articular Facets in Egyptian Calcanei”, Acta Anatomica, C.89, S.1, s.134-138.
  • FINNEGAN, M., 1978, “Non-metric Variation of the Infrocranial Skeleton”, Journal of Anatomy, C.125, S.1, s.23-37.
  • GIERSE, V. H., 1982, “The Talar Articular Surfaces of Calcaneus: A Study of the Morphological and Functional Structure”, Anatomischer Anzeiger, C.152, S.1, s.67-77.
  • GUPTA, S. C., GUPTA, C. D. and ARORA, A. K., 1977, “Pattern of Talar Articular Facets in Indian Calcanei”, Journal of Anatomy, C.124, S.3, s.651-655.
  • LAIDLAW, P. P., 1904, “The Varieties of the Os Calcis”, Journal of Anatomy Physiology, S.38, s.133-143.
  • LAIDLAW, P. P., 1905, “The Os Calcis: Part II-The Processus Posterior”, Journal of Anatomy Physiology, S.39, s.161-177.
  • PADMANABHAN, R., 1986, “The Talar Facets of the Calcaneus-An Anatomical Note”, Anatomischer Anzeiger, C.161, S.5, s.389-392.
  • SAUNDERS, S. R., 1989, Nonmetric Skeletal Variation, Reconstruction of Life from the Skeleton, (edit, Mehmet Yaşar İşçan and Kenneth A. R. Kennedy), Wiley-Liss, s.95-108,
  • SEVIN V. Ve KAVAKLI E. 1996, “Karagündüz Höyüğü ve Nekropolü 1994 yılı kurtarma kazıları”, 17. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı I, Ankara.
  • SEVIN V. KAVAKLI E. ÖZFIRAT A. 1997, “Karagündüz Höyüğü ve Nekropolü 1995–1996 yılı Kurtarma Kazıları”, 19. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı I, Ankara.
  • SEVIN V. KAVAKLI E. ÖZFIRAT A. 1999, “Karagündüz Höyüğü 1999 yılı Kazıları”, 21. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı I, Ankara.
  • TARHAN M. T., ve SEVIN V., 1990, “Van Kalesi ve Eski Van Şehri Kazıları–1989”, 12. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı-II, Ankara.
  • TRINKAUS, E., 1975, “Squatting among the Neandertals: A Problem in the Behavioral Interpretation of Skeletal Morphology”, Journal of Archaeological Science, S.2, s.327-351
  • WOERDEMAN, M.W., 1950, Atlas of Human Anatomy, Volume I, The Blakiston Company Philadelphie-Toronto.

The Articular Variation of Calcaneus’s Facies Articular Talaris at East Anatolian Medieval Societies’

Year 2008, Volume: 48 Issue: 2, 17 - 28, 01.01.2008


Types and morphology of calcaneus facies articularis have been evaluated by many investigators. Campos and Pellico 1989 stated facies articularis as the static and dynamic status of the foot and as environmental and genetic factors affecting on the torsion angle of talus. Trinkaus 1975 defined the types of presentation of facies articularis and how dorsiflexion and plantar flexion movements affected particularly the gait. Gierse 1982 related facies articularis types to stress. In this study, presentation of facies articularis of calcaneus in the populations of Van- Karagündüz, Van Castle – Old Van City, and Dilkaya were examined. Total three hundred eighty three calcaneus bones were examined for three populations. When the populations examined are considered in general sense, it is seen that type A is seen in 24.5%, type B in 73.,1%, and type D in 2.3% of the population. Type A was seen in 24.5% of the males, type B in 68.2%, and type D was seen in 3%. In females, type A was seen in 20%; type in 78.4%, and type D in 1.6%. Type C was seen in none of these populations studied. While type A was seen in 31.7% of the males of Karagündüz population and type B was seen in 68.3%, types C and D were seen in none of the individuals. Type A was seen in 22.3% of the females, type B in 76.7, and type D in 1%. While type A was seen in 14.5% of Dilkaya males, and type B was seen in 78.2%, and type D in 7.3%, type was seen in 18.3% of the females and type in 81.7%. While type A was seen in 50% of the males in Van Castle – Old Van City, type B in 40%, and type D in 10%, type A was seen in 13.6% in females, type B in 77.3%, and type in 9.1%.


  • ARINCI, K., ve ELHAN, A., 1997, Anatomi 1. Cilt, 2th., Güneş Kitapevi Ltd. Şti.
  • BARBAIX, E., VAN ROY, P. and CLARYS, J. P., 2000, “Variations of Anatomical Elements Contributing to Subtalar Joint Stability: Intrinsic Risk Factors for Post-Traumatic Lateral Instability of the Ankle?”, Ergonomics, C.43, S.10, s.1718-1725.
  • BRUCKNER, J., 1987, “Variations in the Human Subtalar Joint”, Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, S.8, s.484-494.
  • BUNNING, S. C. and BARNETT, C. H., A., 1965, “Comparison of Adult and Foetal Talocalcaneal Articulations”, Journal of Anatomy, C.99, S.1, s.71-76.
  • COMPOS, F. F. and PELLICO, L. G., 1989, “Talar Articular Facets (Facies Articulares Talares) in Human Calcanei”, Acta Anatomica, C.134, S.2, s.124-127.
  • ÇILINGIROĞLU, A., 1992, “Van-Dilkaya Höyüğü Kazıları Kapanış”, 14.Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı-I Ankara.
  • DAVIES, D.V. and COUPLAND, R.E., 1967, Gray’s Anatomy, 34th editior, Longmans, Green & Co Ltd, University of London.
  • DRAYER-VERHAGEN, F., 1993, “Arthritis of the Subtalar Joint Associated with Sustentaculum Tali Facet Configuration”, Journal of Anatomy, S.183, s.631-634.
  • EL-EISHI, H., 1974, “Variations in the Talar Articular Facets in Egyptian Calcanei”, Acta Anatomica, C.89, S.1, s.134-138.
  • FINNEGAN, M., 1978, “Non-metric Variation of the Infrocranial Skeleton”, Journal of Anatomy, C.125, S.1, s.23-37.
  • GIERSE, V. H., 1982, “The Talar Articular Surfaces of Calcaneus: A Study of the Morphological and Functional Structure”, Anatomischer Anzeiger, C.152, S.1, s.67-77.
  • GUPTA, S. C., GUPTA, C. D. and ARORA, A. K., 1977, “Pattern of Talar Articular Facets in Indian Calcanei”, Journal of Anatomy, C.124, S.3, s.651-655.
  • LAIDLAW, P. P., 1904, “The Varieties of the Os Calcis”, Journal of Anatomy Physiology, S.38, s.133-143.
  • LAIDLAW, P. P., 1905, “The Os Calcis: Part II-The Processus Posterior”, Journal of Anatomy Physiology, S.39, s.161-177.
  • PADMANABHAN, R., 1986, “The Talar Facets of the Calcaneus-An Anatomical Note”, Anatomischer Anzeiger, C.161, S.5, s.389-392.
  • SAUNDERS, S. R., 1989, Nonmetric Skeletal Variation, Reconstruction of Life from the Skeleton, (edit, Mehmet Yaşar İşçan and Kenneth A. R. Kennedy), Wiley-Liss, s.95-108,
  • SEVIN V. Ve KAVAKLI E. 1996, “Karagündüz Höyüğü ve Nekropolü 1994 yılı kurtarma kazıları”, 17. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı I, Ankara.
  • SEVIN V. KAVAKLI E. ÖZFIRAT A. 1997, “Karagündüz Höyüğü ve Nekropolü 1995–1996 yılı Kurtarma Kazıları”, 19. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı I, Ankara.
  • SEVIN V. KAVAKLI E. ÖZFIRAT A. 1999, “Karagündüz Höyüğü 1999 yılı Kazıları”, 21. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı I, Ankara.
  • TARHAN M. T., ve SEVIN V., 1990, “Van Kalesi ve Eski Van Şehri Kazıları–1989”, 12. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı-II, Ankara.
  • TRINKAUS, E., 1975, “Squatting among the Neandertals: A Problem in the Behavioral Interpretation of Skeletal Morphology”, Journal of Archaeological Science, S.2, s.327-351
  • WOERDEMAN, M.W., 1950, Atlas of Human Anatomy, Volume I, The Blakiston Company Philadelphie-Toronto.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

İsmail Baykara This is me

Hakan Yılmaz This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2008
Published in Issue Year 2008 Volume: 48 Issue: 2


APA Baykara, İ., & Yılmaz, H. (2008). Doğu Anadolu Ortaçağ Toplumlarına Ait Calcaneuslarda Artiküler Faset Facies Articularis Talaris Varyasyonları. Ankara Üniversitesi Dil Ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 48(2), 17-28.

Ankara University Journal of the Faculty of Languages and History-Geography

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