Contemporary Approach in the Management of Stage I Nonseminomatous Testicular Tumors
Year 2005,
Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 40 - 44, 01.12.2005
M Ali Kayıkçı
H Kamil Çam
Testicular cancer is the the most common malignancy in 15-35- year age group. However, current cure rates are up to 85 to 90% providing that it has a certain superioty being a model of sucess among solid tumors. About 90 to 95% of testicular cancers composed of germ cell tumors which are further subdivided into seminomatous and nonseminomatous testicular tumors. A concensus has been reached in the management of seminomatous germ cell tumors. However, an ongoing debade on the proper approach for the treatment of stage I nonseminomatous tumors is present. New concepts have been introduced in the management of stage I nonseminomatous tumors. In this review, the different alternatives in the management of stage I nonseminomatous tumors were disscussed including the whole spectrum of each treatment strategy in terms of proposed advantages and disadvantages. In summary, the cure rates of all current treatment approaches for stage I nonseminomatous tumors are comparable. Contemporarly in order to provide the proper management strategy for each individual patient with stage I nonseminomatous tumor, the physician should discuss all alternatives based on the prognostic factors related to the orchiectomy specimen. Obviously, this process shoud include the patients’ preferences considering the advantages and disadvantages of each treatment modelity. This approach of mutual responsibility of the physician and patient currently comprimises the most reasonable way in the management of stage I nonseminomatous tumors
- Richie JP, Steele GS. Testis tumors. Walsh PC, Retik AB, Vaughan ED, Wein AJ (ed): Campbell’s Urology, 8th ed., Philadelphia. WB Saunders. vol 4, chapt 46:2876-2919
- Richie JP. Detection and treatment of testicular cancer. CA Cancer J Clin. 43(3): 151-75, 1993.
- Weaver DJ, Havey AD, Weinstein SH, Tully RJ. Nonpalpable occult testis tumor: case report . Urology. 34(4): 218-20, 1989.
- Presti JC, Herr HW. Genital Tumors. Tanagho EA, McAninch JW(ed): Smith’s General Urology, Fourteenth edition, Connecticut. Appleton&Lange. 434-447, 1995.
- Read G, Stenning SP, Cullen MH, Parkinson MC, Horwich A, Kaye SB, Cook PA: Medical Research Council prospective study of surveillance for stage I testicular teratoma. J Clin Oncol. 10: 1762-1768, 1992.
- Colls BM, Harvey VJ, Skelton L, Frampton CM, Thompson PI, Bennett M, Perez DJ, Dady PJ, Forgeson GV, Kennedy IC. Late results of surveillance of clinical stage I nonseminoma germ cell testicular tumors: 17 years’ experience in a national study in New Zeland. Br J Urol Int. 83: 76-82, 1999.
- Hao D, Seidel J, Breant R, Alexander F, Ernst DS, Summers N, Russal JA, Steward DA, et al: Compliance of clinical stage I nonseminomatous germ cell tumor patients with surveillance. J Urol .160(3pt-1): 768-771, 1998.
- Hurley LJ, Libertino JA: Recurrence of a nonseminomatous germ cell tumor 9 years postoperatively: Is surveillance alone acceptable? J Urol. 153(3pt2): 1060-2, 1995.
- McCrystal MR, Zwi LJ, Harvey VJ. Late seminomatous relapse of a mixed germ cell tumor of the testis on intensive surveillance. J Urol. 153(3pt2): 1057-9, 1995.
- Richie JP: Nonseminamatous germ cell tumors: management and prognosis. İn Urologic Oncology. Oesterling JE and Richie JP (eds) 1997, 1st edıtıon, Pennsylvania. WB Saunders, chapter 34: 481-495, 1997.
- Foster RS, Roth BJ. Clinical stage I nonseminoma: surgery vesusu surveillance. Semin Oncol. 25: 145-153, 1998.
- Donohue JP, Thornhill JA, Foster RS, Rowland RG, Bihrie R: Clinical stage B nonseminomatous germ cell testis cancer: the Indiana University experience using routine primary retroperitoneal lymph node dissection. Eur J Cancer. 31A: 1599-1604, 1995.
- Richie JP, Kantoff PW: Is adjuvant chemotherapy necesaary for patients with stage IB testicular cancer? J Clin Oncol. 9: 1393- 1398, 1991.
- Pizzocaro G, Salvioni R, Zanoni F: Unilateral lymphadenectomy in intro operative stage I nonseminomatous germinal testis cacer. J Urol.134: 485-489, 1985.
- Donohue JP, Thornhill JA, Foster RS, Rowland RG, Bihrle R: Primary retroperitoneal lymph node dissection in clinial stage A non- seminomatous germ cell testis cancer. Review of the Indiana Universty experience 1965-1989. Br J Urol. 71: 326-335, 1993.
- Spermon JR, Roelevend TA, van der Poel HG, Hulsbergen-van de Kaa CA, Huinink WWT, van der Vijver M, Witjes JA, Horenblas S; Comparison of surveillance and retroperitoneal lymph node dissection in Stage I nonseminomatous germ cell tumors. Urology. 59(6): 923-929, 2002.
- Cullen MH, Stenning SP, Parkinson MC, Fossa SD, Kaye SB, Horwich AH, Harland SJ, Williams MV, Jakes R. Short-course adjuvant chemotherapy in high-risk stage I nonseminoma germ cell tumourss of the testis: a Medical Research Council report. J Clin Oncol. 14: 1106- 1113, 1996.
- Oliver RTD, Raj MA, Ong J, Gallagher CJ. Pilot study to evaluate impact of a policy of adjuvant chemotherapy for risk stage I malignant teratoma on overall relapse rate of stage I cancer patients. J Urol. 148: 1453-1456, 1992.
- Pont J, Albrecht W, Postner G, Sellner F, Angel K, Holtl W. Adjuvant chemotherapy for high risk clinical stage I nonseminomatous testicular germ cell cancer: long-term results of a prospective trial. J Clin Oncol. 14: 441-448, 1996.
- Studer UE, Fey MY, Calderoni A: Adjuvant chemotherapy after orchiectomy in high risk patients with clinical stage I nonseminomatous testicular cancer. Eur Urol. 23: 444-449, 1993.
- Böhlen D, Borner M, Sonntag RW, Fey MY, Studer UE: Long-term results following adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with clinical stage I testicular nonseminomatous malignant germ cell tumors with high risk factors. J Urol. 161: 1148- 1152, 1999.
- Özen H: Testis tümörleri. Anafarta K,Arıkan N, Bedük Y, Göğüs O (ed): Temel Üroloji, Ankara. Güneş kitabevi. 751-759, 1998.
- Freedman LS, Parkinson MC, Jones WG, et al: Histopathololgy in the prediction of relapse of patients with stage I testicular teratoma treated by orchidectomy olane. Lancet. 2: 294-298, 1987.
- Sheinfeld J, Pohar K, Rabboni F, et al: Results of retroperitoneal lymph node dissection for clinial stage I and II pure embriyoneal carcinoma of the testis. J Urol. 163: 569 A, 2000.
Evre I Nonseminomatöz Testis Tümörlerinde Tedavi Yaklaşımları
Year 2005,
Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 40 - 44, 01.12.2005
M Ali Kayıkçı
H Kamil Çam
Testis tümörleri 15-35 yaş aralığındaki erkeklerde en sık görülen solid tümörlerdir. Bununla birlikte tedavi ile kalıcı şifa sağlama oranı %85-90 gibi oldukça yüksektir. Bu açıdan tüm tümörler arasında özel bir yere sahiptir. Tüm testis tümörlerinin %90-95’i germ hücreli tümörlerdir. Bunlar da seminomatöz ve nonseminomatöz olarak iki büyük gruba ayrılmaktadır. Seminomatöz testis tümörlerinde tedavi uygulamalarında bir görüş birliği sağlandığı görülmektedir. Buna karşılık özellikle evre I nonseminamatöz testis tümörlerinin tedavisinde farklı ekollerin olduğu ve tartışmaların devam ettiği izlenmektedir. Tedavide yeni yaklaşımlar da gündeme gelmektedir. Bu derlemede; evre I nonseminomatöz testis tümörlerinin tedavisindeki alternatifler irdelenmiş, bu farklı yaklaşımların avantaj ve dezavantajları ortaya konmuştur. Sonuç olarak tedavi sonuçları açısından mevcut seçeneklerin başarı oranlarının birbirine yakın olduğu görülmektedir. Uygun tedavi seçiminde her bir hasta ayrı olarak ele alınmalıdır. Patolojik risk faktörlerini ve her yaklaşımın artı ve eksi yönlerini dikkate alarak hasta ve hekimin birlikte karar vermesi en doğru davranış olarak kabul edilmektedir
- Richie JP, Steele GS. Testis tumors. Walsh PC, Retik AB, Vaughan ED, Wein AJ (ed): Campbell’s Urology, 8th ed., Philadelphia. WB Saunders. vol 4, chapt 46:2876-2919
- Richie JP. Detection and treatment of testicular cancer. CA Cancer J Clin. 43(3): 151-75, 1993.
- Weaver DJ, Havey AD, Weinstein SH, Tully RJ. Nonpalpable occult testis tumor: case report . Urology. 34(4): 218-20, 1989.
- Presti JC, Herr HW. Genital Tumors. Tanagho EA, McAninch JW(ed): Smith’s General Urology, Fourteenth edition, Connecticut. Appleton&Lange. 434-447, 1995.
- Read G, Stenning SP, Cullen MH, Parkinson MC, Horwich A, Kaye SB, Cook PA: Medical Research Council prospective study of surveillance for stage I testicular teratoma. J Clin Oncol. 10: 1762-1768, 1992.
- Colls BM, Harvey VJ, Skelton L, Frampton CM, Thompson PI, Bennett M, Perez DJ, Dady PJ, Forgeson GV, Kennedy IC. Late results of surveillance of clinical stage I nonseminoma germ cell testicular tumors: 17 years’ experience in a national study in New Zeland. Br J Urol Int. 83: 76-82, 1999.
- Hao D, Seidel J, Breant R, Alexander F, Ernst DS, Summers N, Russal JA, Steward DA, et al: Compliance of clinical stage I nonseminomatous germ cell tumor patients with surveillance. J Urol .160(3pt-1): 768-771, 1998.
- Hurley LJ, Libertino JA: Recurrence of a nonseminomatous germ cell tumor 9 years postoperatively: Is surveillance alone acceptable? J Urol. 153(3pt2): 1060-2, 1995.
- McCrystal MR, Zwi LJ, Harvey VJ. Late seminomatous relapse of a mixed germ cell tumor of the testis on intensive surveillance. J Urol. 153(3pt2): 1057-9, 1995.
- Richie JP: Nonseminamatous germ cell tumors: management and prognosis. İn Urologic Oncology. Oesterling JE and Richie JP (eds) 1997, 1st edıtıon, Pennsylvania. WB Saunders, chapter 34: 481-495, 1997.
- Foster RS, Roth BJ. Clinical stage I nonseminoma: surgery vesusu surveillance. Semin Oncol. 25: 145-153, 1998.
- Donohue JP, Thornhill JA, Foster RS, Rowland RG, Bihrie R: Clinical stage B nonseminomatous germ cell testis cancer: the Indiana University experience using routine primary retroperitoneal lymph node dissection. Eur J Cancer. 31A: 1599-1604, 1995.
- Richie JP, Kantoff PW: Is adjuvant chemotherapy necesaary for patients with stage IB testicular cancer? J Clin Oncol. 9: 1393- 1398, 1991.
- Pizzocaro G, Salvioni R, Zanoni F: Unilateral lymphadenectomy in intro operative stage I nonseminomatous germinal testis cacer. J Urol.134: 485-489, 1985.
- Donohue JP, Thornhill JA, Foster RS, Rowland RG, Bihrle R: Primary retroperitoneal lymph node dissection in clinial stage A non- seminomatous germ cell testis cancer. Review of the Indiana Universty experience 1965-1989. Br J Urol. 71: 326-335, 1993.
- Spermon JR, Roelevend TA, van der Poel HG, Hulsbergen-van de Kaa CA, Huinink WWT, van der Vijver M, Witjes JA, Horenblas S; Comparison of surveillance and retroperitoneal lymph node dissection in Stage I nonseminomatous germ cell tumors. Urology. 59(6): 923-929, 2002.
- Cullen MH, Stenning SP, Parkinson MC, Fossa SD, Kaye SB, Horwich AH, Harland SJ, Williams MV, Jakes R. Short-course adjuvant chemotherapy in high-risk stage I nonseminoma germ cell tumourss of the testis: a Medical Research Council report. J Clin Oncol. 14: 1106- 1113, 1996.
- Oliver RTD, Raj MA, Ong J, Gallagher CJ. Pilot study to evaluate impact of a policy of adjuvant chemotherapy for risk stage I malignant teratoma on overall relapse rate of stage I cancer patients. J Urol. 148: 1453-1456, 1992.
- Pont J, Albrecht W, Postner G, Sellner F, Angel K, Holtl W. Adjuvant chemotherapy for high risk clinical stage I nonseminomatous testicular germ cell cancer: long-term results of a prospective trial. J Clin Oncol. 14: 441-448, 1996.
- Studer UE, Fey MY, Calderoni A: Adjuvant chemotherapy after orchiectomy in high risk patients with clinical stage I nonseminomatous testicular cancer. Eur Urol. 23: 444-449, 1993.
- Böhlen D, Borner M, Sonntag RW, Fey MY, Studer UE: Long-term results following adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with clinical stage I testicular nonseminomatous malignant germ cell tumors with high risk factors. J Urol. 161: 1148- 1152, 1999.
- Özen H: Testis tümörleri. Anafarta K,Arıkan N, Bedük Y, Göğüs O (ed): Temel Üroloji, Ankara. Güneş kitabevi. 751-759, 1998.
- Freedman LS, Parkinson MC, Jones WG, et al: Histopathololgy in the prediction of relapse of patients with stage I testicular teratoma treated by orchidectomy olane. Lancet. 2: 294-298, 1987.
- Sheinfeld J, Pohar K, Rabboni F, et al: Results of retroperitoneal lymph node dissection for clinial stage I and II pure embriyoneal carcinoma of the testis. J Urol. 163: 569 A, 2000.