Year 2021,
Volume: 11 Issue: 22, 441 - 466, 29.11.2021
Özgün Cümandür
Ümit Doğrul
Today, it is important for businesses to establish long-term relationships with their customers for their sustainability. Relationship marketing activities play a key role in creating a long-term relationship. Cooperation is an essential element for the success of relationship marketing. For this reason, businesses need to constantly review the level of cooperation they have established with their suppliers. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of trust and commitment on the level of cooperation and the effect of cooperation on post-collaboration performance. In addition, the study aimed to reveal the factors affecting trust and commitment. In this context, the created questionnaires were applied to 181 companies in the TRB2 region and the hypotheses determined within the scope of the research were tested with partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). According to the results of the analysis, it was determined that trust and relationship commitment are two important determinants of the level of cooperation. It has been determined that the level of cooperation has a positive effect on the cooperation performance. In addition, a positive effect of termination cost and post-acquisition benefit variables on relationship commitment was revealed in the study. Relationship policies and practices and trust in healthy communication and information exchange positively; It was determined that opportunistic behaviors had a negative effect on trust. No relationship was found between the level of product prices and relationship commitment.
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- Anderson, J.C. & Narus, J.A. (1990). A model of distributor firm and manufacturer firm working partnership. Journal of Marketing, 54(1), 42-58.
- Ariani, D.W., (2015). Relationship model of personality, communication, student engagement, and learning satisfaction. Business Management and Educucation, 13(2), 175–202.
- Barry, J. M. & Doney, P. M. (2011). Cross-Cultural Examination of Relationship Quality. Journal of Global Marketing, 24(4), 305-323.
- Baxter, R. & Matear, S. (2004). Measuring Intangible Value in Business to Business Buyer – Seller Relationships: An Intellectual Capital Perspective. Industrial Marketing Management, 3(6), 491-500.
- Bei, L. T., & Chiao, Y. C. (2001). An integrated model for the effects of perceived product, perceived service quality, and perceived price fairness on consumer satisfaction and loyalty. Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, 14, 125-140.
- Berry, L. L. (1995). Relationship marketing of services--growing interest, emerging perspectives. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 23 (4), 236-245.
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- Chin, W. W. (1998). The partial least squares approach to structural equation modeling, modern business research methods. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ.
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- Conze, O., Bieger, T., Laesser, C. & Riklin, T. (2010). Relationship intention as a mediator between relational benefits and customer loyalty in the tour operator industry. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 27, 51-62.2
- Cui, Y., Mou, J., Cohen, J., Liu, Y. & Kurcz, K. (2020). Understanding consumer intentions toward cross-border m-commerce usage: A psychological distance and commitment-trust perspective. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 39, 1-10.
- Dagger, T.S., David, M.E. & Ng, S. (2011). Do relationship benefits and maintenance drive commitment and loyalty?. Journal of Services Marketing, 25(4), 273 281.
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Year 2021,
Volume: 11 Issue: 22, 441 - 466, 29.11.2021
Özgün Cümandür
Ümit Doğrul
Günümüzde işletmelerin sürdürülebilirliği için müşterileri ile uzun dönemli ilişki kurması önemlidir. İlişkisel pazarlama faaliyetleri uzun dönemli ilişkinin yaratılmasında kilit rol oynamaktadır. İş birliği, ilişkisel pazarlamanın başarısı için önemli bir unsurdur. Bu sebeple işletmelerin tedarikçileri ile kurdukları iş birliğinin düzeyini sürekli olarak gözden geçirmesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, güven ve bağlılığın iş birliği düzeyine; iş birliğinin ise iş birliği sonrası performansa olan etkisini belirlemektir. Ayrıca çalışmada, güven ve bağlılığı etkileyen faktörleri de ortaya koymak amaçlanmıştır. Bu kapsamda, oluşturulan anketler TRB2 bölgesinde 181 firmaya uygulanmış ve araştırma kapsamında belirlenen hipotezler kısmi en küçük kareler yapısal eşitlik modellemesi (PLS-SEM) ile test edilmiştir. Analiz sonuçlarına göre güven ve ilişki bağlılığının iş birliği düzeyinin iki önemli belirleyicisi olduğu belirlenmiştir. İş birliği düzeyinin ise iş birliği performansını olumlu etkilediği tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca çalışmada ilişkiyi sonlandırma maliyeti ve edinim sonrası fayda değişkenlerinin ilişki bağlılığı üzerinde olumlu bir etkisi ortaya konmuştur. İlişki politika ve uygulamaları ve sağlıklı iletişim ve bilgi değişiminin güveni olumlu yönde; fırsatçı davranışların ise güveni olumsuz yönde etkisi olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ürün fiyatları düzeyi ile ilişki bağlılığı arasında ilişki bulunamamıştır.
- Anderson, E. & Weitz, B. (1992). The Use of Pledges to Build and Sustain Commitment in Distribution Channels. Journal of Marketing Research, 29, 18-34.
- Anderson, J.C. & Narus, J.A. (1990). A model of distributor firm and manufacturer firm working partnership. Journal of Marketing, 54(1), 42-58.
- Ariani, D.W., (2015). Relationship model of personality, communication, student engagement, and learning satisfaction. Business Management and Educucation, 13(2), 175–202.
- Barry, J. M. & Doney, P. M. (2011). Cross-Cultural Examination of Relationship Quality. Journal of Global Marketing, 24(4), 305-323.
- Baxter, R. & Matear, S. (2004). Measuring Intangible Value in Business to Business Buyer – Seller Relationships: An Intellectual Capital Perspective. Industrial Marketing Management, 3(6), 491-500.
- Bei, L. T., & Chiao, Y. C. (2001). An integrated model for the effects of perceived product, perceived service quality, and perceived price fairness on consumer satisfaction and loyalty. Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, 14, 125-140.
- Berry, L. L. (1995). Relationship marketing of services--growing interest, emerging perspectives. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 23 (4), 236-245.
- Bove, L.L., Pervan, S.J., Beatty, S.E. & Shiu, E. (2009). Service worker role in encouraging customer organizational citizenship behaviors. Journal of Business Research, 62, 698–705.
- Brass, D., Galaskiewicz, J., Greeve, H. R., & Tsai, W. (2004). Taking stock ofnetworks and organizations: A multilevel perspective. Academy of Manage-ment Journal, 47(6), 795–817.
- Brito, L. A. L., Brito, E. P. Z., & Hashiba, L. H. (2014). What type of cooperation with suppliers and customers leads to superior performance? Journal of Business Research, 67, 952–959.
- Chen, H. & Hu H. (2010). The effect of relational benefits on perceived value in relation to customer loyalty: An empirical study in the Australian coffee outlets industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 29, 405-412.
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- Chou, S. & Chen, C.W. (2018). The influences of relational benefits on repurchase intention in service contexts: the roles of gratitude, trust and commitment. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 33(5), 680-692.
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- Conze, O., Bieger, T., Laesser, C. & Riklin, T. (2010). Relationship intention as a mediator between relational benefits and customer loyalty in the tour operator industry. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 27, 51-62.2
- Cui, Y., Mou, J., Cohen, J., Liu, Y. & Kurcz, K. (2020). Understanding consumer intentions toward cross-border m-commerce usage: A psychological distance and commitment-trust perspective. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 39, 1-10.
- Dagger, T.S., David, M.E. & Ng, S. (2011). Do relationship benefits and maintenance drive commitment and loyalty?. Journal of Services Marketing, 25(4), 273 281.
- Denize, S. & Young, L. (2007). Concerning trust and information. Industrial Marketing Management, 36(7), 968-982.
- Doney, P.M. & Cannon, J.P. (1997). An examination of the nature of trust in buyer-seller relationships. Journal of Marketing, 61(2), 35-51.
- Dwyer, F. R., Schurr, P. H. & Oh, S. (1987). Developing buyer-seller relationships. Journal of Marketing, 51(2), 11-27.
- Fontenot, J. R. (2001). Defining, Examining and Exploring the Benefits of Business-to- Business Relationship Marketing. (Doktora tezi, New Mexico State University, New Mexico).
- Fontenot, J. R. & Wilson, E. J. (1997). Relational Exchange: A review of selected models for a prediction matrix of relationship activities. Journal of Business Research, 39, 5-12.
- Fornell, C. & Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating Structural Equations Modelswith Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18, 39- 50.
- Fredendall, L. D., Hopkins, C. D., & Bhonsle, A. (2005). Purchasing's internal service performance: Critical external and internal determinants. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 41(2), 26–38.
- Friman, M., Garling, T., Millet, B., Mattsson, J. & Johnston, R. (2002). An analysis of international business‐to‐business relationships based on the commitment‐trust theory. Industrial Marketing Management, 31(5), 403‐409.
- Giovanis, A., Athanasopoulou, P., & Tsoukatos, E. (2015). The role of service fairness in the service quality–relationship quality– customer loyalty chain: An empirical study. Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 25(6), 744-776.
- Gundlach, G.T. & Murphy, P.E. (1993). Ethical and legal foundations of relational marketing exchanges. Journal of Marketing, 57(4). 35-46.
- Gundlach, G.T., Achrol, R.S. & Mentzer, J.T. (1995). The structure of commitment in exchange. Journal of Marketing, 59 (January), 78–92.
- Ha, J., Karande, K. & Singhapakdi, A. (2004). Importers’ relationships with exporters: does culture matter?. International Marketing Review, 21(4/5), 447-461.
- Hair J. F. vd. (2017). Multivariate Data Analyis (8. Ed). Pearson Education International, Londra.
- Hair, J.F., Ringle, C.M., & Sarstedt, M. (2011). PLS-SEM: Indeed a silverbullet. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 19(2), 139-151.
- Hair, J.F., Sarstedt, M., Hopkins, L. & Kuppelwieser, V. (2014). Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM): An Emerging Tool for Business Research. European Business Review. 26. 106-121.
- Hakansson, H. & Snehota, I. (1982). Developing Relationships in Business Markets. Routledge, London.
- Han, H. & Hyun, S.S. (2012). An extension of the four-stage loyalty model: the critical role of positive switching barriers. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 29(1), 40-56.
- Hausman, A., & Johnston, W. J. (2010). The impact of coercive and non-coercive forms oinfluence on trust, commitment, and compliance in supply chains. Industrial Marketing Management, 39(3), 519–526.
- Hennig-Thurau, T., Gwinner, K. & Gremler, D. (2002). Understanding relationship marketing outcomes: an integration of relationship benefits and relationship quality. Journal of Service Research, 4(3), 230-47.
- Henseler, J., Ringle, C. & Sinkovics, R. (2009). The Use of Partial Least Squares Path Modeling in International Marketing. Advances in International Marketing, 20, 277-319.
- Høgevold, N., Svensson, G. and Otero-Neira, C. (2020). Trust and commitment as mediators between economic and non-economic satisfaction in business relationships: a sales perspective. Journal of Business & Industrial 35(11), 1685-1700.
- Islam, S.R. (2019). Influence of price and distributive fairness on micro finance customers’ relationship commitment: PLS-SEM analysis. International Journal of Science and Management Studies, 2(5), 77-85.
- Ivens, B. S. (2005). Flexibility in industrial service relationships: The construct, antecedents, and performance outcomes. Industrial Marketing Management, 34(6), 566-576.
- Jacob, F. & Ehret, M. (2006). Self-protection vs opportunity seeking in business buying behavior: an experimental study. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 21(2), 106-17.
- Jap, S. D. & Ganesan, S. (2000). Control mechanisms and the relationship life cycle: Implications for safeguarding specific investments and developing commitment. Journal of Marketing Research, 37(2), 227−245.
- Jena, S., Guin, K.K. & Dash, S.B. (2011). Effect of relationship building and constraint-based factors on business buyers’ relationship continuity intention A study on the Indian steel industry. Journal of Indian Business Research, 3(1), 22-42.
- Jeong, Miyoung & Haemoon Oh. (2017). Business-to-business social exchange relationship beyond trust and commitment. International Journal of Hospitality Management 65, 115-124.
- Jineldin, M. & Jonsson, P. (2000). An examination of the main factors affecting trust/commitment in supplier‐dealer relationships: an empirical study of Swedish wood industry. The TQM Magazine, 12(4), 245‐266.
- Jones, M. A., Reynolds, K. E., Mothersbaugh, D. L. & Beatty, S. E. (2007). The positive and negative effects of switching costs on relational outcomes. Journal of Service Research, 9(4), 335–355.
- Khandelwal, U. & Bajpai, N. (2012). Price fairness and its linear dependence on consumer attitude: a comparative study in metro and non metro city. European Journal of Business and Management, 4(10), 94-102.
- Kim, S., Kim, N. W., Pae, J. H. & Yip, L. (2013). Cooperate “and” compete: Coopetition strategy in retailer-supplier relationships. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 28(4), 263-275.
- Kumar, V. & Reinartz, W. (2016). Creating enduring customer value. Journal of Marketing, 80, 36–68.
- Lages, Luis Filipe, Andrew Lancastre & Carmen Lages (2008). The B2B-RELPERF scale and scorecard: Bringing relationship marketing theory into business-to-business practice. Industrial Marketing Management, 37(6), 686-697.
- Lancastre, A. ve Lages, L. F. (2006). The relationship between buyerand a B2B e- marketplace: Cooperation determinants in an electronic market context. Industrial Marketing Management, 35, 774-789.
- Lee, C. H. & Ha, B.C. (2018). The impact of buyersupplier relationships’ social capital on bi-directional information sharing in the supply chain. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 33(3), 325 336.
- Lin, S.Y. (2013). The influence of relational selling behavior on relationship quality: the moderating effect of perceived price and customers’ relationship proneness. Journal of Relationship Marketing, 12(3), 204-222.
- Liu, W.L. (2010). The impacts of supply chain relational benefit on inter-organizational knowledge sharing: cross validation of SEM. Chiao Da Management Review, 30(2), 25-59.
- Marios, D. S., & Cinà, V. Z. (2013). Electronic word-of-mouth and online reviews in tourism services: the use of twitter by tourists. Electronic Commerce Research, 13(1), 103–124
- Matute‐Vallejo, J., Bravo, R., & Pina, J. M. (2011). The influence of corporate social responsibility and price fairness on customer behaviour: Evidence from the financial sector. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 18(6), 317-331.
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