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Hayvanat Bahçesi ve Hassas Denge Oyunlarında Sarter’ın Bakış Teorisi
Year 2010 ,
Volume: 50 Issue: 1, 95 - 109, 01.01.2010
Gül Büyü
Edward Albee’nin karakterleri varoluşlarına dair hissettikleri belirsizlikten dolayı kendilerine ve çevrelerindekilere benliklerini kanıtlama zorunluluğu hissederler; bu amaç doğrultusunda kişi ona bakmak, onu dinlemek ve de tepki vermek için “Ötekine” ihtiyaç duymaktadır. Bu makale, Sartre’ın “bakış” teorisi göz önüne alınarak Albee’nin Hayvanat Bahçesi oyunundaki Jerry ve Hassas Denge oyunundaki Agnes adlı karakterler üzerinde duracaktır.
ALBEE, Edward. (1959). The Zoo Story. New York: Coward-McCann, Inc.
ALBEE, Edward. (1966). A Delicate Balance. New York: Samuel French, Inc.
BARRETT, William. (1958). Irrational Man- A Study in Existential Philosophy. New York: William Heinemann Ltd.
COX, Gary. (2006). Sartre: a Guide for the Perplexed. New York: Continuum International Pub. Group.
ESSLIN, Martin. (1965). The Theatre of Absurd. Great Britain: Nicholls and Comp. Ltd.
KOLIN, Davis. (1986). Critical Essays on Edward Albee. Massachusetts: G. K. Hall & Co.
KOLIN, Philip. (1988). Conversations with Edward Albee. USA: Univ. Press of Mississippi.
PERO, Allan. (2006). “The Crux of Melancholy: Edward Albee's A Delicate Balance”. Modern Drama. 49 (2): 174-187.
SARTRE, Jean-Paul. (1989). Being and Nothingness: An Essay on Phenomenological Ontology. (Trans. by Hazel E. Barnes). London; New York: Routledge.
SCHROEDER, William Ralph. (1984). Sartre and His Predecessors: the Self and the Other. England: Routledge & Kegan Paul Pub.
SINGH, Chakradhar Prasad. (1987). Edward Albee: The Playwright of the Quest. India: K. M. Mittal Pub.
SYKES, Carol A. (1973). “Albee's Beast Fables: The Zoo Story and A Delicate Balance”. Educational Theatre Journal. 25 (4): 448-455.
SZELISKI, John J. von. (1970). “Albee: A Rare Balance”. Twentieth Century Literature. 16 (2): 123-130.
ZIMBARDO, Rose A. (1962). “Symbolism and Naturalism in Edward Albee's The Zoo Story”. Twentieth Century Literature. 8 (1): 10-17.
Sartrean Look in the Zoo Story and a Delicate Balance
Year 2010 ,
Volume: 50 Issue: 1, 95 - 109, 01.01.2010
Gül Büyü
Edward Albee’s characters feel a compulsion to prove their existence both to themselves and to the people around them as they feel uncertainties about their identities. To achieve this, they need “the Other” to look at, to listen to and to react to them. This paper will analyse two characters of Albee; Jerry in The Zoo Story and Agnes in A Delicate Balance, in terms of their requirement of Sartrean look to assert their existence.
ALBEE, Edward. (1959). The Zoo Story. New York: Coward-McCann, Inc.
ALBEE, Edward. (1966). A Delicate Balance. New York: Samuel French, Inc.
BARRETT, William. (1958). Irrational Man- A Study in Existential Philosophy. New York: William Heinemann Ltd.
COX, Gary. (2006). Sartre: a Guide for the Perplexed. New York: Continuum International Pub. Group.
ESSLIN, Martin. (1965). The Theatre of Absurd. Great Britain: Nicholls and Comp. Ltd.
KOLIN, Davis. (1986). Critical Essays on Edward Albee. Massachusetts: G. K. Hall & Co.
KOLIN, Philip. (1988). Conversations with Edward Albee. USA: Univ. Press of Mississippi.
PERO, Allan. (2006). “The Crux of Melancholy: Edward Albee's A Delicate Balance”. Modern Drama. 49 (2): 174-187.
SARTRE, Jean-Paul. (1989). Being and Nothingness: An Essay on Phenomenological Ontology. (Trans. by Hazel E. Barnes). London; New York: Routledge.
SCHROEDER, William Ralph. (1984). Sartre and His Predecessors: the Self and the Other. England: Routledge & Kegan Paul Pub.
SINGH, Chakradhar Prasad. (1987). Edward Albee: The Playwright of the Quest. India: K. M. Mittal Pub.
SYKES, Carol A. (1973). “Albee's Beast Fables: The Zoo Story and A Delicate Balance”. Educational Theatre Journal. 25 (4): 448-455.
SZELISKI, John J. von. (1970). “Albee: A Rare Balance”. Twentieth Century Literature. 16 (2): 123-130.
ZIMBARDO, Rose A. (1962). “Symbolism and Naturalism in Edward Albee's The Zoo Story”. Twentieth Century Literature. 8 (1): 10-17.
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Primary Language
Journal Section
Research Article
Gül Büyü
Okutman, Ankara Üniversitesi, Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu
Publication Date
January 1, 2010
Published in Issue
Year 2010
Volume: 50 Issue: 1
Büyü, G. (2010). Sartrean Look in the Zoo Story and a Delicate Balance. Ankara Üniversitesi Dil Ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 50(1), 95-109.