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Aproaches To Spontaneous Pneumothorax: Five Year Survival

Year 2007, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 8 - 13, 01.07.2007


Purpose: Spontaneous pneumothorax is usually seen in young male adults. Patients usually present with dyspnea and chest pain. In this study, patients diagnosed as spontaneous pneumothorax and treated in our clinic were evaluated in accord with the published literature. Methods: Subjects were evaluated with regard to age at presentation, sex, presenting complaint, side of spontaneous pneumothorax. Results: Of patients, 17 (85 %) were male and 3 (15 %) female. Mean age was thirty eight years. Major complaints were dyspnea and chest pain. Thirteen (65 %) were on the right and seven (35 %) were on the left site. Of 17 male subjects, 14 were current smoker. Mean pneumothorax percentage was calculated as 71%. Three (15%) patients had history of underlying lung disease (tuberculosis, pnomoconiosis, ampyema). Therapeutic tube thoracostomy was placed to all subjects. It remained in place 4.6 days on average. Conclusion: spontaneous pneumothorax is non-fatal and curable disease when diagnosed and treated in time. Pleurodesis can be tried to perform as an alternative method when spontaneous pneumothorax recurs


  • Beauchamp G: Spontaneous pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum. In Pearson FG, Deslauries J, Gingsberg RJ, et al (eds): Toracic surgery. Newyork. Churchill Livingstone. pp: 1037-1054, 1995.
  • Isitmangil T, Balkanli K: Pnömotoraks ve cerrahisi. Edt. Yüksel M, Kalayci G, Gögüs Cerrahisi. Istanbul. Bilmedya Grup. pp: 411- 446, 2001.
  • Alfageme I, Moreno L, Huertas C, Vargas A, Hernandez J, Beiztegui A: Spontaneous pneumothorax. ong-term results with tetracycline pleurodesis. Chest. 106:347-50, 1994.
  • So SY, Yu DY: Catheter drainage of spontaneous pneumothorax: suction or no suction, early or late removal? Thorax. 37: 46- 48, 1982.
  • Weissberg D, Refaely Y: Pneumothorax: experience with 1,199 patients.Chest. 117:1279-85, 2000.
  • Melton LJ 3rd, Hepper NG, Offord KP: Influence of height on the risk of spontaneous pneumothorax. Mayo Clin Proc. 56: 678-682., 1981.
  • Primrose WR: Spontaneous pneumothorax: a retrospective review of aetiology, pathogenesis and management. Scott Med J. 29: 15-20, 1984.
  • Sadikot RT, Greene T, Meadows K, Arnold AG: Recurrence of primary spontaneous pneumothorax. Thorax. 52: 805-809, 1997.
  • Ramo OJ, Salo JA, Mattila SP: Video-assisted thoracoscopic pleurectomy in the treatment of recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax. Ann Chir Gynaecol. 84: 272-275, 1995.
  • Yim AP, Ho JK, Chung SS, Ng DC: Video- assisted thoracoscopic surgery for primary spontaneous pneumothorax. Aust N Z J Surg. 64: 667-670, 1994.
  • Sekine Y, Miyata Y, Yamada K, Yamada H, Yasukawa T, Saitoh Y, Yoshida S, Fujisawa T: Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery does not deteriorate postoperative pulmonary gas Exchange in spontaneous pneumothorax patients. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 16: 48-53, 1999.
  • Light RW, O'Hara VS, Moritz TE, McElhinney AJ, Butz R, Haakenson CM, Read RC, Sassoon CS, Eastridge CE, Berger R, et al: Intrapleural tetracycline for the prevention of recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax. Results of a Department of Veterans Affairs cooperative study. JAMA. 264: 2224-2230, 1990.
  • Fry WA, Paaper K, Pneumothorax, In Shields TW, Loceiro J, Ponn RB, (eds): General Toracic Surgery, 5th ed. Phiadelphia. Lippincott Williams&Wilkins. pp: 675-686, 2000.
  • Martin T, Fontana G, Olak J, Ferguson M: Use of pleural catheter for the management of simple pneumothorax. Chest. 110: 1169-1172, 1996.
  • Fujino S, Inoue S, Tezuka N, Hanaoka J, Sawai S, Ichinose M, Kontani K: Physical development of surgically treated patients with primary spontaneous pneumothorax.Chest. 116: 899-902, 1999.
  • Ilce Z, Gundogdu G, Kara C, Ilikkan B, Celayir S: Which patients are at risk? Evaluation of the morbility and mortality in newborn pneumothorax. Indian Pediatr. 40: 325-328, 2003.
  • Luck SR, Raffensperger JG, Sullivan HJ, Gibson LE: Management of pneumothorax in children with chronic pulmonary disease. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 74: 834-839, 1977.
  • Cagirici U, Sahin B, Cakan A, Kayabas H, Buduneli T: Autologous blood patch pleurodesis in spontaneous pneumothorax with persistent air leak. Scand Cardiovasc J. 32: 75- 78, 1998.
  • Metersky ML, Colt HG, Olson LK, Shanks TG: AIDS-related spontaneous pneumothorax. Risk factors and treatment. Chest. 108: 946- 951, 1995.
  • Warner BW, Bailey WW, Shipley RT: Value of computed tomography of the lung in the management of primary spontaneous pneumothorax. Am J Surg. 162: 39-42, 1991.
  • Almind M, Lange P, Viskum K: Spontaneous pneumothorax: comparison of simple drainage, talc pleurodesis, and tetracycline pleurodesis. Thorax. 44: 627-630, 1989.
  • van den Brande P, Staelens I: Chemical pleurodesis in primary spontaneous pneumothorax. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 37: 180-182, 1989.
  • Plucnar B, Rasmussen E, Sparup J: Tetracycline versus silver nitrate pleurodesis in spontaneous pneumothorax. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 86: 591-593, 1983.
  • Hatz RA, Kaps MF, Meimarakis G, Loehe F, Muller C, Furst H: Long-term results after video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery for first- time and recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax. Ann Thorac Surg. 70: 253-257, 2000.
  • Cannon WB, Vierra MA, Cannon A: Thoracoscopy for spontaneous pneumothorax. Ann Thorac Surg. 56: 686-687, 1993.
  • Haciibrahimoglu G, Çelik M, Senol C, Örki A, Arman B. Büllöz akciger hastaliklarinin tedavisinde video yardimli torakoskopik cerrahi ve torakotominin karsilastirilmasi Solunum. 4: 23-25, 2002.
  • Trachiotis GD, Vricella LA, Aaron BL, Hix WR : As originally published in 1988: Reexpansion pulmonary edema. Ann Thorac Surg. 63: 1206-1207, 1997.
  • Murat A, Arslan A, Balci AE. Re -expansion pulmonary edema. Acta Radiol. 45: 431-433, 2004.
  • Nakamura M, Fujishima S, Sawafuji M, Ishizaka A, Oguma T, Soejima K, Matsubara H, Tasaka S, Kikuchi K, Kobayashi K, Ikeda E, Sadick M, Hebert CA, Aikawa N, Kanazawa M, Yamaguchi K: Importance of interleukin-8 in the development of reexpansion lung injury in rabbits. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 161: 1030-1036, 2000.

Spontan Pnömotoraksli Olgulara Yaklasim: Bes Yillik Deneyim

Year 2007, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 8 - 13, 01.07.2007


Amaç: Spontan pnömotoraks genelde genç eriskin erkeklerin hastaligidir. Olgular genellikle solunum sikintisi ve gögüs agrisi sikayetiyle basvururlar. Çalismamizda hastanemizde 5 yil içinde teshis ve tedavisi yapilan spontan pnömotoraksli olgular degerlendirildi. Gereç ve Yöntem: Olgular yas, cinsiyet, basvuru sikayeti, pnömotoraks tarafi, tani yöntemi, pnömotoraks yüzdesi, tedavi yaklasimi ve sonuçlari açisindan degerlendirildi. Tanida klinik bulgular ve akciger grafisi esas alindi. Pnömotoraks yüzdesinin hesaplanmasinda Light ve arkadaslarinin tanimladigi formül kullanildi.Bulgular: Çalismamizda 20 spontan pnömotoraksli olgu degerlendirildi. Olgularin 17’si (%85) erkek, 3’ü (%15) bayan idi. Ortalama yaslari 38 idi. Baslica klinik sikayetleri; solunum sikintisi ve gögüs agrisi idi. Pnömotoraksin 7’si (%35) sol, 13’ü (%65) ise sag hemitoraks yerlesimliydi. 17 erkek olgunun 14’nün sigara içme aliskanligi vardi. Ortalama pnömotoraks yüzdesi %71 olarak hesaplandi. Tüm olgulara tedavi amaçli tüp torakostomi uygulandi. Tüp ortalama 4,6 gün kaldi. Spontan pnömotoraksi tekrarlayan üç olguya tetrasiklin ile plöridezis uygulandi. Sonuç: Spontan pnömotoraks zamaninda teshis ve tedavi edildiginde sonuçlari oldukça iyi mortalitesi olmayan bir patolojidir. Spontan pnömotoraksin tekrarladiginda plöridezis alternatif bir tedavi yöntemi olarak denenebilir


  • Beauchamp G: Spontaneous pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum. In Pearson FG, Deslauries J, Gingsberg RJ, et al (eds): Toracic surgery. Newyork. Churchill Livingstone. pp: 1037-1054, 1995.
  • Isitmangil T, Balkanli K: Pnömotoraks ve cerrahisi. Edt. Yüksel M, Kalayci G, Gögüs Cerrahisi. Istanbul. Bilmedya Grup. pp: 411- 446, 2001.
  • Alfageme I, Moreno L, Huertas C, Vargas A, Hernandez J, Beiztegui A: Spontaneous pneumothorax. ong-term results with tetracycline pleurodesis. Chest. 106:347-50, 1994.
  • So SY, Yu DY: Catheter drainage of spontaneous pneumothorax: suction or no suction, early or late removal? Thorax. 37: 46- 48, 1982.
  • Weissberg D, Refaely Y: Pneumothorax: experience with 1,199 patients.Chest. 117:1279-85, 2000.
  • Melton LJ 3rd, Hepper NG, Offord KP: Influence of height on the risk of spontaneous pneumothorax. Mayo Clin Proc. 56: 678-682., 1981.
  • Primrose WR: Spontaneous pneumothorax: a retrospective review of aetiology, pathogenesis and management. Scott Med J. 29: 15-20, 1984.
  • Sadikot RT, Greene T, Meadows K, Arnold AG: Recurrence of primary spontaneous pneumothorax. Thorax. 52: 805-809, 1997.
  • Ramo OJ, Salo JA, Mattila SP: Video-assisted thoracoscopic pleurectomy in the treatment of recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax. Ann Chir Gynaecol. 84: 272-275, 1995.
  • Yim AP, Ho JK, Chung SS, Ng DC: Video- assisted thoracoscopic surgery for primary spontaneous pneumothorax. Aust N Z J Surg. 64: 667-670, 1994.
  • Sekine Y, Miyata Y, Yamada K, Yamada H, Yasukawa T, Saitoh Y, Yoshida S, Fujisawa T: Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery does not deteriorate postoperative pulmonary gas Exchange in spontaneous pneumothorax patients. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 16: 48-53, 1999.
  • Light RW, O'Hara VS, Moritz TE, McElhinney AJ, Butz R, Haakenson CM, Read RC, Sassoon CS, Eastridge CE, Berger R, et al: Intrapleural tetracycline for the prevention of recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax. Results of a Department of Veterans Affairs cooperative study. JAMA. 264: 2224-2230, 1990.
  • Fry WA, Paaper K, Pneumothorax, In Shields TW, Loceiro J, Ponn RB, (eds): General Toracic Surgery, 5th ed. Phiadelphia. Lippincott Williams&Wilkins. pp: 675-686, 2000.
  • Martin T, Fontana G, Olak J, Ferguson M: Use of pleural catheter for the management of simple pneumothorax. Chest. 110: 1169-1172, 1996.
  • Fujino S, Inoue S, Tezuka N, Hanaoka J, Sawai S, Ichinose M, Kontani K: Physical development of surgically treated patients with primary spontaneous pneumothorax.Chest. 116: 899-902, 1999.
  • Ilce Z, Gundogdu G, Kara C, Ilikkan B, Celayir S: Which patients are at risk? Evaluation of the morbility and mortality in newborn pneumothorax. Indian Pediatr. 40: 325-328, 2003.
  • Luck SR, Raffensperger JG, Sullivan HJ, Gibson LE: Management of pneumothorax in children with chronic pulmonary disease. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 74: 834-839, 1977.
  • Cagirici U, Sahin B, Cakan A, Kayabas H, Buduneli T: Autologous blood patch pleurodesis in spontaneous pneumothorax with persistent air leak. Scand Cardiovasc J. 32: 75- 78, 1998.
  • Metersky ML, Colt HG, Olson LK, Shanks TG: AIDS-related spontaneous pneumothorax. Risk factors and treatment. Chest. 108: 946- 951, 1995.
  • Warner BW, Bailey WW, Shipley RT: Value of computed tomography of the lung in the management of primary spontaneous pneumothorax. Am J Surg. 162: 39-42, 1991.
  • Almind M, Lange P, Viskum K: Spontaneous pneumothorax: comparison of simple drainage, talc pleurodesis, and tetracycline pleurodesis. Thorax. 44: 627-630, 1989.
  • van den Brande P, Staelens I: Chemical pleurodesis in primary spontaneous pneumothorax. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 37: 180-182, 1989.
  • Plucnar B, Rasmussen E, Sparup J: Tetracycline versus silver nitrate pleurodesis in spontaneous pneumothorax. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 86: 591-593, 1983.
  • Hatz RA, Kaps MF, Meimarakis G, Loehe F, Muller C, Furst H: Long-term results after video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery for first- time and recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax. Ann Thorac Surg. 70: 253-257, 2000.
  • Cannon WB, Vierra MA, Cannon A: Thoracoscopy for spontaneous pneumothorax. Ann Thorac Surg. 56: 686-687, 1993.
  • Haciibrahimoglu G, Çelik M, Senol C, Örki A, Arman B. Büllöz akciger hastaliklarinin tedavisinde video yardimli torakoskopik cerrahi ve torakotominin karsilastirilmasi Solunum. 4: 23-25, 2002.
  • Trachiotis GD, Vricella LA, Aaron BL, Hix WR : As originally published in 1988: Reexpansion pulmonary edema. Ann Thorac Surg. 63: 1206-1207, 1997.
  • Murat A, Arslan A, Balci AE. Re -expansion pulmonary edema. Acta Radiol. 45: 431-433, 2004.
  • Nakamura M, Fujishima S, Sawafuji M, Ishizaka A, Oguma T, Soejima K, Matsubara H, Tasaka S, Kikuchi K, Kobayashi K, Ikeda E, Sadick M, Hebert CA, Aikawa N, Kanazawa M, Yamaguchi K: Importance of interleukin-8 in the development of reexpansion lung injury in rabbits. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 161: 1030-1036, 2000.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Sabri Topdag This is me

Zekeriya Ilçe This is me

Arif Aslaner This is me

İsmet Özaydin This is me

Publication Date July 1, 2007
Published in Issue Year 2007 Volume: 9 Issue: 2


APA Topdag, S., Ilçe, Z., Aslaner, A., Özaydin, İ. (2007). Spontan Pnömotoraksli Olgulara Yaklasim: Bes Yillik Deneyim. Duzce Medical Journal, 9(2), 8-13.
AMA Topdag S, Ilçe Z, Aslaner A, Özaydin İ. Spontan Pnömotoraksli Olgulara Yaklasim: Bes Yillik Deneyim. Duzce Med J. July 2007;9(2):8-13.
Chicago Topdag, Sabri, Zekeriya Ilçe, Arif Aslaner, and İsmet Özaydin. “Spontan Pnömotoraksli Olgulara Yaklasim: Bes Yillik Deneyim”. Duzce Medical Journal 9, no. 2 (July 2007): 8-13.
EndNote Topdag S, Ilçe Z, Aslaner A, Özaydin İ (July 1, 2007) Spontan Pnömotoraksli Olgulara Yaklasim: Bes Yillik Deneyim. Duzce Medical Journal 9 2 8–13.
IEEE S. Topdag, Z. Ilçe, A. Aslaner, and İ. Özaydin, “Spontan Pnömotoraksli Olgulara Yaklasim: Bes Yillik Deneyim”, Duzce Med J, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 8–13, 2007.
ISNAD Topdag, Sabri et al. “Spontan Pnömotoraksli Olgulara Yaklasim: Bes Yillik Deneyim”. Duzce Medical Journal 9/2 (July 2007), 8-13.
JAMA Topdag S, Ilçe Z, Aslaner A, Özaydin İ. Spontan Pnömotoraksli Olgulara Yaklasim: Bes Yillik Deneyim. Duzce Med J. 2007;9:8–13.
MLA Topdag, Sabri et al. “Spontan Pnömotoraksli Olgulara Yaklasim: Bes Yillik Deneyim”. Duzce Medical Journal, vol. 9, no. 2, 2007, pp. 8-13.
Vancouver Topdag S, Ilçe Z, Aslaner A, Özaydin İ. Spontan Pnömotoraksli Olgulara Yaklasim: Bes Yillik Deneyim. Duzce Med J. 2007;9(2):8-13.