Writing Rules


Ankara University Journal of the Faculty of Languages and History-Geography (DTCF Journal) is published biannually, in June and December. All material to be considered for publication in The Journal should be prepared in accordance with the instructions below:
• All the manuscripts submitted to the DTCF Journal should be written in the fields of social sciences like language, culture, literature, history, geography, philosophy, psychology and sociology.
• Original manuscripts written in Turkish or in English are accepted.
• Authors must have obtained their ORCID number from https://orcid.org/register before submitting their work to the Journal.
• Manuscripts submitted to the Journal should not have been previously published elsewhere and should not have been submitted to another journal for publication even in another language.
• Manuscripts should be no less than 4000 and no more than 15000 words in length.
• The APA 6 format (American Psychological Association) should be followed in references, in-manuscript citations and bibliography.
• After bibliography, an extended summary with 700-1000 words in English should be written.
Manuscripts submitted to the Journal should be detected for similarity by author(s) through iThenticate software and the similarity report should be uploaded to the Journal system with the manuscript. Authors should strictly avoid plagiarism, including self-plagiarism. Except for the references section, articles with similarity score over 18% are not evaluated.
• Manuscripts should be prepared according to the Author Guidelines stated below. Manuscripts not prepared in accordance with the Journal’s style guide and principles of section organisation are not evaluated for publication.

All manuscripts should be typed on a standard A4 vertical size word document with margins of 2.5 cm on all margins. Manuscripts should be written in Bookman Old Style and prepared in accordance with the order and rules stated below.
Title: The title of the manuscript should be centred and written in UPPERCASE with 12-point font, bold type.
• Title in Turkish: The title in Turkish, placed after the English title, should be centred and written in 12-point font, bold type.
Author/Authors: The title should be followed by the author’s name (in lowercase with the first letter capitalized) and last name (in UPPERCASE LETTERS) which should be left-aligned and written in 12-point font, bold type. This should be followed by information about the author (academic position, institution and author's email address). In addition, the "ORCID" number(s) of the author(s) should be given in the following line.
Abstract: The abstract in English should be single-spaced and written in 10-point font, italic type. The abstract should be no less than 200 words and no more than 300 words.
Keywords: A minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 keywords which identify the content of the study should be presented and written in 10-point font. The first letter of each keyword should be capitalized, and each keyword must be separated by a semicolon and written in italic type.
Öz (Abstract in Turkish): The manuscript given in the English abstract should be written in Turkish in italic type.
Anahtar Sözcükler (Keywords in Turkish): Keywords in English should be given with the same rules in Turkish and written in 10-point font.
Main Text: Manuscript should be written in 11-point font with 1.5 line spacing and justified on Microsoft Word. There should be 6 pt spacing between paragraphs, paragraph indent should be 1 cm.
Footnotes: Footnotes should be written in 9-point font with 1.15 line spacing and justified; should be separated from the main text by a footnote line. There should be 6 pt spacing between footnotes.

Manuscripts should include the following parts in the order as stated below, and should be structured according to the following instructions:
Introduction: The research problem and goals of the manuscript are discussed with the body of literature and the theoretical framework of the study is revealed.
Titles: The whole title should be written in uppercase and bold type.
Subheadings: All the subheadings should be written in bold type, the initial of each word should be capitalized, and after the subheading, an indent should follow. All citations and sources used in manuscripts should be indicated. Short quotations should be italicized in quotation marks (“…”). Long quotations (more than 40 words) should be written on a new line without quotation marks in 10-point font, non-italicized and indented 2 cm from each margin (left and right). Then, a full stop should follow.
Conclusion: Conclusion(s) reached in the light of the findings should be explained.
Bibliography: In-text citations and references should be given in accordance with APA 6 (American Psychological Association) format. The principles of Turkish references for Turkish manuscripts and English references for English manuscripts should be taken into account.
Summary: After bibliography, an extended summary with 700-1000 words in English should be written. (The summary will provide preliminary information about the essence of the article for researchers browsing international databases at home and abroad and will make the article get more international citations.) The purpose and theoretical framework of the manuscript should be specified in the summary. The method, results, discussion and conclusion should be clearly given. The summary should be single-spaced and written in 10-point font.

For Applied Research, the following parts should also be included in the article:
Introduction: The basis of the research subject, summary of the parts of the study, its relevance to academic body of literature, significance of the study, research problem and its goals should be discussed in detail in the introductory part. This part can be structured under a single title or several subheadings. No bold or underlined phrases should be used in the manuscript.
Method: The type, model, questions and hypotheses, research population, data collection techniques, validity and reliability, data analysis, limits of the study, and ethics committee approval (if necessary) should be included in the methods part. This part can be structured in subheadings like Research Problems, Research Model, Hypotheses, Data Analysis, and Data Collection Techniques.
Results: The results of the study should be explained to support the goal and problem of the study, and should be explored through related tables, figures, graphs, or diagrams in a way to preserve the integrity of the study. All the tables, figures, graphs, or diagrams used in the study should be clearly signposted by in-manuscript directions. The results in the form of graphs or figures should be presented in high-quality in order to ensure publication quality and legibility. Findings demonstrated in tables should be presented in a format in accordance with the APA Guidelines. All the tables, graphs, figures, and diagrams used in the study should be titled. The results can be presented under subheadings in order to increase the legibility and clarity of the study.
Conclusion: Conclusion(s) reached in the light of the findings of the study should be explained.
Suggestions: In line with the conclusion(s) of the study, suggestions should be developed. These suggestions should also point to potential future studies and practices in the field which will contribute to the relevant academic body of literature.
Acknowledgements: Individuals or institutions that contributed to the study (if necessary) should be acknowledged in the form of footnotes.

The "Appendices" presented in the manuscript should be prepared according to the following rules.
• Appendix: Additional tables, figures, graphics and pictures should be given in a new page after the Extended Summary. Each appendix should be listed as Appendix 1, Appendix 2 and titled separately. If there is an item used in appendix, directions towards this item should be given in the manuscript.
• If visual materials such as photo and diagram are used, sources should be indicated. Author(s) are held legally responsible for permission or copyright.
• After evaluation processes of manuscripts have been completed, (except suggestions of reviewers) author(s) cannot make any major changes (such as adding a chapter, paragraph, table, picture, graphic, or another author's name).

All cited works should be written in the “Bibliography” at the end of the article according to the surname of the authors.
Any work that is not cited in the article should not be added to the “Bibliography”. The in-text citation method and the title of the work should be in accordance with the examples below. In-text citations and references should be given in accordance with the language of the manuscript. The principles of Turkish references for Turkish manuscripts and English references for English manuscripts should be taken into account.

Ankara University Journal of the Faculty of Languages and History-Geography

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