Güneyköy (Eşme, Uşak)’de Yeralan Altınlı Kuvars Damarlarındaki Arsenopiritlerin Skoroditleşmesi ve Mineralojik özellikleri
Year 2023,
, 697 - 706, 31.12.2023
Asuman Kahya
Öznür Kanaat
Bu çalışmada, Eşme İlçesinde (Uşak) yeralan Güneyköy’de Paleozoik yaşlı granitik gnayslarda bulunan Au-içeren arsenopiritli kuvars damarlarında gelişen skoroditleşmenin mineralojik-petrografik özellikleri ile Au-skoroditleşme ilişkisi incelenmiştir. Çalışma alanında başlıca en yaygın olan cevher minerali arsenopirittir. Arsenopiritler kenar ve dilinimleri boyunca skorodite dönüşmüştür. Yaptırılan jeokimyasal analizlere göre arsenopiritlerin Au içeriği 0,5 ppm ile 10 ppm aralığında değiştiği belirlenmiştir. Arsenopiritlerde mikroskobik olarak görülebilir Au olmamasına rağmen arsenopiritin alterasyon ürünü olan skoroditte ise mikroskobik olarak 30-100 mµ boytunda Au taneleri olduğu belirlenmiştir. Arsenopirit ve arsenopiritte yeralan Au hipojen olarak oluşurken, arsenopiritin alterasyonu sürecinde, oluşan skorodit ile skoroditteki Au birikmesi ise süperjen oluşum olarak tanımlanmıştır.
Project Number
BAP Projesi, Aksaray Üniversitesi
MTA Genel Müdürlüğüne
- [1]T. Ercan, A. Dinçel, E. Günay, and A. Türkecan, “Geology of the Uşak region and petrology of volcanics”, Mineral Research and Explorations Institute Turkey (MTA) Report No. 6354, 1977.
- [2] E. Ercan, A. Dinçel, S. Metin, A. Türkecan, and A. Günay, “Geology of the Neogene basins in Uşak region” Geological Bulletin of Turkey, vol.21, pp.97-106, 1978
- [3] T. Ercan, A. Dinçel and A. Günay, “Petrology of the Uşak Volcanics and their place in the Aegean region according to plate tectonics”, Geological Bulletin of Turkey, vol. 22, pp.185-198, 1979
- [4] E. Bozkurt and R. Oberhänslı, “Menders Massif (western Turkey): Structural, metamorphic and magmatic Evolution-a Synthesis”, International Journal of Earth Sciences, vol.89, pp.679-708, 2001
- [5] S. Akıska, T. Ünlü and I.S. Sayılı, “Mining geology of the gold occurrences related to the arsenopyrites of İzmir-Ödemiş Region”, Mineral Research Exploration Bulletion, vol.136, pp.1-8, 2008.
- [6] H. Yılmaz, “Geochemical exploration for gold in western Turkey: success and failure”, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, vol.80, pp.117-135, 2003.
- [7] O.E. Koralay, O. Candan, C. Akal, OÖ. Dora, F. Chen, M. Satır, and R. Oberhänsli, “Geology and geochronology of Pan-African and Triassic metagranitoids in the Menderes Massif, W-Anatolia”, Turkey Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, vol.142, pp.69–119, 2011
- [8] A. Kahya and Ö. Kanaat, “Geological, mineralogical abn fluid inclusion characteristics of auriferious quartz veins at Güneyköy (Uşak, Eşme), Western Turkey”, Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie (J.Min. Geochem.). vol.195/1, pp.11-25, 2018.
- [9] O. Candan, O.Ö. Dora, R. Oberhanslı, E. Koralay, M. Çetinkaplan, C. Akal, M.Satır, , F. Chen, and O. Kaya, “Stratigraphy of the Pan-African basemet of the Menderes Massif and relationshio with Late Neoproterozoic/Cambrian Evolution of the Gondwana”, Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, vol.142, pp.25-68, 2011.
- [10] O.Ö. Dora, O. Candan, S.T. Dürr, and R. Oberhaensli, “New evidence concerning the geotectonic evolution of the Mendere Massif” International earth sciences colloquium on the Aegean region, Abstracts, p.13-14, 1995.
- [11] O.E. Koralay, O. Ö. Dora, O. Candan, F. Chen, and M. Satir, “Menderes Masifindeki paragnaysların ilksel çökelme yaşına tek zircon 207Pb/206Pb evaporasyon jeokronolojisi yöntemiyle yaklaşım”, 56th Geological Congress of Turkey, Abstracts, pp.64–65, 2003.
- [12] N. Konak, N. Akdeniz, and E.M. Öztürk, “Geology of the south of Menderes Massif, I.G.C.P. project no:5, Correlation of Variscan and pre-Variscan events of the Alpine Mediterranean mountain belt, field meeting”, Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, pp.42-53, 1987.
- [13] O. Candan, “Metamorphism of the Gabbros in the Aydın-Çine Submassif and Their Correlation with those in the Related Submassifs of the Menderes Massif”. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, vol.5, pp.123-139, 1996.
- [14] O.Ö. Dora, O. Kaya, E. Koralay and S.T. Dürr, “Revision of the so-called "leptite-gneisses" in the Menderes Massif: A supracrustal metasedimentary origin”, International Journal of Earth Sciences (Geologische Rundschau), vol.89/4, pp.836- 851, 2001.
- [15] O. Candan, and O.Ö. Dora, “Granulite, eclogite and blueschist relics in the Menderes Massif: an approach to Pan-African and Tertiary metamorphic evolution”, Geological Bulletin of Turkey, vol.41, pp.1-36, 1998.
- [16] O. Candan, M. Çetinkaplan, R. Oberhänsli, G. Rımmele, and C. Akal, “Alpine high-P/low–T metamorphism of the Afyon Zone and implications for the metamorphic evolution of western Anatolia, Turkey”, Lithos, vol.84, 102-124, 2005.
- [17] R. Oberhänsli, O. Candan, O.Ö. Dora, and S. Dürr, “Eclogites within the Menderes Massif / Western Turkey”, Lithos, vol.41, pp.135-150, 1997
- [18] O. Candan, and O.Ö. Dora, “Granulite, eclogite and blueschist relics in the Menderes Massif: an approach to Pan-African and Tertiary metamorphic evolution”, Geological Bulletin of Turkey, vol. 41, pp.1-36, 1998
- [19] O. Candan, O.Ö. Dora, R. Oberhänslı, M. Çetinkaplan, J.H. Partzsch, F.C. Warkus, and S. D.RR, “Pan-African high-pressure metamorphism in the Precambrian basement of the Menderes Massif, western Anatolia, Turkey”, International Journal of Earth Scinces, vol.89, pp.793-811, 2001.
- [20] R. Hetzel, and T. Reischmann, “Intrusion age of Pan-African augen gneisses in the southern Menderes Massif and the age of cooling after Alpine ductile extensional deformation” Geological Magazine, vol.133, no. 5, pp.565 – 572, 1996
- [21] S. Loos, and T. Reischmann, “The evolution of the southern Menderes massif in SW Turkey as revealed by zircon dating”, Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol.156, pp.1021-1030, 1999.
- [22] O.E. Koralay, O. Ö. Dora, F. Chen, M. Satir, and O. Candan, “Geochemistry and Geochronology of Orthogneisses in the Derbent (Alaşehir) Area, Eastern Part of the Ödemiş-Kiraz Submassif, Menderes Massif: Pan-African Magmatic Activity”, Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 13, 37-61, 2004
- [23] B. Erdogan and T. Güngör, “The problem of the core–cover boundary of the Menderes Massif and an emplacement mechanism for regionally extensive gneissic granites, western Anatolia (Turkey)”, Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, vol.13, pp.15–36, 2004.
- [24] E. Bozkurt, J.A. Winchester, and R.G. Park, “Geochemistry and tectonic significance of augen gneisses from the southern Menderes Massif (West Turkey)”, Geology Magazine, vol.132, pp.287-301,1995.
- [25] C. Dannat, “Geochemie, geochronologie und Nd-Sm Isotopie der granitoiden Kerngneiss des Menderes Massivs, SW-Turkey”, PhD thesis, Johannes Gutenberg Universitat Mainz, 1997.
- [26] R. Hetzel, R.L. Romer, O. Candan, and C.W. Passchier, “Geology of the Bozdağ area, central Menderes massif, SW-Turkey: Pan African basement and Alpine deformation”, Geologische Rundschau. Vol. 87, pp.394–406, 1998.
- [27] K. Gessner, S. Piazolo, T. Güngör, U. Ring, A. Kröner, and C.W. Passchier, “Tectonic significance of deformation in granitoid rocks of the Menderes nappes, Anatolide belt, southwest Turkey”, International Journal of Earth Sciences, vol.89, pp.766-780, 2001.
- [28] K. Gessner, A.S. Collins, U. Ring, and T. Gungor, “Structural and thermal history of poly-orogenic basement: U–Pb geochronology of granitoid rocks in the southern Menderes Massif, Western Turkey”, Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol.161, pp.93–101, 2004
- [29] Ş. Gonca, “Gold research report in the Uşak-Eşme, Manisa-Kula, Manisa and Uşak area”, Mineral Research and Explorations Institute Turkey (MTA) Report No: 9520, Ankara (unpublished), 1992.
- [30] G. Seyitoğlu, M.C. Alçiçek, V. Işık, Alçiçek, S. Mayda, B. Varol, I. Yılmaz and K. Esat, “The stratigraphical position of Kemiklitepe fossil locality (Eşme, Uşak) revised: implications for the Lte Cenozoic sedimentary basin development and extensional tectonics in Western Turkey”, Neus Jahrbuch für Geologie und Palaeontologie, vol.251, pp.1-15, 2009.
- [31] D. Jonasson, “Mobilization and occurrence of gold within arsenopyrite veins, Akçaabat deposit, southwestern Turkey”, Degree of Naster of Science with a major in Earth Sciences 60 hec, University of Gotherburg, Department of Earth Sciences Geovetarcentrum/Earth Science Centre, 2018B1042, 2018.
- [32] M. Mihaljevic, V. Ettler, O. Sebek, P. Grahota, L. Strnad, R. Prochazka, and O. Sracek, “Alteration of arsenopyrite in soil under different vegatation covers”, Science of the total environment, vol. 408 no.6, pp.1286-1294, 2010
- [33] P.M. Dove and J.D., Rimstidt, “The solubility and stability of scorodite, FeAsO4.2H2O”, American Mineralogist, vol.70, No.7-8, pp.838–844. 1985
- [34] Y. Zhu and B. Merkel, “The dissolution and solubility of scorodite, FeAsO4{bullet operator}2H2O evaluation and simulation with PHREEQC2”, Technische Universitat Bergakademie Freiberg İnstitit für Geologie, 2001.
- [35] A.W. Mann, “Mobility of gold and silver in lateritic weathering profiles; some observation from Western Australia, Economic Geology, vol.79, No.1, pp.38-49, 1984.
- [36] L.Robb, “Introduction to ore-forming processes”, John Wiley&Sons, 2013
- [37] A.H. Mumin, M.E. Fleet, and S.L. Chryssoulis, “Goldmineraliza-tionin As-rich mesothermal gold ores of the Bogosu resteamining districtof the Ashanti Gold Belt, Ghana: Remobilizationof"invisible"gold”, Mineralium Deposita, vol.29, pp. 445-460, 1994
- [38] R.R. Large, L.V., Danyushevsky, C. Hollit, V. Maslennikov, S. Meffre, S. Gilbert, R. Bull, R. Scott, P. Emsbo, H. Thomas, and J. Foster, “Gold and trace element zonation in pyrite using a laser imaging technique: implications for the timing of gold in orogenic and carlin-style sediment-hosted deposits”, Economic Geology, vol.104, pp.635-668, 2009.
- [39] A.G. Tomkins, and J.A. Mavrogenes, “Redistribution of gold within arsenopyrite and lollingite during pro-and retrograde metamorphism: Aplication to timing of mineralization”, Economic Geology, vol.96, No:3, pp.525-534, 2001.
- [40] J.G. Webster and A.W Mann, “The influence of climate, geomorphology and primary geology on the supergene migration of gold and silver”, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, vol.22, No.1-3, pp.21-42, 1984
- [41] C. E. J. De Ronde and P. Blattner, “Hydrothermal alteration, stable isotopes, and fluid inclusions of the Golden Cross epithermalgold-silver deposit, Waihi, New Zealand”, Economic Geology, vol.83, pp.895-917, 1988
- [42] R.J. Bovell, “Supergene gold mineralogy at Ashanti, Ghana: implications for the Supergene Behavior of gold”, Mineralogical Magazine Londan, vol.56, pp.545-545, 1992.
Year 2023,
, 697 - 706, 31.12.2023
Asuman Kahya
Öznür Kanaat
Project Number
BAP Projesi, Aksaray Üniversitesi
- [1]T. Ercan, A. Dinçel, E. Günay, and A. Türkecan, “Geology of the Uşak region and petrology of volcanics”, Mineral Research and Explorations Institute Turkey (MTA) Report No. 6354, 1977.
- [2] E. Ercan, A. Dinçel, S. Metin, A. Türkecan, and A. Günay, “Geology of the Neogene basins in Uşak region” Geological Bulletin of Turkey, vol.21, pp.97-106, 1978
- [3] T. Ercan, A. Dinçel and A. Günay, “Petrology of the Uşak Volcanics and their place in the Aegean region according to plate tectonics”, Geological Bulletin of Turkey, vol. 22, pp.185-198, 1979
- [4] E. Bozkurt and R. Oberhänslı, “Menders Massif (western Turkey): Structural, metamorphic and magmatic Evolution-a Synthesis”, International Journal of Earth Sciences, vol.89, pp.679-708, 2001
- [5] S. Akıska, T. Ünlü and I.S. Sayılı, “Mining geology of the gold occurrences related to the arsenopyrites of İzmir-Ödemiş Region”, Mineral Research Exploration Bulletion, vol.136, pp.1-8, 2008.
- [6] H. Yılmaz, “Geochemical exploration for gold in western Turkey: success and failure”, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, vol.80, pp.117-135, 2003.
- [7] O.E. Koralay, O. Candan, C. Akal, OÖ. Dora, F. Chen, M. Satır, and R. Oberhänsli, “Geology and geochronology of Pan-African and Triassic metagranitoids in the Menderes Massif, W-Anatolia”, Turkey Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, vol.142, pp.69–119, 2011
- [8] A. Kahya and Ö. Kanaat, “Geological, mineralogical abn fluid inclusion characteristics of auriferious quartz veins at Güneyköy (Uşak, Eşme), Western Turkey”, Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie (J.Min. Geochem.). vol.195/1, pp.11-25, 2018.
- [9] O. Candan, O.Ö. Dora, R. Oberhanslı, E. Koralay, M. Çetinkaplan, C. Akal, M.Satır, , F. Chen, and O. Kaya, “Stratigraphy of the Pan-African basemet of the Menderes Massif and relationshio with Late Neoproterozoic/Cambrian Evolution of the Gondwana”, Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, vol.142, pp.25-68, 2011.
- [10] O.Ö. Dora, O. Candan, S.T. Dürr, and R. Oberhaensli, “New evidence concerning the geotectonic evolution of the Mendere Massif” International earth sciences colloquium on the Aegean region, Abstracts, p.13-14, 1995.
- [11] O.E. Koralay, O. Ö. Dora, O. Candan, F. Chen, and M. Satir, “Menderes Masifindeki paragnaysların ilksel çökelme yaşına tek zircon 207Pb/206Pb evaporasyon jeokronolojisi yöntemiyle yaklaşım”, 56th Geological Congress of Turkey, Abstracts, pp.64–65, 2003.
- [12] N. Konak, N. Akdeniz, and E.M. Öztürk, “Geology of the south of Menderes Massif, I.G.C.P. project no:5, Correlation of Variscan and pre-Variscan events of the Alpine Mediterranean mountain belt, field meeting”, Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, pp.42-53, 1987.
- [13] O. Candan, “Metamorphism of the Gabbros in the Aydın-Çine Submassif and Their Correlation with those in the Related Submassifs of the Menderes Massif”. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, vol.5, pp.123-139, 1996.
- [14] O.Ö. Dora, O. Kaya, E. Koralay and S.T. Dürr, “Revision of the so-called "leptite-gneisses" in the Menderes Massif: A supracrustal metasedimentary origin”, International Journal of Earth Sciences (Geologische Rundschau), vol.89/4, pp.836- 851, 2001.
- [15] O. Candan, and O.Ö. Dora, “Granulite, eclogite and blueschist relics in the Menderes Massif: an approach to Pan-African and Tertiary metamorphic evolution”, Geological Bulletin of Turkey, vol.41, pp.1-36, 1998.
- [16] O. Candan, M. Çetinkaplan, R. Oberhänsli, G. Rımmele, and C. Akal, “Alpine high-P/low–T metamorphism of the Afyon Zone and implications for the metamorphic evolution of western Anatolia, Turkey”, Lithos, vol.84, 102-124, 2005.
- [17] R. Oberhänsli, O. Candan, O.Ö. Dora, and S. Dürr, “Eclogites within the Menderes Massif / Western Turkey”, Lithos, vol.41, pp.135-150, 1997
- [18] O. Candan, and O.Ö. Dora, “Granulite, eclogite and blueschist relics in the Menderes Massif: an approach to Pan-African and Tertiary metamorphic evolution”, Geological Bulletin of Turkey, vol. 41, pp.1-36, 1998
- [19] O. Candan, O.Ö. Dora, R. Oberhänslı, M. Çetinkaplan, J.H. Partzsch, F.C. Warkus, and S. D.RR, “Pan-African high-pressure metamorphism in the Precambrian basement of the Menderes Massif, western Anatolia, Turkey”, International Journal of Earth Scinces, vol.89, pp.793-811, 2001.
- [20] R. Hetzel, and T. Reischmann, “Intrusion age of Pan-African augen gneisses in the southern Menderes Massif and the age of cooling after Alpine ductile extensional deformation” Geological Magazine, vol.133, no. 5, pp.565 – 572, 1996
- [21] S. Loos, and T. Reischmann, “The evolution of the southern Menderes massif in SW Turkey as revealed by zircon dating”, Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol.156, pp.1021-1030, 1999.
- [22] O.E. Koralay, O. Ö. Dora, F. Chen, M. Satir, and O. Candan, “Geochemistry and Geochronology of Orthogneisses in the Derbent (Alaşehir) Area, Eastern Part of the Ödemiş-Kiraz Submassif, Menderes Massif: Pan-African Magmatic Activity”, Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 13, 37-61, 2004
- [23] B. Erdogan and T. Güngör, “The problem of the core–cover boundary of the Menderes Massif and an emplacement mechanism for regionally extensive gneissic granites, western Anatolia (Turkey)”, Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, vol.13, pp.15–36, 2004.
- [24] E. Bozkurt, J.A. Winchester, and R.G. Park, “Geochemistry and tectonic significance of augen gneisses from the southern Menderes Massif (West Turkey)”, Geology Magazine, vol.132, pp.287-301,1995.
- [25] C. Dannat, “Geochemie, geochronologie und Nd-Sm Isotopie der granitoiden Kerngneiss des Menderes Massivs, SW-Turkey”, PhD thesis, Johannes Gutenberg Universitat Mainz, 1997.
- [26] R. Hetzel, R.L. Romer, O. Candan, and C.W. Passchier, “Geology of the Bozdağ area, central Menderes massif, SW-Turkey: Pan African basement and Alpine deformation”, Geologische Rundschau. Vol. 87, pp.394–406, 1998.
- [27] K. Gessner, S. Piazolo, T. Güngör, U. Ring, A. Kröner, and C.W. Passchier, “Tectonic significance of deformation in granitoid rocks of the Menderes nappes, Anatolide belt, southwest Turkey”, International Journal of Earth Sciences, vol.89, pp.766-780, 2001.
- [28] K. Gessner, A.S. Collins, U. Ring, and T. Gungor, “Structural and thermal history of poly-orogenic basement: U–Pb geochronology of granitoid rocks in the southern Menderes Massif, Western Turkey”, Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol.161, pp.93–101, 2004
- [29] Ş. Gonca, “Gold research report in the Uşak-Eşme, Manisa-Kula, Manisa and Uşak area”, Mineral Research and Explorations Institute Turkey (MTA) Report No: 9520, Ankara (unpublished), 1992.
- [30] G. Seyitoğlu, M.C. Alçiçek, V. Işık, Alçiçek, S. Mayda, B. Varol, I. Yılmaz and K. Esat, “The stratigraphical position of Kemiklitepe fossil locality (Eşme, Uşak) revised: implications for the Lte Cenozoic sedimentary basin development and extensional tectonics in Western Turkey”, Neus Jahrbuch für Geologie und Palaeontologie, vol.251, pp.1-15, 2009.
- [31] D. Jonasson, “Mobilization and occurrence of gold within arsenopyrite veins, Akçaabat deposit, southwestern Turkey”, Degree of Naster of Science with a major in Earth Sciences 60 hec, University of Gotherburg, Department of Earth Sciences Geovetarcentrum/Earth Science Centre, 2018B1042, 2018.
- [32] M. Mihaljevic, V. Ettler, O. Sebek, P. Grahota, L. Strnad, R. Prochazka, and O. Sracek, “Alteration of arsenopyrite in soil under different vegatation covers”, Science of the total environment, vol. 408 no.6, pp.1286-1294, 2010
- [33] P.M. Dove and J.D., Rimstidt, “The solubility and stability of scorodite, FeAsO4.2H2O”, American Mineralogist, vol.70, No.7-8, pp.838–844. 1985
- [34] Y. Zhu and B. Merkel, “The dissolution and solubility of scorodite, FeAsO4{bullet operator}2H2O evaluation and simulation with PHREEQC2”, Technische Universitat Bergakademie Freiberg İnstitit für Geologie, 2001.
- [35] A.W. Mann, “Mobility of gold and silver in lateritic weathering profiles; some observation from Western Australia, Economic Geology, vol.79, No.1, pp.38-49, 1984.
- [36] L.Robb, “Introduction to ore-forming processes”, John Wiley&Sons, 2013
- [37] A.H. Mumin, M.E. Fleet, and S.L. Chryssoulis, “Goldmineraliza-tionin As-rich mesothermal gold ores of the Bogosu resteamining districtof the Ashanti Gold Belt, Ghana: Remobilizationof"invisible"gold”, Mineralium Deposita, vol.29, pp. 445-460, 1994
- [38] R.R. Large, L.V., Danyushevsky, C. Hollit, V. Maslennikov, S. Meffre, S. Gilbert, R. Bull, R. Scott, P. Emsbo, H. Thomas, and J. Foster, “Gold and trace element zonation in pyrite using a laser imaging technique: implications for the timing of gold in orogenic and carlin-style sediment-hosted deposits”, Economic Geology, vol.104, pp.635-668, 2009.
- [39] A.G. Tomkins, and J.A. Mavrogenes, “Redistribution of gold within arsenopyrite and lollingite during pro-and retrograde metamorphism: Aplication to timing of mineralization”, Economic Geology, vol.96, No:3, pp.525-534, 2001.
- [40] J.G. Webster and A.W Mann, “The influence of climate, geomorphology and primary geology on the supergene migration of gold and silver”, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, vol.22, No.1-3, pp.21-42, 1984
- [41] C. E. J. De Ronde and P. Blattner, “Hydrothermal alteration, stable isotopes, and fluid inclusions of the Golden Cross epithermalgold-silver deposit, Waihi, New Zealand”, Economic Geology, vol.83, pp.895-917, 1988
- [42] R.J. Bovell, “Supergene gold mineralogy at Ashanti, Ghana: implications for the Supergene Behavior of gold”, Mineralogical Magazine Londan, vol.56, pp.545-545, 1992.