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Year 2020, Volume: 60 Issue: 1, 81 - 96, 01.01.2020


Boy ve ağırlığa ilişkin veriler; yüz yüze görüşme, postayla yoluyla, internet üzerinden yapılan anketle veya telefonla sorgulama gibi farklı biçimlerde elde edilebilmektedir. Ancak bahsi geçen bu değişkenler bireylerin beden algılarından büyük oranda etkilenebilmektedir. Ülkemizde adölesanlar üzerinde özbildirime dayalı boy ve ağırlık ölçülerinin doğruluğunu ve geçerliliğini konu alan çalışma sayısı oldukça sınırlıdır. Araştırmanın amacı, adölesanlarda özbildirime dayalı boy ve ağırlık ölçülerinin güvenirliliğinin tespitidir. Araştırma, Ankara'da farklı sosyo-demografik yapıya sahip liselerde öğrenim gören 14-17 yaş arası 356 öğrenci 133 erkek ve 233 kız üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Boy ve ağırlık değerleri her bir bireye anket yoluyla sorularak özbildirimleri kaydedilmiş, ardından fiziki olarak antropometrik tekniklerle ölçülmüş ve aradaki farklılık istatistikî olarak analiz edilmiştir. Ortalama boy uzunluğunun erkeklerde 0,22 cm ve kızlarda 0,91 cm fazla, vücut ağırlığının ise erkeklerde 0,20 kg fazla ve kızlarda 0,80 kg düşük olarak bildirildiği saptanmıştır. Kızlar erkeklere nazaran ağırlıklarını daha düşük ve boy uzunluklarını daha yüksek bildirme eğilimindedirler. Araştırma örnekleminde yer alan bir grup lise öğrencisi çalışma tarihinden birkaç hafta önce beden eğitimi ve spor dersi kapsamında fiziki testlere tabi tutulmuşlardır, bu durum söz konusu öğrencilerin özbildirim verilerinin yüksek oranda doğruluk oranı ile sonuçlanmıştır. Ders müfredatı kapsamında düzenli fiziki ölçümlerin yapılması adölesanlarda vücut boyutlarına dair farkındalık yaratmaktadır. Adölesan dönemde vücut boyutları büyük değişim göstermektedir, bu açıdan beden eğitimi ve spor dersleri hem beden algısında rol oynamakta hem de vücut ağırlığı ile boy uzunluğunun doğru olarak bilinmesinde önem taşımaktadır. Çalışma sonuçlarına göre, ülkemizde özbildirim yönteminden kaçınılması ya da gerekli düzeltme tekniklerinin mutlaka uygulanması gerektiği kanısındayız.


  • Aasvee, Katrin ve diğerleri. “Validity of Self-Reported Height and Weight for Estimated Prevalence of Overweight among Estonian Adolescents: The Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children Study”. BMC Research Notes 8 (2015): 606.
  • Aceves-Martins, Magaly ve diğerleri. “Self-Reported Weight and Predictors of Missing Responses in Youth”. Nutrition 53 (2018): 54-58.
  • Beck, Jimikaye ve diğerleri. “Accuracy of Self-Reported Height and Weight in Children Aged 6 to 11 Years”. Preventing Chronic Disease 9 (2012): 120021.
  • Brault, Marie-Christine ve diğerleri. “Body Mass Index Accuracy in Preadolescents: Can We Trust Self-Report or Should We Seek Parent Report?”. The Journal of Pediatrics 167.2 (2015): 366-371.
  • Brokhoff, Miki ve diğerleri. “Cultural Influences on Body Dissatisfaction, Body Change Behaviours, and Disordered Eating of Japanese Adolescents”. Asian Journal of Social Psychology 15(2012): 238-248.
  • Bucchianeri, Michaela M. ve diğerleri. “Body Dissatisfaction from Adolescence to Young: Finding from a 10-Year Longitudinal Study”. Body Image 10.1 (2013): 1-7.
  • Carey, Renee N., Ngraire Donaghue ve Pia Broderick. “‘What You like Is Such a Big Factor’: Girls’ Own Reflections about the Appearance Culture in an All-Girls’ School”. Feminism & Psychology 21.3 (2011): 299-316.
  • Catunda, Ricardo, Adilson Marques ve Carlos Januário. “Perception of Body Image in Teenagers in Physical Education Classes”. Motricidade 13.Supl1(2017): 91-99.
  • Christiansen, Lars B. ve diğerleri. “Improving Children’s Physical Self-Perception Through A School-Based Physical Activity Intervention: The Move for Well- Being in School Study”. Mental Health and Physical Activity 14 (2018): 31- 38.
  • Danubio, Maria Enrica ve diğerleri. “Comparison of Self-Reported and Measured Height and Weight: Implications for Obesity Research among Young Adults”. Economics and Human Biology 6.1 (2008): 181-190.
  • Desmond, Sharon M. ve diğerleri. “The Etiology of Adolescents’ Perceptions of Their Weight”. Journal of Youth and Adolescence 15.6 (1986): 461-474.
  • Ekström, Sandra ve diğerleri. “Web-Based Self-Reported Height, Weight, and Body Mass Index among Swedish Adolescents: A Validation Study”. Journal of Medical Internet Research 17.3 (2015): e73.
  • Elgar, Frank J. ve diğerleri. “Validity of Self-Reported Height and Weight and Predictors of Bias in Adolescents”. Journal of Adolescent Health 37.5 (2005): 371-375.
  • Enes, Carla Cristina ve diğerleri. “Validity and Reliability of Self-Reported Weight and Height Measures for the Diagnoses of Adolescent’s Nutritional Status”. Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologica 12.4 (2009): 627-635.
  • Field, Alison E. ve diğerleri. “Relation of Peer and Media Influences to The Development of Purging Behaviours among Preadolescent and Adolescent Girls”. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 153.11 (1999): 1184- 1189.
  • Frayon, Stephane ve diğerleri. “Self-reported Height and Weight in Oceanian School Going Adolescents and Factors Associated with Errors”. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 29.6 (2017): 526-536.
  • Galfo, Myriam ve diğerleri. “Validity of Self-Reported Weight, Height and BMI in Italian Adolescents for Assessing Prevalence of Overweight/Obesity”, Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism 1.1 (2018): 1-7.
  • Godina, Elena ve Liudmila Zadorozhnaya. “Self-Perception of Physical Appearance Adolescent: Gender, Age and Ethnic Aspect.” Collegium Antropologicum 40.2 (2016): 73-81.
  • Gokler, Mehmet Enes ve diğerleri. “The Validity of Self-Reported vs Measured Body Weight and Height and Effect of Self-Perception”. Archives of Medical Science 14.1 (2018): 174-181.
  • Güneş, Gülsen ve Yasemin Atik Altınok. “Malatya’da Lise Öğrencilerinin Kilo Kontrolüyle İlgili İnanışları ve Kilo Verme Davranışları” Türk Pediatri Arşivi 45.1 (2010): 41-48.
  • Helfert, Susanne ve Petra Warschburger. “The Face of Appearance-Related Social Pressure: Gender, Age and Body Mass Variations in Peer and Parental Pressure during Adolescence”. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health 7 (2013): 16.
  • Hisar, Filiz ve Ebru Toruner. “Adolescents’ Perceptions about Their Weight and Practices to Lose Weight”. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing 31.2 (2013): 23-30.
  • Jansen, Wilma ve diğerleri. “Differences in Measured and Self-Reported Height and Weight in Dutch Adolescents”. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 50.4 (2006): 339–346.
  • Janssen, Ian ve diğerleri. “Associations between Overweight and Obesity with Bullying Behaviors in School-Aged Children”. Pediatrics 113.5 (2004): 1187- 1194.
  • Kee,Cheong Chee ve diğerleri. “Validity of Self-reported Weight and Height: A Cross- Sectional Study among Malaysian Adolescents”. BMC Medical Research Methodology 17.1 (2017): 85.
  • Lee, Sarah M. ve diğerleri. “Physical Education and Physical Activity: Results from the School Health Policies and Programs Study 2006”. Journal of School Health 77.8 (2007): 435-463.
  • Levine, Michael P. ve Kelsey Chapman. “Media Influences on Body Image”. Body
  • Image: A Handbook of Science, Practice, And Prevention. Ed.Thomas F. Cash ve
  • Linda Smolak. New York: The Gilford Press, 2011.101-109.
  • Lois, Konstantinos ve diğerleri. “Can Self-Reported Height and Weight Be Relied Upon?”. Occupational Medicine 61.8 (2011): 590-592.
  • Maximova, Katerina ve diğerleri. “Do You See What I See? Weight Status Misperception and Exposure to Obesity among Children and Adolescents”. International Journal of Obesity 32.6 (2008): 1008-1015.
  • Morrissey, Susan L. ve diğerleri. “Comparison of Self-Reported and Measured Height and Weight in Eighth-Grade Students.”Journal of School Health 76.10 (2006): 512-515.
  • Nawaz, Haq ve diğerleri. “Self-Reported Weight and Height Implications for Obesity Research”. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 20.4 (2001): 294-298.
  • Pingitore, Regina, Bonnie Spring ve David Garfield. “Gender Differences in Body Satisfaction.” Obesity Research 5.5 (1997): 402-409.
  • Rasmussen, Mette ve diğerleri. “Validity of Self-Reported Height and Weight among Adolescents: The Importance of Reporting Capability”. BMC Medical Research Methodology 13 (2013): 85.
  • Seghers, Jan ve Albercht L. Clasessens. “Bias in Self-Reported Height and Weight in Preadolescents”. The Journal of Pediatrics 157.6 (2010): 911-916.
  • Shirasawa, Takako ve diğerleri. “The Relationship Between Distorted Body Image and Life Style Among Japanese Adolescent: A Population-Based Study”. Archives of Public Health 73.1 (2015): 32.
  • TBSA. Türkiye Beslenme ve Sağlık Araştırması 2010: Beslenme Durumu ve Alışkanlıklarının Değerlendirilmesi Sonuç Raporu. Sağlık Bakanlığı Sağlık Araştırmaları Genel Müdürlüğü, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Beslenme ve Diyetetik Bölümü, Ankara Numune Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi. Ankara: Sağlık Bakanlığı, 2014.
  • Tiggeman, Marika. “Body Dissatisfaction and Adolescent Self-Esteem: Prospective Findings”. Body Image 2.2 (2005): 129-135.
  • Tokmakidis, Savvas P., Antonios D. Christodoulos ve Nikolaos I. Mantzouranis. “Validity of Self-Reported Anthropometric Values Used to Assess Body Mass Index and Estimate Obesity in Greek School Children”. Journal of Adolescent Health 40.4 (2007): 305-310.
  • Tural Büyük, Esra ve Esra Özdemir. “Lise Öğrencilerinin Beden Algısı İle Yeme Tutumu Arasındaki İlişki”. International Anatolia Academic Online Journal/Journal of Health Science 4.2 (2018): 1-12.
  • Uskun, Ersin ve Ayşe Şabaplı. “Lise Öğrencilerinde Beden Algıları İle Yeme Tutumları Arasındaki İlişki”. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin 12.5 (2013): 519-528.
  • Weiner, Joseph Sidney ve John Adam Lourie. Human Biology: A Guide to Field Methods IBP Handbook. Oxford: Blackwell, 1969.
  • World Health Organization. “Growth Reference 5-19 Years”. Web. 11 Temmuz 2019.
  • --.“Obesity and Overweight”. Web. 18 Ocak 2020.
  • --.Physical Status: The Use and Interpretation of Anthropometry. Geneva: WHO. (1995). Web. 21 Ekim 2018.
  • Yamak, Bade, Osman İmamoğlu ve Mehmet Çebi. “Adölesanların Fiziksel Uygunluk Seviyelerinin Vücut İmajı, Benlik Tasarımı ve Stres Düzeyine Etkisi”. Akademik Sosyal Çalışmalar Dergisi 4.34 (2016): 191-201.
  • Zarychta, Karolina, Barbara Mullan ve Aleksandra Luszczynska. “Am I Overweight? A Longitudinal Study on Parental and Peers Weight Related Perceptions on Dietary Behaviors and Weight Status among Adolescents”. Frontiers in Psychology 7 (2016): 83.
  • Zhang, Juan ve diğerleri. “Comparison of overweight, weight perception, and weight-related practices among high school students in three large Chinese cities and two large U. S. cities”. Journal of Adolescent Health 48.4 (2011): 366-372.


Year 2020, Volume: 60 Issue: 1, 81 - 96, 01.01.2020


Height and weight data can be obtained in different forms such as face-to-face interview, sending the questionnaire by mail, questioning via internet or by telephone. However, these variables can be greatly influenced by individuals' body perceptions. In our country, the number of studies on the accuracy and validity of self-reported height and weight on adolescents is quite limited. The aim of present study was to determine the reliability of self-reported height and weight in adolescents. The study was conducted on 356 students 133 boys and 233 girls aged 14-17 years in high schools of different socio-demographic structure in Ankara. Height and weight values were asked to each individual by questionnaire and their self-report data were recorded, then physically measured by anthropometric techniques and the differences were analysed statistically. It was found that the mean height over-reported 0,22 cm for boys and 0,91 cm for girls, weight overreported 0,20 kg for boys and under-reported 0,80 kg for girls. Girls tend to underestimate their weight and overestimate their height than boys. A group of high school students in the sample were subjected to physical tests within the syllabus of physical education and sports lesson a few weeks before the study, which resulted in a high accuracy rate in the self-report data of these students. Regular physical measurements within the scope of the course syllabus are raised awareness about body dimensions in adolescents. Body dimensions change greatly in the adolescent period, in this respect, physical education and sports lessons play an important role in body perception and it is important to be aware of the body weight and height accurately. According to results of present study, we believe that self-report method should be avoided or required correction techniques should be applied in our country.


  • Aasvee, Katrin ve diğerleri. “Validity of Self-Reported Height and Weight for Estimated Prevalence of Overweight among Estonian Adolescents: The Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children Study”. BMC Research Notes 8 (2015): 606.
  • Aceves-Martins, Magaly ve diğerleri. “Self-Reported Weight and Predictors of Missing Responses in Youth”. Nutrition 53 (2018): 54-58.
  • Beck, Jimikaye ve diğerleri. “Accuracy of Self-Reported Height and Weight in Children Aged 6 to 11 Years”. Preventing Chronic Disease 9 (2012): 120021.
  • Brault, Marie-Christine ve diğerleri. “Body Mass Index Accuracy in Preadolescents: Can We Trust Self-Report or Should We Seek Parent Report?”. The Journal of Pediatrics 167.2 (2015): 366-371.
  • Brokhoff, Miki ve diğerleri. “Cultural Influences on Body Dissatisfaction, Body Change Behaviours, and Disordered Eating of Japanese Adolescents”. Asian Journal of Social Psychology 15(2012): 238-248.
  • Bucchianeri, Michaela M. ve diğerleri. “Body Dissatisfaction from Adolescence to Young: Finding from a 10-Year Longitudinal Study”. Body Image 10.1 (2013): 1-7.
  • Carey, Renee N., Ngraire Donaghue ve Pia Broderick. “‘What You like Is Such a Big Factor’: Girls’ Own Reflections about the Appearance Culture in an All-Girls’ School”. Feminism & Psychology 21.3 (2011): 299-316.
  • Catunda, Ricardo, Adilson Marques ve Carlos Januário. “Perception of Body Image in Teenagers in Physical Education Classes”. Motricidade 13.Supl1(2017): 91-99.
  • Christiansen, Lars B. ve diğerleri. “Improving Children’s Physical Self-Perception Through A School-Based Physical Activity Intervention: The Move for Well- Being in School Study”. Mental Health and Physical Activity 14 (2018): 31- 38.
  • Danubio, Maria Enrica ve diğerleri. “Comparison of Self-Reported and Measured Height and Weight: Implications for Obesity Research among Young Adults”. Economics and Human Biology 6.1 (2008): 181-190.
  • Desmond, Sharon M. ve diğerleri. “The Etiology of Adolescents’ Perceptions of Their Weight”. Journal of Youth and Adolescence 15.6 (1986): 461-474.
  • Ekström, Sandra ve diğerleri. “Web-Based Self-Reported Height, Weight, and Body Mass Index among Swedish Adolescents: A Validation Study”. Journal of Medical Internet Research 17.3 (2015): e73.
  • Elgar, Frank J. ve diğerleri. “Validity of Self-Reported Height and Weight and Predictors of Bias in Adolescents”. Journal of Adolescent Health 37.5 (2005): 371-375.
  • Enes, Carla Cristina ve diğerleri. “Validity and Reliability of Self-Reported Weight and Height Measures for the Diagnoses of Adolescent’s Nutritional Status”. Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologica 12.4 (2009): 627-635.
  • Field, Alison E. ve diğerleri. “Relation of Peer and Media Influences to The Development of Purging Behaviours among Preadolescent and Adolescent Girls”. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 153.11 (1999): 1184- 1189.
  • Frayon, Stephane ve diğerleri. “Self-reported Height and Weight in Oceanian School Going Adolescents and Factors Associated with Errors”. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 29.6 (2017): 526-536.
  • Galfo, Myriam ve diğerleri. “Validity of Self-Reported Weight, Height and BMI in Italian Adolescents for Assessing Prevalence of Overweight/Obesity”, Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism 1.1 (2018): 1-7.
  • Godina, Elena ve Liudmila Zadorozhnaya. “Self-Perception of Physical Appearance Adolescent: Gender, Age and Ethnic Aspect.” Collegium Antropologicum 40.2 (2016): 73-81.
  • Gokler, Mehmet Enes ve diğerleri. “The Validity of Self-Reported vs Measured Body Weight and Height and Effect of Self-Perception”. Archives of Medical Science 14.1 (2018): 174-181.
  • Güneş, Gülsen ve Yasemin Atik Altınok. “Malatya’da Lise Öğrencilerinin Kilo Kontrolüyle İlgili İnanışları ve Kilo Verme Davranışları” Türk Pediatri Arşivi 45.1 (2010): 41-48.
  • Helfert, Susanne ve Petra Warschburger. “The Face of Appearance-Related Social Pressure: Gender, Age and Body Mass Variations in Peer and Parental Pressure during Adolescence”. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health 7 (2013): 16.
  • Hisar, Filiz ve Ebru Toruner. “Adolescents’ Perceptions about Their Weight and Practices to Lose Weight”. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing 31.2 (2013): 23-30.
  • Jansen, Wilma ve diğerleri. “Differences in Measured and Self-Reported Height and Weight in Dutch Adolescents”. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 50.4 (2006): 339–346.
  • Janssen, Ian ve diğerleri. “Associations between Overweight and Obesity with Bullying Behaviors in School-Aged Children”. Pediatrics 113.5 (2004): 1187- 1194.
  • Kee,Cheong Chee ve diğerleri. “Validity of Self-reported Weight and Height: A Cross- Sectional Study among Malaysian Adolescents”. BMC Medical Research Methodology 17.1 (2017): 85.
  • Lee, Sarah M. ve diğerleri. “Physical Education and Physical Activity: Results from the School Health Policies and Programs Study 2006”. Journal of School Health 77.8 (2007): 435-463.
  • Levine, Michael P. ve Kelsey Chapman. “Media Influences on Body Image”. Body
  • Image: A Handbook of Science, Practice, And Prevention. Ed.Thomas F. Cash ve
  • Linda Smolak. New York: The Gilford Press, 2011.101-109.
  • Lois, Konstantinos ve diğerleri. “Can Self-Reported Height and Weight Be Relied Upon?”. Occupational Medicine 61.8 (2011): 590-592.
  • Maximova, Katerina ve diğerleri. “Do You See What I See? Weight Status Misperception and Exposure to Obesity among Children and Adolescents”. International Journal of Obesity 32.6 (2008): 1008-1015.
  • Morrissey, Susan L. ve diğerleri. “Comparison of Self-Reported and Measured Height and Weight in Eighth-Grade Students.”Journal of School Health 76.10 (2006): 512-515.
  • Nawaz, Haq ve diğerleri. “Self-Reported Weight and Height Implications for Obesity Research”. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 20.4 (2001): 294-298.
  • Pingitore, Regina, Bonnie Spring ve David Garfield. “Gender Differences in Body Satisfaction.” Obesity Research 5.5 (1997): 402-409.
  • Rasmussen, Mette ve diğerleri. “Validity of Self-Reported Height and Weight among Adolescents: The Importance of Reporting Capability”. BMC Medical Research Methodology 13 (2013): 85.
  • Seghers, Jan ve Albercht L. Clasessens. “Bias in Self-Reported Height and Weight in Preadolescents”. The Journal of Pediatrics 157.6 (2010): 911-916.
  • Shirasawa, Takako ve diğerleri. “The Relationship Between Distorted Body Image and Life Style Among Japanese Adolescent: A Population-Based Study”. Archives of Public Health 73.1 (2015): 32.
  • TBSA. Türkiye Beslenme ve Sağlık Araştırması 2010: Beslenme Durumu ve Alışkanlıklarının Değerlendirilmesi Sonuç Raporu. Sağlık Bakanlığı Sağlık Araştırmaları Genel Müdürlüğü, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Beslenme ve Diyetetik Bölümü, Ankara Numune Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi. Ankara: Sağlık Bakanlığı, 2014.
  • Tiggeman, Marika. “Body Dissatisfaction and Adolescent Self-Esteem: Prospective Findings”. Body Image 2.2 (2005): 129-135.
  • Tokmakidis, Savvas P., Antonios D. Christodoulos ve Nikolaos I. Mantzouranis. “Validity of Self-Reported Anthropometric Values Used to Assess Body Mass Index and Estimate Obesity in Greek School Children”. Journal of Adolescent Health 40.4 (2007): 305-310.
  • Tural Büyük, Esra ve Esra Özdemir. “Lise Öğrencilerinin Beden Algısı İle Yeme Tutumu Arasındaki İlişki”. International Anatolia Academic Online Journal/Journal of Health Science 4.2 (2018): 1-12.
  • Uskun, Ersin ve Ayşe Şabaplı. “Lise Öğrencilerinde Beden Algıları İle Yeme Tutumları Arasındaki İlişki”. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin 12.5 (2013): 519-528.
  • Weiner, Joseph Sidney ve John Adam Lourie. Human Biology: A Guide to Field Methods IBP Handbook. Oxford: Blackwell, 1969.
  • World Health Organization. “Growth Reference 5-19 Years”. Web. 11 Temmuz 2019.
  • --.“Obesity and Overweight”. Web. 18 Ocak 2020.
  • --.Physical Status: The Use and Interpretation of Anthropometry. Geneva: WHO. (1995). Web. 21 Ekim 2018.
  • Yamak, Bade, Osman İmamoğlu ve Mehmet Çebi. “Adölesanların Fiziksel Uygunluk Seviyelerinin Vücut İmajı, Benlik Tasarımı ve Stres Düzeyine Etkisi”. Akademik Sosyal Çalışmalar Dergisi 4.34 (2016): 191-201.
  • Zarychta, Karolina, Barbara Mullan ve Aleksandra Luszczynska. “Am I Overweight? A Longitudinal Study on Parental and Peers Weight Related Perceptions on Dietary Behaviors and Weight Status among Adolescents”. Frontiers in Psychology 7 (2016): 83.
  • Zhang, Juan ve diğerleri. “Comparison of overweight, weight perception, and weight-related practices among high school students in three large Chinese cities and two large U. S. cities”. Journal of Adolescent Health 48.4 (2011): 366-372.
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Sibel Önal This is me

Ayşegül Özdemir This is me

Başak Koca Özer This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 60 Issue: 1


APA Önal, S., Özdemir, A., & Özer, B. K. (2020). ADÖLESANLARDA BOY VE AĞIRLIK ÖLÇÜMLERİ İLE ÖZBİLDİRİMLERİN KARŞILAŞTIRILMASI. Ankara Üniversitesi Dil Ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 60(1), 81-96.

Ankara University Journal of the Faculty of Languages and History-Geography

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