Case Report
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Kadavrada Musculus Soleus Accessorius Varlığı: Vaka Sunumu

Year 2023, , 99 - 102, 30.04.2023


İnsan anatomisi değişken bir yapıya sahiptir. Kasa özgü çeşitli ve nadir yardımcı yapılar görülebilmektedir. Aksesuar soleus kası (accessory soleus muscle, ASM) bunlardan biridir ve bu olgu sunumunda incelenmiştir. ASM, bir erkek kadavranın sağ bacağını rutin öğrenme ve diseksiyon derslerini öğretme sırasında diseke edilirken görüldü. Bu kas incelendiğinde bacağın alt 1/3'inde medialde soleus kasından fasiyal bağlantılarla başlayan kalın bir yapı görüldü. Bu unipennate şekilli süper numerik kas 3,95 cm genişliğe, 25,82 cm uzunluğa ve 0,82 cm kalınlığa sahipti. Radyolojik görüntülerde görülmekte olan bu kas sıklıkla ganglion, lipom, hemanjiyom, sinovioma ve sarkom gibi yumuşak doku tümörleri ile karışabilmektedir ve kasın patolojisinde ağrı ve tarsal tünel sendromu benzeri etkilere neden olabilmektedir.


  • Sookur PA, Naraghi AM, Bleakney RR, Jalan R, Chan O, White LM. Accessory muscles: Anatomy, symptoms, and radiologic evaluation. Radiographics. 2008;28(2):481-99.
  • Kinugasa R, Taniguchi K, Yamamura N, Fujimiya M, Katayose M, Takagi S, et al. A Multi-modality approach towards elucidation of the mechanism for human Achilles tendon bending during passive ankle rotation. Sci Rep. 2018;8(1):4319.
  • Kouvalchouk JF, Lecocq J, Parier J, Fischer M. [The accessory soleus muscle: a report of 21 cases and a review of the literature]. Rev Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar Mot. 2005;91(3):232-8. French.
  • Singh KP, Kaur S, Singh A, Kakkar A. Imaging of accessory soleus muscle: A case report with review of the literature. Indian J Musculoskelet Radiol 2022;4(2):98-102.
  • Cruveilhier J. Traité d’anatomie descriptive. 1st ed. Paris: Ancienne maison Béchet jeune Labé; 1843.
  • Christodoulou A, Terzidis I, Natsis K, Gigis I, Pournaras J. Soleus accessorius, an anomalous muscle in a young athlete: case report and analysis of the literature. Br J Sports Med. 2004;38(6):e38.
  • Luck MD, Gordon AG, Blebea JS, Dalinka MK. High association between accessory soleus muscle and Achilles tendonopathy. Skeletal Radiol. 2008;37(12):1129-33.
  • Yu JS, Resnick D. MR imaging of the accessory soleus muscle appearance in six patients and a review of the literature. Skeletal Radiol. 1994;23(7):525-8.
  • Del Nero FB, Ruiz CR, Aliaga Júnior R. The presence of accessory soleus muscle in humans. Einstein (Sao Paulo). 2012;10(1):79-81.
  • Ertaş A, Karip B. An abnormal relationship in tarsal tunnel : case report. Ahi Evran Med J. 2022;6(1):104-5.
  • Carrington SC, Stone P, Kruse D. A case report of exertional compartment and tarsal tunnel syndrome associated with an accessory soleus muscle. J Foot Ankle Surg. 2016;55(5):1076-8.
  • Bauones S, Moraux A. The accessory coracobrachialis muscle: ultrasound and MR features. Skeletal Radiol. 2015;44(9):1273-8.
  • Plečko M, Knežević I, Dimnjaković D, Josipović M, Bojanić I. Accessory soleus muscle: two case reports with a completely different presentation caused by the same entity. Case Rep Orthop. 2020;2020:8851920.
  • Doda N, Peh WC, Chawla A. Symptomatic accessory soleus muscle: diagnosis and follow-up on magnetic resonance imaging. Br J Radiol. 2006;79(946):e129-32.
  • Mayer WP, Baptista JDS, Azeredo RA, Musso F. Accessory soleus muscle: a case report and clinical applicability. Autops Case Reports. 2013;3(3):5-9.
  • Chotigavanichaya C, Scaduto AA, Jadhav A, Otsuka NY. Accessory soleus muscle as a cause of resistance to correction in congenital club foot: a case report. Foot Ankle Int. 2000;21(11):948-50.
  • Kendi TK, Erakar A, Oktay O, Yildiz HY, Saglik Y. Accessory soleus muscle. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc. 2004;94(6):587-9.
  • Abrego MO, De Cicco FL, Gimenez NE, Marquesini MO, Sotelano P, Carrasco MN, et al. Talus bipartitus: a rare anatomical variant presenting as an entrapment neuropathy of the tibial nerve within the tarsal tunnel. Case Rep Orthop. 2018;2018:2737982.
  • Doneddu PE, Cocito D, Manganelli F, Fazio R, Briani C, Filosto M, et al. Atypical CIDP: diagnostic criteria, progression and treatment response. Data from the Italian CIDP database. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2019;90(2):125-32.
  • Cheung Y. Normal variants: accessory muscles about the ankle. Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am. 2017;25(1):11-26.
  • Lorentzon R, Wirell S. Anatomic variations of the accessory soleus muscle. Acta Radiol. 1987;28(5):627-9.
  • Hatzantonis C, Agur A, Naraghi A, Gautier S, McKee N. Dissecting the accessory soleus muscle: a literature review, cadaveric study, and imaging study. Clin Anat. 2011;24(7):903-10.
  • Reddy P, Mccollum GA. The accessory soleus muscle causing tibial nerve compression neuropathy: A case report. SA Orthop J. 2015;14(4):58-61.
  • Kinoshita M, Okuda R, Morikawa J, Abe M. Tarsal tunnel syndrome associated with an accessory muscle. Foot Ankle Int. 2003;24(2):132-6.
  • Deffinis C, Isner-Horobeti ME, Blaes C, Muhl C, Lecocq J. Painful accessory soleus muscle in the athletes: 3 first cases treated by botulinum toxin A. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2012;55(S1):e80.
  • Dokter G, Linclau LA. Case report: the accessory soleus muscle: symptomatic soft tissue tumour or accidental finding. Neth J Surg. 1981;33(3):146-9.

Presence of Accessory Soleus Muscle in Cadaver: Case Report

Year 2023, , 99 - 102, 30.04.2023


Human anatomy is a variable structure. There are various rare muscle-specific accessory structures. The accessory soleus muscle (ASM) is one of them and was studied in this case report. ASM was seen during routine learning and teaching dissection lessons while dissecting the right leg of a male body. When this muscle was examined, a thick beginning with fascial connections from the soleus muscle, medially in the lower 1/3 of the leg was seen. This unipennate-shaped super numeric muscle had a 3.95 cm width, 25.82 cm length, and 0.82 cm thickness. This muscle, which is seen on radiological images, may often be confused with soft tissue tumors such as ganglion, lipoma, hemangioma, synovioma, and sarcoma, and on the pathology of the muscle may cause pain and tarsal tunnel syndrome-like effects.


  • Sookur PA, Naraghi AM, Bleakney RR, Jalan R, Chan O, White LM. Accessory muscles: Anatomy, symptoms, and radiologic evaluation. Radiographics. 2008;28(2):481-99.
  • Kinugasa R, Taniguchi K, Yamamura N, Fujimiya M, Katayose M, Takagi S, et al. A Multi-modality approach towards elucidation of the mechanism for human Achilles tendon bending during passive ankle rotation. Sci Rep. 2018;8(1):4319.
  • Kouvalchouk JF, Lecocq J, Parier J, Fischer M. [The accessory soleus muscle: a report of 21 cases and a review of the literature]. Rev Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar Mot. 2005;91(3):232-8. French.
  • Singh KP, Kaur S, Singh A, Kakkar A. Imaging of accessory soleus muscle: A case report with review of the literature. Indian J Musculoskelet Radiol 2022;4(2):98-102.
  • Cruveilhier J. Traité d’anatomie descriptive. 1st ed. Paris: Ancienne maison Béchet jeune Labé; 1843.
  • Christodoulou A, Terzidis I, Natsis K, Gigis I, Pournaras J. Soleus accessorius, an anomalous muscle in a young athlete: case report and analysis of the literature. Br J Sports Med. 2004;38(6):e38.
  • Luck MD, Gordon AG, Blebea JS, Dalinka MK. High association between accessory soleus muscle and Achilles tendonopathy. Skeletal Radiol. 2008;37(12):1129-33.
  • Yu JS, Resnick D. MR imaging of the accessory soleus muscle appearance in six patients and a review of the literature. Skeletal Radiol. 1994;23(7):525-8.
  • Del Nero FB, Ruiz CR, Aliaga Júnior R. The presence of accessory soleus muscle in humans. Einstein (Sao Paulo). 2012;10(1):79-81.
  • Ertaş A, Karip B. An abnormal relationship in tarsal tunnel : case report. Ahi Evran Med J. 2022;6(1):104-5.
  • Carrington SC, Stone P, Kruse D. A case report of exertional compartment and tarsal tunnel syndrome associated with an accessory soleus muscle. J Foot Ankle Surg. 2016;55(5):1076-8.
  • Bauones S, Moraux A. The accessory coracobrachialis muscle: ultrasound and MR features. Skeletal Radiol. 2015;44(9):1273-8.
  • Plečko M, Knežević I, Dimnjaković D, Josipović M, Bojanić I. Accessory soleus muscle: two case reports with a completely different presentation caused by the same entity. Case Rep Orthop. 2020;2020:8851920.
  • Doda N, Peh WC, Chawla A. Symptomatic accessory soleus muscle: diagnosis and follow-up on magnetic resonance imaging. Br J Radiol. 2006;79(946):e129-32.
  • Mayer WP, Baptista JDS, Azeredo RA, Musso F. Accessory soleus muscle: a case report and clinical applicability. Autops Case Reports. 2013;3(3):5-9.
  • Chotigavanichaya C, Scaduto AA, Jadhav A, Otsuka NY. Accessory soleus muscle as a cause of resistance to correction in congenital club foot: a case report. Foot Ankle Int. 2000;21(11):948-50.
  • Kendi TK, Erakar A, Oktay O, Yildiz HY, Saglik Y. Accessory soleus muscle. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc. 2004;94(6):587-9.
  • Abrego MO, De Cicco FL, Gimenez NE, Marquesini MO, Sotelano P, Carrasco MN, et al. Talus bipartitus: a rare anatomical variant presenting as an entrapment neuropathy of the tibial nerve within the tarsal tunnel. Case Rep Orthop. 2018;2018:2737982.
  • Doneddu PE, Cocito D, Manganelli F, Fazio R, Briani C, Filosto M, et al. Atypical CIDP: diagnostic criteria, progression and treatment response. Data from the Italian CIDP database. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2019;90(2):125-32.
  • Cheung Y. Normal variants: accessory muscles about the ankle. Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am. 2017;25(1):11-26.
  • Lorentzon R, Wirell S. Anatomic variations of the accessory soleus muscle. Acta Radiol. 1987;28(5):627-9.
  • Hatzantonis C, Agur A, Naraghi A, Gautier S, McKee N. Dissecting the accessory soleus muscle: a literature review, cadaveric study, and imaging study. Clin Anat. 2011;24(7):903-10.
  • Reddy P, Mccollum GA. The accessory soleus muscle causing tibial nerve compression neuropathy: A case report. SA Orthop J. 2015;14(4):58-61.
  • Kinoshita M, Okuda R, Morikawa J, Abe M. Tarsal tunnel syndrome associated with an accessory muscle. Foot Ankle Int. 2003;24(2):132-6.
  • Deffinis C, Isner-Horobeti ME, Blaes C, Muhl C, Lecocq J. Painful accessory soleus muscle in the athletes: 3 first cases treated by botulinum toxin A. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2012;55(S1):e80.
  • Dokter G, Linclau LA. Case report: the accessory soleus muscle: symptomatic soft tissue tumour or accidental finding. Neth J Surg. 1981;33(3):146-9.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Case Report

Rabia Solak Döner 0000-0002-3498-3987

Papatya Keleş 0000-0003-4096-8318

Burak Karip 0000-0002-6757-4960

Publication Date April 30, 2023
Submission Date January 3, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Solak Döner, R., Keleş, P., & Karip, B. (2023). Presence of Accessory Soleus Muscle in Cadaver: Case Report. Duzce Medical Journal, 25(1), 99-102.
AMA Solak Döner R, Keleş P, Karip B. Presence of Accessory Soleus Muscle in Cadaver: Case Report. Duzce Med J. April 2023;25(1):99-102. doi:10.18678/dtfd.1228907
Chicago Solak Döner, Rabia, Papatya Keleş, and Burak Karip. “Presence of Accessory Soleus Muscle in Cadaver: Case Report”. Duzce Medical Journal 25, no. 1 (April 2023): 99-102.
EndNote Solak Döner R, Keleş P, Karip B (April 1, 2023) Presence of Accessory Soleus Muscle in Cadaver: Case Report. Duzce Medical Journal 25 1 99–102.
IEEE R. Solak Döner, P. Keleş, and B. Karip, “Presence of Accessory Soleus Muscle in Cadaver: Case Report”, Duzce Med J, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 99–102, 2023, doi: 10.18678/dtfd.1228907.
ISNAD Solak Döner, Rabia et al. “Presence of Accessory Soleus Muscle in Cadaver: Case Report”. Duzce Medical Journal 25/1 (April 2023), 99-102.
JAMA Solak Döner R, Keleş P, Karip B. Presence of Accessory Soleus Muscle in Cadaver: Case Report. Duzce Med J. 2023;25:99–102.
MLA Solak Döner, Rabia et al. “Presence of Accessory Soleus Muscle in Cadaver: Case Report”. Duzce Medical Journal, vol. 25, no. 1, 2023, pp. 99-102, doi:10.18678/dtfd.1228907.
Vancouver Solak Döner R, Keleş P, Karip B. Presence of Accessory Soleus Muscle in Cadaver: Case Report. Duzce Med J. 2023;25(1):99-102.