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The mineralogy of kyanite quartzite in the Pütürge metamorphites

Year 2016, Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 109 - 117, 01.11.2016


The Pütürge metamorphic complex consists of pelit/semi-pelit, pisamite, metagranite, gneiss, amphibolite, quartzite, marble. Mineral paragenesis, the transformation of the garnet mineral advancing on the kyanite- almandine-muscovite and staurolite-almandine sub-facies of the amphibolite facies of the massive to chlorite and biotite minerals along with the transformation of the kyanite mineral to muscovite mineral show that the massive has undergone two retrograde metamorphisms on the greenschist facies. The exhumation process of the rocks is seen as the cause of the retrograde metamorphism. Generally kyanite quartsite consists of 35% SiO2 and 40%Al2O3, Fe2O3, Cr2O3 and rarely CaO, MgO, FeO ve TiO2 . It is closed fault zone or amphibolite and can be lens-shaped, pegmatitic in Pütürge metamorphite. Kyanite quartzite are produced metamorphism of acidic, nötr volcanic and subvolcanic or arc rocks; syn-metamorphism developed with premetamorphism or tectonic factors, metamorphism of high alumina clays, especially insert rock of C, Fe, Al, Mg fluids. In the pressure fluids inserts mineral in the prograd metamorphism and in the mineral are mineralogic-chemical changes. It seen quartz, Mg-syderite, graphite inclusios. It is low K2O from major oxides. Also this are relations rock composition or high serizitization alteration. The high Al and Fe trace element composition of quartz in kyanite quartzite related to inclusion mineral or nature radioactivite of quartz. Because radioactivite is visible into biotite in the pelitic rocks


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  • 14. G.R. Lumpkin, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 189, 136–166, (2001).
  • 15. A.P. Willner, A. Krohe, W. V. Maresch,Int. Geol. Rev., 42, 64- 85, (2000).
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  • 17. W. H. Spence, J. P. Worthington, E. M. I.T. Jones, Kiff, Mining Engineering, 32, 35. R.H.Vernon, Lithos, 12,143-152, (1979).70-73, (1980).
  • 18. E.V. Bibikova, P.M. Ihlen, M. Marker, Age of the hydrothermal alteration leading to garnetite and kyanite psudo- quartzite formation in the Khizovaara segment of the late Archean Keret Greenstone Belt, Russian Karelia. EUG XI Strassbourg, 8- 12.4.2001. Journal of Conference Abstracts 6, 227, (2001).
  • 19. R. Ek, P. Nysten, Phosphate mineralogy of the Halsjöberg and Hökenas kynite deposits. Geoogiska Föreningens i Stockholm, GFF,112, 9-18, (1990).
  • 20. D.Larsson, GFF 123, 237-246, (2001).
  • 21. P. M. Ihlen, and M. Marker, The Ministry of natural resources of Russian Federation Company Mineral, 25-26, (1998).
  • 22. A. K. Banerji, Journal Geological Society of India, 22, 496- 501, (1981).
  • 23. E. Erdem, (1994). Pütürge (Malatya) Metamorfitlerinin petrografik ve etrolojik özellikleri, F.Ü.Fenbilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, 119s.
  • 24. A.D. Kılıç, C. Ateş, Acta Petrologica Sinica, 31(5),1485-93, (2015).
  • 25. A.D. Kılıç, C. Ateş, Turkish Journal of Science & Technology, 9 (2), 127-133, (2014).
  • 26. J. P.Nystuen, Russia Geologiske Undersokelse Bull. 258, 237- 240. (1969a).
  • 27. I. T. Kiff, Mining Engineering 32, 70-73, (1980).
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  • 29. M.A. Çağlayan, R.N. İnal, M. Şengün, and A. Yu r t s e v e r, Structural setting of the Bitlis massive. International Symposium on the Geology of the Taurus Belt, 245- 254, (1984).
  • 30. M.C. Göncüoğlu and N. Turhan, Geology of the Bitlis metamorfik belt. International Symposium on the Geology of the Taurus Belt, 237-244, (1984).
  • 31. M. Şengün, MTA Dergisi,115, 1-13, (1993).
  • 32. C.Winkler, H-GF. Metamorfik kayaçların oluşumu: İ-T.Ü. Müh. Mim. Fak., No : 118-, 223 s.,(1965).
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Pütürge metamorfitlerindeki distenli kuvartislerin mineralojisi

Year 2016, Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 109 - 117, 01.11.2016


Pütürge metamorfitlerinde gözlemlenen kayaçlar, pelit/semi-pelit, pisamit, metagranit, gnays, şist, amfibolit, mermer ve kuvarsit’dir. Mineral parajenezleri, masifin amfibolit fasiyesinin disten- almandin-muskovit ve stavrolit- almandin alt fasiyeslerinde ilerleyen, granat mineralinin klorit ve biyotite dönüşümü, distenin muskovite dönüşümü gibi özelliklerden ise yeşilşist fasiyesinde gerileyen olarak, iki tür metamorfizma geçirmiş olduğunu anlaşılır. Yaklaşık SiO2 %35 ve Al2O3 %40, Fe2O3, Cr2O3 ve az miktarda CaO, MgO, FeO ve TiO2 içeren mercek, damar veya pegmatitik kütleler şeklinde bulunabilen distenli kuvarsitler, Pütürge metamorfitlerinde mikaşistler ve gnayslar içinde, bazı alanlarda ise fay zonlarıyla ilişkili ve amfibolitlere yakın konumda görülür. Distenli kuvarsitler asidik, ortaç volkanik ve subvolkanik kayaçlar veya adayayı derinlik ve volkanitlerinin metamorfizmasıyla ilişkili olabilirler. Metamorfizma öncesi veya yapısal faktörlerin kontrolünde eş zamanlı metamorfizmada, alüminyum içeriği yüksek killerin yükselme sırasında C, Fe, Mg, Al, kısmen Si’ca zengin sulu karbon eriyiğinin, belirli bir basınçta ve ilerleyen metamorfizmada mineral içerisine girmesi sonucu kayaçlarda mineralojik ve kimyasal değişimler meydana gelir. Kayaç içerisinde kuvars, Mg-siderit , grafit gibi kapanım mineralleri gelişir. Disten içeren pelitik kayaçların ana oksitlerinden K2O miktarının düşük olması, köken kayacın bileşimi veya alterasyonun gelişmemiş olmasıyla ilgilidir. Distenlerle birlikte bulunan kuvarsların Al ve Fe içeriklerinin yüksek olması, kapanım minerallerinin türüyle veya kuvarsların metamorfizma sırasında doğal radyoaktiviteye maruz kalmış olmasıyla açıklanabilir. Zira, radyoaktiviteyi pelitler içerisindeki biyotit minerallerinde de görmek mümkündür


  • 1. A.J. Barker. Introduction to Metamorphic Textures and Microstructures. Blackie&Son Limited, New York, 170, (1990).
  • 2. C.J. Wei, G.L., Clarke. Calculated phase equilibria for MORB compositions: a reappraisal of the metamorphic evolution of lawsonit, (2011).
  • 3. D. Castelli, F. Rolfo, R. Compagnoni, & S. Xu, Island Arc, 7, (1998), 159–173.
  • 4. L. Guo, H. F. Zhang, N. Harris, R. R. Parrish, W. C. Zu, Z. L. Shi, Gondwana Research, 21, 100-111, (2012).
  • 5. I. Katayama, S. Nakashima, Am Mineral, 88, 229–234, (2003).
  • 6. Y.M. Sheng, Q.K. Xia, X.Z. Yang, Y.T. Hao, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 71, 2079-2103, ( 2007).
  • 7. W. H. Spence, J. P. Worthington, E. M. Jones, Y.F. Zheng, Chinese Sci. Bull. 54, 4266-4270, (2009).
  • 8. Bolfan-Casanova, N. Min. Mag. 69, 229– 257, (2005).
  • 9. A. Ghera, G. Graziani, and S. Lucchesi, Neues Jahrbuchfuer Minéralogie, Abhandlungen,155, 109-127, (1986).
  • 10. R. L. Rudnick and D. M. Fountain, Reviews of Geophysics, 33, 267-309, (1995).
  • 11. S. Atabek, Gördes mika zuhurları hakkında rapor .M.T.A. Arviş No : 348, (1943).
  • 12. A. Egger, T. Glimmer, feldspar und disthen Vorkommen in Gabiet von Gördes, Manisa: M.T.A. Derleme Rap.No : 2759. (1960).
  • 13. O. Candan ve Ö. Dora, Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni, C. 27, 45 – 56, (1984).
  • 14. G.R. Lumpkin, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 189, 136–166, (2001).
  • 15. A.P. Willner, A. Krohe, W. V. Maresch,Int. Geol. Rev., 42, 64- 85, (2000).
  • 16. W. Schreyer, Pre-or synmetamorphic metasomatism in peraluminous metamorphic rocks. In: helgeson H. C. € Chemical transport in metasomatic processes. Reidel Berlin, 265-296, (1987).
  • 17. W. H. Spence, J. P. Worthington, E. M. I.T. Jones, Kiff, Mining Engineering, 32, 35. R.H.Vernon, Lithos, 12,143-152, (1979).70-73, (1980).
  • 18. E.V. Bibikova, P.M. Ihlen, M. Marker, Age of the hydrothermal alteration leading to garnetite and kyanite psudo- quartzite formation in the Khizovaara segment of the late Archean Keret Greenstone Belt, Russian Karelia. EUG XI Strassbourg, 8- 12.4.2001. Journal of Conference Abstracts 6, 227, (2001).
  • 19. R. Ek, P. Nysten, Phosphate mineralogy of the Halsjöberg and Hökenas kynite deposits. Geoogiska Föreningens i Stockholm, GFF,112, 9-18, (1990).
  • 20. D.Larsson, GFF 123, 237-246, (2001).
  • 21. P. M. Ihlen, and M. Marker, The Ministry of natural resources of Russian Federation Company Mineral, 25-26, (1998).
  • 22. A. K. Banerji, Journal Geological Society of India, 22, 496- 501, (1981).
  • 23. E. Erdem, (1994). Pütürge (Malatya) Metamorfitlerinin petrografik ve etrolojik özellikleri, F.Ü.Fenbilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, 119s.
  • 24. A.D. Kılıç, C. Ateş, Acta Petrologica Sinica, 31(5),1485-93, (2015).
  • 25. A.D. Kılıç, C. Ateş, Turkish Journal of Science & Technology, 9 (2), 127-133, (2014).
  • 26. J. P.Nystuen, Russia Geologiske Undersokelse Bull. 258, 237- 240. (1969a).
  • 27. I. T. Kiff, Mining Engineering 32, 70-73, (1980).
  • 28. J.A. Torrez-ruizza, P.P. Pesquera,Gil- Crespob, N. Velilla, Chem. Geo., 197, 55– 86, (2003).
  • 29. M.A. Çağlayan, R.N. İnal, M. Şengün, and A. Yu r t s e v e r, Structural setting of the Bitlis massive. International Symposium on the Geology of the Taurus Belt, 245- 254, (1984).
  • 30. M.C. Göncüoğlu and N. Turhan, Geology of the Bitlis metamorfik belt. International Symposium on the Geology of the Taurus Belt, 237-244, (1984).
  • 31. M. Şengün, MTA Dergisi,115, 1-13, (1993).
  • 32. C.Winkler, H-GF. Metamorfik kayaçların oluşumu: İ-T.Ü. Müh. Mim. Fak., No : 118-, 223 s.,(1965).
  • 33. S.Vrana, Contr. Mineral. Petrol. 41, 73- 82, (1973).
  • 34. B.W.D. Yardley, Contr. Mineral. Petrol. 65, 53-58, (1977)
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Filiz Güngör This is me

Publication Date November 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 5 Issue: 3


IEEE F. Güngör, “Pütürge metamorfitlerindeki distenli kuvartislerin mineralojisi”, DUFED, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 109–117, 2016.

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