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Evaluation of Patients with Epilepsy Conform to Antiepileptic Medication

Year 2009, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 21 - 31, 01.03.2009


Aim: This study has been done to evaluate patients’ knowledge and understanding about their epilepsy, to asses which factors affect to conform to medical care, to put forward proposals which will guide in the planning of health care necessities and to emphasize necessity of epilepsy management for our country. Methods: This study was realized with 205 patients with epilepsy who applied to Neurology Outpatient Departments, between the dates of September 2005–March 2006. The Patient Interview Questionnaire has been used as a means of collecting data. Results: 87.3% of patients who participated to this study were male. 76.1% of the participants were single. Mean age at onset of epilepsy in the study population was 15.5±11.9 and the duration of disease was 10.0±7.2 years. 20.5% of patients had graduated from university. 50.25% of patients had no health insurance. It is found that education level is related with knowledge about illness (p


  • Yılmaz H, Mavioğlu H, Tosun C, Okudur İ. Epilepsi demografik poliklinik tabanlı bir çalışma. Düşünen Adam. 13(3): 180-4, 2000. özellikleri: ve klinik
  • Baykan B, Gürses C, Gökyiğit A. Nöroloji. Ed: Öge EA, Epilepsi, 2.Basım, İstanbul, 279-308, 2004. Kitabevleri
  • Erdinç O, Yiğit A, Yeni N. Epilepsi. Ed: Özkara Ç, Ataklı D. 1. Basım, 5US Yayın, İstanbul, 2001.
  • Topalkara K, Akyüz A, Sümer H, Bekar D, Topaktaş S, Dener Ş. Sivas il merkezinde yöntemiyle gerçekleştirilen epilepsi prevelans çalışması. Epilepsiİ 5(1): 24- 9, 1999 örneklem
  • Dilorio C, Shafer OP, Letz R, Henry T, Schomer DL, Yeager K. The association of stigma with self- management and perceptions of health care among adults with epilepsy. Epilepsy Behav. 4(3):259-67, 2003
  • Jacoby A. Stigma, epilepsy an quality of life. Epilepsy Behav. Suppl.3:10-20, 2002.
  • Lee AS, Yoo HJ, Lee B. Factors contributing to the stigma of epilepsy. Seizure. 4(3): 157-163, 2005.
  • Rahman F. Awareness and knowledge of epilepsy among students in a Malaysian university. Seizure. 14(8): 593-6, 2005.
  • Eşkazan E, Özkara Ç, Özyurt E. Epilepsilerde tanı ve tedavi. Ed: Eşkazan E, 1. Basım, Güncel Tıp Yayınları, İstanbul, 1998.
  • Helde G, Bowim G, Brathen G, Brodtkorb E. A structured, nurse-led intervention program improves quality of life patients with epilepsy: a randomized, controlled trial. Epilepsy Behav. 7(3): 451-7, 2005.
  • Stevanovic D, Miladinovic DL, Jovic N, Sarenac M. The Serbian QQLIE- AD-48: adaptation, psychometric Behav, 2005. 7(2): 240-5, 2005 Epilepsy 12. Gürses C. Ergen Nöropsikiyatri Arşivi. 36(4): 195-200, 1999. ve epilepsi.
  • Doughty J, Baker GA, Jacoby A, Lavaud V. Cross-cultural differences in levels of knowledge about epilepsy. Epilepsia. 44(1): 115-23, 2003.
  • Djibuti M, Shakarishvili R. Influence of socioeconomic variables on qulity of life in patients with epilepsy: findings from Neurosurg Psychiatry. 74:570-3, 2003. Neurol 15. Arpacı B. Epilepsili hastanın ekonomik yönü. Epilepsi. 5(2): 80-4, 1999.
  • Paschal AM, Ablah E, Hall RW, Molgaard CA, Liow K. Stigma and safe havens: a medical sociological perspective female epilepsy patients. Epilepsy & Behavior. 7(1): 106-15, 2005.
  • İsmail H, Wright J, Rhodes P, Small N, Jacoby A. South Asians and epilepsy: exploring health experiences, needs and beliefs of communities in the north of England. Seizure.14(7): 497-503, 2005.
  • Mısırlı H. Epilepsili hastalarda yaşam kalitesi. Epilepsi. 3;9(1): 42-6, 2003
  • Haut RS, Vouyiouklis M, Shinnar S. Stres and epilepsy: a patient perception survey. Epilepsy Behav. 4(5):511-4, 2003
  • Heaney DC, Shorvon S, Sander JW, Boon P, Marusic P, Komarek D, Dravet C, Perucca E, Majkowski J, Lopes Lima JM, Arroyo S, Tomson T, Ried S, Donselear CA, Eşkazan E, Peeters P, Carita P, Hung ITA, Myon E, Taleb C. 11 Avrupa ülkesinde yeni tanı antiepileptik ilaçların maliyetlerinin en aza Türkiye sonuçları. Epilepsi. 5(3): 116- 23
  • Theodore HW, Porter RJ. Epilepsi. Çevirenler: Ekmekçi H, Çalıyurt O, 3.Basım, Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, İstanbul, 2001.
  • Helde G, Brodtkorb E, Brathen G, Bovim G. An easily performed group education programme for patient with uncontrolled epilepsy-a pilot study. Seizure. 12: 497-501, 2003.
  • Liu L, Yiu CH, Yen DJ, Chou M.H, Lin M.F. Medication education for patients with epilepsy in Taiwan. Seizure. 12: 473-7, 2003.
  • Al-Adawi S, Al-Salmy H, Martin RG, Al-Naamani A, Prabhakar S, Deleu D, Moosa S, Dorvlo ASS. Patient’s perspective knowledge among Omanis. Seizure. 12: 11-8, 2003. self
  • Prinjha S, Chaple A, Herxheimer A, McPherson A. Many people with epilepsy want to know more: a qualitative study. Family Practice. 22(4): 435-41, 2005.
  • Crawford P, Hudson S. Understanding the information needs of women with epilepsy at different lifestages: results of the ‘ideal world’ survey. Seizure. 12: 502-7, 2003.
  • Rajpura A, Sethi S. Evidence- based standarts of care for adults with epilepsy- a literature review. Seizure. 13: 45-54, 2004.
  • May WT, Pfafflin M. The efficacy of an educational treatment programme for patient with epilepsy (MOSES) result of a controlled randomized study. Epilepsia. 43(5): 539, 2002.
  • Helde G, Brodtkorb E, Brathen G, Bovim G. An easily performed group education programme for patients with uncontrolled epilepsy-a pilot study. Seizure. 12(7): 497-501, 2003.
  • Mollaoğlu M, Bolayır M, Taş A. Epilepsi hastalarının Beck depesyon ölçeği ile değerlendirilmesi. Epilepsi. 9(3): 144-50, 2003.
  • Beghi E, Niero M, Roncolato M. Validity and relability of the Italian version of the quality of life in epilepsy inventory (QOLIE). Seizure. 14(7): 452-8, 2005.
  • Privitera M., Ficker D.M.: Assessment of adverse events and quality of life in epilepsy: design of new community- based trial. Epilepsy & Behavior. 5(6): 841-6, 2004.
  • Thomas SV, Koshy S, Nair CR, Sarma SP. Frequent seizure and polytherapy can impair quality of life in persons with epilepsy. Neural India. 53(1): 46- 50, 2005.
  • Deckers CLP, Hekster YH, Keyser A, Lier HJV, Meinardi H, Reiner WO. Monotherapy versus polyterapy for epilepsy: a multicenter double-blind randomized study. Epilepsia. 42(11): 1387-94, 2001.

Epilepsi Hastalarında Antiepileptik İlaç Tedavisine Uyumu Etkileyen Etmenler

Year 2009, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 21 - 31, 01.03.2009


Amaç: Bu çalışma epilepsili yetişkin bireylerin hastalık hakkında bilgi düzeylerini ve hastalığı algılayış şeklini ortaya çıkarmak, antiepileptik ilaç tedavisine uyumu etkileyen faktörleri değerlendirmek, böylece epilepsi hastalarının sağlık bakım gereksinimlerinin planlanmasında rehber olmak gayesiyle yapıldı. Yöntem: Nöroloji Polikliniğine Eylül 2005–Mart.2006 tarihleri arasında başvuran 205 hasta dâhil edildi. Araştırmaya katılanlara Hasta Görüşme Formu uygulandı. Bulgular: Hastaların %87,3’ü erkek, ortalama yaşları 25,5±11,0, hastalık başlangıç yaşı ortalama 15,5±11,9 yıl ve ortalama hastalık süresi 10,0±7,2 yıldı. Hastaların %20,5’i üniversite mezunu idi ve %50,2’ sinin sağlık güvencesi yoktu. Hastaların hastalıklarıyla ilgili bilgilerinin yetersiz olduğu, öğrenim düzeyi arttıkça bilgi düzeyinin arttığı (p


  • Yılmaz H, Mavioğlu H, Tosun C, Okudur İ. Epilepsi demografik poliklinik tabanlı bir çalışma. Düşünen Adam. 13(3): 180-4, 2000. özellikleri: ve klinik
  • Baykan B, Gürses C, Gökyiğit A. Nöroloji. Ed: Öge EA, Epilepsi, 2.Basım, İstanbul, 279-308, 2004. Kitabevleri
  • Erdinç O, Yiğit A, Yeni N. Epilepsi. Ed: Özkara Ç, Ataklı D. 1. Basım, 5US Yayın, İstanbul, 2001.
  • Topalkara K, Akyüz A, Sümer H, Bekar D, Topaktaş S, Dener Ş. Sivas il merkezinde yöntemiyle gerçekleştirilen epilepsi prevelans çalışması. Epilepsiİ 5(1): 24- 9, 1999 örneklem
  • Dilorio C, Shafer OP, Letz R, Henry T, Schomer DL, Yeager K. The association of stigma with self- management and perceptions of health care among adults with epilepsy. Epilepsy Behav. 4(3):259-67, 2003
  • Jacoby A. Stigma, epilepsy an quality of life. Epilepsy Behav. Suppl.3:10-20, 2002.
  • Lee AS, Yoo HJ, Lee B. Factors contributing to the stigma of epilepsy. Seizure. 4(3): 157-163, 2005.
  • Rahman F. Awareness and knowledge of epilepsy among students in a Malaysian university. Seizure. 14(8): 593-6, 2005.
  • Eşkazan E, Özkara Ç, Özyurt E. Epilepsilerde tanı ve tedavi. Ed: Eşkazan E, 1. Basım, Güncel Tıp Yayınları, İstanbul, 1998.
  • Helde G, Bowim G, Brathen G, Brodtkorb E. A structured, nurse-led intervention program improves quality of life patients with epilepsy: a randomized, controlled trial. Epilepsy Behav. 7(3): 451-7, 2005.
  • Stevanovic D, Miladinovic DL, Jovic N, Sarenac M. The Serbian QQLIE- AD-48: adaptation, psychometric Behav, 2005. 7(2): 240-5, 2005 Epilepsy 12. Gürses C. Ergen Nöropsikiyatri Arşivi. 36(4): 195-200, 1999. ve epilepsi.
  • Doughty J, Baker GA, Jacoby A, Lavaud V. Cross-cultural differences in levels of knowledge about epilepsy. Epilepsia. 44(1): 115-23, 2003.
  • Djibuti M, Shakarishvili R. Influence of socioeconomic variables on qulity of life in patients with epilepsy: findings from Neurosurg Psychiatry. 74:570-3, 2003. Neurol 15. Arpacı B. Epilepsili hastanın ekonomik yönü. Epilepsi. 5(2): 80-4, 1999.
  • Paschal AM, Ablah E, Hall RW, Molgaard CA, Liow K. Stigma and safe havens: a medical sociological perspective female epilepsy patients. Epilepsy & Behavior. 7(1): 106-15, 2005.
  • İsmail H, Wright J, Rhodes P, Small N, Jacoby A. South Asians and epilepsy: exploring health experiences, needs and beliefs of communities in the north of England. Seizure.14(7): 497-503, 2005.
  • Mısırlı H. Epilepsili hastalarda yaşam kalitesi. Epilepsi. 3;9(1): 42-6, 2003
  • Haut RS, Vouyiouklis M, Shinnar S. Stres and epilepsy: a patient perception survey. Epilepsy Behav. 4(5):511-4, 2003
  • Heaney DC, Shorvon S, Sander JW, Boon P, Marusic P, Komarek D, Dravet C, Perucca E, Majkowski J, Lopes Lima JM, Arroyo S, Tomson T, Ried S, Donselear CA, Eşkazan E, Peeters P, Carita P, Hung ITA, Myon E, Taleb C. 11 Avrupa ülkesinde yeni tanı antiepileptik ilaçların maliyetlerinin en aza Türkiye sonuçları. Epilepsi. 5(3): 116- 23
  • Theodore HW, Porter RJ. Epilepsi. Çevirenler: Ekmekçi H, Çalıyurt O, 3.Basım, Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, İstanbul, 2001.
  • Helde G, Brodtkorb E, Brathen G, Bovim G. An easily performed group education programme for patient with uncontrolled epilepsy-a pilot study. Seizure. 12: 497-501, 2003.
  • Liu L, Yiu CH, Yen DJ, Chou M.H, Lin M.F. Medication education for patients with epilepsy in Taiwan. Seizure. 12: 473-7, 2003.
  • Al-Adawi S, Al-Salmy H, Martin RG, Al-Naamani A, Prabhakar S, Deleu D, Moosa S, Dorvlo ASS. Patient’s perspective knowledge among Omanis. Seizure. 12: 11-8, 2003. self
  • Prinjha S, Chaple A, Herxheimer A, McPherson A. Many people with epilepsy want to know more: a qualitative study. Family Practice. 22(4): 435-41, 2005.
  • Crawford P, Hudson S. Understanding the information needs of women with epilepsy at different lifestages: results of the ‘ideal world’ survey. Seizure. 12: 502-7, 2003.
  • Rajpura A, Sethi S. Evidence- based standarts of care for adults with epilepsy- a literature review. Seizure. 13: 45-54, 2004.
  • May WT, Pfafflin M. The efficacy of an educational treatment programme for patient with epilepsy (MOSES) result of a controlled randomized study. Epilepsia. 43(5): 539, 2002.
  • Helde G, Brodtkorb E, Brathen G, Bovim G. An easily performed group education programme for patients with uncontrolled epilepsy-a pilot study. Seizure. 12(7): 497-501, 2003.
  • Mollaoğlu M, Bolayır M, Taş A. Epilepsi hastalarının Beck depesyon ölçeği ile değerlendirilmesi. Epilepsi. 9(3): 144-50, 2003.
  • Beghi E, Niero M, Roncolato M. Validity and relability of the Italian version of the quality of life in epilepsy inventory (QOLIE). Seizure. 14(7): 452-8, 2005.
  • Privitera M., Ficker D.M.: Assessment of adverse events and quality of life in epilepsy: design of new community- based trial. Epilepsy & Behavior. 5(6): 841-6, 2004.
  • Thomas SV, Koshy S, Nair CR, Sarma SP. Frequent seizure and polytherapy can impair quality of life in persons with epilepsy. Neural India. 53(1): 46- 50, 2005.
  • Deckers CLP, Hekster YH, Keyser A, Lier HJV, Meinardi H, Reiner WO. Monotherapy versus polyterapy for epilepsy: a multicenter double-blind randomized study. Epilepsia. 42(11): 1387-94, 2001.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Mehmet Güney Şenol This is me

İlknur Gün This is me

Erdem Toğrol This is me

Nermin Olgun This is me

Mehmet Saraçoğlu This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 11 Issue: 1


APA Güney Şenol, M., Gün, İ., Toğrol, E., Olgun, N., et al. (2009). Epilepsi Hastalarında Antiepileptik İlaç Tedavisine Uyumu Etkileyen Etmenler. Duzce Medical Journal, 11(1), 21-31.
AMA Güney Şenol M, Gün İ, Toğrol E, Olgun N, Saraçoğlu M. Epilepsi Hastalarında Antiepileptik İlaç Tedavisine Uyumu Etkileyen Etmenler. Duzce Med J. March 2009;11(1):21-31.
Chicago Güney Şenol, Mehmet, İlknur Gün, Erdem Toğrol, Nermin Olgun, and Mehmet Saraçoğlu. “Epilepsi Hastalarında Antiepileptik İlaç Tedavisine Uyumu Etkileyen Etmenler”. Duzce Medical Journal 11, no. 1 (March 2009): 21-31.
EndNote Güney Şenol M, Gün İ, Toğrol E, Olgun N, Saraçoğlu M (March 1, 2009) Epilepsi Hastalarında Antiepileptik İlaç Tedavisine Uyumu Etkileyen Etmenler. Duzce Medical Journal 11 1 21–31.
IEEE M. Güney Şenol, İ. Gün, E. Toğrol, N. Olgun, and M. Saraçoğlu, “Epilepsi Hastalarında Antiepileptik İlaç Tedavisine Uyumu Etkileyen Etmenler”, Duzce Med J, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 21–31, 2009.
ISNAD Güney Şenol, Mehmet et al. “Epilepsi Hastalarında Antiepileptik İlaç Tedavisine Uyumu Etkileyen Etmenler”. Duzce Medical Journal 11/1 (March 2009), 21-31.
JAMA Güney Şenol M, Gün İ, Toğrol E, Olgun N, Saraçoğlu M. Epilepsi Hastalarında Antiepileptik İlaç Tedavisine Uyumu Etkileyen Etmenler. Duzce Med J. 2009;11:21–31.
MLA Güney Şenol, Mehmet et al. “Epilepsi Hastalarında Antiepileptik İlaç Tedavisine Uyumu Etkileyen Etmenler”. Duzce Medical Journal, vol. 11, no. 1, 2009, pp. 21-31.
Vancouver Güney Şenol M, Gün İ, Toğrol E, Olgun N, Saraçoğlu M. Epilepsi Hastalarında Antiepileptik İlaç Tedavisine Uyumu Etkileyen Etmenler. Duzce Med J. 2009;11(1):21-3.