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The Effect Of Iloprost On Joint Synovium And Cartilage

Year 2012, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 8 - 14, 01.07.2012


Purpose: This study is performed to identify the effect of iliprost on joint synovium andcartilage.Material and method: In this study histopathological evaluation of iloprost effects on kneejoint synovium and cartilage are determined on young male Spraque-Dawley rats. Twenty ratsdivided into four groups, each consisted five rats. 0.1 ml iloprost enjected into right knees and0.1 ml SF enjected into left knees of all rats. The groups are sacrificed randomly on first, seventh,fourteenth and twentyfirst days. Knee specimens are taken including femoral condyles, tibialplatos and capsules for histopathological evaluation.Result: At the end of the histopathological evaluation, there was significant difference betweenthe knees iloprost injected group and SF injected, control group. İn the early sacrifeced iloprostgroup, inflammation on joint cartilage and synovium is much more than late sacrifeced iloprostgroups. İnflammation between the iloprost groups and SF control goups decreased timedepentently. İn the synovial hyperplasia and synovial hypertrophy there was significantdifference between the iloprost group and SF group and not changed time dependently.Conclusion: As intraarticular injected iloprost increased intraarticular inflammation we shoulddecided not to give iloprost intraarticularly. İt is thought that systemic iloprost will have positiveeffects on osteoarthritic knees


  • Addonizio VP, Fisher CA, Brenda AB, et al. Ilomedin 8ZK 36374), a atable prostocyclin analogue, on exercise capacity and platelet aggragation in stable angina pectoris. Am J cardiol. 1986;58:453-9.
  • Martin W, Spyt T, Thomas I, et al. Quntification of extracorporeal plaelet debosition in cardiopulmonary bypass: effects of ZK 36374, a prostocyclin analogue. Eur J Nuc Med. 1989;15;128-32.
  • Scott JP, Higenbottam T, Wallwork J. The acute affect of the syntetic prostacyclin analogue iloprost in primer pulmonary hipertension. Br J Clin Pract. 1990;44:213-34.
  • Keller J, Kaltenecker A, Schricker KTh, et al. Behandlung des Reynaud-Phänomens bei sklerodermia-petienten mit einem neuen stabilen Prostacyclin-Derivat. Dtsch Med Wsch. 1984;109:1433-8.
  • McHung NJ, Csuka M, warson H, et al. Infusion of iloprost, a prostacyclin analogue, for treatment of Reynaud’s phenomenon in systemic sclerosis. Ann Rheum Dis. 1988;47: 43-7.
  • Rademaker M, Beacham JA, Cooke ED, et al. Is intravenous iloprost beter than oral nifedipine in systemic sclerosis? Brti J Derm. 1989;121(Suppl 34 I):43.
  • Rademaker M, Cooke ED, Almond NE, et al. Comparision of intravenous infusion of iloprost and oral nifedipin in treatment of Reynaud’s phenomenon in patients with systemic sclerosis: a double blind randomised study. Br Med j. 1989;298:561-4.
  • Diehm C, Abri O, Baitsch G, et al. Iloprost, ein stabiles Prostacyclinderivat, bei arterieller Verschlüsskrankheit im Stadium IV. Eine placebo –kontrollierte Multizenterstudie. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 1989;114:783–8.
  • Sieradzki J, Wolan H, Szizeklik A. Affects of prostacyclin and its stable analogeu, iloprost, upon insulin secretion in isolated pancreatic islets. Prostaglandins. 1984;28:289–96.
  • Ilomedin (iloprost) A Product Monograph, Schering p: 1–119.
  • Surzinger Feigh W, Silberbauer K. Prostacyclin generation in atherosclerotic arteries. Lancet. 1979;2:469.
  • Krause W, Krais Th. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the prostacyclin anologue iloprost in man. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 1986;30:61-8.
  • Schrör K, Darius R, Matsky R. The antiplatelet and cardiovasculer actiono of a new carbascyclin derivative (ZK 36374)-epuivalent to PGI2 in vitro. Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. 1981;316:252-6.
  • Müler B, Schmidtke M, Ferrini D, et al. Action of the stable prostacyclin anologue iloprost on microvascular tone and permeability in the hamster cheek pouch. Prostaglandins Leukotriens Med. 1987;29:187-98.
  • Witt W, Müler B. Antitrombotic profile of iloprost in experimental models of in vivo platelet aggregation and trombosis. In: Samuelsen B, Paoletti R, Ramwell PW, (eds). Advences in prostaglandin, thromboxane and leukotriene research. New York: Raven Pres; 1987:279–84.
  • Raisiz LG. Potential impact of selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors on bone metabolism in health and disease. Am J Med. 2001;19(110 Suppl 3A):43-5.
  • Gajraj NM. The effect of Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors on bone healing. Reg Anest and Pain Med. 2003;28(5):456-65.
  • Danielsson P, Metzsch C, Norgren. Effect of iloprost infusion on metabolism in critical limb ischemia, utulizing microdialysis. International Angiology. 2004;23:3.
  • Maloni M, Torrazza M, Ledda R. Effectiveness of therapy with iloprost in hand-arm vibration syndrome.Occupational Medicine. 2004;54:4.
  • Zulian F, Corana F, Gerloni V, et al. Safety and efficacy of iloprost fort he treatment of ischaemic digits in pediatric connective tissue diseases. Rheomotology. 2004;43:2.
  • Radler C., Petje G., Aigner N., Walik N., et al.: Treatment of reflex sympathetic dystrophy in children using iloprost. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery; 85, 2003.
  • Biancari F, Kantonen I, Peltomaa R, Lepantalo M. Iloprost inthe management of leg ulser in polyarteritisnodosa. International Angiology. 1999;18:4.
  • Grant SM, Goa KL. Iloprost. A review of its pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties, ant therappeutic potential in peripheral vasculer disease, myocardial ischaemia, and extracorporeal circulation procedures. Drugs. 1992;43:889- 924.
  • U.K. Severe Limb Ischaemia Study Group. Treatment of limb threatening ischaemia with intravenous iloprost: a randomised double-blind placebo controlled study. Eur J Vasc Surg. 1991;5:511-6.
  • Fiessinger SN, Schafer M. Trial of iloprost versus asprin treatment for critical limb ischaemiaof thromboangiitis obliterans. Lancet. 1990;335:556-7.
  • Wigley FM,Wise RA, Seibold JR, et al. Intravenous iloprost infusion in patients with Reynaud phenomenon secondery to systemic sclerosis. Multicenter, placebo-controlled, double blind study. Ann Intern Med. 1994;120:199-206.
  • Duthois S, Caileux, Benosman B, Lẻvesque H. Tolerance of iloprost and results of treatment of chronic severe lower limb ischaemia in diabetic patients. A retrospective study of 64 consecutive cases. Diabetes Metab. 2003;29:36-43.
  • Aigner N, Petje G, Steinboeck G, Schneider W, Krasny C, Landsiedl F. Treatment of bone-marrow oedema of the talus with the prostacyclin analogue iloprost. An MRI-controlled investigation of a new method. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2001;83(6):855–8.
  • Aigner N, Meizer R, Stolz G, et al. Iloprost for the treatment of bone marrow edema in the hindfoot. Foot Ankle Clin. 2003;8(4):683–93.
  • Disch AC, Matziolis G, Perka C. The management of necrosis- associated and idiopathic bone-marrow oedema of the proximal femur by intravenous iloprost. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2005;87(4):560–4.
  • Petje G, Radler C, Aigner N, Manner H, Kriegs-Au G, Grill F. Pharmacological management of aseptic osteonecrosis in children. Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2004;5(7):1455–62.
  • Groechenig E. Treatment of frostbite with iloprost. Lancet. 1994;344(8930):1152–3.
  • İloprost ve terapötik uygulamalar. Berlin Dorint Hotel Sempozyum Kitapçığı. Schering AG, 2000.

İloprostun Diz Eklem Snovyası Ve Kıkırdağı Üzerindeki Etkileri

Year 2012, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 8 - 14, 01.07.2012


Amaç: Bu çalışmada iloprostun kıkırdak ve sinovya üzerine olan etkilerini göstermek içinyapılmıştır.Materyal metod: Çalışmada iloprost’un diz eklemi kıkırdak ve sinovya üzerine olan etkileri;yavru erkek Spraque-Dawley cinsi sıçanlar üzerinde histopatolojik olarak araştırılmıştır. 20adet sıçan rastgele olarak 5’erli 4 gruba ayrılmıştır. Bütün sıçanların sol dizlerine 0,1 ml iloprost,sağ dizlerine 0,1 ml eklem içi serum fizyolojik verilmiştir. Her gurup sırasıyla 1. gün, 7. gün,14. gün, 21. günlerde kurban edilerek; diz eklemlerinin femur kondilleri, tibia üst uçları vekapsülü de içerecek şekilde kesilerek histopatolojik olarak incelendi.Bulgular: Histopatolojik inceleme sonucunda; iloprost verilen dizler ile konrol grubu dizlerarasında istatiksel olarak anlamlı farklar bulundu. İloprost grubunda eklem kıkırdağında vesinovyada yangının erken kurban edilen edilen sıçanlarda daha fazla olduğu zamanla kontrolgrubu ile arasındaki farkın kapandığı görülmüştür. Sinovya hipertrofi ve sinovya hiperplaziincelemesinde ise iloprost ve kontrol grubuyla fark olduğu ve bu farkın zamanla değişmediğigörülmüştür.Sonuç: İloprostun eklem içindeki yangısal olayları arttırdığı gözlendiği için eklem içine direktenjeksiyon şeklinde verilmemesi gerektiği sonucuna varılmıştır. Sistemik verilecek iloprostunosteoartritli dizlerde olumlu etkiler yapabileceği düşünülmüştür


  • Addonizio VP, Fisher CA, Brenda AB, et al. Ilomedin 8ZK 36374), a atable prostocyclin analogue, on exercise capacity and platelet aggragation in stable angina pectoris. Am J cardiol. 1986;58:453-9.
  • Martin W, Spyt T, Thomas I, et al. Quntification of extracorporeal plaelet debosition in cardiopulmonary bypass: effects of ZK 36374, a prostocyclin analogue. Eur J Nuc Med. 1989;15;128-32.
  • Scott JP, Higenbottam T, Wallwork J. The acute affect of the syntetic prostacyclin analogue iloprost in primer pulmonary hipertension. Br J Clin Pract. 1990;44:213-34.
  • Keller J, Kaltenecker A, Schricker KTh, et al. Behandlung des Reynaud-Phänomens bei sklerodermia-petienten mit einem neuen stabilen Prostacyclin-Derivat. Dtsch Med Wsch. 1984;109:1433-8.
  • McHung NJ, Csuka M, warson H, et al. Infusion of iloprost, a prostacyclin analogue, for treatment of Reynaud’s phenomenon in systemic sclerosis. Ann Rheum Dis. 1988;47: 43-7.
  • Rademaker M, Beacham JA, Cooke ED, et al. Is intravenous iloprost beter than oral nifedipine in systemic sclerosis? Brti J Derm. 1989;121(Suppl 34 I):43.
  • Rademaker M, Cooke ED, Almond NE, et al. Comparision of intravenous infusion of iloprost and oral nifedipin in treatment of Reynaud’s phenomenon in patients with systemic sclerosis: a double blind randomised study. Br Med j. 1989;298:561-4.
  • Diehm C, Abri O, Baitsch G, et al. Iloprost, ein stabiles Prostacyclinderivat, bei arterieller Verschlüsskrankheit im Stadium IV. Eine placebo –kontrollierte Multizenterstudie. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 1989;114:783–8.
  • Sieradzki J, Wolan H, Szizeklik A. Affects of prostacyclin and its stable analogeu, iloprost, upon insulin secretion in isolated pancreatic islets. Prostaglandins. 1984;28:289–96.
  • Ilomedin (iloprost) A Product Monograph, Schering p: 1–119.
  • Surzinger Feigh W, Silberbauer K. Prostacyclin generation in atherosclerotic arteries. Lancet. 1979;2:469.
  • Krause W, Krais Th. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the prostacyclin anologue iloprost in man. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 1986;30:61-8.
  • Schrör K, Darius R, Matsky R. The antiplatelet and cardiovasculer actiono of a new carbascyclin derivative (ZK 36374)-epuivalent to PGI2 in vitro. Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. 1981;316:252-6.
  • Müler B, Schmidtke M, Ferrini D, et al. Action of the stable prostacyclin anologue iloprost on microvascular tone and permeability in the hamster cheek pouch. Prostaglandins Leukotriens Med. 1987;29:187-98.
  • Witt W, Müler B. Antitrombotic profile of iloprost in experimental models of in vivo platelet aggregation and trombosis. In: Samuelsen B, Paoletti R, Ramwell PW, (eds). Advences in prostaglandin, thromboxane and leukotriene research. New York: Raven Pres; 1987:279–84.
  • Raisiz LG. Potential impact of selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors on bone metabolism in health and disease. Am J Med. 2001;19(110 Suppl 3A):43-5.
  • Gajraj NM. The effect of Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors on bone healing. Reg Anest and Pain Med. 2003;28(5):456-65.
  • Danielsson P, Metzsch C, Norgren. Effect of iloprost infusion on metabolism in critical limb ischemia, utulizing microdialysis. International Angiology. 2004;23:3.
  • Maloni M, Torrazza M, Ledda R. Effectiveness of therapy with iloprost in hand-arm vibration syndrome.Occupational Medicine. 2004;54:4.
  • Zulian F, Corana F, Gerloni V, et al. Safety and efficacy of iloprost fort he treatment of ischaemic digits in pediatric connective tissue diseases. Rheomotology. 2004;43:2.
  • Radler C., Petje G., Aigner N., Walik N., et al.: Treatment of reflex sympathetic dystrophy in children using iloprost. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery; 85, 2003.
  • Biancari F, Kantonen I, Peltomaa R, Lepantalo M. Iloprost inthe management of leg ulser in polyarteritisnodosa. International Angiology. 1999;18:4.
  • Grant SM, Goa KL. Iloprost. A review of its pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties, ant therappeutic potential in peripheral vasculer disease, myocardial ischaemia, and extracorporeal circulation procedures. Drugs. 1992;43:889- 924.
  • U.K. Severe Limb Ischaemia Study Group. Treatment of limb threatening ischaemia with intravenous iloprost: a randomised double-blind placebo controlled study. Eur J Vasc Surg. 1991;5:511-6.
  • Fiessinger SN, Schafer M. Trial of iloprost versus asprin treatment for critical limb ischaemiaof thromboangiitis obliterans. Lancet. 1990;335:556-7.
  • Wigley FM,Wise RA, Seibold JR, et al. Intravenous iloprost infusion in patients with Reynaud phenomenon secondery to systemic sclerosis. Multicenter, placebo-controlled, double blind study. Ann Intern Med. 1994;120:199-206.
  • Duthois S, Caileux, Benosman B, Lẻvesque H. Tolerance of iloprost and results of treatment of chronic severe lower limb ischaemia in diabetic patients. A retrospective study of 64 consecutive cases. Diabetes Metab. 2003;29:36-43.
  • Aigner N, Petje G, Steinboeck G, Schneider W, Krasny C, Landsiedl F. Treatment of bone-marrow oedema of the talus with the prostacyclin analogue iloprost. An MRI-controlled investigation of a new method. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2001;83(6):855–8.
  • Aigner N, Meizer R, Stolz G, et al. Iloprost for the treatment of bone marrow edema in the hindfoot. Foot Ankle Clin. 2003;8(4):683–93.
  • Disch AC, Matziolis G, Perka C. The management of necrosis- associated and idiopathic bone-marrow oedema of the proximal femur by intravenous iloprost. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2005;87(4):560–4.
  • Petje G, Radler C, Aigner N, Manner H, Kriegs-Au G, Grill F. Pharmacological management of aseptic osteonecrosis in children. Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2004;5(7):1455–62.
  • Groechenig E. Treatment of frostbite with iloprost. Lancet. 1994;344(8930):1152–3.
  • İloprost ve terapötik uygulamalar. Berlin Dorint Hotel Sempozyum Kitapçığı. Schering AG, 2000.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Mesut Güler This is me

Erdinç Türkeli This is me

Ebubekir Şeramet This is me

Ali Doğan This is me

Mustafa Uslu This is me

Publication Date July 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 14 Issue: 2


APA Güler, M., Türkeli, E., Şeramet, E., Doğan, A., et al. (2012). İloprostun Diz Eklem Snovyası Ve Kıkırdağı Üzerindeki Etkileri. Duzce Medical Journal, 14(2), 8-14.
AMA Güler M, Türkeli E, Şeramet E, Doğan A, Uslu M. İloprostun Diz Eklem Snovyası Ve Kıkırdağı Üzerindeki Etkileri. Duzce Med J. July 2012;14(2):8-14.
Chicago Güler, Mesut, Erdinç Türkeli, Ebubekir Şeramet, Ali Doğan, and Mustafa Uslu. “İloprostun Diz Eklem Snovyası Ve Kıkırdağı Üzerindeki Etkileri”. Duzce Medical Journal 14, no. 2 (July 2012): 8-14.
EndNote Güler M, Türkeli E, Şeramet E, Doğan A, Uslu M (July 1, 2012) İloprostun Diz Eklem Snovyası Ve Kıkırdağı Üzerindeki Etkileri. Duzce Medical Journal 14 2 8–14.
IEEE M. Güler, E. Türkeli, E. Şeramet, A. Doğan, and M. Uslu, “İloprostun Diz Eklem Snovyası Ve Kıkırdağı Üzerindeki Etkileri”, Duzce Med J, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 8–14, 2012.
ISNAD Güler, Mesut et al. “İloprostun Diz Eklem Snovyası Ve Kıkırdağı Üzerindeki Etkileri”. Duzce Medical Journal 14/2 (July 2012), 8-14.
JAMA Güler M, Türkeli E, Şeramet E, Doğan A, Uslu M. İloprostun Diz Eklem Snovyası Ve Kıkırdağı Üzerindeki Etkileri. Duzce Med J. 2012;14:8–14.
MLA Güler, Mesut et al. “İloprostun Diz Eklem Snovyası Ve Kıkırdağı Üzerindeki Etkileri”. Duzce Medical Journal, vol. 14, no. 2, 2012, pp. 8-14.
Vancouver Güler M, Türkeli E, Şeramet E, Doğan A, Uslu M. İloprostun Diz Eklem Snovyası Ve Kıkırdağı Üzerindeki Etkileri. Duzce Med J. 2012;14(2):8-14.