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Kanser Hastalarının Kişilik Özelliklerinin Kontrol Grubu ile Karşılaştırılması

Year 2019, , 204 - 209, 30.12.2019


Amaç: Kişiliğin hem fiziksel hem de ruhsal sağlıkla ilişkili pek çok faktör üzerinde etkili olabildiği bilinmektedir. Bazı kişilik özelliklerinin kanser gelişiminde de bir faktör olarak önem taşıdığı düşünülmekte ve bu nedenle de kansere yatkın kişilik kavramı araştırmacıların ilgisini çekmeye devam etmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, farklı türden kanser hastaları ile sağlıklı kontrol grubu arasındaki kişilik özelliklerindeki farklılıkları incelemek ve karşılaştırmaktır.

Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu çalışmaya farklı türden kanser tanısı olan hastalar (n=100) ve kontrol grubu olarak da sağlıklı bireylerden (n=93) oluşan toplam 193 kişi dahil edilmiştir. Kişilik özellikleri ile ilgili verilerin elde edilmesi için Hacettepe Kişilik Envanteri (HKE) kullanılmıştır.

Bulgular: HKE’nin kişisel uyum alt ölçeklerinden olan Kendini Gerçekleştirme (KG) ve Duygusal Kararlılık (DK) puan ortalamalarının kontrol grubu ile karşılaştırıldığında, kanser grubunda anlamlı şekilde daha düşük olduğu bulunmuştur (p=0,016 ve p=0,009). Kanser türlerine göre yapılan ileri analizler sonucunda ise, baş boyun kanseri alt grubunda hem KG hem de DK puanlarının, hem kontrol grubundan hem de diğer kanser türlerine sahip alt gruplardan daha düşük olduğu görülmüştür (p=0.004 ve p=0.001).

Sonuç: Bu çalışmanın sonuçları, kanser grubu ve kontrol grubu arasında kişilik özellikleri açısından farklılıklar olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Genel olarak, baş boyun kanserli hastalara özgü kişilik özelliklerinin kanser gelişiminde önemli bir faktör olmaktan ziyade, baş boyun kanseri gelişimi sonucu ortaya çıkmış olan tepkiler olabileceği düşünülmüştür.


  • Lepore SJ, Coyne JC. Psychological interventions for distress in cancer patients: a review of reviews. Ann Behav Med. 2006;32(2):85-92.
  • Mausbach BT, Yeung P, Bos T, Irwin SA. Health care costs of depression in patients diagnosed with cancer. Psychooncology. 2018;27(7):1735-41.
  • Tokgöz G, Yaluğ İ, Özdemir S, Yazici A, Uygun K, Aker T. Prevalence of major depression in patients with cancer and related factors. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry. 2008;9(2):59-66.
  • Akdemir N, Birol L. Internal medicine and nursing care. Ankara: Sistem Offset; 2005.
  • Ateşçi FÇ, Oğuzhanoğlu NK, Baltalarlı B, Karadag F, Ozdel O, Karagoz N. Psychiatric disorders in cancer patients and related factors. Turk Psikiyatri Derg. 2003;14(2):145-52.
  • Öztürk MO, Uluşahin NA. Mental health and disorders. 11th ed. Ankara: Nobel Tıp; 2008.
  • Dorn HF. Cancer and the marital status. Human Biol. 1943;15:73-9.
  • Lombard HL, Potter EA. Epidemiological aspects of cancer of the cervix. II. Hereditary and environmental factors. Cancer. 1950;3(6):960-8.
  • Snow H. A treatise, practical and theoretic, on cancer and the cancer-process. London; J&A Churchill; 1893.
  • Dattore PJ, Shontz FC, Coyne L. Premorbid personality differentiation of cancer and noncancer groups: A test of the hypothesis of cancer proneness. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1980;48(3):388-94.
  • LeShan L, Worthington RE. Loss of cathexes as a common psychodynamic characteristic of cancer patients: An attempt at statistical validation of a clinical hypothesis. Psychol Rep. 1956;2(3):183-93.
  • García-Torres F, Alós FJ, Pérez-Dueñas C. Commentary: Eysenck personality questionnaire revised psychoticism predicts motivational-somatic symptoms of depression in breast cancer survivors. Front Public Health. 2016;4:42.
  • Durá‐Ferrandis E, Mandelblatt JS, Clapp J, Luta G, Faul L, Kimmick G, et al. Personality, coping, and social support as predictors of long‐term quality‐of‐life trajectories in older breast cancer survivors: CALGB protocol 369901 (Alliance). Psychooncology. 2017;26(11):1914-21.
  • Perry LM, Hoerger M, Silberstein J, Sartor O, Duberstein P. Understanding the distressed prostate cancer patient: Role of personality. Psychooncology. 2018;27(3):810-6.
  • Morgan S, Cooper B, Paul S, Hammer MJ, Conley YP, Levine JD, et al. Association of personality profiles with depressive, anxiety, and cancer-related symptoms in patients undergoing chemotherapy. Pers Individ Dif. 2017;117:130-8.
  • You J, Wang C, Rodriguez L, Wang X, Lu Q. Personality, coping strategies and emotional adjustment among Chinese cancer patients of different ages. Eur J Cancer Care. 2018;27:e12781.
  • Özgüven İE. Hacettepe personality inventory handbook. 2nd ed. Ankara: PDREM; 1992.
  • Hansen PE, Floderus B, Frederiksen K, Johansen C. Personality traits, health behavior, and risk for cancer: a prospective study of a Swedish twin cohort. Cancer. 2005;103(5):1082-91.
  • Greer S, Morris T. Psychosocial attributes of women who develop breast cancer: a controlled study. J Psychosom Res. 1975;19(2):147-53.
  • Fox CM, Harper AP, Hyner GC, Lyle RM. Loneliness, emotional repression, marital quality, and major life events in women who develop breast cancer. J Community Health. 1994;19(6):467-82.
  • Shaffer JW, Graves PL, Swank RT, Pearson TA. Clustering of personality traits in youth and the subsequent development of cancer among physicians. J Behav Med. 1987;10(5):441-7.
  • Nakaya N, Tsubono Y, Hosokawa T, Nishino Y, Ohkubo T, Hozawa A, et al. Personality and the risk of cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2003;95(11):799-805.
  • Moore MA, Eser S, Igisinov N, Igisinov S, Mohagheghi MA, Mousavi-Jarrahi A, et al. Cancer epidemiology and control in North-Western and Central Asia -past, present and future. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2010;11(Suppl 2):17-32.
  • Kissen DM, Eysenck HJ. Personality in male lung cancer patients. J Psychosom Res. 1962;6(2):123-7.
  • Nakaya N, Bidstrup PE, Saito-Nakaya K, Frederiksen K, Koskenvuo M, Pukkala E, et al. Personality traits and cancer risk and survival based on Finnish and Swedish registry data. Am J Epidemiol. 2010;172(4):377-85.
  • Cassem NH. Patients with cancer and the evolution of the role of psychiatry in oncology. In: Massachusetts general hospital handbook of general hospital psychiatry. 3rd ed. Boston: Mosby; 1991. pp.92-4.
  • Schapiro IR, Ross-Petersen L, Saelan H, Garde K, Olsen JH, Johansen C. Extroversion and neuroticism and the associated risk of cancer: a Danish cohort study. Am J Epidemiol. 2001;153(8):757-63.

A Comparison of Personality Characteristics between Patients with Cancer and the Control Group

Year 2019, , 204 - 209, 30.12.2019


Aim: It is known that personality can affect most of the issues related to physical and mental health. It is thought that some personality features carry importance as a factor in cancer development, and therefore, the theory of a cancer-prone personality continues to attract researchers’ attention. The aim of this study is to investigate and compare the differences in personality characteristics between patients with different types of cancer and healthy control group.

Material and Methods: A total of 193 participants, patients with different types of cancer (n=100) and healthy individuals as the control group (n=93), were included in this study. Hacettepe Personality Inventory (HPI) was used to obtain the data related with personality traits.

Results: The mean score of self-realization (SR) and emotional stability (ES), which are personal adaptation subscales of the HPI, was found to be significantly lower in cancer group compared to control group (p=0.016 and p=0.009). As a result of further analyses performed according to cancer types, it was found that both SR and ES scores in head-neck cancer group were lower than both control group and other subgroups of cancer types (p=0.004 and p=0.001).

Conclusion: The results of this study revealed that there are differences between cancer and control groups in terms of personality characteristics. Overall, it was thought that the personality characteristics that are unique to patients with head-neck cancers may be the reactions that appear as a result of the development of head-neck cancer rather than a significant factor in cancer development.


  • Lepore SJ, Coyne JC. Psychological interventions for distress in cancer patients: a review of reviews. Ann Behav Med. 2006;32(2):85-92.
  • Mausbach BT, Yeung P, Bos T, Irwin SA. Health care costs of depression in patients diagnosed with cancer. Psychooncology. 2018;27(7):1735-41.
  • Tokgöz G, Yaluğ İ, Özdemir S, Yazici A, Uygun K, Aker T. Prevalence of major depression in patients with cancer and related factors. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry. 2008;9(2):59-66.
  • Akdemir N, Birol L. Internal medicine and nursing care. Ankara: Sistem Offset; 2005.
  • Ateşçi FÇ, Oğuzhanoğlu NK, Baltalarlı B, Karadag F, Ozdel O, Karagoz N. Psychiatric disorders in cancer patients and related factors. Turk Psikiyatri Derg. 2003;14(2):145-52.
  • Öztürk MO, Uluşahin NA. Mental health and disorders. 11th ed. Ankara: Nobel Tıp; 2008.
  • Dorn HF. Cancer and the marital status. Human Biol. 1943;15:73-9.
  • Lombard HL, Potter EA. Epidemiological aspects of cancer of the cervix. II. Hereditary and environmental factors. Cancer. 1950;3(6):960-8.
  • Snow H. A treatise, practical and theoretic, on cancer and the cancer-process. London; J&A Churchill; 1893.
  • Dattore PJ, Shontz FC, Coyne L. Premorbid personality differentiation of cancer and noncancer groups: A test of the hypothesis of cancer proneness. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1980;48(3):388-94.
  • LeShan L, Worthington RE. Loss of cathexes as a common psychodynamic characteristic of cancer patients: An attempt at statistical validation of a clinical hypothesis. Psychol Rep. 1956;2(3):183-93.
  • García-Torres F, Alós FJ, Pérez-Dueñas C. Commentary: Eysenck personality questionnaire revised psychoticism predicts motivational-somatic symptoms of depression in breast cancer survivors. Front Public Health. 2016;4:42.
  • Durá‐Ferrandis E, Mandelblatt JS, Clapp J, Luta G, Faul L, Kimmick G, et al. Personality, coping, and social support as predictors of long‐term quality‐of‐life trajectories in older breast cancer survivors: CALGB protocol 369901 (Alliance). Psychooncology. 2017;26(11):1914-21.
  • Perry LM, Hoerger M, Silberstein J, Sartor O, Duberstein P. Understanding the distressed prostate cancer patient: Role of personality. Psychooncology. 2018;27(3):810-6.
  • Morgan S, Cooper B, Paul S, Hammer MJ, Conley YP, Levine JD, et al. Association of personality profiles with depressive, anxiety, and cancer-related symptoms in patients undergoing chemotherapy. Pers Individ Dif. 2017;117:130-8.
  • You J, Wang C, Rodriguez L, Wang X, Lu Q. Personality, coping strategies and emotional adjustment among Chinese cancer patients of different ages. Eur J Cancer Care. 2018;27:e12781.
  • Özgüven İE. Hacettepe personality inventory handbook. 2nd ed. Ankara: PDREM; 1992.
  • Hansen PE, Floderus B, Frederiksen K, Johansen C. Personality traits, health behavior, and risk for cancer: a prospective study of a Swedish twin cohort. Cancer. 2005;103(5):1082-91.
  • Greer S, Morris T. Psychosocial attributes of women who develop breast cancer: a controlled study. J Psychosom Res. 1975;19(2):147-53.
  • Fox CM, Harper AP, Hyner GC, Lyle RM. Loneliness, emotional repression, marital quality, and major life events in women who develop breast cancer. J Community Health. 1994;19(6):467-82.
  • Shaffer JW, Graves PL, Swank RT, Pearson TA. Clustering of personality traits in youth and the subsequent development of cancer among physicians. J Behav Med. 1987;10(5):441-7.
  • Nakaya N, Tsubono Y, Hosokawa T, Nishino Y, Ohkubo T, Hozawa A, et al. Personality and the risk of cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2003;95(11):799-805.
  • Moore MA, Eser S, Igisinov N, Igisinov S, Mohagheghi MA, Mousavi-Jarrahi A, et al. Cancer epidemiology and control in North-Western and Central Asia -past, present and future. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2010;11(Suppl 2):17-32.
  • Kissen DM, Eysenck HJ. Personality in male lung cancer patients. J Psychosom Res. 1962;6(2):123-7.
  • Nakaya N, Bidstrup PE, Saito-Nakaya K, Frederiksen K, Koskenvuo M, Pukkala E, et al. Personality traits and cancer risk and survival based on Finnish and Swedish registry data. Am J Epidemiol. 2010;172(4):377-85.
  • Cassem NH. Patients with cancer and the evolution of the role of psychiatry in oncology. In: Massachusetts general hospital handbook of general hospital psychiatry. 3rd ed. Boston: Mosby; 1991. pp.92-4.
  • Schapiro IR, Ross-Petersen L, Saelan H, Garde K, Olsen JH, Johansen C. Extroversion and neuroticism and the associated risk of cancer: a Danish cohort study. Am J Epidemiol. 2001;153(8):757-63.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Research Article

Adnan Özçetin This is me 0000-0002-8328-3565

Osman Kılıç This is me 0000-0002-9516-0220

Ahmet Ataoğlu This is me 0000-0002-6185-1613

Safiye Bahar Ölmez 0000-0003-4793-7514

Arzu Hisarvant This is me 0000-0002-2323-8455

Publication Date December 30, 2019
Submission Date September 18, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Özçetin, A., Kılıç, O., Ataoğlu, A., Ölmez, S. B., et al. (2019). A Comparison of Personality Characteristics between Patients with Cancer and the Control Group. Duzce Medical Journal, 21(3), 204-209.
AMA Özçetin A, Kılıç O, Ataoğlu A, Ölmez SB, Hisarvant A. A Comparison of Personality Characteristics between Patients with Cancer and the Control Group. Duzce Med J. December 2019;21(3):204-209. doi:10.18678/dtfd.621788
Chicago Özçetin, Adnan, Osman Kılıç, Ahmet Ataoğlu, Safiye Bahar Ölmez, and Arzu Hisarvant. “A Comparison of Personality Characteristics Between Patients With Cancer and the Control Group”. Duzce Medical Journal 21, no. 3 (December 2019): 204-9.
EndNote Özçetin A, Kılıç O, Ataoğlu A, Ölmez SB, Hisarvant A (December 1, 2019) A Comparison of Personality Characteristics between Patients with Cancer and the Control Group. Duzce Medical Journal 21 3 204–209.
IEEE A. Özçetin, O. Kılıç, A. Ataoğlu, S. B. Ölmez, and A. Hisarvant, “A Comparison of Personality Characteristics between Patients with Cancer and the Control Group”, Duzce Med J, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 204–209, 2019, doi: 10.18678/dtfd.621788.
ISNAD Özçetin, Adnan et al. “A Comparison of Personality Characteristics Between Patients With Cancer and the Control Group”. Duzce Medical Journal 21/3 (December 2019), 204-209.
JAMA Özçetin A, Kılıç O, Ataoğlu A, Ölmez SB, Hisarvant A. A Comparison of Personality Characteristics between Patients with Cancer and the Control Group. Duzce Med J. 2019;21:204–209.
MLA Özçetin, Adnan et al. “A Comparison of Personality Characteristics Between Patients With Cancer and the Control Group”. Duzce Medical Journal, vol. 21, no. 3, 2019, pp. 204-9, doi:10.18678/dtfd.621788.
Vancouver Özçetin A, Kılıç O, Ataoğlu A, Ölmez SB, Hisarvant A. A Comparison of Personality Characteristics between Patients with Cancer and the Control Group. Duzce Med J. 2019;21(3):204-9.