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Delik içi tornalamada kesici ucun ve delik işleme barasının delik işlemeye etkisi

Year 2021, , 793 - 802, 31.12.2021


Delik içi tornalama işlemi önceden delinmiş veya döküm yoluyla elde edilmiş olan deliklerin belli ölçülere getirilmesiyle yapılan bir delik genişletme işlemidir. Delik işleme, delik toleransı dairesellik ve yüzey pürüzlülüğü açısından son derece önemli ve hassas bir işlemdir. Delik içi tornalama esnasında istenilen yüzey kalitesine kesme parametrelerinin yanı sıra kullanılan kesici ucun ve kullanılan delik işleme barasının doğrudan etkisi vardır. Bu çalışmada; delik içi tornalama işlemine yönelik yapılmış olan çalışmalar derlenmiştir. Bulunan yayınlar, kullanılan delik işleme barasının (malzemesi, boy/çap (L/D) oranı, sönümleme yöntemleri) ve kesici ucun (malzemesi, geometrisi yarıçap değeri, kaplaması) işlenen yüzeyin pürüzlülüğüne, delik geometrisine, takım aşınmasına ve kesme kuvvetlerine etkisi açısından tek tek ele alınmıştır. Yapılan incelemeler sonucunda, malzemesi çelik olan delik işleme barasının daha ekonomik olduğu, karbür delik işleme barasının daha büyük L/D oranına sahip deliklerin işlenmesinde daha iyi olduğu, kullanımı oldukça yeni olan titreşim sönümlemeli baraların ise kesme kuvveti, yüzey pürüzlülüğü ve takım aşınmasını önemli derecede azalttığı ileri sürülmüştür. Bununla birlikte, kullanılan kesici uçlarda ise, küçük uç yarıçapına ve pozitif kesme açılarına sahip olanların arzu edilen delik geometrisi ve toleransların elde edilmesinde daha uygun olduğu, serbest yüzey ve krater aşınmalarının meydana geldiği, kaplamalı uçlarla yüzey pürüzlülüğü ve aşınma üzerinde daha iyi sonuçlara ulaşıldığı ifade edilmiştir.


Katkılarından dolayı Gazi Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri (BAP) Birimine teşekkür ederiz.


  • [1] Badadhe, A. M., Bhave, S. Y., and Navale, L. G. “Optimization of cutting parameters in boring operation” In Second National Conference on Recent Developments in Mechanical Engineering, pp. 10-15, 2005.
  • [2] Patil, R. S., Jadhav, S. M., and Gajjal, S. Y., “Improvement of Surface roughness in Boring operation using Viscoelastic Material Damper”, 2016.
  • [3] Lawrance, G., Paul, P. S., Varadarajan, A. S., Praveen, A. P., and Vasanth, X. A.,“Attenuation of vibration in boring tool using spring controlled impact damper”, International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM), 11(4), 903-915., 2017 DOI:10.1007/s12008-015-0292-1.
  • [4] Wadhwankar, D., More, K., and Bajaj, V. “Experimental Investigation of Boring Tool Vibration for Improving Surface Finish by using Passive Damper”, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, 6,162., 2016 DOI:10.1007/s00170-016-8964-y
  • [5] Suyama, D. I., Diniz, A. E., and Pederiva, R. “Tool vibration in internal turning of hardened steel using cBN tool”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 88(9-12), 2485-2495, 2017.
  • [6] Korkut, I., and Kucuk, Y. “Experimental analysis of the deviation from circularity of bored hole based on the Taguchi method”, Strojniški vestnik-Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 56(5), 340-346. 2010
  • [7] Munawar, M., Chen, J. C. S., and Mufti, N. A. “Investigation of cutting parameters effect for minimization of sur face roughness in internal turning”, International journal of precision engineering and manufacturing, 12(1), pages 121-127,DOI: 10.1007/s12541-011-0015-x, 2011.
  • [8] Yildiz, Y., Gunay, M., and Seker, U. “The effect of the cutting fluid on surface roughness in boring of low carbon steel–technical communication”, Machining Science and Technology, 11(4), pages 553-560 DOI:10.1080/10910340701697052, 2007.
  • [9] Boy, M., Ciftci, I., Gunay, M., Ozhan, F., “Application of the Taguchi method to optimize the cutting conditions in hard turning of a ring bore”, Materials in Technology, 49 (5) pages 765–772, (2015). DOI:10.17222/mit. 2014.246
  • [10] Kahraman, F., Başar, G., Koçoğlu, Z., ve Yeniyıl, E.”Delik Büyütme İşleminde Kesme Parametrelerinin Çok Yanıtlı Taguchi Deneysel Tasarım Yaklaşımı Kullanılarak Optimizasyonu” Politeknik Dergisi. 2017.
  • [11] Rao, K. V., Murthy, B. S. N., and Rao, N. M. “Cutting tool condition monitoring by analyzing surface roughness, work piece vibration and volume of metal removed for AISI 1040 steel in boring”, Measurement, 46(10), pp 4075-4084,2013.
  • [12] Ramesh, K., Baranitharan, P., and Sakthivel, R. “Investigation of the stability on boring tool attached with double impact dampers using Taguchi based Grey analysis and cutting tool temperature investigation through FLUKE-Thermal imager”, Measurement, 131, pp 143-155, 2019.
  • [13] Rao, K. V., Murthy, B. S. N., and Rao, N. M. “Prediction of cutting tool wear, surface roughness and vibration of work piece in boring of AISI 316 steel with artificial neural network”, Measurement, 51, pp 63-70, 2014.
  • [14] Yuvaraju, B. A. G., & Nanda, B. K. “Prediction of vibration amplitude and surface roughness in boring operation by response surface methodology”, Materials Today: Proceedings, 5(2), pp 6906-6915, 2018.
  • [15] Fu, Q., Lundin, D., & Nicolescu, C. M. “Anti-vibration engineering in internal turning using a carbon nanocomposite damping coating produced by PECVD process”, Journal of materials engineering and performance, 23(2), pp 506-517, 2014. DOI:10.1007/s11665-013-0781-y.
  • [16] Patil, R. S., and Jadhav, S. M. “Boring parameters optimization for minimum surface roughness using CNC boring machine with passive damping material” In Convergence in Technology (I2CT), 2nd International Conference for, pp. 300-303 April 2017, IEEE.
  • [17] Suyama, D. I., Diniz, A. E., and Pederiva, R. “The use of carbide and particle-damped bars to increase tool overhang in the internal turning of hardened steel”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 86(5-8), pp 2083-2092, 2016. DOI:10.1007/s00170-015-8328-z
  • [18] Sathishkumar, B., Mohanasundaram, K. M., and Kumar, M. S. “Impact of Particle Damping Parameters on Surface Roughness of Bored Surface” Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 39(10), pp 7327-7334, 2014. DOI:10.1007/s13369-014-1209-1.
  • [19] Rayate, A. V., Patil, S. J., Pawar, S. S., Mundhe, N. P., and Jadhav, S. M. “Vibration Reduction and Surface Finish Improvement in Boring Operation on Lathe by Viscoelastic Material Damper”, 2017.
  • [20] de Aguiar, H. C. G., Hassui, A., Suyama, D. I., & Magri, A.”Reduction of internal turning surface roughness by using particle damping aided by airflow”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 106(1-2), pp 125-131 2020
  • [21] Sarode, M. K., Nehe, P., and Deshpande, M. S. “Chatter mitigation in boring machining process” International journal, 5(9), 2020.
  • [22] Kucuk, Y., and Korkut, I. “Using the Experimental Design Method to Optimize the Conicity and Circularity of Bored Holes”, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 37(4), pp 1077-1082, 2012. DOI:10.1007/s13369-012-0215-4
  • [23] Baranitharan, P. “Investigation on the effects of damping over the temperature distribution on internal turning bar using Infrared fusion thermal imager analysis via Smart View software” Measurement, 107938, 2020.
  • [24] Suyama, D. I., and Diniz, A. E. “Influence of tool vibrations on tool wear mechanisms in internal turning of hardened steel” Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 42(7), pp 1-17, 2020.
  • [25] Singh, G., Mann, G. S., and Pradhan, S. “Improving the Surface roughness and Flank wear of the boring process using particle damped boring bars” Materials Today: Proceedings, 5(14), pp 28186-28194, 2018.
  • [26] Rocha, C. A., Sales, W. F., de Barcellos, C. S., and Abrão, A. M, “Evaluation of the wear mechanisms and surface parameters when machining internal combustion engine valve seats using PCBN tools” Journal of materials processing technology, 145(3), pp 397-406, 2004.
  • [27] Lawrance, G., Daniel, E., Paul, P. S., Shaji, J., and Thankachan, T. “Study on the Influence of Multi-Layered Nano Metal Oxide Coating on Cutting Performance During Boring of Hardened Steel”, Materials Today: Proceedings, 22, pp 1731-1736, 2020.
  • [28] Sortino, M., Totis, G., and Prosperi, F. “Development of a practical model for selection of stable tooling system configurations in internal turning” International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 61, pp 58-70., 2012.
  • [29] Totis, G., and Sortino, M. “Robust analysis of stability in internal turning” Procedia Engineering, 69, pp 1306-1315, 2014. DOI :10.1016/j.proeng.2014.03.123
  • [30] Nugroho, W., Baba, N. B., and Saptari, A “Optımızatıon on Surface Roughness of Borıng Process By Varyıng Damper Posıtıon” 2006.
  • [31] Beauchamp, Y., Thomas, M., Youssef, Y. A., & Masounave, J. “Investigation of cutting parameter effects on surface roughness in lathe boring operation by use of a full factorial design” Computers & industrial engineering, 31(3-4), pp 645-651, 1996.
  • [32] Rai, A. K., Yadav, S., Dubey, R., and Sachan, V. “Application of Taguchi Method in the Optimization of Boring Parameters” International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering & Technology (IJARET), 4(4), pp 191-199, 2013.
Year 2021, , 793 - 802, 31.12.2021



  • [1] Badadhe, A. M., Bhave, S. Y., and Navale, L. G. “Optimization of cutting parameters in boring operation” In Second National Conference on Recent Developments in Mechanical Engineering, pp. 10-15, 2005.
  • [2] Patil, R. S., Jadhav, S. M., and Gajjal, S. Y., “Improvement of Surface roughness in Boring operation using Viscoelastic Material Damper”, 2016.
  • [3] Lawrance, G., Paul, P. S., Varadarajan, A. S., Praveen, A. P., and Vasanth, X. A.,“Attenuation of vibration in boring tool using spring controlled impact damper”, International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM), 11(4), 903-915., 2017 DOI:10.1007/s12008-015-0292-1.
  • [4] Wadhwankar, D., More, K., and Bajaj, V. “Experimental Investigation of Boring Tool Vibration for Improving Surface Finish by using Passive Damper”, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, 6,162., 2016 DOI:10.1007/s00170-016-8964-y
  • [5] Suyama, D. I., Diniz, A. E., and Pederiva, R. “Tool vibration in internal turning of hardened steel using cBN tool”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 88(9-12), 2485-2495, 2017.
  • [6] Korkut, I., and Kucuk, Y. “Experimental analysis of the deviation from circularity of bored hole based on the Taguchi method”, Strojniški vestnik-Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 56(5), 340-346. 2010
  • [7] Munawar, M., Chen, J. C. S., and Mufti, N. A. “Investigation of cutting parameters effect for minimization of sur face roughness in internal turning”, International journal of precision engineering and manufacturing, 12(1), pages 121-127,DOI: 10.1007/s12541-011-0015-x, 2011.
  • [8] Yildiz, Y., Gunay, M., and Seker, U. “The effect of the cutting fluid on surface roughness in boring of low carbon steel–technical communication”, Machining Science and Technology, 11(4), pages 553-560 DOI:10.1080/10910340701697052, 2007.
  • [9] Boy, M., Ciftci, I., Gunay, M., Ozhan, F., “Application of the Taguchi method to optimize the cutting conditions in hard turning of a ring bore”, Materials in Technology, 49 (5) pages 765–772, (2015). DOI:10.17222/mit. 2014.246
  • [10] Kahraman, F., Başar, G., Koçoğlu, Z., ve Yeniyıl, E.”Delik Büyütme İşleminde Kesme Parametrelerinin Çok Yanıtlı Taguchi Deneysel Tasarım Yaklaşımı Kullanılarak Optimizasyonu” Politeknik Dergisi. 2017.
  • [11] Rao, K. V., Murthy, B. S. N., and Rao, N. M. “Cutting tool condition monitoring by analyzing surface roughness, work piece vibration and volume of metal removed for AISI 1040 steel in boring”, Measurement, 46(10), pp 4075-4084,2013.
  • [12] Ramesh, K., Baranitharan, P., and Sakthivel, R. “Investigation of the stability on boring tool attached with double impact dampers using Taguchi based Grey analysis and cutting tool temperature investigation through FLUKE-Thermal imager”, Measurement, 131, pp 143-155, 2019.
  • [13] Rao, K. V., Murthy, B. S. N., and Rao, N. M. “Prediction of cutting tool wear, surface roughness and vibration of work piece in boring of AISI 316 steel with artificial neural network”, Measurement, 51, pp 63-70, 2014.
  • [14] Yuvaraju, B. A. G., & Nanda, B. K. “Prediction of vibration amplitude and surface roughness in boring operation by response surface methodology”, Materials Today: Proceedings, 5(2), pp 6906-6915, 2018.
  • [15] Fu, Q., Lundin, D., & Nicolescu, C. M. “Anti-vibration engineering in internal turning using a carbon nanocomposite damping coating produced by PECVD process”, Journal of materials engineering and performance, 23(2), pp 506-517, 2014. DOI:10.1007/s11665-013-0781-y.
  • [16] Patil, R. S., and Jadhav, S. M. “Boring parameters optimization for minimum surface roughness using CNC boring machine with passive damping material” In Convergence in Technology (I2CT), 2nd International Conference for, pp. 300-303 April 2017, IEEE.
  • [17] Suyama, D. I., Diniz, A. E., and Pederiva, R. “The use of carbide and particle-damped bars to increase tool overhang in the internal turning of hardened steel”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 86(5-8), pp 2083-2092, 2016. DOI:10.1007/s00170-015-8328-z
  • [18] Sathishkumar, B., Mohanasundaram, K. M., and Kumar, M. S. “Impact of Particle Damping Parameters on Surface Roughness of Bored Surface” Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 39(10), pp 7327-7334, 2014. DOI:10.1007/s13369-014-1209-1.
  • [19] Rayate, A. V., Patil, S. J., Pawar, S. S., Mundhe, N. P., and Jadhav, S. M. “Vibration Reduction and Surface Finish Improvement in Boring Operation on Lathe by Viscoelastic Material Damper”, 2017.
  • [20] de Aguiar, H. C. G., Hassui, A., Suyama, D. I., & Magri, A.”Reduction of internal turning surface roughness by using particle damping aided by airflow”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 106(1-2), pp 125-131 2020
  • [21] Sarode, M. K., Nehe, P., and Deshpande, M. S. “Chatter mitigation in boring machining process” International journal, 5(9), 2020.
  • [22] Kucuk, Y., and Korkut, I. “Using the Experimental Design Method to Optimize the Conicity and Circularity of Bored Holes”, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 37(4), pp 1077-1082, 2012. DOI:10.1007/s13369-012-0215-4
  • [23] Baranitharan, P. “Investigation on the effects of damping over the temperature distribution on internal turning bar using Infrared fusion thermal imager analysis via Smart View software” Measurement, 107938, 2020.
  • [24] Suyama, D. I., and Diniz, A. E. “Influence of tool vibrations on tool wear mechanisms in internal turning of hardened steel” Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 42(7), pp 1-17, 2020.
  • [25] Singh, G., Mann, G. S., and Pradhan, S. “Improving the Surface roughness and Flank wear of the boring process using particle damped boring bars” Materials Today: Proceedings, 5(14), pp 28186-28194, 2018.
  • [26] Rocha, C. A., Sales, W. F., de Barcellos, C. S., and Abrão, A. M, “Evaluation of the wear mechanisms and surface parameters when machining internal combustion engine valve seats using PCBN tools” Journal of materials processing technology, 145(3), pp 397-406, 2004.
  • [27] Lawrance, G., Daniel, E., Paul, P. S., Shaji, J., and Thankachan, T. “Study on the Influence of Multi-Layered Nano Metal Oxide Coating on Cutting Performance During Boring of Hardened Steel”, Materials Today: Proceedings, 22, pp 1731-1736, 2020.
  • [28] Sortino, M., Totis, G., and Prosperi, F. “Development of a practical model for selection of stable tooling system configurations in internal turning” International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 61, pp 58-70., 2012.
  • [29] Totis, G., and Sortino, M. “Robust analysis of stability in internal turning” Procedia Engineering, 69, pp 1306-1315, 2014. DOI :10.1016/j.proeng.2014.03.123
  • [30] Nugroho, W., Baba, N. B., and Saptari, A “Optımızatıon on Surface Roughness of Borıng Process By Varyıng Damper Posıtıon” 2006.
  • [31] Beauchamp, Y., Thomas, M., Youssef, Y. A., & Masounave, J. “Investigation of cutting parameter effects on surface roughness in lathe boring operation by use of a full factorial design” Computers & industrial engineering, 31(3-4), pp 645-651, 1996.
  • [32] Rai, A. K., Yadav, S., Dubey, R., and Sachan, V. “Application of Taguchi Method in the Optimization of Boring Parameters” International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering & Technology (IJARET), 4(4), pp 191-199, 2013.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Yunus Kayır This is me 0000-0001-6793-7103

Yasin Erkoçak This is me 0000-0001-5808-3425

Publication Date December 31, 2021
Submission Date October 27, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


IEEE Y. Kayır and Y. Erkoçak, “Delik içi tornalamada kesici ucun ve delik işleme barasının delik işlemeye etkisi”, DÜMF MD, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 793–802, 2021, doi: 10.24012/dumf.1051439.
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