Evaluating the Anxiety Levels of Parents of Children Underwenting Hypospadias Surgery
Year 2020,
, 23 - 28, 30.04.2020
Ali Onur Erdem
Bilge Doğan
Çağdaş Öykü Memiş
Levent Sevinçok
Mesut Yazıcı
Sezen Karaca Özkısacık
Aim: Hypospadias is an anomaly in which urethral meatus is located more proximally. Its treatment is surgery. Children undergoing hypospadias surgery are much more prone to emotional disorders than the other surgical procedures. In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the emotional and temperament characteristics of the parents of children undergoing hypospadias surgery and normally circumcised.
Material and Methods: All voluntary parents of children with hypospadias surgery and of children with normal circumcision were included in this study. A semi-structured sociodemographic data form, The Temperament Evaluation of Memphis, Pisa, Paris and San Diego Autoquestionnaire (TEMPS-A), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) I-II, and Beck Depression Scale (BDS) were used to collect data from these parents.
Results: There was no significant difference between the parents in terms of sociodemographic and clinical characteristics. When the parents of children with hypospadias and normal circumcision were compared in terms of TEMPS-A temperament scale scores, STAI total and I-II subscale scores, and BDS scores, no statistically significant difference was found.
Conclusion: Hypospadias is a complex biological development defect. In men who underwent hypospadias surgery, sexual dysfunctions that develop in further period usually develop on psychological grounds. Parents' anxiety levels should be taken into consideration and everyone should act together in management process of hypospadias, operation of which is planned in early period and may have many effects in the future. We think that the study we have done with parents in this area may guide to other studies.
- Snodgrass W, Macedo A, Hoebeke P, Mouriquand PD. Hypospadias dilemmas: a round table. J Pediatr Urol. 2011;7(2):145-57.
- Manley CB. Elective genital surgery at one year of age: psychological and surgical considerations. Surg Clin North Am. 1982;62(6):941-53.
- Schultz JR, Klykylo WM, Wacksman J. Timing of elective hypospadias repair in children. Pediatrics. 1983;71(3):342-51.
- Sugar M. Consolidation of gender identity. In: Noshpitz JD, editor. Handbook of child and adolescent psychiatry. Volume 3. New York: John Wiley and Sons; 1997. p.155-66.
- Sugar M. At-risk factors for the adolescent mother and her infant. J Youth Adolesc. 1976;5(3):251-70.
- Blotcky MJ, Grossman I. Psychological implications of childhood genitourinary surgery. An empirical study. J Am Acad Child Psychiatry. 1978;17(3):488-97.
- Sandberg DE, Meyer-Bahlburg HF, Aranoff GS, Sconzo JM, Hensle TW. Boys with hypospadias: a survey of behavioral difficulties. J Pediatr Psychol. 1989;14(4), 491-514.
- Sandberg DE, Meyer-Bahlburg HF, Hensle TW, Levitt SB, Kogan SJ, Reda EF. Psychosocial adaptation of middle childhood boys with hypospadias after genital surgery. J Pediatr Psychol. 2001;26(8), 465-75.
- Öner N, LeCompte A. State-trait anxiety inventory handbook. İstanbul: Boğaziçi University; 1985.
- Gökçe T, Dündar C. The frequency of exposing to violence and its effects on state and trait anxiety levels among the doctors and nurses working in Samsun Psychiatry Hospital. İnönü Üniv Tıp Fak Derg. 2008;15(1):25-8.
- Vahip S, Kesebir S, Alkan M, Yazici O, Akiskal KK, Akiskal HS. Affective temperaments in clinically-well subjects in Turkey: initial psychometric data on the TEMPS-A. J Affect Disord. 2005;85(1-2):113-25.
- Akiskal HS, Akiskal KK. TEMPS: Temperament Evaluation of Memphis, Pisa, Paris and San Diego. J Affect Disord. 2005;85(1-2):1-2.
- Beck AT, Steer RA. Internal consistencies of the original and revised Beck Depression Inventory. J Clin Psychol. 1984;40(6):1365-7.
- Hisli N. Beck Depresyon envanterinin üniversite öğrencileri için geçerliği, güvenirliği. Psikoloji Dergisi. 1989;7(23):3-13.
- Akiskal HS, Mallya G. Criteria for the "soft" bipolar spectrum: treatment implications. Psychopharmacol Bull. 1987;23(1):68-73.
- Yildirim T, Solmaz D, Emul M, Akgol G, Yalvac D, Ersoy Y. Affective temperament profile in ankylosing spondylitis patients using TEMPS-A. J Phys Ther Sci. 2017;29(3):394-400.
- Fistikci N, Hacioğlu M, Erek Ş, Tabo A, Erten E, Güler AS, et al. Differences in affective temperaments in anxiety disorders: comparison of panic disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder. Noro Psikiyatr Ars. 2013;50(4):337-43.
- Jones BC, O'Brien M, Chase J, Southwell BR, Hutson JM. Early hypospadias surgery may lead to a better long-term psychosexual outcome. J Urol. 2009;182(4 Suppl):1744-9.
- Eray N, Dogangun B, Kayaalp L, Emir H, Soylet Y, Danismend N, et al. Emotional effects of hypospadias surgery on Turkish boys. J Pediatr Urol. 2005;1(2):75-80.
- Kesebir S, Vahip S, Akdeniz F, Yüncü Z. The relationship of affective temperament and clinical features in bipolar disorder. Turk Psikiyatri Derg. 2005;16(3):164-9.
- Schlomer B, Breyer B, Copp H, Baskin L, Disandro M. Do adult men with untreated hypospadias have adverse outcomes? A pilot study using a social media advertised survey. J Pediatr Urol. 2014;10(4):672-9.
- Beautrais AL, Joyce PR, Mulder RT. Risk factors for serious suicide attempts among youths aged 13 through 24 years. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 1996;35(9):1174-82.
- Mureau MA, Slijper FM, Nijman RJ, van der Meulen JC, Verhulst FC, Slob AK. Psychosexual adjustment of children and adolescents after different types of hypospadias surgery: a norm-related study. J Urol. 1995;154(5):1902-7.
- Mureau MA, Slijper FM, van der Meulen JC, Verhulst FC, Slob AK. Psychosexual adjustment of men who underwent hypospadias repair: a norm-related study. J Urol. 1995;154(4):1351-5.
- Mureau MA, Slijper FM, Slob AK, Verhulst FC. Psychosocial functioning of children, adolescents, and adults following hypospadias surgery: a comparative study. J Pediatr Psychol. 1997;22(3):371-87.
Hipospadias Cerrahisi Geçiren Çocukların Ebeveynlerinin Kaygı Düzeyinin Değerlendirilmesi
Year 2020,
, 23 - 28, 30.04.2020
Ali Onur Erdem
Bilge Doğan
Çağdaş Öykü Memiş
Levent Sevinçok
Mesut Yazıcı
Sezen Karaca Özkısacık
Amaç: Hipospadias, üretral meanın daha proksimalde lokalize olduğu bir anomalidir. Cerrahi olarak tedavi edilir. Hipospadias cerrahisi geçiren çocuklar, duygusal bozukluklara diğer cerrahi yöntemlere göre daha fazla yatkın olmaktadırlar. Bu çalışmada normal sünnet yapılan ve hipospadias cerrahisi geçiren çocukların ebeveynlerinin duygusal ve karakteristik mizaçlarının değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu çalışmaya hipospadias cerrahisi geçiren çocukların ve normal sünnet yapılan çocukların ebeveynlerinden gönüllü olanların tümü dahil edilmiştir. Ebeveynlerden veri toplamak için yarı yapılandırılmış sosyodemografik veri formu, Memphis, Pisa, Paris ve San Diego Mizaç Değerlendirme Anketi (The Temperament Evaluation of Memphis, Pisa, Paris and San Diego Autoquestionnaire, TEMPS-A), Durumluluk-Süreklilik Kaygı Envanteri (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, STAI) I-II ve Beck Depresyon Ölçeği (BDÖ) kullanılmıştır.
Bulgular: Ebeveynler arasında klinik ve sosyodemografik özellikler açısından anlamlı bir fark yoktu. Hipospadiaslı olan ve normal sünnet olan çocukların ebeveynleri TEMPS-A mizaç ölçeği puanları, STAI toplam ve I-II alt ölçek puanları ve BDÖ puanları açısından karşılaştırıldığında da istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunmadı.
Sonuç: Hipospadias karmaşık bir biyolojik gelişme defektidir. Hipospadias ameliyatı geçiren erkeklerde, ileriki dönemde gelişen cinsel işlev bozuklukları genellikle psikolojik nedenlerle gelişir. Ebeveynlerin kaygı düzeyleri dikkate alınmalı ve operasyonu erken dönemde planlanan ve gelecekte birçok etkisi olabilecek olan hipospadias tedavi sürecinde herkes birlikte hareket etmelidir. Bu alanda ebeveynlerle yaptığımız bu çalışmanın diğer çalışmalara rehberlik edebileceğini düşünüyoruz.
- Snodgrass W, Macedo A, Hoebeke P, Mouriquand PD. Hypospadias dilemmas: a round table. J Pediatr Urol. 2011;7(2):145-57.
- Manley CB. Elective genital surgery at one year of age: psychological and surgical considerations. Surg Clin North Am. 1982;62(6):941-53.
- Schultz JR, Klykylo WM, Wacksman J. Timing of elective hypospadias repair in children. Pediatrics. 1983;71(3):342-51.
- Sugar M. Consolidation of gender identity. In: Noshpitz JD, editor. Handbook of child and adolescent psychiatry. Volume 3. New York: John Wiley and Sons; 1997. p.155-66.
- Sugar M. At-risk factors for the adolescent mother and her infant. J Youth Adolesc. 1976;5(3):251-70.
- Blotcky MJ, Grossman I. Psychological implications of childhood genitourinary surgery. An empirical study. J Am Acad Child Psychiatry. 1978;17(3):488-97.
- Sandberg DE, Meyer-Bahlburg HF, Aranoff GS, Sconzo JM, Hensle TW. Boys with hypospadias: a survey of behavioral difficulties. J Pediatr Psychol. 1989;14(4), 491-514.
- Sandberg DE, Meyer-Bahlburg HF, Hensle TW, Levitt SB, Kogan SJ, Reda EF. Psychosocial adaptation of middle childhood boys with hypospadias after genital surgery. J Pediatr Psychol. 2001;26(8), 465-75.
- Öner N, LeCompte A. State-trait anxiety inventory handbook. İstanbul: Boğaziçi University; 1985.
- Gökçe T, Dündar C. The frequency of exposing to violence and its effects on state and trait anxiety levels among the doctors and nurses working in Samsun Psychiatry Hospital. İnönü Üniv Tıp Fak Derg. 2008;15(1):25-8.
- Vahip S, Kesebir S, Alkan M, Yazici O, Akiskal KK, Akiskal HS. Affective temperaments in clinically-well subjects in Turkey: initial psychometric data on the TEMPS-A. J Affect Disord. 2005;85(1-2):113-25.
- Akiskal HS, Akiskal KK. TEMPS: Temperament Evaluation of Memphis, Pisa, Paris and San Diego. J Affect Disord. 2005;85(1-2):1-2.
- Beck AT, Steer RA. Internal consistencies of the original and revised Beck Depression Inventory. J Clin Psychol. 1984;40(6):1365-7.
- Hisli N. Beck Depresyon envanterinin üniversite öğrencileri için geçerliği, güvenirliği. Psikoloji Dergisi. 1989;7(23):3-13.
- Akiskal HS, Mallya G. Criteria for the "soft" bipolar spectrum: treatment implications. Psychopharmacol Bull. 1987;23(1):68-73.
- Yildirim T, Solmaz D, Emul M, Akgol G, Yalvac D, Ersoy Y. Affective temperament profile in ankylosing spondylitis patients using TEMPS-A. J Phys Ther Sci. 2017;29(3):394-400.
- Fistikci N, Hacioğlu M, Erek Ş, Tabo A, Erten E, Güler AS, et al. Differences in affective temperaments in anxiety disorders: comparison of panic disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder. Noro Psikiyatr Ars. 2013;50(4):337-43.
- Jones BC, O'Brien M, Chase J, Southwell BR, Hutson JM. Early hypospadias surgery may lead to a better long-term psychosexual outcome. J Urol. 2009;182(4 Suppl):1744-9.
- Eray N, Dogangun B, Kayaalp L, Emir H, Soylet Y, Danismend N, et al. Emotional effects of hypospadias surgery on Turkish boys. J Pediatr Urol. 2005;1(2):75-80.
- Kesebir S, Vahip S, Akdeniz F, Yüncü Z. The relationship of affective temperament and clinical features in bipolar disorder. Turk Psikiyatri Derg. 2005;16(3):164-9.
- Schlomer B, Breyer B, Copp H, Baskin L, Disandro M. Do adult men with untreated hypospadias have adverse outcomes? A pilot study using a social media advertised survey. J Pediatr Urol. 2014;10(4):672-9.
- Beautrais AL, Joyce PR, Mulder RT. Risk factors for serious suicide attempts among youths aged 13 through 24 years. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 1996;35(9):1174-82.
- Mureau MA, Slijper FM, Nijman RJ, van der Meulen JC, Verhulst FC, Slob AK. Psychosexual adjustment of children and adolescents after different types of hypospadias surgery: a norm-related study. J Urol. 1995;154(5):1902-7.
- Mureau MA, Slijper FM, van der Meulen JC, Verhulst FC, Slob AK. Psychosexual adjustment of men who underwent hypospadias repair: a norm-related study. J Urol. 1995;154(4):1351-5.
- Mureau MA, Slijper FM, Slob AK, Verhulst FC. Psychosocial functioning of children, adolescents, and adults following hypospadias surgery: a comparative study. J Pediatr Psychol. 1997;22(3):371-87.