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Eleştirilen Ancak Benimsenen İki Aykırı Yazar: Joseph Conrad ve H. G. Wells

Year 2012, Volume: 52 Issue: 2, 1 - 22, 01.01.2012


Makalenin amacı aynı dönemlerde yazan Joseph Conrad ile H. G. Wells’in yaşamın amacı, insan doğası, insanın geleceği konularıyla ilgili düşüncelerini ve roman anlayışlarını, yani bu görüşlerin ne şekilde aktarılması gerektiğine ilişkin yaklaşımlarını, karşılaştırmalı olarak ele almak, böylece bu iki yazar arasındaki fikir ve sanat bağlamındaki ayrılıkları ve de benzerlikleri ortaya çıkartmaktır. Ancak temel amaç genel olarak sunulan bu farklılıklar ve benzerlikler aracılığı ile insanın gelişimine ne gibi katkılarda bulunmuş olabilecekleri konusunda düşünce uyandırmaktır.


  • AUBRY, Jean G. (1927). Joseph Conrad: Life and Letters (2 vols), Heinemann, London,
  • BAINES, Jocelyn. (1960). Joseph Conrad: A Critical Biography, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London,
  • BASIL, William. (1895). Unsigned review Athenaeum, May, 615- 616.
  • BERGONZI, Bernard. (1961). The Early H.G. Wells, A Study of Scientific Romances, Manchester,
  • BRITTAIN, Vera. (1981). War Diary, 1913-1917, ed. A. Bishop, London.
  • CARABINE, Keith. (1992). Joseph Conrad: Critical Assessments, Helm Information, Robertsbridge,
  • CHESTERTON, G. K. (1913). The Victorian Age in Literature, London.
  • CLAY, N.L. (1962). (Ed.). The English Critic. London: Heinemann.
  • CONRAD, Jessie. (1926). Joseph Conrad as I Knew Him, Heinemann, London.
  • CONRAD, Joseph. (1946). The Collected Edition of Works, J. M. Dent.
  • _____. (1998). Sea Stories, Wordsworth Classics,
  • _____. (1993). The Secret Agent, Wordsworth Classics.
  • _____. (1997). Selected Short Stories, Wordsworth Classics,
  • AUBRY, (1927). G. J. Life and Letters of Joseph Conrad, London.
  • DARWIN, C. (1922). The Descent of Man and Selections in Relation to Sex, London.
  • _______ , (1996). Natural Selection, Orion, London.
  • _______, (1928). The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, London, New York.
  • _______, (1887). The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, London.
  • FORD, M. F. (1924). Joseph Conrad, Duckworth and Co,. London.
  • ______ (1936). ‘H. G. Wells’, American Mercury, 38 (May,), 43-58
  • FREEMANTLE, Anne. (1959). This Little Band of Prophets, London.
  • FORSTER, M. Sir, (1898-1903). The Scientific Memoirs of Thomas Huxley, 5 cilt.
  • GILBERT, M. (1983). Finest Hour, Winston Churchill, London.
  • GILBERT, M. (1975). Winston Churchill, 1916-1922, London.
  • GUERARD, Albert. (1958). Conrad the Novelist, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass.
  • HARKNESS, Bruce. (1962). Conrad's 'Secret Sharer' and the Critics, Wadsworth Publishing Company, Belmont.
  • HAWTHORN, Jeremy. (1990). Joseph Conrad: Narrative Technique and Ideological Commitment, Edward Arnold, London.
  • HUXLEY, Thomas. (1889). The Advance of Science in the Last Century.
  • _____, (1956). Collected Essays -1894-1908, (9 vols)
  • _____, (1860). On the Races, Species, and Their Origin.
  • _____, (1881). Science and Culture.
  • _____, (1863). Zoological Evidences as to Man’s Place in Nature.
  • _____, (1893). Works (including ‘Evolution and Ethics’).
  • JAMES, Henry. (1914). 'The New Novel' and 'Rudyard Kipling' (1891), Essays on Literature. American Writers, English Writers, The Library of America, NewYork, (1984).
  • KEYNES, Geoffrey. (1968). The Letters of Rupert Brooke, London.
  • LAWRENCE, Dan, (1985). The Collected Letters of G. B. Shaw, 1898-1910, London.
  • MILNE, J. (1977). Prophesying Peace, London, Chatto and Windus.
  • MIZENER, Arthur. (1972). The Saddest Story, London.
  • PARRINDER, Patrick. (1898-1972). H. G. Wells, the Critical Heritage, London.
  • PAYNE, Robert. (1975). The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler, London.
  • PRIESTLY, J. P . (1925). ‘H.G. Wells’, English Journal, 14 (February, 89-27.
  • _____, (1962). Literature and the Western Man, London.
  • RENNER, Stanley. (1987). “Youth” and the Sinking Ship of Faith: Conrad’s Miniature Nineteenth Century Epic’, Ball State University Forum, 28, 57-73.
  • REYNOLDS, Stephen. (1912). ‘Joseph Conrad and Sea Fiction’, Quarterly Review, 217 159-180
  • RUSSELL Bertrand. (1934). Freedom and Organization, 1814-1914, London.
  • _____, (1956). Portraits from Memory, Simon and Schuster, New York.
  • SAID, Edward W. (1984). 'Conrad: The Presentation of Narrative', in The World, The Text, The Critic, Faber and Faber, London.
  • SCHWARTZ, Daniel R. (1980). Conrad: From 'Almayer's Folly' to'Under Western Eyes', Macmillan, London, Cornell University Pres, Ithaca.
  • SHAW, Bernard. (1909). 'Mr H. G. Wells and the Rest of Us', Christian Commonwealth.
  • SHERRY, Norman. (1973). Conrad: The Critical Heritage, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London.
  • _______, (1966). Conrad's Eastern World, Cambridge UniversityPress.
  • _______ , (1971). Conrad's Western World, Cambridge UniversityPress.
  • STRACHEY, Leo. (1909). 'A Poisonous Book', Spectator, 103.
  • STEVENSON, R. L. (1993). The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Wordsworth Classics.
  • SZILARD, Leo. (1968). ‘Reminiscences’ in Perspectives in American History, Massachussetts.
  • WELLS, H.G. (1905). A Modern Utopia, London.
  • _____,(1902). The Discovery of the Future, London, Unwin.
  • _____, (1934). Experiment in Autobiography: Discoveries and Conclusions of an Ordinary Brain since 1866, London.
  • _____, (1904). The Food of the Gods.
  • _____, (1976). Men Like Gods, Sphere Inc., London.
  • _____, (1944). The Mind at the End of its Tether, London.
  • _____, (1894). Text-Book of Biology, London.
  • _____, (1981). The Time Machine in H. G. Wells Selected Short Stories, Penguin.
  • _____, (1975). The War of the Worlds in The Collectors Book of Science Fiction by G.Wells, Castle (1979).
  • PHILMUS, D. Y. (1975) (ed.) H.G. Wells, Early Writings in Science and Science Fiction, Hughes University of California Press, Los Angeles, London. [‘The Acquired Factor’, Academy, 51 (January 9, (1897); ' The “Cyclic” Delusion', Saturday Review 78 (Nov. 10, 1894) 505-506; ' The Extinction of Man', Pall Mall Gazette 59 (Sept. 25, 1894) 3; The Darwinian Theory’, Pall Mall Gazette, 60 ( Jan., 1, 1895); 'Human Evolution', Fortnightly Review, 60 (Oct., 1896) 590-595; ''Huxley', Royal College of Science Magazine 13 (April 1901) 209-211; 'J. F. Nisbet ', Academy 56 (May 6, 1899), 502-504; 'Mind in Animals`, The Saturday Review, 78 [Dec. 22, 1894]: 683-684; 'More Bacon', Pall Mall Gazette 59 (June. 22, 1894) 4; 'Popularising Science', Nature 50 (July 26, 194) 300-301; 'The Rediscovery of the Unique’, Fortnightly Review 50 (July 1891) 106-111; 'Science in School and After School', Nature 50 (Sept. 27, 1894) 525-526; 'Science Teaching', ET 48 (Jan. 1, 1894) 23-29; 'The Sequence of Studies', Nature 51 (Dec. 27, 1894) 195-196; 'The Sins of a Secondary School Master', Pall Mall Gazette 59 (Dec. 15, 1894) 1-2; ‘A Talk With Gryllotalpa’, Science Schools Journal, 3 (Feb. 1887), 87-88; 'Through a Microscope’, Pall Mall Gazette 59 (Dec. 31, 1894 )3; 'A Vision of the Past'. Science Schools Journal 7 (June1887) 206-209; ‘Zoological Retrogression’, Gentleman’s Magazine, 271 (Sept. 1891), 246-253]
  • WOODWARD, (1967). Sir Llewellyn. Great Britain and the War of 1914-1918, London.

The Acclaimed Outsiders: Joseph Conrad and H. G. Wells

Year 2012, Volume: 52 Issue: 2, 1 - 22, 01.01.2012


The purpose of the paper is to introduce a comparative study of Joseph Conrad and H. G. Wells with special reference to their concept of life, understanding of human nature, man’s future, and of the novel, the purpose being not only to highligth the differences but also trace the similarities between these two novelists whose ideas as regards many issues seem to clash with each other, and thereby provoke thought on how they may have contributed to the progress of man.


  • AUBRY, Jean G. (1927). Joseph Conrad: Life and Letters (2 vols), Heinemann, London,
  • BAINES, Jocelyn. (1960). Joseph Conrad: A Critical Biography, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London,
  • BASIL, William. (1895). Unsigned review Athenaeum, May, 615- 616.
  • BERGONZI, Bernard. (1961). The Early H.G. Wells, A Study of Scientific Romances, Manchester,
  • BRITTAIN, Vera. (1981). War Diary, 1913-1917, ed. A. Bishop, London.
  • CARABINE, Keith. (1992). Joseph Conrad: Critical Assessments, Helm Information, Robertsbridge,
  • CHESTERTON, G. K. (1913). The Victorian Age in Literature, London.
  • CLAY, N.L. (1962). (Ed.). The English Critic. London: Heinemann.
  • CONRAD, Jessie. (1926). Joseph Conrad as I Knew Him, Heinemann, London.
  • CONRAD, Joseph. (1946). The Collected Edition of Works, J. M. Dent.
  • _____. (1998). Sea Stories, Wordsworth Classics,
  • _____. (1993). The Secret Agent, Wordsworth Classics.
  • _____. (1997). Selected Short Stories, Wordsworth Classics,
  • AUBRY, (1927). G. J. Life and Letters of Joseph Conrad, London.
  • DARWIN, C. (1922). The Descent of Man and Selections in Relation to Sex, London.
  • _______ , (1996). Natural Selection, Orion, London.
  • _______, (1928). The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, London, New York.
  • _______, (1887). The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, London.
  • FORD, M. F. (1924). Joseph Conrad, Duckworth and Co,. London.
  • ______ (1936). ‘H. G. Wells’, American Mercury, 38 (May,), 43-58
  • FREEMANTLE, Anne. (1959). This Little Band of Prophets, London.
  • FORSTER, M. Sir, (1898-1903). The Scientific Memoirs of Thomas Huxley, 5 cilt.
  • GILBERT, M. (1983). Finest Hour, Winston Churchill, London.
  • GILBERT, M. (1975). Winston Churchill, 1916-1922, London.
  • GUERARD, Albert. (1958). Conrad the Novelist, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass.
  • HARKNESS, Bruce. (1962). Conrad's 'Secret Sharer' and the Critics, Wadsworth Publishing Company, Belmont.
  • HAWTHORN, Jeremy. (1990). Joseph Conrad: Narrative Technique and Ideological Commitment, Edward Arnold, London.
  • HUXLEY, Thomas. (1889). The Advance of Science in the Last Century.
  • _____, (1956). Collected Essays -1894-1908, (9 vols)
  • _____, (1860). On the Races, Species, and Their Origin.
  • _____, (1881). Science and Culture.
  • _____, (1863). Zoological Evidences as to Man’s Place in Nature.
  • _____, (1893). Works (including ‘Evolution and Ethics’).
  • JAMES, Henry. (1914). 'The New Novel' and 'Rudyard Kipling' (1891), Essays on Literature. American Writers, English Writers, The Library of America, NewYork, (1984).
  • KEYNES, Geoffrey. (1968). The Letters of Rupert Brooke, London.
  • LAWRENCE, Dan, (1985). The Collected Letters of G. B. Shaw, 1898-1910, London.
  • MILNE, J. (1977). Prophesying Peace, London, Chatto and Windus.
  • MIZENER, Arthur. (1972). The Saddest Story, London.
  • PARRINDER, Patrick. (1898-1972). H. G. Wells, the Critical Heritage, London.
  • PAYNE, Robert. (1975). The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler, London.
  • PRIESTLY, J. P . (1925). ‘H.G. Wells’, English Journal, 14 (February, 89-27.
  • _____, (1962). Literature and the Western Man, London.
  • RENNER, Stanley. (1987). “Youth” and the Sinking Ship of Faith: Conrad’s Miniature Nineteenth Century Epic’, Ball State University Forum, 28, 57-73.
  • REYNOLDS, Stephen. (1912). ‘Joseph Conrad and Sea Fiction’, Quarterly Review, 217 159-180
  • RUSSELL Bertrand. (1934). Freedom and Organization, 1814-1914, London.
  • _____, (1956). Portraits from Memory, Simon and Schuster, New York.
  • SAID, Edward W. (1984). 'Conrad: The Presentation of Narrative', in The World, The Text, The Critic, Faber and Faber, London.
  • SCHWARTZ, Daniel R. (1980). Conrad: From 'Almayer's Folly' to'Under Western Eyes', Macmillan, London, Cornell University Pres, Ithaca.
  • SHAW, Bernard. (1909). 'Mr H. G. Wells and the Rest of Us', Christian Commonwealth.
  • SHERRY, Norman. (1973). Conrad: The Critical Heritage, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London.
  • _______, (1966). Conrad's Eastern World, Cambridge UniversityPress.
  • _______ , (1971). Conrad's Western World, Cambridge UniversityPress.
  • STRACHEY, Leo. (1909). 'A Poisonous Book', Spectator, 103.
  • STEVENSON, R. L. (1993). The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Wordsworth Classics.
  • SZILARD, Leo. (1968). ‘Reminiscences’ in Perspectives in American History, Massachussetts.
  • WELLS, H.G. (1905). A Modern Utopia, London.
  • _____,(1902). The Discovery of the Future, London, Unwin.
  • _____, (1934). Experiment in Autobiography: Discoveries and Conclusions of an Ordinary Brain since 1866, London.
  • _____, (1904). The Food of the Gods.
  • _____, (1976). Men Like Gods, Sphere Inc., London.
  • _____, (1944). The Mind at the End of its Tether, London.
  • _____, (1894). Text-Book of Biology, London.
  • _____, (1981). The Time Machine in H. G. Wells Selected Short Stories, Penguin.
  • _____, (1975). The War of the Worlds in The Collectors Book of Science Fiction by G.Wells, Castle (1979).
  • PHILMUS, D. Y. (1975) (ed.) H.G. Wells, Early Writings in Science and Science Fiction, Hughes University of California Press, Los Angeles, London. [‘The Acquired Factor’, Academy, 51 (January 9, (1897); ' The “Cyclic” Delusion', Saturday Review 78 (Nov. 10, 1894) 505-506; ' The Extinction of Man', Pall Mall Gazette 59 (Sept. 25, 1894) 3; The Darwinian Theory’, Pall Mall Gazette, 60 ( Jan., 1, 1895); 'Human Evolution', Fortnightly Review, 60 (Oct., 1896) 590-595; ''Huxley', Royal College of Science Magazine 13 (April 1901) 209-211; 'J. F. Nisbet ', Academy 56 (May 6, 1899), 502-504; 'Mind in Animals`, The Saturday Review, 78 [Dec. 22, 1894]: 683-684; 'More Bacon', Pall Mall Gazette 59 (June. 22, 1894) 4; 'Popularising Science', Nature 50 (July 26, 194) 300-301; 'The Rediscovery of the Unique’, Fortnightly Review 50 (July 1891) 106-111; 'Science in School and After School', Nature 50 (Sept. 27, 1894) 525-526; 'Science Teaching', ET 48 (Jan. 1, 1894) 23-29; 'The Sequence of Studies', Nature 51 (Dec. 27, 1894) 195-196; 'The Sins of a Secondary School Master', Pall Mall Gazette 59 (Dec. 15, 1894) 1-2; ‘A Talk With Gryllotalpa’, Science Schools Journal, 3 (Feb. 1887), 87-88; 'Through a Microscope’, Pall Mall Gazette 59 (Dec. 31, 1894 )3; 'A Vision of the Past'. Science Schools Journal 7 (June1887) 206-209; ‘Zoological Retrogression’, Gentleman’s Magazine, 271 (Sept. 1891), 246-253]
  • WOODWARD, (1967). Sir Llewellyn. Great Britain and the War of 1914-1918, London.
There are 66 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Sema Ege This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 52 Issue: 2


APA Ege, S. (2012). The Acclaimed Outsiders: Joseph Conrad and H. G. Wells. Ankara Üniversitesi Dil Ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 52(2), 1-22.

Ankara University Journal of the Faculty of Languages and History-Geography

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