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Göğüs ve Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları Alanındaki COVID-19 Yayınların Bibliyometrik Analizi

Year 2021, Volume: 23 Issue: 1, 30 - 40, 30.04.2021


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, göğüs hastalıkları ve enfeksiyon hastalıkları alanında, koronavirüs hastalığı 2019 (coronavirus disease 2019, COVID-19) ile ilgili yayınların bibliyometrik analizini yapmaktır. İkincil amaç ise yayınların analizini görsel ve bilimsel haritalama teknikleriyle görselleştirmektir.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: 2020 yılına ait ham veriler, Web of Science Core Collection veri tabanından indirilmiştir. Toplamda 787 makale gözden geçirilmiştir. Ham veriler Bibliometrix ve VOSviewer yazılımları ile analiz edilmiştir. COVID-19 ile ilgili makalelerin sadece solunum sistemi ve enfeksiyon hastalıkları ile ilgili olanları bu analize dahil edilmiştir. Diğer disiplinlere ait bakış açıları ise analize dahil edilmemiştir.
Bulgular: Toplam 787 makale 108 farklı dergide yayınlanmıştır. Makale başına düşen ortalama atıf sayısı 10,17’dir. 300’ün üzerinde atıf alan dört adet çalışma bulunmaktadır. H indeksi en yüksek olan ilk üç yazar Raoult D, Colson P ve Rolasin JM olarak tespit edilmiştir. Yazarların h, g ve m indeksleri hesaplanmış ve Lotka yasasına göre core yazarlar tespit edilmiştir. En fazla yayın yapan ülkeler için ilk üç sırada Çin, Amerika ve İtalya yer almaktadır. Son olarak kelime madenciliği analizine göre çalışmaların üç küme altında sınıflandırılabileceği tespit edilmiştir.
Sonuç: COVID-19 ile ilgili yayınların sayısal artış hızı karşısında temel okuma sürecini hızlandıracak araçlardan biri de bibliyometrik analiz sonuçlarıdır. Tedavi seçenekleriyle ilgili en güncel ve temel bilgiler topluca bibliyometrik çalışmalarda bulunabilir.


  • Park SE. Epidemiology, virology, and clinical features of severe acute respiratory syndrome -coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2; Coronavirus Disease-19). Clin Exp Pediatr. 2020;63(4):119-24.
  • Lai CC, Wang CY, Wang YH, Hsueh SC, Ko WC, Hsueh PR. Global epidemiology of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): disease incidence, daily cumulative index, mortality, and their association with country healthcare resources and economic status. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2020;55(4):105946.
  • Buruk CK, Tosun İ. SARS-CoV’dan SARS-CoV-2’ye koronavirüsler. In: Özlü T, editor. Göğüs Hastalıkları ve COVID-19. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2020. p.1-5.
  • Murthy S, Gomersall CD, Fowler RA. Care for critically ill patients with COVID-19. JAMA. 2020;323(15):1499-500.
  • Yu Y, Li Y, Zhang Z, Gu Z, Zhong H, Zha Q, et al. A bibliometric analysis using VOSviewer of publications on COVID-19. Ann Transl Med. 2020;8(13):816.
  • Andonie R, Dzitac I. How to write a good paper in computer science and how will it be measured by ISI web of knowledge. Int J Comput Commun Control. 2010;5(4):432-46.
  • Shang G, Saladin B, Fry T, Donohue J. Twenty-six years of operations management research (1985-2010): authorship patterns and research constituents in eleven top rated journals. Int J Prod Res. 2015;53(20):6161-97.
  • He X, Wu Y, Yu D, Merigó JM. Exploring the ordered weighted averaging operator knowledge domain: a bibliometric analysis. Int J Intell Syst. 2017;32(11):1151-66.
  • Huarachi DAR, Piekarski CM, Puglieri FN, de Francisco AC. Past and future of Social Life Cycle Assessment: Historical evolution and research trends. J Clean Prod. 2020;264:121506.
  • Zou X, Vu HL. Mapping the knowledge domain of road safety studies: A scientometric analysis. Accid Anal Prev. 2019;132:105243.
  • Xue W, Li H, Ali R, Rehman RU. Knowledge mapping of corporate financial performance research: A visual analysis using cite space and ucinet. Sustainability. 2020;12(9):3554.
  • Ren XS, Liu YJ. A bibliometric analysis on higher education curricula model. In: 2018 2nd International Conference on Education, Economics and Management Research (ICEEMR 2018). Atlantis Press; 2018. doi: 10.2991/iceemr-18.2018.183.
  • Hsieh PN, Chang PL. An assessment of world-wide research productivity in production and operations management. Int J Prod Econ. 2009;120(2):540-51.
  • Wang C, Lim MK, Zhao L, Tseng ML, Chien CF, Lev B. The evolution of Omega-The International Journal of Management Science over the past 40 years: A bibliometric overview. Omega. 2020;93:102098.
  • Cobo MJ, López‐Herrera AG, Herrera‐Viedma E, Herrera F. Science mapping software tools: Review, analysis, and cooperative study among tools. J Assoc Inf Sci Technol. 2011;62(7):1382-402.
  • Aria M, Cuccurullo C. bibliometrix: An R-tool for comprehensive science mapping analysis. J Informetr. 2017;11(4):959-75.
  • van Eck NJ, Waltman L. VOSviewer manual. Leiden: Univeristeit Leiden; 2013.
  • Chen C. CiteSpace II: Detecting and visualizing emerging trends and transient patterns in scientific literature. J Assoc Inf Sci Technol. 2006;57(3):359-77.
  • Cobo MJ, López‐Herrera AG, Herrera‐Viedma E, Herrera F. SciMAT: A new science mapping analysis software tool. J Assoc Inf Sci Technol. 2012;63(8):1609-30.
  • Perannagari KT, Chakrabarti S. Analysis of the literature on political marketing using a bibliometric approach. J Public Aff. 2020;20(1):e2019.
  • Duque P, Cervantes-Cervantes LS. University Social Responsibility: a systematic review and a bibliometric análisis. Estudios Gerenciales. 2019;35(153):451-64.
  • Fırat S, Kurutkan MN, Orhan F. Sağlık politikası konusunun bilim haritalama teknikleri ile analizi. In: Kurutkan MN, Orhan F, editors. Sağlık politikası konusunun bilim haritalama teknikleri ile analizi. Istanbul; Iksad Publications; 2018. p.28-73.
  • Serafin MJ, Garcia Vargas GR, del Pilar García-Chivita M, Caicedo M, Correra JC. Cyberbehavior: A bibliometric analysis. Annu Rev Cyber Therapy Telemed. 2019;17(1):17-24.
  • Kamdem JP, Duarte AE, Lima KRR, Rocha JBT, Hassan W, Barros LM, et al. Research trends in food chemistry: A bibliometric review of its 40 years anniversary (1976-2016). Food Chem. 2019;294:448-57.
  • Chan TM, Kuehl DR. On lampposts, sneetches, and stars: a call to go beyond bibliometrics for determining academic value. Acad Emerg Med. 2019;26(6):688-94.
  • Pinto M. Viewing and exploring the subject area of information literacy assessment in higher education (2000-2011). Scientometrics. 2015;102:227-45.
  • Herrera-Viedma E, López-Robles JR, Guallar J, Cobo MJ. Global trends in coronavirus research at the time of COVID-19: A general bibliometric approach and content analysis using SciMAT. Prof de la Inf. 2020;29(3):e290322.
  • Zhou Y, Chen L. Twenty-year span of global coronavirus research trends: A bibliometric analysis. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(9):3082.
  • Kaya M, Erbay E. Global trends of the researches on COVID-19: A bibliometric analysis via VOSviewer. Journal of Ankara Health Sciences. 2020;9(2):201-16.
  • Ram S. Coronavirus research trends: A 50-year bibliometric assessment. Sci Technol Libr. 2020;39(2):210-26.
  • Nasab FR, Rahim F. Bibliometric analysis of global scientific research on SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). MedRxiv. 2020. doi: 10.1101/2020.03.19.20038752.
  • [Internet]. Web of Science. Explore Web of Science Core Collection indices. [Cited: 2020 Nov 25]. Available from: egroup/solutions/web-of-science-core-collection/
  • Falagas ME, PitsouniEI, Malietzis GA, Pappas G. Comparison of PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar: strengths and weaknesses. FASEB J. 2008;22(2):338-42.
  • Janik A, Ryszko A, Szafraniec M. Scientific landscape of smart and sustainable cities literature: A bibliometric analysis. Sustainability. 2020;12(3):779.
  • Bornmann L, Daniel HD. What do we know about the h index? J Assoc Inf Sci Technol. 2007;58(9):1381-5.
  • Egghe L. Theory and practise of the g-index. Scientometrics. 2006;69:131-52.
  • Harzing AW. Reflections on the h-index. Business&Leadership 2012;1(9):101-6.
  • Sudhier KP. Lotka's law and pattern of author productivity in the area of physics research. DESIDOC J Inf Technol. 2013;33(6):457-64.
  • Şentürk M, El Tahan MR, Szegedi LL, Marczin N, Karzai W, Shelley B, et al. Thoracic anesthesia of patients with suspected or confirmed 2019 novel coronavirus infection: preliminary recommendations for airway management by the European Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiology Thoracic Subspecialty Committee. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2020:34(9);2315-27.
  • Kilic O, Kalcioglu MT, Cag Y, Tuysuz O, Pektas E, Caskurlu H, et al. Could sudden sensorineural hearing loss be the sole manifestation of COVID-19? An investigation into SARS-CoV-2 in the etiology of sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Int J Infect Dis. 2020;97:208-11.
  • Kant A, Kostakoğlu U, Atalar S, Erensoy Ş, Sevimli T, Ertunç B, et al. The relationship between diagnostic value of chest computed tomography imaging and symptom duration in COVID infection. Ann Thorac Med. 2020;15(3):151-4.
  • de Sanctis V, Canatan D, Corrons JLV, Karimi M, Daar S, Kattamis C, et al. Preliminary data on COVID-19 in patients with hemoglobinopathies: A multicentre ICET-A study. Mediterr J Hematol Infect Dis. 2020;12(1):e2020046.
  • Pınar Senkalfa B, Sismanlar Eyuboglu T, Aslan AT, Ramaslı Gursoy T, Soysal AS, Yapar D, et al. Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on anxiety among children with cystic fibrosis and their mothers. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2020;55(8):2128-34.
  • Ucpinar BA, Sahin C, Yanc U. Spontaneous pneumothorax and subcutaneous emphysema in COVID-19 patient: Case report. J Infect Public Health. 2020;13(6):887-9.
  • Dost B, Koksal E, Terzi Ö, Bilgin S, Ustun YB, Arslan HN. Attitudes of anesthesiology specialists and residents toward patients infected with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19): A national survey study. Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2020;21(4):350-6.
  • Verma S, Gustafsson A. Investigating the emerging COVID-19 research trends in the field of business and management: A bibliometric analysis approach. J Bus Res. 2020;118:253-61.

Bibliometric Analysis of COVID-19 Publications in the Field of Chest and Infectious Diseases

Year 2021, Volume: 23 Issue: 1, 30 - 40, 30.04.2021


Aim: At the context of the chest and infectious diseases, the main goal of this study is to make a bibliometric analysis of publications on coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Visualizing it with visible and scientific mapping techniques is the secondary goal.
Material and Methods: Raw data for 2020 have been downloaded from the Web of Science Core Collection database. A total of 787 articles were reviewed. Raw data were analyzed with Bibliometrix and VOSviewer. The articles about COVID-19, related with the respiratory system and infectious diseases were included. The perspectives of other disciplines were excluded with the analysis.
Results: A total of 787 articles were published in 108 different journals. The average number of citations per article is 10.17. There are four studies with over 300 citations. The top three authors with the highest H index are Raoult D, Colson P and Rolasin JM. The h, g and m indices of the authors were calculated and the core authors were determined according to Lotka's law. The top three countries that publish the most articles are China, America and Italy. Finally, according to the word mining analysis, it was determined that the studies can be classified under three clusters.
Conclusion: One of the tools that will accelerate the basic reading process in the face of the numerical increase rate of publications on COVID-19 is the bibliometric analysis results. The most up-to-date and basic information on treatment options can be found collectively in bibliometric studies.


  • Park SE. Epidemiology, virology, and clinical features of severe acute respiratory syndrome -coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2; Coronavirus Disease-19). Clin Exp Pediatr. 2020;63(4):119-24.
  • Lai CC, Wang CY, Wang YH, Hsueh SC, Ko WC, Hsueh PR. Global epidemiology of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): disease incidence, daily cumulative index, mortality, and their association with country healthcare resources and economic status. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2020;55(4):105946.
  • Buruk CK, Tosun İ. SARS-CoV’dan SARS-CoV-2’ye koronavirüsler. In: Özlü T, editor. Göğüs Hastalıkları ve COVID-19. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2020. p.1-5.
  • Murthy S, Gomersall CD, Fowler RA. Care for critically ill patients with COVID-19. JAMA. 2020;323(15):1499-500.
  • Yu Y, Li Y, Zhang Z, Gu Z, Zhong H, Zha Q, et al. A bibliometric analysis using VOSviewer of publications on COVID-19. Ann Transl Med. 2020;8(13):816.
  • Andonie R, Dzitac I. How to write a good paper in computer science and how will it be measured by ISI web of knowledge. Int J Comput Commun Control. 2010;5(4):432-46.
  • Shang G, Saladin B, Fry T, Donohue J. Twenty-six years of operations management research (1985-2010): authorship patterns and research constituents in eleven top rated journals. Int J Prod Res. 2015;53(20):6161-97.
  • He X, Wu Y, Yu D, Merigó JM. Exploring the ordered weighted averaging operator knowledge domain: a bibliometric analysis. Int J Intell Syst. 2017;32(11):1151-66.
  • Huarachi DAR, Piekarski CM, Puglieri FN, de Francisco AC. Past and future of Social Life Cycle Assessment: Historical evolution and research trends. J Clean Prod. 2020;264:121506.
  • Zou X, Vu HL. Mapping the knowledge domain of road safety studies: A scientometric analysis. Accid Anal Prev. 2019;132:105243.
  • Xue W, Li H, Ali R, Rehman RU. Knowledge mapping of corporate financial performance research: A visual analysis using cite space and ucinet. Sustainability. 2020;12(9):3554.
  • Ren XS, Liu YJ. A bibliometric analysis on higher education curricula model. In: 2018 2nd International Conference on Education, Economics and Management Research (ICEEMR 2018). Atlantis Press; 2018. doi: 10.2991/iceemr-18.2018.183.
  • Hsieh PN, Chang PL. An assessment of world-wide research productivity in production and operations management. Int J Prod Econ. 2009;120(2):540-51.
  • Wang C, Lim MK, Zhao L, Tseng ML, Chien CF, Lev B. The evolution of Omega-The International Journal of Management Science over the past 40 years: A bibliometric overview. Omega. 2020;93:102098.
  • Cobo MJ, López‐Herrera AG, Herrera‐Viedma E, Herrera F. Science mapping software tools: Review, analysis, and cooperative study among tools. J Assoc Inf Sci Technol. 2011;62(7):1382-402.
  • Aria M, Cuccurullo C. bibliometrix: An R-tool for comprehensive science mapping analysis. J Informetr. 2017;11(4):959-75.
  • van Eck NJ, Waltman L. VOSviewer manual. Leiden: Univeristeit Leiden; 2013.
  • Chen C. CiteSpace II: Detecting and visualizing emerging trends and transient patterns in scientific literature. J Assoc Inf Sci Technol. 2006;57(3):359-77.
  • Cobo MJ, López‐Herrera AG, Herrera‐Viedma E, Herrera F. SciMAT: A new science mapping analysis software tool. J Assoc Inf Sci Technol. 2012;63(8):1609-30.
  • Perannagari KT, Chakrabarti S. Analysis of the literature on political marketing using a bibliometric approach. J Public Aff. 2020;20(1):e2019.
  • Duque P, Cervantes-Cervantes LS. University Social Responsibility: a systematic review and a bibliometric análisis. Estudios Gerenciales. 2019;35(153):451-64.
  • Fırat S, Kurutkan MN, Orhan F. Sağlık politikası konusunun bilim haritalama teknikleri ile analizi. In: Kurutkan MN, Orhan F, editors. Sağlık politikası konusunun bilim haritalama teknikleri ile analizi. Istanbul; Iksad Publications; 2018. p.28-73.
  • Serafin MJ, Garcia Vargas GR, del Pilar García-Chivita M, Caicedo M, Correra JC. Cyberbehavior: A bibliometric analysis. Annu Rev Cyber Therapy Telemed. 2019;17(1):17-24.
  • Kamdem JP, Duarte AE, Lima KRR, Rocha JBT, Hassan W, Barros LM, et al. Research trends in food chemistry: A bibliometric review of its 40 years anniversary (1976-2016). Food Chem. 2019;294:448-57.
  • Chan TM, Kuehl DR. On lampposts, sneetches, and stars: a call to go beyond bibliometrics for determining academic value. Acad Emerg Med. 2019;26(6):688-94.
  • Pinto M. Viewing and exploring the subject area of information literacy assessment in higher education (2000-2011). Scientometrics. 2015;102:227-45.
  • Herrera-Viedma E, López-Robles JR, Guallar J, Cobo MJ. Global trends in coronavirus research at the time of COVID-19: A general bibliometric approach and content analysis using SciMAT. Prof de la Inf. 2020;29(3):e290322.
  • Zhou Y, Chen L. Twenty-year span of global coronavirus research trends: A bibliometric analysis. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(9):3082.
  • Kaya M, Erbay E. Global trends of the researches on COVID-19: A bibliometric analysis via VOSviewer. Journal of Ankara Health Sciences. 2020;9(2):201-16.
  • Ram S. Coronavirus research trends: A 50-year bibliometric assessment. Sci Technol Libr. 2020;39(2):210-26.
  • Nasab FR, Rahim F. Bibliometric analysis of global scientific research on SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). MedRxiv. 2020. doi: 10.1101/2020.03.19.20038752.
  • [Internet]. Web of Science. Explore Web of Science Core Collection indices. [Cited: 2020 Nov 25]. Available from: egroup/solutions/web-of-science-core-collection/
  • Falagas ME, PitsouniEI, Malietzis GA, Pappas G. Comparison of PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar: strengths and weaknesses. FASEB J. 2008;22(2):338-42.
  • Janik A, Ryszko A, Szafraniec M. Scientific landscape of smart and sustainable cities literature: A bibliometric analysis. Sustainability. 2020;12(3):779.
  • Bornmann L, Daniel HD. What do we know about the h index? J Assoc Inf Sci Technol. 2007;58(9):1381-5.
  • Egghe L. Theory and practise of the g-index. Scientometrics. 2006;69:131-52.
  • Harzing AW. Reflections on the h-index. Business&Leadership 2012;1(9):101-6.
  • Sudhier KP. Lotka's law and pattern of author productivity in the area of physics research. DESIDOC J Inf Technol. 2013;33(6):457-64.
  • Şentürk M, El Tahan MR, Szegedi LL, Marczin N, Karzai W, Shelley B, et al. Thoracic anesthesia of patients with suspected or confirmed 2019 novel coronavirus infection: preliminary recommendations for airway management by the European Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiology Thoracic Subspecialty Committee. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2020:34(9);2315-27.
  • Kilic O, Kalcioglu MT, Cag Y, Tuysuz O, Pektas E, Caskurlu H, et al. Could sudden sensorineural hearing loss be the sole manifestation of COVID-19? An investigation into SARS-CoV-2 in the etiology of sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Int J Infect Dis. 2020;97:208-11.
  • Kant A, Kostakoğlu U, Atalar S, Erensoy Ş, Sevimli T, Ertunç B, et al. The relationship between diagnostic value of chest computed tomography imaging and symptom duration in COVID infection. Ann Thorac Med. 2020;15(3):151-4.
  • de Sanctis V, Canatan D, Corrons JLV, Karimi M, Daar S, Kattamis C, et al. Preliminary data on COVID-19 in patients with hemoglobinopathies: A multicentre ICET-A study. Mediterr J Hematol Infect Dis. 2020;12(1):e2020046.
  • Pınar Senkalfa B, Sismanlar Eyuboglu T, Aslan AT, Ramaslı Gursoy T, Soysal AS, Yapar D, et al. Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on anxiety among children with cystic fibrosis and their mothers. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2020;55(8):2128-34.
  • Ucpinar BA, Sahin C, Yanc U. Spontaneous pneumothorax and subcutaneous emphysema in COVID-19 patient: Case report. J Infect Public Health. 2020;13(6):887-9.
  • Dost B, Koksal E, Terzi Ö, Bilgin S, Ustun YB, Arslan HN. Attitudes of anesthesiology specialists and residents toward patients infected with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19): A national survey study. Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2020;21(4):350-6.
  • Verma S, Gustafsson A. Investigating the emerging COVID-19 research trends in the field of business and management: A bibliometric analysis approach. J Bus Res. 2020;118:253-61.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Research Article

Pınar Yıldız Gülhan 0000-0002-5347-2365

Mehmet Nurullah Kurutkan 0000-0002-3740-4231

Publication Date April 30, 2021
Submission Date November 25, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 23 Issue: 1


APA Yıldız Gülhan, P., & Kurutkan, M. N. (2021). Bibliometric Analysis of COVID-19 Publications in the Field of Chest and Infectious Diseases. Duzce Medical Journal, 23(1), 30-40.
AMA Yıldız Gülhan P, Kurutkan MN. Bibliometric Analysis of COVID-19 Publications in the Field of Chest and Infectious Diseases. Duzce Med J. April 2021;23(1):30-40. doi:10.18678/dtfd.826465
Chicago Yıldız Gülhan, Pınar, and Mehmet Nurullah Kurutkan. “Bibliometric Analysis of COVID-19 Publications in the Field of Chest and Infectious Diseases”. Duzce Medical Journal 23, no. 1 (April 2021): 30-40.
EndNote Yıldız Gülhan P, Kurutkan MN (April 1, 2021) Bibliometric Analysis of COVID-19 Publications in the Field of Chest and Infectious Diseases. Duzce Medical Journal 23 1 30–40.
IEEE P. Yıldız Gülhan and M. N. Kurutkan, “Bibliometric Analysis of COVID-19 Publications in the Field of Chest and Infectious Diseases”, Duzce Med J, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 30–40, 2021, doi: 10.18678/dtfd.826465.
ISNAD Yıldız Gülhan, Pınar - Kurutkan, Mehmet Nurullah. “Bibliometric Analysis of COVID-19 Publications in the Field of Chest and Infectious Diseases”. Duzce Medical Journal 23/1 (April 2021), 30-40.
JAMA Yıldız Gülhan P, Kurutkan MN. Bibliometric Analysis of COVID-19 Publications in the Field of Chest and Infectious Diseases. Duzce Med J. 2021;23:30–40.
MLA Yıldız Gülhan, Pınar and Mehmet Nurullah Kurutkan. “Bibliometric Analysis of COVID-19 Publications in the Field of Chest and Infectious Diseases”. Duzce Medical Journal, vol. 23, no. 1, 2021, pp. 30-40, doi:10.18678/dtfd.826465.
Vancouver Yıldız Gülhan P, Kurutkan MN. Bibliometric Analysis of COVID-19 Publications in the Field of Chest and Infectious Diseases. Duzce Med J. 2021;23(1):30-4.

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