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Preoperative Therapeutic Plasmapheresis In Thyrotoxic Patients Who Did Not Effectively Treated With Antithyroid Drugs, Iodine And Corticosteroid

Year 2010, Volume: 12 Issue: 3, 50 - 54, 01.12.2010


Introduction: Preoperative treatment options in thyrotoxic patients are antithyroid drugs,potassium iodide, beta blockers and corticosteroids. Sometimes these treatment regimens havenot been so successful for the patients to make them ready for the operation. So we thought thatplasmapheresis (PP) could be an alternative to these treatments. Methods: Two thyrotoxic patients with Graves’ disease and one patient with toxic multinodulargoiter were included in the study. All patients were candidates to surgical operation due to thecontraindication of other medical treatment choices. On admission, all patients had severeuncontrolled hyperthyroidism. In order to prepare our patients to operation, all the patients weregiven beta blockers and inorganic potassium iodide and corticosteroid at first but disease controlcould not be achieved in terms of thyrotoxicosis. So PP was performed at an average of 3 to 5sessions. Results: After PP, all patients’ thyroid hormone concentrations were significantly reduced. Onepatient had an anaphylactic reaction during 3th session of PP. Total thyroidectomy wasperformed to all patients without any complications.Conclusions: We concluded that PP could be used as an alternative therapeutic option in thepreoperative management of severe thyrotoxic patients


  • Cooper DS. Hyperthyroidism. Lancet. 362: 459–68, 2003.
  • Martin C, Auffray JP, Rocca B, Dumas D, Gouin F. Postoperative thyroid storm treated by plasmapheresis. Anseth Analg. 38: 713-5, 1981.
  • Schlienger JL, Faradji A, Sapin R. Blickle JF, Chabrier G, Simon C, Imler M. Treatment of severe hyperthyroidism by plasma exchange. Clinical and biological efficacy 8 cases. Press Med.14: 271-4, 1985.
  • Enghofer M, Badenhoop K, Zeuzem S, Schmidt-Matthiesen A, Betz C, Encke A, Usadel KH. et al. Fulminant hepatitis in a patient with severe hyperthyroidism: rapid recovery from hepatic coma after plasmapheresis and total thyroidectomy. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 85: 1765–9, 2000.
  • Neimark II, Katsevman AE, Dudarev VA, Slıkhai IUF. Use of plasmapheresis for the preoperative preparation of toxic goiter patients. Vestn Khir Im I I Grek.134: 106-10, 1985.
  • Ozbey N, Kalayoglu-Besisik S, Gul N, Bozbora A, Sencer E, Molvalilar S. Therapeutic plasmapheresis in patients with severe hyperthyroidism in whom antithyroid drugs are contraindicated. Int J Clin Pract . 58: 554-8, 2004.
  • Guvenc B, Unsal C, Gurkan E, Dincer S. Plasmapheresis in the treatment of hyperthyroidism associated with agranulocytosis: A case report. J Clin Apher. 19: 148-50, 2004.
  • Robbins J. Thyroid hormone transport proteins and the physiology of hormone binding. In: Braverman LE, Utiger RD, eds. Werner and Ingbar’s the Thyroid. A Fundamental and Clinical Text, 8th eds. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 106–20, 2000.
  • Weetman AP. Graves' disease. N Engl J Med. 343: 1236-48, 2000.
  • Gabriel EM, Bergert ER, Grant CS, van Heerden JA, Thomson GB, Morris JC. Germline polymorphism of codon 727 of human thyroid–stimulating hormone receptor is associated with toxic multinodular goitre. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 84: 3328- 35, 1999.
  • Langley RW, Burch HB. Perioperative management of the thyrotoxic patient. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am. 32: 519- 34, 2003.
  • Baeza A, Aguayo J, Barria M, Pineda G. Rapid preoperative preparation in hyperthyroidism. Clin Endocrinol. 35: 439-42, 1991.
  • Reed J, Bradley EL III. Postoperative thyroid storm after lithium preparation. Surgery. 98: 1141-7, 1985.
  • Feely J, Crooks J, Forrest AL, Hamilton WF, Gunn A. Propranolol in the surgical treatment of hyperthyroidism, including severely thyrotoxic patients. Br J Surg. 68: 865-9, 1981.
  • Bartges JW. Therapeutic plasmapheresis. Semin Vet Med Surg. 12: 170-7, 1997.
  • Lukomskii GI, Alekseeva ME, Ivanova NA, Kabanova GM, Tatsievskii VA, Saulko AM. Plasmapheresis in preoperative care of patients with thyrotoxicosis. Khirurgiis (Mosk). 4: 102- 5, 1991.
  • Ezer A, Caliskan K, Parlakgumus A, Belli S, Kozanoglu I, Yildirim S. J Clin Apher. 24 (3):111-4, 2009.
  • Diamond TH, Rajagopal R, Ganda K, Manoharan A, Luk A. Plasmapheresis as a potential treatment option for amiodarone- induced thyrotoxicosis. Internal Med Journal. 34: 369-70, 2004.
  • Ligtenberg J, Tulleken J, Zijlstra J. Plasmapheresis in thyrotoxicosis. Ann Intern Med. 131: 71-2, 1999.

Anti-Tiroid İlaçlar, İyot ve Kortikosteroid Tedavinin Etkin Olmadığı Tirotoksik Hastalarda Preoperatif Plazmaferez Tedavisi

Year 2010, Volume: 12 Issue: 3, 50 - 54, 01.12.2010


Giriş: Tirotoksik hastalarda preoperative tedavi seçenekleri antitiroid ilaçlar, potasyum iyodür,beta blokerler ve kortikosteroidlerdir. Ancak zaman zaman bu tedavi modaliteleri hastaya ötiroidhale getirmekte yetersiz kalabilmekteidr. Böyle durumlarda plazmaferez uygulaması alternativebir tedavi yöntemi olarak hatırlanmalıdır.Metod: Üç tirotoksik hasta bu çalışmaya dahil edildi. Hastaların ikisine Graves Hastalığı birineise toksik multinodüler guatr tanısı konulmuştu. Hastaların hepsinde diğer medikal tedaviseçenekleri kontrendike olması nedeniyle cerrahi tedavi tercih edildi. Başvuru sırasında bütünhastaların kontrol altına alınamayan ciddi hipertiroidizmi mevcuttu. Bu nedenle hastalarıoperasyona hazırlayabilmek için bütün hastalara beta bloker, inorganic potasyum iyodür, vekortikosteroid tedavisi başlandı ancak hastalarda ötiroidizm sağlanamadı bunun üzerine hastalaraortalama 3-5 seans plazmaferez uygulandı.Sonuçlar: Plazmaferez sonrası hastaların hepsinde tiroid hormon konsantrasyonları anlamlıolarak azaldı. Bir hastada 3. seans sırasında anaflaktik reaksiyon gelişti. Hastaların hepsindetotal tiroidektomi başarılı bir şekilde uygulandı ve hiçbir komplikasyon gelişmedi.Tartışma : Plazmaferez ciddi tirotoksik hastaları operasyona hazırlama aşamasında diğer tedaviseçeneklerine alternatif bir yöntemdir


  • Cooper DS. Hyperthyroidism. Lancet. 362: 459–68, 2003.
  • Martin C, Auffray JP, Rocca B, Dumas D, Gouin F. Postoperative thyroid storm treated by plasmapheresis. Anseth Analg. 38: 713-5, 1981.
  • Schlienger JL, Faradji A, Sapin R. Blickle JF, Chabrier G, Simon C, Imler M. Treatment of severe hyperthyroidism by plasma exchange. Clinical and biological efficacy 8 cases. Press Med.14: 271-4, 1985.
  • Enghofer M, Badenhoop K, Zeuzem S, Schmidt-Matthiesen A, Betz C, Encke A, Usadel KH. et al. Fulminant hepatitis in a patient with severe hyperthyroidism: rapid recovery from hepatic coma after plasmapheresis and total thyroidectomy. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 85: 1765–9, 2000.
  • Neimark II, Katsevman AE, Dudarev VA, Slıkhai IUF. Use of plasmapheresis for the preoperative preparation of toxic goiter patients. Vestn Khir Im I I Grek.134: 106-10, 1985.
  • Ozbey N, Kalayoglu-Besisik S, Gul N, Bozbora A, Sencer E, Molvalilar S. Therapeutic plasmapheresis in patients with severe hyperthyroidism in whom antithyroid drugs are contraindicated. Int J Clin Pract . 58: 554-8, 2004.
  • Guvenc B, Unsal C, Gurkan E, Dincer S. Plasmapheresis in the treatment of hyperthyroidism associated with agranulocytosis: A case report. J Clin Apher. 19: 148-50, 2004.
  • Robbins J. Thyroid hormone transport proteins and the physiology of hormone binding. In: Braverman LE, Utiger RD, eds. Werner and Ingbar’s the Thyroid. A Fundamental and Clinical Text, 8th eds. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 106–20, 2000.
  • Weetman AP. Graves' disease. N Engl J Med. 343: 1236-48, 2000.
  • Gabriel EM, Bergert ER, Grant CS, van Heerden JA, Thomson GB, Morris JC. Germline polymorphism of codon 727 of human thyroid–stimulating hormone receptor is associated with toxic multinodular goitre. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 84: 3328- 35, 1999.
  • Langley RW, Burch HB. Perioperative management of the thyrotoxic patient. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am. 32: 519- 34, 2003.
  • Baeza A, Aguayo J, Barria M, Pineda G. Rapid preoperative preparation in hyperthyroidism. Clin Endocrinol. 35: 439-42, 1991.
  • Reed J, Bradley EL III. Postoperative thyroid storm after lithium preparation. Surgery. 98: 1141-7, 1985.
  • Feely J, Crooks J, Forrest AL, Hamilton WF, Gunn A. Propranolol in the surgical treatment of hyperthyroidism, including severely thyrotoxic patients. Br J Surg. 68: 865-9, 1981.
  • Bartges JW. Therapeutic plasmapheresis. Semin Vet Med Surg. 12: 170-7, 1997.
  • Lukomskii GI, Alekseeva ME, Ivanova NA, Kabanova GM, Tatsievskii VA, Saulko AM. Plasmapheresis in preoperative care of patients with thyrotoxicosis. Khirurgiis (Mosk). 4: 102- 5, 1991.
  • Ezer A, Caliskan K, Parlakgumus A, Belli S, Kozanoglu I, Yildirim S. J Clin Apher. 24 (3):111-4, 2009.
  • Diamond TH, Rajagopal R, Ganda K, Manoharan A, Luk A. Plasmapheresis as a potential treatment option for amiodarone- induced thyrotoxicosis. Internal Med Journal. 34: 369-70, 2004.
  • Ligtenberg J, Tulleken J, Zijlstra J. Plasmapheresis in thyrotoxicosis. Ann Intern Med. 131: 71-2, 1999.
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Case Report

Yasemin Ateş Tütüncü This is me

Dilek Berker This is me

Serhat Işık This is me

Ufuk Özoğuz This is me

Serdar Güler This is me

Yusuf Aydın This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 12 Issue: 3


APA Tütüncü, Y. A., Berker, D., Işık, S., Özoğuz, U., et al. (2010). Anti-Tiroid İlaçlar, İyot ve Kortikosteroid Tedavinin Etkin Olmadığı Tirotoksik Hastalarda Preoperatif Plazmaferez Tedavisi. Duzce Medical Journal, 12(3), 50-54.
AMA Tütüncü YA, Berker D, Işık S, Özoğuz U, Güler S, Aydın Y. Anti-Tiroid İlaçlar, İyot ve Kortikosteroid Tedavinin Etkin Olmadığı Tirotoksik Hastalarda Preoperatif Plazmaferez Tedavisi. Duzce Med J. December 2010;12(3):50-54.
Chicago Tütüncü, Yasemin Ateş, Dilek Berker, Serhat Işık, Ufuk Özoğuz, Serdar Güler, and Yusuf Aydın. “Anti-Tiroid İlaçlar, İyot Ve Kortikosteroid Tedavinin Etkin Olmadığı Tirotoksik Hastalarda Preoperatif Plazmaferez Tedavisi”. Duzce Medical Journal 12, no. 3 (December 2010): 50-54.
EndNote Tütüncü YA, Berker D, Işık S, Özoğuz U, Güler S, Aydın Y (December 1, 2010) Anti-Tiroid İlaçlar, İyot ve Kortikosteroid Tedavinin Etkin Olmadığı Tirotoksik Hastalarda Preoperatif Plazmaferez Tedavisi. Duzce Medical Journal 12 3 50–54.
IEEE Y. A. Tütüncü, D. Berker, S. Işık, U. Özoğuz, S. Güler, and Y. Aydın, “Anti-Tiroid İlaçlar, İyot ve Kortikosteroid Tedavinin Etkin Olmadığı Tirotoksik Hastalarda Preoperatif Plazmaferez Tedavisi”, Duzce Med J, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 50–54, 2010.
ISNAD Tütüncü, Yasemin Ateş et al. “Anti-Tiroid İlaçlar, İyot Ve Kortikosteroid Tedavinin Etkin Olmadığı Tirotoksik Hastalarda Preoperatif Plazmaferez Tedavisi”. Duzce Medical Journal 12/3 (December 2010), 50-54.
JAMA Tütüncü YA, Berker D, Işık S, Özoğuz U, Güler S, Aydın Y. Anti-Tiroid İlaçlar, İyot ve Kortikosteroid Tedavinin Etkin Olmadığı Tirotoksik Hastalarda Preoperatif Plazmaferez Tedavisi. Duzce Med J. 2010;12:50–54.
MLA Tütüncü, Yasemin Ateş et al. “Anti-Tiroid İlaçlar, İyot Ve Kortikosteroid Tedavinin Etkin Olmadığı Tirotoksik Hastalarda Preoperatif Plazmaferez Tedavisi”. Duzce Medical Journal, vol. 12, no. 3, 2010, pp. 50-54.
Vancouver Tütüncü YA, Berker D, Işık S, Özoğuz U, Güler S, Aydın Y. Anti-Tiroid İlaçlar, İyot ve Kortikosteroid Tedavinin Etkin Olmadığı Tirotoksik Hastalarda Preoperatif Plazmaferez Tedavisi. Duzce Med J. 2010;12(3):50-4.