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Effects Of Oral Carbamazepine With 2% Lidocaine On Maxillary And Mandibular Nerve Blocks In Trigeminal Neuralgia

Year 2010, Volume: 12 Issue: 3, 19 - 23, 01.12.2010


Purpose: We evaluated the therapeutic efficacy of associating the oral administration ofcarbamazepine with 2% lidocaine for maxillary and mandibular nerve blocks in acute and longterm pain relief of trigeminal neuralgia in this retrospective study.Methods: A total of 13 patients (9 men and 4 women), with trigeminal neuralgia aged between34 and 91 years (Mean age 53±13.39), and who applied to our hospitals Pain Unit between July2007-July 2009 were included in this study. The records of 13 patients suffering pain due totrigeminal neuralgia were examined; pain free periods, treatment success, side effects, andrecurrence were recorded.Results: At the end of a 5-week treatment period, pain relapses ceased in all patients. Themajority of patients benefited remarkably from the treatment after week three. Pain recurred inone patient after one month and in two patients after six months. No relapse was observed inthe other 10 patients during the 12-month follow-up period. Conclusion: Pain episodes in trigeminal neuralgia cases may be controlled by maxillary andmandibular blocks applied with oral carbamazepine and 2% lidocaine. Favorable results areobtained in both the short and long–term, and notable increases are observed in the comfort andquality of life of patients


  • Bennetto L, Patel KN, Fuller G: Trigeminal neuralgia and its management. BMJ. 334: 201-205, 2007.
  • Love S, Coakham HB: Trigeminal neuralgia pathology and pathogenesis. Brain. 124: 2347-2360, 2001.
  • Chong MS, Bajwa ZH: Diagnosis and treatment of neuropathic pain. J Pain Sympt Manag. 25(5S): S4–S11, 2003.
  • Zakrzewska JM, Lopez BC: Trigeminal and glossopharyngeal neuralgia. In: McMahon SB, Koltzenburg M (eds). Wall and Melzack's Textbook of Pain. 5th ed. Philadelphia. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier. pp 1001-1010, 2006.
  • Wiffen PJ, McQuay HJ, Moore RA: Carbamazepine for acute and chronic pain. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 20:CD005451, 2005.
  • Solaro C, Uccelli MM, Uccelli A, Leandri M, Mancardi GL: Low-dose gabapentin combined with either iamotrigine or carbamazepine can be useful therapies for trigeminal neuralgia in multiple sclerosis. Eur Neurol. 44:45–48, 2000.
  • Cheshire WP Jr: Defining the role for gabapentin in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia: a retrospective study. J Pain. 3:137–142, 2002.
  • McQuay H, Carroll D, Jadad RJ, Wiffen P, Moore A: Anticonvulsant drugs for management of pain: a systematic review. BMJ. 331:1047-1052, 1995.
  • Taylor JC, Bauer S, Espir LE: Long term treatment of trigeminal neuralgia with carbamazepine. Postgrad Med J. 276:577-580, 1968.
  • Han KR, Kim C, Chae YJ, Kim DW: Efficacy and safety of high concentration lidocaine for trigeminal neuralgia. Int J Clin Pract. 62(2):248-254, 2008.
  • Breivik H. Local anesthetic blocks and epidurals. In: McMahon SB, Koltzenburg M (eds). Wall and Melzack’s Textbook of Pain. 5th ed. Philadelphia. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier. pp 903–925, 2006.
  • Chapman CR, Syrjala KL: Measurement of pain. In: Loeser JD, Butler SH, Chapman CR, Turk DC (eds). Bonica’s Management of Pain. 3rd ed. Philadelphia. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. pp 310–328, 2001.
  • Brown DL. Maxillary block. In: Brown: Atlas of Regional Anesthesia. 3rd ed. Philadephia: Elsevier Saunders.pp 165-170, 2006.
  • Brown DL. Mandibular block. In: Brown: Atlas of Regional Anesthesia. 3rd ed. Philadephia: Elsevier Saunders. pp 171- 176, 2006.
  • Manchikanti L, Singh V, Trescot AM, Deer TR, Boswell MW . Guidelines for the practice of interventional techniques. In: Boswell MV, Cole BE(eds). Weiner’s Pain Management: A Practical Guide for Clinicians. 7th ed. Massachussets. CRC Press. pp 847–878, 2006.
  • Stajcic Z, Todorovic L: Is carbamazepine less effective in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia when prescribed by oral and maxillofacial surgeons? Anesth Prog. 44: 55-58,1997.
  • Arner A, Lindblom U, Meyerson BA, Molander C: Prolonged relief of neuralgia alter regional anesthetic blocks. A call for further experimental and systematic clinical studies. Pain. 43:287–297,1990.
  • Ferrante FM, Paggioli J, Cherukuri S, Arthur GR: The analgesic response to intravenous lidocaine in the treatment of neuropathic pain.Anesth Analg 82:91-97, 1996.
  • Lemos L, Flores S, Oliviera P, Almeida A: Gabapentin supplemented with ropivacain block of trigger points improves pain control and quality of life in trigeminal neuralgia patients when compared with gabapentin alone. Clin J Pain. 24(1):64- 75, 2008.
  • Devor M, Amir R, Rappaport ZH: Pathophysiology of trigeminal neuralgia: the ignition hypothesis. The Clinical Journal of Pain.18 (1): 4-13, 2002
  • Hughes GB, Pensak ML (eds) In: Clinical Otology 3.ed. Stuttgart. Thieme Publishing Group. p 472, 2007.
  • Stajcic Z, Juniper RP, Todorovic: Peripheral streptomycin/lidocaine injections versus lidocaine alone in the treatment of idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia. A double blind controlled trial. J Craniomaxillofac Surg.18(6):243-6, 1990.
  • Rowbotham MC, Petersen KL. Anticonvulsants and local anesthetic drugs. In: Loeser JD, Butler SH, Chapman CR(eds). Bonica's Management of Pain. 3rd ed. Philedelphia. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. pp 329-341, 2001.

Trigeminal Nevraljide Oral Karbamazepin ile Birlikte %2 Lidokain ile Uygulanan Maksiler ve Mandibuler Sinir Bloklarının Etkileri

Year 2010, Volume: 12 Issue: 3, 19 - 23, 01.12.2010


Amaç: Bu retrospektif çalışmada oral karbamazepin ile birlikte % 2 lidokain kullanılarakmaksiler ve mandibuler sinir bloğu uygulamasının akut ve uzun dönemde trigeminal nevraljiağrısı tedavisindeki etkilerinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır.Yöntem: Trigeminal nevralji nedeniyle ağrısı olan ve Temmuz 2007-Temmuz 2009 tarihleriarasında hastanemiz Ağrı Ünitesine başvuran yaşları 34 ve 91 (Ortalama yaş 53±13.39) arasındadeğişen toplam 13 olgunun (9 erkek ve 4 kadın) kayıtları ağrısız geçen dönemleri, tedavibaşarısı, yan etkiler ve hastalığın tekrarlaması yönünden incelendi.Bulgular: 5 haftalık tedavi periyodu sonunda tüm olgularda ağrı atakları geçmişti. Olgularınçoğu 3. haftadan itibaren tedaviden belirgin şekilde fayda gördüler. Bir olguda 1 ay sonra, ikiolguda 6 ay sonra ağrı atakları tekrar başladı. Diğer 10 olguda 12 aylık izlemede ağrı atağıoluşmadı.Sonuç: Trigeminal nevralji hastalarının ağrı atakları oral karbamazepin ve % 2 lidokain ileuygulanan maksiler ve mandibuler sinir blokları ile kontrol altına alınabilmektedir. Bu tedaviyöntemi ile kısa ve uzun dönemde başarılı sonuçlar alınabilmekte ve olguların konforu ve hayatkalitesi yönünden dikkat çekici artışlar gözlenmektedir


  • Bennetto L, Patel KN, Fuller G: Trigeminal neuralgia and its management. BMJ. 334: 201-205, 2007.
  • Love S, Coakham HB: Trigeminal neuralgia pathology and pathogenesis. Brain. 124: 2347-2360, 2001.
  • Chong MS, Bajwa ZH: Diagnosis and treatment of neuropathic pain. J Pain Sympt Manag. 25(5S): S4–S11, 2003.
  • Zakrzewska JM, Lopez BC: Trigeminal and glossopharyngeal neuralgia. In: McMahon SB, Koltzenburg M (eds). Wall and Melzack's Textbook of Pain. 5th ed. Philadelphia. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier. pp 1001-1010, 2006.
  • Wiffen PJ, McQuay HJ, Moore RA: Carbamazepine for acute and chronic pain. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 20:CD005451, 2005.
  • Solaro C, Uccelli MM, Uccelli A, Leandri M, Mancardi GL: Low-dose gabapentin combined with either iamotrigine or carbamazepine can be useful therapies for trigeminal neuralgia in multiple sclerosis. Eur Neurol. 44:45–48, 2000.
  • Cheshire WP Jr: Defining the role for gabapentin in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia: a retrospective study. J Pain. 3:137–142, 2002.
  • McQuay H, Carroll D, Jadad RJ, Wiffen P, Moore A: Anticonvulsant drugs for management of pain: a systematic review. BMJ. 331:1047-1052, 1995.
  • Taylor JC, Bauer S, Espir LE: Long term treatment of trigeminal neuralgia with carbamazepine. Postgrad Med J. 276:577-580, 1968.
  • Han KR, Kim C, Chae YJ, Kim DW: Efficacy and safety of high concentration lidocaine for trigeminal neuralgia. Int J Clin Pract. 62(2):248-254, 2008.
  • Breivik H. Local anesthetic blocks and epidurals. In: McMahon SB, Koltzenburg M (eds). Wall and Melzack’s Textbook of Pain. 5th ed. Philadelphia. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier. pp 903–925, 2006.
  • Chapman CR, Syrjala KL: Measurement of pain. In: Loeser JD, Butler SH, Chapman CR, Turk DC (eds). Bonica’s Management of Pain. 3rd ed. Philadelphia. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. pp 310–328, 2001.
  • Brown DL. Maxillary block. In: Brown: Atlas of Regional Anesthesia. 3rd ed. Philadephia: Elsevier Saunders.pp 165-170, 2006.
  • Brown DL. Mandibular block. In: Brown: Atlas of Regional Anesthesia. 3rd ed. Philadephia: Elsevier Saunders. pp 171- 176, 2006.
  • Manchikanti L, Singh V, Trescot AM, Deer TR, Boswell MW . Guidelines for the practice of interventional techniques. In: Boswell MV, Cole BE(eds). Weiner’s Pain Management: A Practical Guide for Clinicians. 7th ed. Massachussets. CRC Press. pp 847–878, 2006.
  • Stajcic Z, Todorovic L: Is carbamazepine less effective in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia when prescribed by oral and maxillofacial surgeons? Anesth Prog. 44: 55-58,1997.
  • Arner A, Lindblom U, Meyerson BA, Molander C: Prolonged relief of neuralgia alter regional anesthetic blocks. A call for further experimental and systematic clinical studies. Pain. 43:287–297,1990.
  • Ferrante FM, Paggioli J, Cherukuri S, Arthur GR: The analgesic response to intravenous lidocaine in the treatment of neuropathic pain.Anesth Analg 82:91-97, 1996.
  • Lemos L, Flores S, Oliviera P, Almeida A: Gabapentin supplemented with ropivacain block of trigger points improves pain control and quality of life in trigeminal neuralgia patients when compared with gabapentin alone. Clin J Pain. 24(1):64- 75, 2008.
  • Devor M, Amir R, Rappaport ZH: Pathophysiology of trigeminal neuralgia: the ignition hypothesis. The Clinical Journal of Pain.18 (1): 4-13, 2002
  • Hughes GB, Pensak ML (eds) In: Clinical Otology 3.ed. Stuttgart. Thieme Publishing Group. p 472, 2007.
  • Stajcic Z, Juniper RP, Todorovic: Peripheral streptomycin/lidocaine injections versus lidocaine alone in the treatment of idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia. A double blind controlled trial. J Craniomaxillofac Surg.18(6):243-6, 1990.
  • Rowbotham MC, Petersen KL. Anticonvulsants and local anesthetic drugs. In: Loeser JD, Butler SH, Chapman CR(eds). Bonica's Management of Pain. 3rd ed. Philedelphia. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. pp 329-341, 2001.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Metin Kaplan This is me

Mehmet Baykal This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 12 Issue: 3


APA Kaplan, M., & Baykal, M. (2010). Trigeminal Nevraljide Oral Karbamazepin ile Birlikte %2 Lidokain ile Uygulanan Maksiler ve Mandibuler Sinir Bloklarının Etkileri. Duzce Medical Journal, 12(3), 19-23.
AMA Kaplan M, Baykal M. Trigeminal Nevraljide Oral Karbamazepin ile Birlikte %2 Lidokain ile Uygulanan Maksiler ve Mandibuler Sinir Bloklarının Etkileri. Duzce Med J. December 2010;12(3):19-23.
Chicago Kaplan, Metin, and Mehmet Baykal. “Trigeminal Nevraljide Oral Karbamazepin Ile Birlikte %2 Lidokain Ile Uygulanan Maksiler Ve Mandibuler Sinir Bloklarının Etkileri”. Duzce Medical Journal 12, no. 3 (December 2010): 19-23.
EndNote Kaplan M, Baykal M (December 1, 2010) Trigeminal Nevraljide Oral Karbamazepin ile Birlikte %2 Lidokain ile Uygulanan Maksiler ve Mandibuler Sinir Bloklarının Etkileri. Duzce Medical Journal 12 3 19–23.
IEEE M. Kaplan and M. Baykal, “Trigeminal Nevraljide Oral Karbamazepin ile Birlikte %2 Lidokain ile Uygulanan Maksiler ve Mandibuler Sinir Bloklarının Etkileri”, Duzce Med J, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 19–23, 2010.
ISNAD Kaplan, Metin - Baykal, Mehmet. “Trigeminal Nevraljide Oral Karbamazepin Ile Birlikte %2 Lidokain Ile Uygulanan Maksiler Ve Mandibuler Sinir Bloklarının Etkileri”. Duzce Medical Journal 12/3 (December 2010), 19-23.
JAMA Kaplan M, Baykal M. Trigeminal Nevraljide Oral Karbamazepin ile Birlikte %2 Lidokain ile Uygulanan Maksiler ve Mandibuler Sinir Bloklarının Etkileri. Duzce Med J. 2010;12:19–23.
MLA Kaplan, Metin and Mehmet Baykal. “Trigeminal Nevraljide Oral Karbamazepin Ile Birlikte %2 Lidokain Ile Uygulanan Maksiler Ve Mandibuler Sinir Bloklarının Etkileri”. Duzce Medical Journal, vol. 12, no. 3, 2010, pp. 19-23.
Vancouver Kaplan M, Baykal M. Trigeminal Nevraljide Oral Karbamazepin ile Birlikte %2 Lidokain ile Uygulanan Maksiler ve Mandibuler Sinir Bloklarının Etkileri. Duzce Med J. 2010;12(3):19-23.