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Year 2020, Volume: 60 Issue: 1, 335 - 354, 01.01.2020


Tarih boyunca, âşıklar sevgilerini ifade etmek için çeşitli yöntemler bulmuşlardır. Bu yöntemlerden biride, gece vakti sokakta sevgilinin penceresi önünde yapılan serenattır. Serenadın ilk yazınsal biçimi diyebileceğimiz paraclausithyron, 2500 yıl önce de sevgiliye aşk ilanı etmek için başvurulan bir yöntem olmuş ancak serenat gibi romantik değil, trajik bir tarza bürünmüştür. Bu çalışmada, öncelikle paraclausithyronun Yunan yazınındaki kökenine ve özeliklerine değinilecek ardından Latin yazınının ünlü lirik ozanı Horatius'un bu izleğin yer aldığı şiirleri üzerinde durulacak ve Tibullus, Propertius ve Ovidius gibi elegeia ozanlarının bu izleği ele alış ve işleyişleri arasındaki benzerlikler ve farklılıklar vurgulanacaktır.


  • Anon. Anth. Pal. ( = Anonymous, Anthologia Palatina) The Greek Anthology, Volume IV: Book 10: The Hortatory and Admonitory Epigrams. Book 11: The Convivial and Satirical Epigrams. Book 12: Strato's Musa Puerilis. Çev. W. R. Paton. Loeb Classical Library 85. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1918.
  • Anth. Pal.( = Anthologia Palatina) Greek Anthology, Book 1: Christian Epigrams. Book 2: Description of the Statues in the Gymnasium of Zeuxippus. Book 3: Epigrams in the Temple of Apollonis at Cyzicus. Book 4: Prefaces to the Various Anthologies. Book 5: Erotic Epigram. Çev. W. R. Paton. Loeb Classical Library 67. Vol. I. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 2014.
  • Barsby, John A. Ovid’s Amores Book One. Great Britain: Oxford At The Clarendon Press. 1973.
  • Cairns, Francis. Tibullus: A Hellenistic Poet at Rome. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1979.
  • Canter, Howard Vernon. “The Paracalausithyron as a Literary Theme”. The American Journal of Philology 41.4 (1920): 355-368.
  • Callim. Anth. Pal. (=Kallimakhos, Anthologia Palatina) The Greek Anthology, Volume IV: Book 10: The Hortatory and Admonitory Epigrams. Book 11: The Convivial and Satirical Epigrams. Book 12: Strato's Musa Puerilis. Çev. W. R. Paton. Loeb Classical Library 85. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1918.
  • Cat. (= Catullus). Catullus, Tibullus. Pervigilium Veneris. Çev. F. W. Cornish, J. P. Postgate, J. W. Mackail. Loeb Classical Library 6. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 1913.
  • Copley, Frank Olin. “On the Origin of Certain Features of the Paraclausithyron”. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association 73 (1942): 96-107.
  • --.Exclusus Amator. American Philological Association Monograph Series. Ed. Francis R. Walton. Chico, CA: Scholars Press. 1956.
  • Cummings, Micheal. Observations on the Development and Code of the Pre-elegiac Paraklausithyron. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, University of Ottawa. 1996. ProQuest. Web. 28 Ağustos 2019.
  • Dodson, Joseph R. “Locked-Out Lovers: Wisdom of Solomon 1.16 in Light Of the Paraclausithyron Motif”. Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 17.1 (2007): 21-35.
  • Henderson, William J. “The Paraklausithyron Motif in Horace’s Odes”. Acta Classica 16 (1973):51-67.
  • Hor. Carm. (= Horatius, Carmina). Horace. Odes and Epodes. Çev. Niall Rudd. Loeb Classical Library 33. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 2004.
  • James, Sharon Lynn. Learned Girls and Male Persuation, Gender and Reading in Roman Love Elegy. London, England: University of California Press. 2003.
  • Liddell, Henry George ve Scott Robert. A Greek-English Lexicon. Eight Edition. Oxford: Clarendon Press.1897.
  • MacKay, L.A. “The Well-Disposed and Ill-Used Door (Propertius 1.16)”. Phoenix 10 (1956): 13-19.
  • Mart. Ep. (=Martialis, Epigrammata) Martial. Epigrams, Volume II: Books 6-10. Çev. D. R. Shackleton Bailey. Loeb Classical Library 95. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 1993.
  • McKeown, James C. Ovid: Amores. Text, Prolegomena and Commentary in Four Volumes. Leeds: Francis Cairns Publication. 1987.
  • Mel. Anth. Pal. (Meleagros, Anthologia Palatina) Greek Anthology, Book 1: Christian Epigrams. Book 2: Description of the Statues in the Gymnasium of Zeuxippus. Book 3: Epigrams in the Temple of Apollonis at Cyzicus. Book 4: Prefaces to the Various Anthologies. Book 5: Erotic Epigram. Çev. W. R. Paton. Loeb Classical Library 67. Vol. I. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 2014.
  • Mirmont, Ville De. “Le Paraklausithyron Dans La Litterature Latine”. Philologie et Linguistique - Melanges Offerts a Louis Havet Par Ses Anciens Èlèves Et Ses Amis. Paris: Librairie Hachette. 1909. 573-592.
  • Murgatroyd, Paul. Tibullus I, A Commentary on the First Book of the Elegies of Albius Tibullus. Pietermaritzburg: University of Natal Press. 1980.
  • Nisbet, Robin George Murdoch ve Niall Rudd. A Commentary On Horace: Odes Book III. United States: Oxford University Press. 2004.
  • Ogle, Marbury Bladen. “The House Door in Greek and Roman Religion and Folklore”. The American Journal of Philology 32 (1911): 251 -271.
  • Ov. Ars Am. (= Ovidius, Ars Amatoria). Ovid, Art of Love, Cosmetics, Remedies for Love, Ibis, Walnut-tree, Sea Fishing, Consolation. Çev. J. H. Mozley. Loeb Classical Library 232. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 1929.
  • --.Am. (=Amores) Ovid. Heroides. Amores. Çev. Grant Showerman, Loeb Classical Library 41. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 1914.
  • --. Rem. Am. (= Remedia Amoris) Ovid, Art of Love, Cosmetics, Remedies for Love, Ibis, Walnut-tree, Sea Fishing, Consolation. Çev. J. H. Mozley. Loeb Classical Library 232. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 1929.
  • --. Met. (=Metamorphoses) Ovid. Metamorphoses, Volume II: Books 9-15. Çev. Frank Justus Miller. Loeb Classical Library 43. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1916.
  • Pappas, Vasileios. “Variety in Tibullus 1.2”. Rosetta 18 (2016): 48-64.
  • Pichon, Rene. Index Verborum Amatorium. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag.1966.
  • Platon, Symp. (=Symposion) Plato. Lysis. Symposium. Gorgias. Çev. W. R. M. Lamb. Loeb Classical Library 166. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1925.
  • Plaut., Asinaria. The Comedy of Asses. The Pot of Gold. The Two Bacchises. The Captives. Çev. Wolfgang de Melo. Loeb Classical Library 60. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 2011.
  • Plaut.,Curc. ( = Plautus, Curculio). Plautus Casina. The Casket Comedy. Curculio. Epidicus. The Two Menaechmuses. Çev. Wolfgang de Melo. Loeb Classical Library 61. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 2011.
  • Plutarkhos Amat. (=Plutharkhos, Amatorius). Plutarch, Moralia. Volume IX: Table- Talk, Books 7-9, Dialogue on Love. Çev. Edwin L. Minar & F. H. Sandbach, W. C. Helmbold. Loeb Classical Library 425. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 1961.
  • Prop. (=Propertius) Propertius, Elegies. Ed. G. P. Goold. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1990.
  • Q. Horatius Flaccus, İambus’lar, Lirik Şiirler, Satura’lar, Mektuplar. Çev. Türkan Uzel. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi, 1994.
  • Theoc. (=Theokritos) Theocritus, Moschus, Bion. Çev.Neil Hopkinson. Loeb Classical Library 28. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 2015.
  • Tib.(=Tibullus) Catullus, Tibullus. Catullus. Tibullus. Pervigilium Veneris. Çev. F. W. Cornish, J. P. Postgate, J. W. Mackail. Loeb Classical Library, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 1913.
  • Yardley, John C. “The Elegiac Paraclausithyron”. Eranos 76 (1978): 19-34.


Year 2020, Volume: 60 Issue: 1, 335 - 354, 01.01.2020


Throughout history, lovers have found several ways to express their love. One of these ways is the serenade performed in front of the window of the beloved on the street at night. Paraclausithyron, which we can call the first literary form of the serenade, was a method that was used to declare love to the lover 2500 years ago, but it took a tragic style rather than a romantic style of serenate. In this study, first of all, the origins and features of paraclausithyron in Greek literature are discussed, and then the poems of the famous lyric poet of the Latin literature, Horatius, are examined, and the similarities and differences between the elegy poets of Tibulus, Propertius and Ovidius, and their treatment of and approach to this theme are emphasized.


  • Anon. Anth. Pal. ( = Anonymous, Anthologia Palatina) The Greek Anthology, Volume IV: Book 10: The Hortatory and Admonitory Epigrams. Book 11: The Convivial and Satirical Epigrams. Book 12: Strato's Musa Puerilis. Çev. W. R. Paton. Loeb Classical Library 85. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1918.
  • Anth. Pal.( = Anthologia Palatina) Greek Anthology, Book 1: Christian Epigrams. Book 2: Description of the Statues in the Gymnasium of Zeuxippus. Book 3: Epigrams in the Temple of Apollonis at Cyzicus. Book 4: Prefaces to the Various Anthologies. Book 5: Erotic Epigram. Çev. W. R. Paton. Loeb Classical Library 67. Vol. I. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 2014.
  • Barsby, John A. Ovid’s Amores Book One. Great Britain: Oxford At The Clarendon Press. 1973.
  • Cairns, Francis. Tibullus: A Hellenistic Poet at Rome. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1979.
  • Canter, Howard Vernon. “The Paracalausithyron as a Literary Theme”. The American Journal of Philology 41.4 (1920): 355-368.
  • Callim. Anth. Pal. (=Kallimakhos, Anthologia Palatina) The Greek Anthology, Volume IV: Book 10: The Hortatory and Admonitory Epigrams. Book 11: The Convivial and Satirical Epigrams. Book 12: Strato's Musa Puerilis. Çev. W. R. Paton. Loeb Classical Library 85. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1918.
  • Cat. (= Catullus). Catullus, Tibullus. Pervigilium Veneris. Çev. F. W. Cornish, J. P. Postgate, J. W. Mackail. Loeb Classical Library 6. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 1913.
  • Copley, Frank Olin. “On the Origin of Certain Features of the Paraclausithyron”. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association 73 (1942): 96-107.
  • --.Exclusus Amator. American Philological Association Monograph Series. Ed. Francis R. Walton. Chico, CA: Scholars Press. 1956.
  • Cummings, Micheal. Observations on the Development and Code of the Pre-elegiac Paraklausithyron. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, University of Ottawa. 1996. ProQuest. Web. 28 Ağustos 2019.
  • Dodson, Joseph R. “Locked-Out Lovers: Wisdom of Solomon 1.16 in Light Of the Paraclausithyron Motif”. Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 17.1 (2007): 21-35.
  • Henderson, William J. “The Paraklausithyron Motif in Horace’s Odes”. Acta Classica 16 (1973):51-67.
  • Hor. Carm. (= Horatius, Carmina). Horace. Odes and Epodes. Çev. Niall Rudd. Loeb Classical Library 33. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 2004.
  • James, Sharon Lynn. Learned Girls and Male Persuation, Gender and Reading in Roman Love Elegy. London, England: University of California Press. 2003.
  • Liddell, Henry George ve Scott Robert. A Greek-English Lexicon. Eight Edition. Oxford: Clarendon Press.1897.
  • MacKay, L.A. “The Well-Disposed and Ill-Used Door (Propertius 1.16)”. Phoenix 10 (1956): 13-19.
  • Mart. Ep. (=Martialis, Epigrammata) Martial. Epigrams, Volume II: Books 6-10. Çev. D. R. Shackleton Bailey. Loeb Classical Library 95. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 1993.
  • McKeown, James C. Ovid: Amores. Text, Prolegomena and Commentary in Four Volumes. Leeds: Francis Cairns Publication. 1987.
  • Mel. Anth. Pal. (Meleagros, Anthologia Palatina) Greek Anthology, Book 1: Christian Epigrams. Book 2: Description of the Statues in the Gymnasium of Zeuxippus. Book 3: Epigrams in the Temple of Apollonis at Cyzicus. Book 4: Prefaces to the Various Anthologies. Book 5: Erotic Epigram. Çev. W. R. Paton. Loeb Classical Library 67. Vol. I. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 2014.
  • Mirmont, Ville De. “Le Paraklausithyron Dans La Litterature Latine”. Philologie et Linguistique - Melanges Offerts a Louis Havet Par Ses Anciens Èlèves Et Ses Amis. Paris: Librairie Hachette. 1909. 573-592.
  • Murgatroyd, Paul. Tibullus I, A Commentary on the First Book of the Elegies of Albius Tibullus. Pietermaritzburg: University of Natal Press. 1980.
  • Nisbet, Robin George Murdoch ve Niall Rudd. A Commentary On Horace: Odes Book III. United States: Oxford University Press. 2004.
  • Ogle, Marbury Bladen. “The House Door in Greek and Roman Religion and Folklore”. The American Journal of Philology 32 (1911): 251 -271.
  • Ov. Ars Am. (= Ovidius, Ars Amatoria). Ovid, Art of Love, Cosmetics, Remedies for Love, Ibis, Walnut-tree, Sea Fishing, Consolation. Çev. J. H. Mozley. Loeb Classical Library 232. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 1929.
  • --.Am. (=Amores) Ovid. Heroides. Amores. Çev. Grant Showerman, Loeb Classical Library 41. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 1914.
  • --. Rem. Am. (= Remedia Amoris) Ovid, Art of Love, Cosmetics, Remedies for Love, Ibis, Walnut-tree, Sea Fishing, Consolation. Çev. J. H. Mozley. Loeb Classical Library 232. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 1929.
  • --. Met. (=Metamorphoses) Ovid. Metamorphoses, Volume II: Books 9-15. Çev. Frank Justus Miller. Loeb Classical Library 43. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1916.
  • Pappas, Vasileios. “Variety in Tibullus 1.2”. Rosetta 18 (2016): 48-64.
  • Pichon, Rene. Index Verborum Amatorium. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag.1966.
  • Platon, Symp. (=Symposion) Plato. Lysis. Symposium. Gorgias. Çev. W. R. M. Lamb. Loeb Classical Library 166. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1925.
  • Plaut., Asinaria. The Comedy of Asses. The Pot of Gold. The Two Bacchises. The Captives. Çev. Wolfgang de Melo. Loeb Classical Library 60. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 2011.
  • Plaut.,Curc. ( = Plautus, Curculio). Plautus Casina. The Casket Comedy. Curculio. Epidicus. The Two Menaechmuses. Çev. Wolfgang de Melo. Loeb Classical Library 61. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 2011.
  • Plutarkhos Amat. (=Plutharkhos, Amatorius). Plutarch, Moralia. Volume IX: Table- Talk, Books 7-9, Dialogue on Love. Çev. Edwin L. Minar & F. H. Sandbach, W. C. Helmbold. Loeb Classical Library 425. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 1961.
  • Prop. (=Propertius) Propertius, Elegies. Ed. G. P. Goold. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1990.
  • Q. Horatius Flaccus, İambus’lar, Lirik Şiirler, Satura’lar, Mektuplar. Çev. Türkan Uzel. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi, 1994.
  • Theoc. (=Theokritos) Theocritus, Moschus, Bion. Çev.Neil Hopkinson. Loeb Classical Library 28. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 2015.
  • Tib.(=Tibullus) Catullus, Tibullus. Catullus. Tibullus. Pervigilium Veneris. Çev. F. W. Cornish, J. P. Postgate, J. W. Mackail. Loeb Classical Library, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 1913.
  • Yardley, John C. “The Elegiac Paraclausithyron”. Eranos 76 (1978): 19-34.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Rukiye Öztürk This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 60 Issue: 1


APA Öztürk, R. (2020). LATİN AŞK ELEGEIASINDA PARACLAUSITHYRON. Ankara Üniversitesi Dil Ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 60(1), 335-354.

Ankara University Journal of the Faculty of Languages and History-Geography

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