1. Articles to be sent to the journal for publication must not have been published or sent elsewhere for publication.
2. Manuscripts must comply with nationally and internationally valid rules regarding research and publication ethics.
3. Articles must comply with scientific standards and be original. Manuscripts that are found to contain plagiarism by using plagiarism programs or in any other way will not be accepted.
4. Articles must be submitted electronically.
5. Authors must state their titles, institutions they work for, correspondence addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses.
6. During the submission of the articles, information should also be given about the type of the article (article, review, summary, letter to the editor, translation, decision review, book or various work criticism, case presentation, legislation review, research note, thesis summary, etc.).
7. Articles submitted at least 4 months before the publication of the next issue of the journal will be evaluated for the relevant issue.
8. It is assumed that the submitted articles have been finalized for spelling and are ready for publication. The responsibility in this regard belongs to the authors. However, minor changes can be made to the articles, which will not require a new referee review and will not conflict with existing referee reports, by obtaining the editor's approval until the date of the journal's typesetting.
9. Articles that are first reviewed by the Editorial Board are sent to the referees for evaluation. Articles are subject to at least two referee reviews from different institutions. At least one of the referees is selected from outside the faculty. Referees may express their opinion that the manuscripts should be published, that they are not suitable for publication, or that they should be corrected and published. If both referees express a negative opinion, the publication request of the articles is rejected. If one of the two referees expresses a positive opinion and the other gives a negative opinion, the relevant article may be sent to a third referee upon request or ex officio and action may be taken according to the third referee's report. If one of the referees expresses a negative opinion, the editor's opinion can also be taken into account. Authors are informed of the referee processes as soon as possible.
10. Finding spelling errors beyond the scope of possibility and failure to comply with scientific criteria will be deemed sufficient for the manuscript to be rejected by the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board may also reject a request for publication of an article for other reasons. A positive result of the referee review does not give the author the right to publish.
11. The opinions expressed in the articles published in the journal belong to the authors. Dicle University Faculty of Law does not accept any liability in this regard.
12. The copyright of the works accepted for publication belongs to Dicle University Faculty of Law. No payments are made to authors under any other name, such as royalties.