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Year 2019, Volume: 59 Issue: 2, 1208 - 1226, 01.01.2019


“Dünya dijitalleşiyor” fenomeni günümüzde bilginin yönetsel süreçleriyle ilgili her aşamasını derinden etkilemektedir. Dijitalleşen dünyada bilgi profesyonellerinden beklenen, geleneksel mesleki işlevlerinden bilginin koruyucusu olma durumunu, dijital bilgilerin kalıcı olarak korunması ve yeniden kullanımı için de gerçekleştirmeleridir. Bu beklentiyi karşılayan uygulamalar dijital küratörlük süreçleriyle sağlanmaktadır. Yaşam döngüsü boyunca dijital verilerin muhafazasını, erişilebilir olmasını, yeniden kullanılmasını ve değerinin korunmasını sağlayan dijital küratörlük, dijital dünyanın anlamlı veri dağlarının gelecekte de yaşatılmasını öngören çabaları içermektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, bilimsel ya da kültürel miras ürünlerine ilişkin veri yaratma çabalarını tekrarlayan süreçlerden arındıran dijital küratörlük kavramını, temel özellikleri ve dijital bilgi yönetimi süreçleriyle olan ilgisi bağlamında değerlendirmektir. Çalışmanın, dijital küratörlük becerilerinin mesleki eğitim süreçlerine adaptasyonuna dikkat çekmesi ve konuya ilişkin literatüre katkı sağlaması beklenmektedir.


  • Abbott, Daisy. “What is Digital Curation?” Web. 4 Temmuz 2019.
  • Beagrie, Neil. “Digital Curation for Science, Digital Libraries, and Individuals”. The International Journal of Digital Curation 1 (2006): 3-16.
  • Corti, Louise ve diğerleri. Managing and Sharing Research Data: A Guide to Good Practice. Essex: SAGE, 2014.
  • Cunningham, Adrian. “Digital Curation/Digital Archiving: A View from the National Archives of Australia”. American Archivist 71. 2 (2008): 530-543.
  • Digital Curation Centre. “What is Digital Curation?”. Web. 20 Temmuz 2019.
  • Harvey, Ross. “Appraisal and Selection.” DCC Digital Curation Manual. Ed. Seamus Ross ve Michael Day. Edinburgh, UK: Digital Curation Centre, 2007. Web. 27 Temmuz 2019.
  • Higgins, Sarah. “The DCC Curation Lifecycle Model”. International Journal of Digital Curation 3. 1 (2008): 134-140.
  • JISC. “Meeting the Research Data Challenge: Managing Research Data Programme 11” Web. 28 Temmuz 2019.
  • Johnston, Lisa R. ve diğerleri. “How Important Are Data Curation Activities to Researchers? Gaps and Opportunities for Academic Libraries”. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 6. General Issue (2018): 1-24.
  • Johnston, Lisa R., ed. “Introduction to Data Curation Curating”. Research Data Volume One: Practical Strategies for Your Digital Repository. Ed. Lisa C. Johnston. Illinois: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2017. 1-30.
  • Kim, Jeonghyun, Edward Warga ve William E. Moen. “Competencies Required for Digital Curation: An Analysis of Job Advertisements”. International Journal of Digital Curation 8. 1 (2013): 66-83.
  • Lee, Christopher A. ve Helen Tibbo. “Where’s the Archivist in Digital Curation? Exploring the Possibilities through a Matrix of Knowledge and Skills.” ARCHIVARIA 72 (Fall 2011): 123–168. Web. 03 Temmuz 2019.
  • Madrid, Melody M. A Study of Digital Curator Competences: A Survey of Experts. Tez. International Master in Digital Library Learning, 2011. Web. 30 Temmuz 2019.
  • Osswals, Achim. “Skills for the Future: Educational Opportunities for Digital Curation Professionals.” Web. 22 Ağustos 2019.
  • Osswald, Achim ve Stefan Strathmann, “The Role of Libraries in Curation and Preservation of Research Data in Germany: Findings of a Survey.” Web. 25 Temmuz 2019.
  • Palavitsinis, Nikos, Nikos Manouselis ve Salvador Sanchez-Alonso. “Preliminary Discussion on a Digital Curation Framework for Learning Repositories”. Ceur Workshop Proceedings. Ed. David Massart ve Elena Shulma. Barcelona, 2010. 50. Web 10 Temmuz 2019.
  • Pennock, Maureen. “Digital Curation: A Life-Cycle Approach to Managing and Preserving Usable Digital Information.” Web. 27 Temmuz 2019.
  • Ray, Joyce. “Sharks, Digital Curation, and the Education of Information Professionals”. Museum Management and Curatorship 24. 4 (2009): 357-368.
  • Tammaro, Anna Maria. “Integrating Digital Curation in a Digital Library Curriculum: The International Master DILL Case Study.” Web. 6 Temmuz 2019.
  • UK Digital Curation Center. “Digital Curation.” Web 1 Ağustos 2019.
  • Vivarelli, Maurizio, Maria Cassella ve Federico Valacchi. “The Digital Curator between Continuity and Change: Developing a Training Course at the University of Turin.” Web. 1 Ağustos 2019.
  • Yakel, Elizabeth ve diğerleri. “Digital Curation for Digital Natives”. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 52. 1 (2011): 23-31.


Year 2019, Volume: 59 Issue: 2, 1208 - 1226, 01.01.2019


Nowadays, “Digitating World” phenomena deeply affect every aspect related to management processes of information. In digitalized world, information professionals are expected to actualize the position of being protectors of information, which is one of their traditional functions, also for permanently protection and reuse of digital information. Applications, which meet this expectation, are practiced via curator processes. Digital curator, which has been ensuring digital data to be protected, accessible, reusable and maintaining its own value, also contains efforts predicting digital world's meaningful data mountains to be sustainable in the future. Here in this study it is aimed to evaluate the concept of digital curator, which purifies the efforts of creating data related to scientific or cultural heritage products from the repetitive processes, based on its relation with basic specifications and digital information management processes. The study is expected to draw attention to the adaptation of digital curator skills to the vocational education processes and contribute to the literature on the subject.


  • Abbott, Daisy. “What is Digital Curation?” Web. 4 Temmuz 2019.
  • Beagrie, Neil. “Digital Curation for Science, Digital Libraries, and Individuals”. The International Journal of Digital Curation 1 (2006): 3-16.
  • Corti, Louise ve diğerleri. Managing and Sharing Research Data: A Guide to Good Practice. Essex: SAGE, 2014.
  • Cunningham, Adrian. “Digital Curation/Digital Archiving: A View from the National Archives of Australia”. American Archivist 71. 2 (2008): 530-543.
  • Digital Curation Centre. “What is Digital Curation?”. Web. 20 Temmuz 2019.
  • Harvey, Ross. “Appraisal and Selection.” DCC Digital Curation Manual. Ed. Seamus Ross ve Michael Day. Edinburgh, UK: Digital Curation Centre, 2007. Web. 27 Temmuz 2019.
  • Higgins, Sarah. “The DCC Curation Lifecycle Model”. International Journal of Digital Curation 3. 1 (2008): 134-140.
  • JISC. “Meeting the Research Data Challenge: Managing Research Data Programme 11” Web. 28 Temmuz 2019.
  • Johnston, Lisa R. ve diğerleri. “How Important Are Data Curation Activities to Researchers? Gaps and Opportunities for Academic Libraries”. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 6. General Issue (2018): 1-24.
  • Johnston, Lisa R., ed. “Introduction to Data Curation Curating”. Research Data Volume One: Practical Strategies for Your Digital Repository. Ed. Lisa C. Johnston. Illinois: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2017. 1-30.
  • Kim, Jeonghyun, Edward Warga ve William E. Moen. “Competencies Required for Digital Curation: An Analysis of Job Advertisements”. International Journal of Digital Curation 8. 1 (2013): 66-83.
  • Lee, Christopher A. ve Helen Tibbo. “Where’s the Archivist in Digital Curation? Exploring the Possibilities through a Matrix of Knowledge and Skills.” ARCHIVARIA 72 (Fall 2011): 123–168. Web. 03 Temmuz 2019.
  • Madrid, Melody M. A Study of Digital Curator Competences: A Survey of Experts. Tez. International Master in Digital Library Learning, 2011. Web. 30 Temmuz 2019.
  • Osswals, Achim. “Skills for the Future: Educational Opportunities for Digital Curation Professionals.” Web. 22 Ağustos 2019.
  • Osswald, Achim ve Stefan Strathmann, “The Role of Libraries in Curation and Preservation of Research Data in Germany: Findings of a Survey.” Web. 25 Temmuz 2019.
  • Palavitsinis, Nikos, Nikos Manouselis ve Salvador Sanchez-Alonso. “Preliminary Discussion on a Digital Curation Framework for Learning Repositories”. Ceur Workshop Proceedings. Ed. David Massart ve Elena Shulma. Barcelona, 2010. 50. Web 10 Temmuz 2019.
  • Pennock, Maureen. “Digital Curation: A Life-Cycle Approach to Managing and Preserving Usable Digital Information.” Web. 27 Temmuz 2019.
  • Ray, Joyce. “Sharks, Digital Curation, and the Education of Information Professionals”. Museum Management and Curatorship 24. 4 (2009): 357-368.
  • Tammaro, Anna Maria. “Integrating Digital Curation in a Digital Library Curriculum: The International Master DILL Case Study.” Web. 6 Temmuz 2019.
  • UK Digital Curation Center. “Digital Curation.” Web 1 Ağustos 2019.
  • Vivarelli, Maurizio, Maria Cassella ve Federico Valacchi. “The Digital Curator between Continuity and Change: Developing a Training Course at the University of Turin.” Web. 1 Ağustos 2019.
  • Yakel, Elizabeth ve diğerleri. “Digital Curation for Digital Natives”. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 52. 1 (2011): 23-31.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Semanur Öztemiz This is me

Nevzat Özel This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 59 Issue: 2


APA Öztemiz, S., & Özel, N. (2019). DİJİTAL KÜRATÖRLÜK: KAVRAMSAL BİR DEĞERLENDİRME. Ankara Üniversitesi Dil Ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 59(2), 1208-1226.

Ankara University Journal of the Faculty of Languages and History-Geography

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