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Evrimci Ahlâkın Seyrini Değiştiren Filozof: Pierre Teilhard de Chardin'in Ahlâk Anlayışı

Year 2024, , 249 - 275, 31.12.2024


Evrimci ahlâk anlayışı ile ilgili en büyük tartışmalar teoloji ve ahlâk alanında yapılmıştır ki teorinin özellikle klâsik teolojinin yaratılış düşüncesini kökten değiştiren bir yönü vardır. Bu tartışmalar ilk önce ve kuvvetli bir biçimde Hıristiyan Katolik dünyasında görülmüş; Katolik dünya evrim ve ona bağlı ahlâk anlayışını inançları için büyük bir tehlike olarak kabul etmiştir. Buna binaen teoloji ile evrim uzlaşmasını kabul edenler Kilise tarafından dışlanmış ve hatta aforoz edilmiştir. Bu muamelenin ilk muhataplarından birisi de Fransız teolog ve düşünür Pierre Teilhard De Chardin’dir. Chardin, evrimi Tanrı’nın bir yaratılış modeli olarak kabul etmiş dolayısıyla bu şekilde varlığa gelişin Hıristiyanlığın teolojisiyle çatışmayacağını ileri sürmüş; evrimi yatay düzlemden dikey düzleme taşımış ve evrimsel oluşun insanın ortaya çıkmasından itibaren dikey yönde bir ilerleme sürecine girdiğini ifade etmiştir. Klasik teolojik anlayışta bir ilk olan Chardin’in bu yaklaşımı insanın manevi ilerlemesinin farklı bir ifadesidir ve amaç İsa’ya ulaşmaktır. Bilinç kazanmış varlık olarak insanın ortaya çıkışı, bu bilincin İsa’ya doğru olan manevi ilerleyişi ahlâkın temellendirilmesi ve açıklanmasına yeni bir bakış kazandırmıştır. Türkiye’de Chardin’in biyolojik evrimden hareketle oluşturduğu ahlâk düşüncesine dair çalışmaların yok denilecek kadar az olması bu makaleyi önemli kılmaktadır. Buradan hareketle bir teolog olarak Chardin ve onun ahlâk düşüncesinin tanınması bu konunun tercih edilmesinin amacını oluşturmaktadır. Konunun ortaya konulmasında daha çok tasviri ve açıklamaya dayalı bir yöntem takip edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak Chardin insan varlığının sadece biyolojik değil manevi bir ilerleme içinde de olduğunu, bununla insanın özünü farkettiğini söyleyerek modern var oluş fikirlerinden hareketle insanın ruh-beden bütünlüğünü bir kez daha vurgulamıştır.


  • Albl, Martin C. Reason, Faith, and Tradition: Explorations in Catholic Theology. Winona: Saint Mary’s Press, 2009.
  • Artigas, Mariano vd. Negotiating Darwin: The Vatican Confronts Evolution, 1877-1902. Maryland: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006.
  • Augustine. On The Trinity: Books 8-15. ed. Gareth B. Matthews. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
  • Bayar, Yasin. “Evrim Teorisi ile Dini Öğretilerin Bütünleştirilmesi: Teilhard de Chardin’in Evrensel Tekâmül Anlayışı”. Uluslararası Din ve Felsefe Araştırmaları Dergisi 3/5 (Haziran 2020), 95-120.
  • Bucaille, Maurice. İnsanın Kökeni Nedir?. İstanbul: İnsan Yayınları, 1984.
  • Cowel, Sion (ed). The Teilhard Lexicon:Understanding the language, terminology and vision of the writings of Pierre Teilhad de Chardin. Brighton: Sussex Academic Press, 2001.
  • Cuenot, Claude. Science and Faith in Teilhard de Chardin. London: Garnstone Press,1967.
  • Curran, Charles, E. History and Contemporary Issues. New York: Continuum, 1996.
  • Drummond, Celia Deane. “Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s Enduring Relevance”. Religion, Brain&Behaivor 13 (2023), 459-461.
  • Duralı, Teoman. “Tekâmül ile Evrim”. İlim ve Sanat 15 (Eylül-Ekim 1987), 63-68.
  • Ellsberg, Robert (ed.). Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. New York: Orbis Book, 2008.
  • Fiorenza, Francis Schüssler. “Systematic Theology: Task and Methods”. Sys-tematic Theology: Roman Catholic Perspectives. ed. Francis Schüssler Fio-renza vd. 1-78. Minnepolis: Fortress Press, 2011.
  • Galleni, Lodovico. “Teilhard de Chardin: Moving towards humankind?”. Bio-logical Evolution: Facts And Theories, A Critical Appraisal 150 Years After “Origin of Species”. ed. G. Auletta vd. Rome: Gregorian Biblical Press, 2011.
  • Grenz, Stanley J. -Olson, Roger E. “20th Century Teology”. God & the World in a Transitional Age. USA: Inter Varsity Press, 1992.
  • Grumett, David. Teilhard de Chardin: Theology, Humanity and Cosmos. Leuven: Peeters Publishers, 2005.
  • Güngör, Ali İsra. Cizvitler ve Katolik Kilisesindeki Yeri. Ankara: ASAM, 2002.
  • Hess, Peter M. J. vd. Catholicism and Science. USA: Greenwood Press, 2008.
  • İmam Mâlik, Ebû Abdillâh Mâlik b. Enes el-Asbahî. el-Muvaṭṭaʾ. nşr. Abdü-vehhâb Abdüllatîf. Kahire: y.y., 1382/1962.
  • Kapusta, Pawel. “Darwinism from Humani Generis To The Present”. Darwin and Catholicism: The Past and Present Dynamics of a Cultural Encounter. ed. Louis Caruna. 27-43. New York: T&T Clark, 2009.
  • King, Thomas M. “Foreword”. Divine Milieu mlf. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. çev. Siôn Cowell. Brighton: Sussex Academic Press, 2004.
  • King, Ursula. Teilhard de Chardin And Eastern Religions: Spirituality and Mysti-cism in an Evolutionary World. New Jersey: Paulist Press, 2011.
  • Lane, David H. The Phenomenon of Teilhard: Prophet for a New Age. Georgia: Mercer University Press, 1996.
  • LeConte, Joseph. Evolution: Its Nature, Its Evidences and Its Relation to Religious Thought. Berkeley: D. Appleton And Company, 1891.
  • McGrath, Alister E. Christian Theology: An Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell Pub-lishing, 2011.
  • Moltmann, Jürgen. God in Creation. New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1991.
  • Morris, Henry Madison. Yaratılış Modeli. çev. Adem Tatlı. Ankara: MEB Ya-yınları, 1985.
  • Paul, John II. “Truth Cannot Contradict Truth, 1996”. Evolution and Creatio-nism. USA: Greenwood Press, 2007.
  • Peacocke, Arthur. Evolution, The Disguised Friend of Faith. USA: Templeton Fo-undation Press, 2004.
  • Pope, Stephen J. Human Evolution and Christian Ethics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
  • Price, Michael E. “Teilhard’s Teleology: His Greatest Spiritual Strength, and Greatest Scientific Weakness”. Religion, Brain&Behaivor 13 (2023), 472-474.
  • Reat, N. Ross – Perry, Edmund F. A World Theology: The Centre Spritual Reality of Humankind. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
  • Rescher, Nicholas. Process Metaphysics, An Introduction To Process Philosophy. New York: State University of New York Press, 1996.
  • Roughgarden, Joan. Evolution And Christian Faith, Reflections of An Evolutionary Biologist. Washington: Islands Press, 2006.
  • Ruse, Michael. Darwin and Design: Does Evolution Have a Purpose. USA: Har-vard University Press, 2003.
  • Ryan, Fainche. “Aquinas and Darwin”. Darwin and Catholicism: The Past and Present Dynamics of a Cultural Encounter. ed. Louis Caruana. 43-60. New York: T&T Clark, 2009.
  • Savary, Louis M. Teilhard de Chardin, The Divine Millieu Explained: A Spirituality for the 21st Cetntury. New Jersey: Paulist Press, 2007.
  • Scott, Eugenie Carol. Evolution vs. Creationism. London: University of Califor-nia Press, 2004.
  • Scott, Eugenie Carol. “Antievolution And The Creationism In The United Sta-tes”. Annual Review of Anthropology. 26, (1997), 263-289.
  • Shea, Victor vd. (ed.). Essays and Reviews: The 1860 Text and Its Reading. USA: The University Press of Virginia, 2000.
  • Strickberger, Monroe W. Strickberger. “Evolution And Religion”. Bioscience. 23/7, (July 1973), 417-421.
  • Sydow, Momme Von. From Darwinian Metaphysics towards Understanding the Evolution of Evolutionary Mechanism. Göttingen: Universitötsverlag Göt-tingen Press, 2012.
  • Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre. “Finding Happiness Through Being Centered”. Pierre Teilhard De Chardin. ed. Robert Ellsberg. New York: Orbis Book, 2008.
  • Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre. Christianity and Evolution: Reflections on Science and Religion. USA: Harvest Book, 1974.
  • Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre. Future of Man. çev. Norman Denny. USA: Image Books/Doubleday, 2004.
  • Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre. Phenomenon of Man. New York: HarperCollins Press, 1975.
  • Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre. The Heart of Matter. çev. Rene Hague. USA: A Harvest Book, 1978.
  • Williams, Steve Stewart. Darwin, God And The Meaning of Life: How Evolutio-nary Theory Undermines Everything You Thought You Knew. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.

The Philosopher Who Change the Course of Evolutionary Morality Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s Morality

Year 2024, , 249 - 275, 31.12.2024


The greatest debates have been made in the matter of theology and morality, and the theory has a component that especially changes classical theology's opinion of creation. These discussions were had for the first time and robustly in the Catholic Christian world; Catholic world considered evolution and the ethics understandings derived from it as a great threat for their beliefs. This perception of threat and danger has caused Vatican to develop an attitude that would refuse the theory of evolution. The people that accepted the reconciling of theology with evolution have been excluded from the church. One of the first interlocutors of this treatment was the French theologist and thinker Pierre Teilhard De Chardin. Chardin accepted evolution as a creation model by god and, accordingly, argued that, from that perspective, coming into being did not conflict with Christianity's theology. In doing so, he moved evolution from the horizontal plane to the vertical plane and stated that evolutionary being had a vertical progress since the emergence of humanity. He added a purpose to the upward direction he brought to evolutionary progress and stated that the purpose of humanity's spiritual progress was to reach Jesus. The emergence of man as a conscious being and the spiritual progress of this consciousness towards Jesus has brought a new prespective to the foundation and explanation of morality. The fact that there are almost no studies in Turkey on the moral thought that Chardin created based on biological evolution makes this article important. Based on this, the purpose of choosing this subject is to recognize Chardin as a theologian and his moral thought. A method based on description and explanation was followed in presenting the subject. As a result, Chardin once again emphasized the soulbody intgrity of the human being, based on modern ideas of existence, saying that human existence is not only in biological but also spiritual progress, thereby realizing the essence of the human being.


  • Albl, Martin C. Reason, Faith, and Tradition: Explorations in Catholic Theology. Winona: Saint Mary’s Press, 2009.
  • Artigas, Mariano vd. Negotiating Darwin: The Vatican Confronts Evolution, 1877-1902. Maryland: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006.
  • Augustine. On The Trinity: Books 8-15. ed. Gareth B. Matthews. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
  • Bayar, Yasin. “Evrim Teorisi ile Dini Öğretilerin Bütünleştirilmesi: Teilhard de Chardin’in Evrensel Tekâmül Anlayışı”. Uluslararası Din ve Felsefe Araştırmaları Dergisi 3/5 (Haziran 2020), 95-120.
  • Bucaille, Maurice. İnsanın Kökeni Nedir?. İstanbul: İnsan Yayınları, 1984.
  • Cowel, Sion (ed). The Teilhard Lexicon:Understanding the language, terminology and vision of the writings of Pierre Teilhad de Chardin. Brighton: Sussex Academic Press, 2001.
  • Cuenot, Claude. Science and Faith in Teilhard de Chardin. London: Garnstone Press,1967.
  • Curran, Charles, E. History and Contemporary Issues. New York: Continuum, 1996.
  • Drummond, Celia Deane. “Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s Enduring Relevance”. Religion, Brain&Behaivor 13 (2023), 459-461.
  • Duralı, Teoman. “Tekâmül ile Evrim”. İlim ve Sanat 15 (Eylül-Ekim 1987), 63-68.
  • Ellsberg, Robert (ed.). Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. New York: Orbis Book, 2008.
  • Fiorenza, Francis Schüssler. “Systematic Theology: Task and Methods”. Sys-tematic Theology: Roman Catholic Perspectives. ed. Francis Schüssler Fio-renza vd. 1-78. Minnepolis: Fortress Press, 2011.
  • Galleni, Lodovico. “Teilhard de Chardin: Moving towards humankind?”. Bio-logical Evolution: Facts And Theories, A Critical Appraisal 150 Years After “Origin of Species”. ed. G. Auletta vd. Rome: Gregorian Biblical Press, 2011.
  • Grenz, Stanley J. -Olson, Roger E. “20th Century Teology”. God & the World in a Transitional Age. USA: Inter Varsity Press, 1992.
  • Grumett, David. Teilhard de Chardin: Theology, Humanity and Cosmos. Leuven: Peeters Publishers, 2005.
  • Güngör, Ali İsra. Cizvitler ve Katolik Kilisesindeki Yeri. Ankara: ASAM, 2002.
  • Hess, Peter M. J. vd. Catholicism and Science. USA: Greenwood Press, 2008.
  • İmam Mâlik, Ebû Abdillâh Mâlik b. Enes el-Asbahî. el-Muvaṭṭaʾ. nşr. Abdü-vehhâb Abdüllatîf. Kahire: y.y., 1382/1962.
  • Kapusta, Pawel. “Darwinism from Humani Generis To The Present”. Darwin and Catholicism: The Past and Present Dynamics of a Cultural Encounter. ed. Louis Caruna. 27-43. New York: T&T Clark, 2009.
  • King, Thomas M. “Foreword”. Divine Milieu mlf. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. çev. Siôn Cowell. Brighton: Sussex Academic Press, 2004.
  • King, Ursula. Teilhard de Chardin And Eastern Religions: Spirituality and Mysti-cism in an Evolutionary World. New Jersey: Paulist Press, 2011.
  • Lane, David H. The Phenomenon of Teilhard: Prophet for a New Age. Georgia: Mercer University Press, 1996.
  • LeConte, Joseph. Evolution: Its Nature, Its Evidences and Its Relation to Religious Thought. Berkeley: D. Appleton And Company, 1891.
  • McGrath, Alister E. Christian Theology: An Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell Pub-lishing, 2011.
  • Moltmann, Jürgen. God in Creation. New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1991.
  • Morris, Henry Madison. Yaratılış Modeli. çev. Adem Tatlı. Ankara: MEB Ya-yınları, 1985.
  • Paul, John II. “Truth Cannot Contradict Truth, 1996”. Evolution and Creatio-nism. USA: Greenwood Press, 2007.
  • Peacocke, Arthur. Evolution, The Disguised Friend of Faith. USA: Templeton Fo-undation Press, 2004.
  • Pope, Stephen J. Human Evolution and Christian Ethics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
  • Price, Michael E. “Teilhard’s Teleology: His Greatest Spiritual Strength, and Greatest Scientific Weakness”. Religion, Brain&Behaivor 13 (2023), 472-474.
  • Reat, N. Ross – Perry, Edmund F. A World Theology: The Centre Spritual Reality of Humankind. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
  • Rescher, Nicholas. Process Metaphysics, An Introduction To Process Philosophy. New York: State University of New York Press, 1996.
  • Roughgarden, Joan. Evolution And Christian Faith, Reflections of An Evolutionary Biologist. Washington: Islands Press, 2006.
  • Ruse, Michael. Darwin and Design: Does Evolution Have a Purpose. USA: Har-vard University Press, 2003.
  • Ryan, Fainche. “Aquinas and Darwin”. Darwin and Catholicism: The Past and Present Dynamics of a Cultural Encounter. ed. Louis Caruana. 43-60. New York: T&T Clark, 2009.
  • Savary, Louis M. Teilhard de Chardin, The Divine Millieu Explained: A Spirituality for the 21st Cetntury. New Jersey: Paulist Press, 2007.
  • Scott, Eugenie Carol. Evolution vs. Creationism. London: University of Califor-nia Press, 2004.
  • Scott, Eugenie Carol. “Antievolution And The Creationism In The United Sta-tes”. Annual Review of Anthropology. 26, (1997), 263-289.
  • Shea, Victor vd. (ed.). Essays and Reviews: The 1860 Text and Its Reading. USA: The University Press of Virginia, 2000.
  • Strickberger, Monroe W. Strickberger. “Evolution And Religion”. Bioscience. 23/7, (July 1973), 417-421.
  • Sydow, Momme Von. From Darwinian Metaphysics towards Understanding the Evolution of Evolutionary Mechanism. Göttingen: Universitötsverlag Göt-tingen Press, 2012.
  • Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre. “Finding Happiness Through Being Centered”. Pierre Teilhard De Chardin. ed. Robert Ellsberg. New York: Orbis Book, 2008.
  • Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre. Christianity and Evolution: Reflections on Science and Religion. USA: Harvest Book, 1974.
  • Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre. Future of Man. çev. Norman Denny. USA: Image Books/Doubleday, 2004.
  • Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre. Phenomenon of Man. New York: HarperCollins Press, 1975.
  • Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre. The Heart of Matter. çev. Rene Hague. USA: A Harvest Book, 1978.
  • Williams, Steve Stewart. Darwin, God And The Meaning of Life: How Evolutio-nary Theory Undermines Everything You Thought You Knew. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Systematic Philosophy (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Tuğba Torun 0000-0002-9814-8999

Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date September 19, 2024
Acceptance Date December 6, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


ISNAD Torun, Tuğba. “Evrimci Ahlâkın Seyrini Değiştiren Filozof: Pierre Teilhard De Chardin’in Ahlâk Anlayışı”. Düzce İlahiyat Dergisi 8/2 (December 2024), 249-275.

Düzce İlahiyat Dergisi, Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı (CC BY NC) ile lisanslanmıştır.