Year 2024,
Volume: 14 Issue: 28, 913 - 934, 30.11.2024
Bekir Elmas
Salih Aydın
Herding bias, one of the investor tendencies frequently encountered in financial markets, can be expressed as investors giving more importance to the information of other investors than to their own information. Investors who invest in line with the herd trend may not see many investment opportunities offered by the market. However, if investors learn from their past trading experiences and increase their individual and social learning levels, they can act according to their own investment strategies, not according to the herd. In this study, a survey was applied to individual investors investing in Borsa Istanbul in order to measure the effect of individual investors' learning behavior on herding bias. Path Analysis from AMOS Structural Equation Models was used to test the research model. As a result of the study, it was determined that individual investors' self-confidence behavior and desire to learn had an impact on herding biases.
- Agrawal, D., Singhal, T., & Swarup, K. S. (2016). Role of herding behavior in influencing investor decision making in India. Indian Journal of Research in Capital Markets, 3(4), 43-48.
- Akçaalan, E., Dindaroğlu, B., & Binatlı, A. O. (2020). International investors, volatility, and herd behavior. Uluslararası ekonomi ve yenilik dergisi, 6(2), 247-259.
- Aksu, G., Eser, M. T., & Güzeller, C. O. (2017). Açımlayıcı ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizi ile yapısal eşitlik modeli uygulamaları. Detay Yayıncılık.
- Andrikopoulos, P., Hoefer, A. A., & Kallinterakis, V. (2014). On the impact of market mergers over herding: evidence from EURONEXT. Review of behavioral finance, 6(2), 104-135.
- Balcilar, M., & Demirer, R. (2015). Effect of global shocks and volatility on herd behavior in an emerging market: Evidence from Borsa Istanbul. Emerging markets finance and trade, 51(1), 140-159.
- Banerjee, A. V. (1992). A simple model of herd behavior. The quarterly journal of economics, 107(3), 797-817.
- Bikhchandani, S., Hirshleifer, D., & Welch, I. (1992). A theory of fads, fashion, custom, and cultural change as informational cascades. Journal of political economy, 100(5), 992-1026.
- Bodnaruk, A., & Simonov, A. (2015). Do financial experts make better investment decisions?. Journal of financial Intermediation, 24(4), 514-536.
- Chang, E. C., Cheng, J. W., & Khorana, A. (2000). An examination of herd behavior in equity markets: An international perspective. Journal of banking & finance, 24(10), 1651-1679.
- Chauhan, Y., Ahmad, N., Aggarwal, V., & Chandra, A. (2020). Herd behaviour and asset pricing in the Indian stock market. IIMB management review, 32(2), 143-152.
- Chen, G., Kim, K. A., Nofsinger, J. R., & Rui, O. M. (2007). Trading performance, disposition effect, overconfidence, representativeness bias, and experience of emerging market investors. Journal of behavioral decision making, 20(4), 425-451.
- Chen, J. S., Croson, D. C., Elfenbein, D. W., & Posen, H. E. (2018). The impact of learning and overconfidence on entrepreneurial entry and exit. Organization science, 29(6), 989-1009.
- Chiang, Y. M., Hirshleifer, D., Qian, Y., & Sherman, A. E. (2011). Do investors learn from experience? Evidence from frequent IPO investors. The review of financial studies, 24(5), 1560-1589.
- Christie, W. G., & Huang, R. D. (1995). Following the pied piper: Do individual returns herd around the market?. Financial analysts journal, 51(4), 31-37.
- Choijil, E., Méndez, C. E., Wong, W. K., Vieito, J. P., & Batmunkh, M. U. (2022). Thirty years of herd behavior in financial markets: A bibliometric analysis. Research in international business and finance, 59, 101506.
- Devenow, A., & Welch, I. (1996). Rational herding in financial economics. European economic review, 40(3-5), 603-615.
- Dhar, J., & Jha, A. K. (2014). Analyzing social media engagement and its effect on online product purchase decision behavior. Journal of human behavior in the social environment, 24(7), 791-798.
- Din, S. M. U., Mehmood, S. K., Shahzad, A., Ahmad, I., Davidyants, A., & Abu-Rumman, A. (2021). The impact of behavioral biases on herding behavior of investors in islamic financial products. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 600570.
- Dong, Z., Gu, Q., & Han, X. (2010). Ambiguity aversion and rational herd behaviour. Applied financial economics, 20(4), 331-343.
- Duasa, J., & Kassim, S. (2009). Herd behavior in Malaysian capital market: An empirical analysis. Journal of Applied economic sciences, 1(7), 45-57.
- Economou, F., Hassapis, C., & Philippas, N. (2018). Investors’ fear and herding in the stock market. Applied economics, 50(34-35), 3654-3663.
- Gong, P., & Dai, J. (2017). Monetary policy, exchange rate fluctuation, and herding behavior in the stock market. Journal of business research, 76, 34-43.
- Gul, F., & Khan, K. (2019). An Empirical study of investor attitudinal factors influencing herd behavior: Evidence from pakistan stock exchange. Abasyn university journal of social sciences, 12(1), 1-12.
- Gunawan, D. D., & Huarng, K. H. (2015). Viral effects of social network and media on consumers’ purchase intention. Journal of business research, 68(11), 2237-2241.
- Hens, T., & Benli, V. F. (2021). Behavioral finance in the era of Covid-19. Press academia procedia, 14(1), 106-107.
- Hsieh, S. F. (2013). Individual and institutional herding and the impact on stock returns: Evidence from Taiwan stock market. International review of financial analysis, 29, 175-188.
- Huang, T. C., & Wang, K. Y. (2017). Investors’ fear and herding behavior: evidence from the taiwan stock market. Emerging markets finance and trade, 53(10), 2259-2278.
- Hwang, S., & Salmon, M. (2004). Market stress and herding. Journal of empirical finance, 11(4), 585-616.
- Jain, J., Walia, N., & Gupta, S. (2019). Evaluation of behavioral biases affecting investment decision making of individual equity investors by fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. Review of behavioral finance, 12(3), 297-314.
- Jeon, J. Q., & Moffett, C. M. (2010). Herding by foreign investors and emerging market equity returns: Evidence from Korea. International review of economics & finance, 19(4), 698-710.
- Jiang, R., Wen, C., Zhang, R., & Cui, Y. (2022). Investor's herding behavior in Asian equity markets during COVID-19 period. Pacific-basin finance journal, 73, 101771.
- Kapusuzoglu, A. (2011). Herding in the Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE): A case of behavioral finance. African journal of business management, 5(27), 11210-11218.
- Karagöz, Y. (2016). SPSS ve AMOS 23 uygulamalı istatistiksel analizler. Nobel Yayınevi.
- Kataria, C. D., & Choudhary, S. (2015). Herding behavior in financial market: critical literature review. International research journal of commerce arts and science, 6(12), 16-26.
- Kaustia, M., & Knüpfer, S. (2008). Do investors overweight personal experience? Evidence from IPO subscriptions. The journal of finance, 63(6), 2679-2702.
- Kayalidere, K. (2012). Hisse senedi piyasasında sürü davranışı: İMKB’de ampirik bir inceleme. İşletme araştırmaları dergisi, 4(4), 77-94.
- Killeavy, M., & Moloney, A. (2010). Reflection in a social space: Can blogging support reflective practice for beginning teachers? Teaching and teacher education, 26(4), 1070–1076
- Kim, S. W., Lee, B. S., & Kim, Y. M. (2014). Who mimics whom in the equity fund market? Evidence from the Korean equity fund market. Pacific-basin finance journal, 29, 199-218.
- Kobari, M., Fadaeinejad, M., Asadi, G. H., & Hamidizadeh, M. (2016). Herd behavioral in Tehran Stock Exchange based on market microstructure (case study: Mokhaberat Company). Financial research journal, 18(3), 519-540.
- Kumar, S., & Goyal, N. (2015). Behavioural biases in investment decision making–a systematic literature review. Qualitative research in financial markets, 7(1), 88-108.
- Kumar, A., Badhani, K. N., Bouri, E., & Saeed, T. (2021). Herding behavior in the commodity markets of the Asia-Pacific region. Finance research letters, 41, 101813.
- Lakonishok, J., Shleifer, A., & Vishny, R. W. (1992). The impact of institutional trading on stock prices. Journal of financial economics, 32(1), 23-43.
- Lee, Y. T., Liu, Y. J., Roll, R., & Subrahmanyam, A. (2004). Order imbalances and market efficiency: Evidence from the Taiwan Stock Exchange. Journal of financial and quantitative analysis, 39(2), 327-341.
- Lin, H. W. (2012). How herding bias could be derived from ındividual ınvestor types and risk tolerance. World academy of science, engineering and technology, 6(6), 767-772.
- Mabrouk Houda, B., & Mohamed, F. (2013). Herding during market upturns and downturns: International evidence. IUP journal of applied finance, 19(2), 5-26.
- Mand, A. A., Janor, H., Rahim, R. A., & Sarmidi, T. (2023). Herding behavior and stock market conditions. PSU research review, 7 (2), 105-116.
- Menkhoff, L., Schmidt, U., & Brozynski, T. (2006). The impact of experience on risk taking, overconfidence, and herding of fund managers: Complementary survey evidence. European economic review, 50(7), 1753-1766.
- Menkhoff, L., Schmeling, M., & Schmidt, U. (2013). Overconfidence, experience, and professionalism: An experimental study. Journal of economic behavior & organization, 86, 92-101.
- Milligan, C., Fontana, R. P., Littlejohn, A., & Margaryan, A. (2015). Self-regulated learning behaviour in the finance industry. Journal of workplace learning, 27(5), 387-402.
- MKK. (2021). Yaş Grupları Bazında Yatırımcı Sayıları, Erişim Tarihi: 19 Ekim 2021,
- MKK. (2021). Yıllık İstatistiki Veriler, Erişim Tarihi: 08 Kasım 2021,
- MKK. (2022). Yıllık İstatistiki Veriler, Erişim Tarihi: 24 Temmuz 2022,
- Omay, T., & Iren, P. (2019). Behavior of foreign investors in the Malaysian stock market in times of crisis: A nonlinear approach. Journal of asian economics, 60, 85-100.
- Park, A., & Sabourian, H. (2011). Herding and contrarian behavior in financial markets. Econometrica, 79(4), 973-1026.
- Qasim, M., Hussain, R., Mehboob, I., & Arshad, M. (2019). Impact of herding behavior and overconfidence bias on investors’ decision-making in Pakistan. Accounting, 5(2), 81-90.
- Sachdeva, M., Lehal, R., Gupta, S., & Garg, A. (2021). What make investors herd while investing in the Indian stock market? A hybrid approach. Review of behavioral finance.
- Schunk, D. H. (2009). Öğrenme teorileri: Eğitimsel bir bakışla. (Çev.: Muzaffer Şahin). Nobel Yayınevi.
- Shantha, K. V. A., Xiaofang, C., & Gamini, L. P. S. (2018). A conceptual framework on individual investors’ learning behavior in the context of stock trading: An integrated perspective. Cogent economics & finance, 6(1), 1544062.
- Shantha, K. V. A. (2019). Individual investors’ learning behavior and its impact on their herd bias: an integrated analysis in the context of stock trading. Sustainability, 11(5), 1448.
- Shantha, K. V. A. (2019). The evolution of herd behavior: Will herding disappear over time?. Studies in economics and finance, 36(3), 637-661.
- Solakoğlu, M. N., Güvercin, A., & Akkaş, M. E. (2016). “The impacts of elections and central banks meetings on herding behavior: evidence from Borsa Istanbul”. 20. finans sempozyumu, 19-22 Ekim 2016, 277-286, DOKA, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi.
- Spyrou, S. (2013). Herding in financial markets: a review of the literature. Review of behavioral finance, 5(2), 175-194.
- Tabesh, H., Kelly, L., & Poulose, C. (2018). Herding behavior in the nairobi securities exchange. Journal of applied business & economics, 20 (3), 102-112.
- Tan, L., Chiang, T. C., Mason, J. R., & Nelling, E. (2008). Herding behavior in chinese stock markets: An examination of A and B shares. Pacific-basin finance journal, 16 (1-2), 61-77.
- Theriou, N. G., Mlekanis, G., & Maditinos, D. (2011). Herding by mutual fund managers in the athens stock exchange. European research studies, 14 (4), 131-154.
- Tiniç, M., Iqbal, M. S., & Mahmud, S. F. (2020). Information cascades, short-selling constraints, and herding in equity markets. Borsa ıstanbul review, 20(4), 347-357.
- Trehan, B., & Sinha, A. (2019). Investigating investors’ herd behavior. Amity business journal, 8(1), 31-36.
- Venezia, I., Nashikkar, A., & Shapira, Z. (2011). Firm specific and macro herding by professional and amateur investors and their effects on market volatility. Journal of banking & finance, 35(7), 1599-1609.
- Welch, I. (1992). Sequential sales, learning, and cascades. The journal of finance, 47(2), 695-732.
- Xiaofang, C., & Shantha, K. A. (2018). Are market performance and volatility determining the evolution of herd mentality of investors in a frontier stock market? Evidence from the Colombo Stock Exchange of Sri Lanka. Journal of management matters, 5(1), 1-12.
- Zheng, D., Li, H., & Zhu, X. (2015). Herding behavior in institutional investors: Evidence from China’s stock market. Journal of multinational financial management, 32, 59-76.
- Zheng, D., Li, H., & Chiang, T. C. (2017). Herding within industries: Evidence from Asian stock markets. International review of economics & finance, 51, 487-509.
Year 2024,
Volume: 14 Issue: 28, 913 - 934, 30.11.2024
Bekir Elmas
Salih Aydın
Finansal piyasalarda sıklıkla karşılaşılan yatırımcı eğilimlerinden birisi olan sürü eğilimi, yatırımcıların kendi bilgilerine göre diğer yatırımcıların bilgilerine daha fazla önem vermesi olarak ifade edilebilir. Sürü eğilimi doğrultusunda yatırım yapan yatırımcılar piyasanın sunduğu birçok yatırım fırsatını göremeyebilir. Ancak yatırımcılar geçmiş ticaret deneyimlerinden ders alıp, bireysel ve sosyal öğrenme düzeylerini artırırlarsa sürüye göre değil kendi yatırım stratejilerine göre hareket edebilirler. Bu çalışmada bireysel yatırımcıların öğrenme davranışının sürü eğilimine etkisini ölçmek amacıyla Borsa İstanbul’da yatırım yapan bireysel yatırımcılara anket uygulanmıştır. Araştırma modelinin test edilmesinde AMOS Yapısal Eşitlik Modellerinden Yol Analizi kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda bireysel yatırımcıların kendine güven davranışlarının ve öğrenme isteklerinin sürü eğilimleri üzerinde etkisinin olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
- Agrawal, D., Singhal, T., & Swarup, K. S. (2016). Role of herding behavior in influencing investor decision making in India. Indian Journal of Research in Capital Markets, 3(4), 43-48.
- Akçaalan, E., Dindaroğlu, B., & Binatlı, A. O. (2020). International investors, volatility, and herd behavior. Uluslararası ekonomi ve yenilik dergisi, 6(2), 247-259.
- Aksu, G., Eser, M. T., & Güzeller, C. O. (2017). Açımlayıcı ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizi ile yapısal eşitlik modeli uygulamaları. Detay Yayıncılık.
- Andrikopoulos, P., Hoefer, A. A., & Kallinterakis, V. (2014). On the impact of market mergers over herding: evidence from EURONEXT. Review of behavioral finance, 6(2), 104-135.
- Balcilar, M., & Demirer, R. (2015). Effect of global shocks and volatility on herd behavior in an emerging market: Evidence from Borsa Istanbul. Emerging markets finance and trade, 51(1), 140-159.
- Banerjee, A. V. (1992). A simple model of herd behavior. The quarterly journal of economics, 107(3), 797-817.
- Bikhchandani, S., Hirshleifer, D., & Welch, I. (1992). A theory of fads, fashion, custom, and cultural change as informational cascades. Journal of political economy, 100(5), 992-1026.
- Bodnaruk, A., & Simonov, A. (2015). Do financial experts make better investment decisions?. Journal of financial Intermediation, 24(4), 514-536.
- Chang, E. C., Cheng, J. W., & Khorana, A. (2000). An examination of herd behavior in equity markets: An international perspective. Journal of banking & finance, 24(10), 1651-1679.
- Chauhan, Y., Ahmad, N., Aggarwal, V., & Chandra, A. (2020). Herd behaviour and asset pricing in the Indian stock market. IIMB management review, 32(2), 143-152.
- Chen, G., Kim, K. A., Nofsinger, J. R., & Rui, O. M. (2007). Trading performance, disposition effect, overconfidence, representativeness bias, and experience of emerging market investors. Journal of behavioral decision making, 20(4), 425-451.
- Chen, J. S., Croson, D. C., Elfenbein, D. W., & Posen, H. E. (2018). The impact of learning and overconfidence on entrepreneurial entry and exit. Organization science, 29(6), 989-1009.
- Chiang, Y. M., Hirshleifer, D., Qian, Y., & Sherman, A. E. (2011). Do investors learn from experience? Evidence from frequent IPO investors. The review of financial studies, 24(5), 1560-1589.
- Christie, W. G., & Huang, R. D. (1995). Following the pied piper: Do individual returns herd around the market?. Financial analysts journal, 51(4), 31-37.
- Choijil, E., Méndez, C. E., Wong, W. K., Vieito, J. P., & Batmunkh, M. U. (2022). Thirty years of herd behavior in financial markets: A bibliometric analysis. Research in international business and finance, 59, 101506.
- Devenow, A., & Welch, I. (1996). Rational herding in financial economics. European economic review, 40(3-5), 603-615.
- Dhar, J., & Jha, A. K. (2014). Analyzing social media engagement and its effect on online product purchase decision behavior. Journal of human behavior in the social environment, 24(7), 791-798.
- Din, S. M. U., Mehmood, S. K., Shahzad, A., Ahmad, I., Davidyants, A., & Abu-Rumman, A. (2021). The impact of behavioral biases on herding behavior of investors in islamic financial products. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 600570.
- Dong, Z., Gu, Q., & Han, X. (2010). Ambiguity aversion and rational herd behaviour. Applied financial economics, 20(4), 331-343.
- Duasa, J., & Kassim, S. (2009). Herd behavior in Malaysian capital market: An empirical analysis. Journal of Applied economic sciences, 1(7), 45-57.
- Economou, F., Hassapis, C., & Philippas, N. (2018). Investors’ fear and herding in the stock market. Applied economics, 50(34-35), 3654-3663.
- Gong, P., & Dai, J. (2017). Monetary policy, exchange rate fluctuation, and herding behavior in the stock market. Journal of business research, 76, 34-43.
- Gul, F., & Khan, K. (2019). An Empirical study of investor attitudinal factors influencing herd behavior: Evidence from pakistan stock exchange. Abasyn university journal of social sciences, 12(1), 1-12.
- Gunawan, D. D., & Huarng, K. H. (2015). Viral effects of social network and media on consumers’ purchase intention. Journal of business research, 68(11), 2237-2241.
- Hens, T., & Benli, V. F. (2021). Behavioral finance in the era of Covid-19. Press academia procedia, 14(1), 106-107.
- Hsieh, S. F. (2013). Individual and institutional herding and the impact on stock returns: Evidence from Taiwan stock market. International review of financial analysis, 29, 175-188.
- Huang, T. C., & Wang, K. Y. (2017). Investors’ fear and herding behavior: evidence from the taiwan stock market. Emerging markets finance and trade, 53(10), 2259-2278.
- Hwang, S., & Salmon, M. (2004). Market stress and herding. Journal of empirical finance, 11(4), 585-616.
- Jain, J., Walia, N., & Gupta, S. (2019). Evaluation of behavioral biases affecting investment decision making of individual equity investors by fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. Review of behavioral finance, 12(3), 297-314.
- Jeon, J. Q., & Moffett, C. M. (2010). Herding by foreign investors and emerging market equity returns: Evidence from Korea. International review of economics & finance, 19(4), 698-710.
- Jiang, R., Wen, C., Zhang, R., & Cui, Y. (2022). Investor's herding behavior in Asian equity markets during COVID-19 period. Pacific-basin finance journal, 73, 101771.
- Kapusuzoglu, A. (2011). Herding in the Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE): A case of behavioral finance. African journal of business management, 5(27), 11210-11218.
- Karagöz, Y. (2016). SPSS ve AMOS 23 uygulamalı istatistiksel analizler. Nobel Yayınevi.
- Kataria, C. D., & Choudhary, S. (2015). Herding behavior in financial market: critical literature review. International research journal of commerce arts and science, 6(12), 16-26.
- Kaustia, M., & Knüpfer, S. (2008). Do investors overweight personal experience? Evidence from IPO subscriptions. The journal of finance, 63(6), 2679-2702.
- Kayalidere, K. (2012). Hisse senedi piyasasında sürü davranışı: İMKB’de ampirik bir inceleme. İşletme araştırmaları dergisi, 4(4), 77-94.
- Killeavy, M., & Moloney, A. (2010). Reflection in a social space: Can blogging support reflective practice for beginning teachers? Teaching and teacher education, 26(4), 1070–1076
- Kim, S. W., Lee, B. S., & Kim, Y. M. (2014). Who mimics whom in the equity fund market? Evidence from the Korean equity fund market. Pacific-basin finance journal, 29, 199-218.
- Kobari, M., Fadaeinejad, M., Asadi, G. H., & Hamidizadeh, M. (2016). Herd behavioral in Tehran Stock Exchange based on market microstructure (case study: Mokhaberat Company). Financial research journal, 18(3), 519-540.
- Kumar, S., & Goyal, N. (2015). Behavioural biases in investment decision making–a systematic literature review. Qualitative research in financial markets, 7(1), 88-108.
- Kumar, A., Badhani, K. N., Bouri, E., & Saeed, T. (2021). Herding behavior in the commodity markets of the Asia-Pacific region. Finance research letters, 41, 101813.
- Lakonishok, J., Shleifer, A., & Vishny, R. W. (1992). The impact of institutional trading on stock prices. Journal of financial economics, 32(1), 23-43.
- Lee, Y. T., Liu, Y. J., Roll, R., & Subrahmanyam, A. (2004). Order imbalances and market efficiency: Evidence from the Taiwan Stock Exchange. Journal of financial and quantitative analysis, 39(2), 327-341.
- Lin, H. W. (2012). How herding bias could be derived from ındividual ınvestor types and risk tolerance. World academy of science, engineering and technology, 6(6), 767-772.
- Mabrouk Houda, B., & Mohamed, F. (2013). Herding during market upturns and downturns: International evidence. IUP journal of applied finance, 19(2), 5-26.
- Mand, A. A., Janor, H., Rahim, R. A., & Sarmidi, T. (2023). Herding behavior and stock market conditions. PSU research review, 7 (2), 105-116.
- Menkhoff, L., Schmidt, U., & Brozynski, T. (2006). The impact of experience on risk taking, overconfidence, and herding of fund managers: Complementary survey evidence. European economic review, 50(7), 1753-1766.
- Menkhoff, L., Schmeling, M., & Schmidt, U. (2013). Overconfidence, experience, and professionalism: An experimental study. Journal of economic behavior & organization, 86, 92-101.
- Milligan, C., Fontana, R. P., Littlejohn, A., & Margaryan, A. (2015). Self-regulated learning behaviour in the finance industry. Journal of workplace learning, 27(5), 387-402.
- MKK. (2021). Yaş Grupları Bazında Yatırımcı Sayıları, Erişim Tarihi: 19 Ekim 2021,
- MKK. (2021). Yıllık İstatistiki Veriler, Erişim Tarihi: 08 Kasım 2021,
- MKK. (2022). Yıllık İstatistiki Veriler, Erişim Tarihi: 24 Temmuz 2022,
- Omay, T., & Iren, P. (2019). Behavior of foreign investors in the Malaysian stock market in times of crisis: A nonlinear approach. Journal of asian economics, 60, 85-100.
- Park, A., & Sabourian, H. (2011). Herding and contrarian behavior in financial markets. Econometrica, 79(4), 973-1026.
- Qasim, M., Hussain, R., Mehboob, I., & Arshad, M. (2019). Impact of herding behavior and overconfidence bias on investors’ decision-making in Pakistan. Accounting, 5(2), 81-90.
- Sachdeva, M., Lehal, R., Gupta, S., & Garg, A. (2021). What make investors herd while investing in the Indian stock market? A hybrid approach. Review of behavioral finance.
- Schunk, D. H. (2009). Öğrenme teorileri: Eğitimsel bir bakışla. (Çev.: Muzaffer Şahin). Nobel Yayınevi.
- Shantha, K. V. A., Xiaofang, C., & Gamini, L. P. S. (2018). A conceptual framework on individual investors’ learning behavior in the context of stock trading: An integrated perspective. Cogent economics & finance, 6(1), 1544062.
- Shantha, K. V. A. (2019). Individual investors’ learning behavior and its impact on their herd bias: an integrated analysis in the context of stock trading. Sustainability, 11(5), 1448.
- Shantha, K. V. A. (2019). The evolution of herd behavior: Will herding disappear over time?. Studies in economics and finance, 36(3), 637-661.
- Solakoğlu, M. N., Güvercin, A., & Akkaş, M. E. (2016). “The impacts of elections and central banks meetings on herding behavior: evidence from Borsa Istanbul”. 20. finans sempozyumu, 19-22 Ekim 2016, 277-286, DOKA, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi.
- Spyrou, S. (2013). Herding in financial markets: a review of the literature. Review of behavioral finance, 5(2), 175-194.
- Tabesh, H., Kelly, L., & Poulose, C. (2018). Herding behavior in the nairobi securities exchange. Journal of applied business & economics, 20 (3), 102-112.
- Tan, L., Chiang, T. C., Mason, J. R., & Nelling, E. (2008). Herding behavior in chinese stock markets: An examination of A and B shares. Pacific-basin finance journal, 16 (1-2), 61-77.
- Theriou, N. G., Mlekanis, G., & Maditinos, D. (2011). Herding by mutual fund managers in the athens stock exchange. European research studies, 14 (4), 131-154.
- Tiniç, M., Iqbal, M. S., & Mahmud, S. F. (2020). Information cascades, short-selling constraints, and herding in equity markets. Borsa ıstanbul review, 20(4), 347-357.
- Trehan, B., & Sinha, A. (2019). Investigating investors’ herd behavior. Amity business journal, 8(1), 31-36.
- Venezia, I., Nashikkar, A., & Shapira, Z. (2011). Firm specific and macro herding by professional and amateur investors and their effects on market volatility. Journal of banking & finance, 35(7), 1599-1609.
- Welch, I. (1992). Sequential sales, learning, and cascades. The journal of finance, 47(2), 695-732.
- Xiaofang, C., & Shantha, K. A. (2018). Are market performance and volatility determining the evolution of herd mentality of investors in a frontier stock market? Evidence from the Colombo Stock Exchange of Sri Lanka. Journal of management matters, 5(1), 1-12.
- Zheng, D., Li, H., & Zhu, X. (2015). Herding behavior in institutional investors: Evidence from China’s stock market. Journal of multinational financial management, 32, 59-76.
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