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Yeni Asurca Belgelerde Geçen Amēdi Şehri

Year 2012, Volume: 52 Issue: 2, 1 - 9, 01.01.2012


M.Ö. I. Binyıl başlarından itibâren Suriye’de, Fırat vadisinde ve Mezopotamya’nın güneyindeki bereketli topraklarda beylikler kurmaya başlayan Arāmiler, Diyarbakır bölgesinde de başşehri Amēdi olan Bīt-Zamāni beyliğini kurmuşlardır. Arāmî beylikleri, dönemin önemli gücü Asur İmparatorluğu için ciddi bir tehdit oluşturmuştur. Bu nedenle Asur kralları, Arāmî kabileleri üzerine seferler düzenlemişlerdir. Düzenlenen bu seferler bir kayıt altında, kralların yıllıklarında yer almıştır. Yeni Asur devri kral yıllıkları, dönemin siyasî ve coğrafî yapısını aydınlatmakta kullanılan en güvenilir kayıtlardır. Çalışma konumuz olan Amēdi şehri, kral yıllıkları, Yeni Asurca mektuplar ve kitâbeler temel alınarak aydınlatılmaya çalışılmıştır.


  • BAKER, H. (2001). The Prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian Empire,Vol.II-Part.II. Neo- Assyrian Text Corpus Project (L-N).
  • ÇİLİNGİROĞLU, A. (1983) “Urartu’da Toplu Nüfus Aktarımları”, Anadolu Araştırmaları, IX.
  • FORRER, E. (1920). Die Provinzeinteilung Dess Assyrischen, Leipzing.
  • GRAYSON, A.K. (1972). .Assyrian Royal Inscriptions I, Wiesbaden.
  • GRAYSON, A.K. (1991). Assyrian Rulers of The Early First Millennium BC I, (1114-859 BC.), Toronto.
  • IKEDA, Y. (1979). “Royal Cities and Fortified Cities”, Iraq 41.
  • JACOP-Rost,L.-Fales,M.F.(1996).“Neuassyrische Rechtsurkunden” I,MANN VERLAG.Berlin.
  • JACOP-Rost,L-Radner,K.-Donbaz,V. (2000). “Neu-Assyrische Rechtsurkunden II, SDV, Saarbrücken.
  • KESSLER, K. (1980) . Untersuchungen zur historischen Topographie Nordmesopotamiens, Weisbaden.
  • KINAL, F. (1983). Eski Mezopotamya Tarihi, A.Ü.D.T.C.F.Yay, Ankara.
  • KLENGEL, H. (2000).“The Crisis Years and The New Political System in Early Iron Age Syria Some Introductiory Remarks, Essay on Syria in the Iron Age” Ancient Near Eastern Studies 7, ed. Guy Buennens, Louvain.
  • KÖROĞLU, K.(1998). Üçtepe I/ Üçtepe ve Çevresinin Yeni Asur Dönemi Tarihi Coğrafyası, TTK.Ankara.
  • LİPİŃSKİ, E. (2000). The Arameans Their Ancient History, Culture, Religion, Louvain (Belgium).
  • LİVERANİ, M. (1984). “The Growth of The Assyrian Empire in The Habur Middle Euphrates Area: A New Paradigm”, State Archive of Assyrian Bulletin II.
  • LİVERANİ, M. (1995). Neo-Assyrian Geography”,Roma.
  • MATNEY, T-Köroğlu, K. (2007) “Dicle Kıyısında On Yıllık Kazı Çalışmaları: Ziyaret Tepe Projesi 1997-2006”, Türk Eskiçağ Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Sayı 23.
  • MATNEY, T. - McGinnis (2002). Anatolica, Berlin.
  • OLMSTEAD, A.T. (1918). “Assyrian Government and Depencies”, The American Politics Science Rewiev Vol.12.not.44.
  • PARKER, B.J. (2001) . “The Mechanics of Empire. The Northern Frontier of Assyria as A case Study in Imperial Dynamics”, Helsinki.
  • PARKER, B.J. (2003). “Assyrian’s Imprint on Southeastern Anatolia”, American Journal of Archeology. Vol.107.
  • POSTGATE, J.N. (1973). Assyrian Texts and Fragments”, Iraq 35.
  • POSTGATE, J.N. (1976). “Kašiaru”, RLA.Berlin.
  • PARPOLA, S. (1970). “Neo Assyrian Toponyms”, AOAT,6(Neukirchen).
  • PARPOLA, S.-Millard,A. (1994).“The Eponyms of The Assyrian Empire” Vol.II,(M.Ö.910- 612)V.SAAS.
  • PARPOLA, S- Porter,M. (2001).The Helsinki Atlas of the Near East in the Neo-Assyrian Period. The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project. Helsinki.
  • PARPOLA, S. (2008). Cuneiform Texts From Ziyaret Tepe (Ancient Tushan) 2002-2003' State Archives of Assyria Bulletin 16.
  • RADNER, K. (2004). “Das Mittelassyrische Tontafelarchiv Von Giricano / Dunnu-ša-uzibi Excavations at Giricano I”. Subartu 14,Turnhout.
  • RADNER, K.-Parpola,S.(1998).The Prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian Empire,Vol.Part.I.     (A).Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project.
  • RADNER, K-Parpola,S.(1999). The Prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian Empire,Vol.I- Part.II. (B-G) Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project.
  • RADNER, K. - Schachner,A. (2001). From Tušhan to Amedi Topographical Question Concerning the UpperTigris Region in the Assyrian Period.
  • Archaeology Heritage of the Ilısu and Carchemish DamReservoirs Activities in Ankara- METU.
  • SALVİNİ, M. (1995). “Some Historic-Geographical Concerning Assyria and Urartu” in Liverani, 44.
  • SZUCHMAN, J.J.(2007). Ziyarettepe / Tušhan / Upper Tigris, California University.
  • WİSEMAN, D.J. (1956). “A Fragmentary Inscription of Tiglath-Pileser III from Nimrud”, Iraq XVIII.
  • YİĞİT, T.(2000). “Tabal”, A.Ü.D.T.C.F. Dergisi, Sayı:3-4.Ankara.
  • ZADOK, R. (1977). The Ethno-Linguistic Character of the Jezireh, Weisbaden.

The City “Amēdi” in Neo-Assyrian Texts

Year 2012, Volume: 52 Issue: 2, 1 - 9, 01.01.2012


From the begining of the first milennium BC I. Aramean which had begun to establish principalities in the Syria, Euphrates valley and the fertile lands in the south of Mesopotamia, also established Bīt-Zamāni principality whose capital was the city of Amēdi in the Diyarbakır region. Aramean principalities constituted a serious threat to the Assyrian Empire which was an important power of the period. For this reason, the kings of Assyrian organized expeditions to Aramean tribes. These expeditions were mentioned under a record in the annuals of kings. The annuals of Neo-Assyrian kings are the most reliable records to explain the structure of political and geographical structure of the period. This study aims to explore the city of Amēdi in the light of the NeoAssyrian annuals of kings, letters and inscriptions.


  • BAKER, H. (2001). The Prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian Empire,Vol.II-Part.II. Neo- Assyrian Text Corpus Project (L-N).
  • ÇİLİNGİROĞLU, A. (1983) “Urartu’da Toplu Nüfus Aktarımları”, Anadolu Araştırmaları, IX.
  • FORRER, E. (1920). Die Provinzeinteilung Dess Assyrischen, Leipzing.
  • GRAYSON, A.K. (1972). .Assyrian Royal Inscriptions I, Wiesbaden.
  • GRAYSON, A.K. (1991). Assyrian Rulers of The Early First Millennium BC I, (1114-859 BC.), Toronto.
  • IKEDA, Y. (1979). “Royal Cities and Fortified Cities”, Iraq 41.
  • JACOP-Rost,L.-Fales,M.F.(1996).“Neuassyrische Rechtsurkunden” I,MANN VERLAG.Berlin.
  • JACOP-Rost,L-Radner,K.-Donbaz,V. (2000). “Neu-Assyrische Rechtsurkunden II, SDV, Saarbrücken.
  • KESSLER, K. (1980) . Untersuchungen zur historischen Topographie Nordmesopotamiens, Weisbaden.
  • KINAL, F. (1983). Eski Mezopotamya Tarihi, A.Ü.D.T.C.F.Yay, Ankara.
  • KLENGEL, H. (2000).“The Crisis Years and The New Political System in Early Iron Age Syria Some Introductiory Remarks, Essay on Syria in the Iron Age” Ancient Near Eastern Studies 7, ed. Guy Buennens, Louvain.
  • KÖROĞLU, K.(1998). Üçtepe I/ Üçtepe ve Çevresinin Yeni Asur Dönemi Tarihi Coğrafyası, TTK.Ankara.
  • LİPİŃSKİ, E. (2000). The Arameans Their Ancient History, Culture, Religion, Louvain (Belgium).
  • LİVERANİ, M. (1984). “The Growth of The Assyrian Empire in The Habur Middle Euphrates Area: A New Paradigm”, State Archive of Assyrian Bulletin II.
  • LİVERANİ, M. (1995). Neo-Assyrian Geography”,Roma.
  • MATNEY, T-Köroğlu, K. (2007) “Dicle Kıyısında On Yıllık Kazı Çalışmaları: Ziyaret Tepe Projesi 1997-2006”, Türk Eskiçağ Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Sayı 23.
  • MATNEY, T. - McGinnis (2002). Anatolica, Berlin.
  • OLMSTEAD, A.T. (1918). “Assyrian Government and Depencies”, The American Politics Science Rewiev Vol.12.not.44.
  • PARKER, B.J. (2001) . “The Mechanics of Empire. The Northern Frontier of Assyria as A case Study in Imperial Dynamics”, Helsinki.
  • PARKER, B.J. (2003). “Assyrian’s Imprint on Southeastern Anatolia”, American Journal of Archeology. Vol.107.
  • POSTGATE, J.N. (1973). Assyrian Texts and Fragments”, Iraq 35.
  • POSTGATE, J.N. (1976). “Kašiaru”, RLA.Berlin.
  • PARPOLA, S. (1970). “Neo Assyrian Toponyms”, AOAT,6(Neukirchen).
  • PARPOLA, S.-Millard,A. (1994).“The Eponyms of The Assyrian Empire” Vol.II,(M.Ö.910- 612)V.SAAS.
  • PARPOLA, S- Porter,M. (2001).The Helsinki Atlas of the Near East in the Neo-Assyrian Period. The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project. Helsinki.
  • PARPOLA, S. (2008). Cuneiform Texts From Ziyaret Tepe (Ancient Tushan) 2002-2003' State Archives of Assyria Bulletin 16.
  • RADNER, K. (2004). “Das Mittelassyrische Tontafelarchiv Von Giricano / Dunnu-ša-uzibi Excavations at Giricano I”. Subartu 14,Turnhout.
  • RADNER, K.-Parpola,S.(1998).The Prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian Empire,Vol.Part.I.     (A).Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project.
  • RADNER, K-Parpola,S.(1999). The Prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian Empire,Vol.I- Part.II. (B-G) Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project.
  • RADNER, K. - Schachner,A. (2001). From Tušhan to Amedi Topographical Question Concerning the UpperTigris Region in the Assyrian Period.
  • Archaeology Heritage of the Ilısu and Carchemish DamReservoirs Activities in Ankara- METU.
  • SALVİNİ, M. (1995). “Some Historic-Geographical Concerning Assyria and Urartu” in Liverani, 44.
  • SZUCHMAN, J.J.(2007). Ziyarettepe / Tušhan / Upper Tigris, California University.
  • WİSEMAN, D.J. (1956). “A Fragmentary Inscription of Tiglath-Pileser III from Nimrud”, Iraq XVIII.
  • YİĞİT, T.(2000). “Tabal”, A.Ü.D.T.C.F. Dergisi, Sayı:3-4.Ankara.
  • ZADOK, R. (1977). The Ethno-Linguistic Character of the Jezireh, Weisbaden.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Nurgül Yıldırım This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 52 Issue: 2


APA Yıldırım, N. (2012). Yeni Asurca Belgelerde Geçen Amēdi Şehri. Ankara Üniversitesi Dil Ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 52(2), 1-9.

Ankara University Journal of the Faculty of Languages and History-Geography

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