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El-Cezerî ile ilgili yapılan çalışmaların değerlendirilmesi

Year 2013, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 37 - 49, 01.06.2013


Bedi’ûz-Zaman Ebû’l İzz El Cezerî; M. 1153-1233 (548-630) yılları arasında yukarı Mezopotamya’nın
Cezire (Cizre) bölgesinde Diyarbakır Sultanı emrinde yaşamış, su robotları ve mekanik parçalarla çalışan
başka makineler tasarlamış ve bunları günlük hayata geçirmiş dâhi bir bilim insanıdır. El-Cezeri üzerine
uluslararası düzeyde çok sayıda çalışma yapılmış ise de aynı şey ulusal düzeyde yapılan çalışmalar için
söylenememektedir. Nitekim ulusal düzeyde El-Cezerî’ye ilişkin çok sınırlı sayıda bilimsel çalışmaya
ulaşılabilmiştir. El-Cezerî ile ilgili mevcut literatürde yer alan bilgilerin bir kısmı tekrar niteliğinde olup
sağlıklı sayılamayacak referanslardan oluşmaktadır. Birbirini yalanlayan bilgilere de bu referanslarda yer
yer rastlanmaktadır. Bu nedenle konuya ilişkin literatür üzerinde bir değerlendirme yapmak büyük bir
gerekliliktir. Bu çalışmada; El-Cezeri üzerinde yapılan çalışmalar özetlenmiş, tartışılmış ve genel bir
değerlendirilmesi yapılmıştır. Böylece bu dahi bilim insanı daha doğru bir şekilde sonraki nesillere
aktarılmış olacak ve hakkındaki bilgiler daha doğru ve güvenilir şekilde literatüre kazandırılmış olacaktır.

A review on the studies made on Al Jazari

Year 2013, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 37 - 49, 01.06.2013


The Life of Al Jazari
The full name of Al-Jazari is “Ebû’l-‘İzz İsma‘il b.
er-Rezzâz El-Cezerî”. Al Jazari was born in 1153, in
Cezire located in North Mesopotamia Area, had
lived in Diyarbakir and died in 1233 in Cizre. He
was buried at Nuh Prophet Mosque. He is known
at region (among Kurdish people) as Ebûlizê
Cizîrî. The name is often confused with Melai
Jazeera (Melaê Cizȋrȋ, 1566-1640). Melai Jazeera is
another famous Kurdish poet and scientist in Islamic
sciences who was also born in Cizre and lives in
He had spent a large part of his life (80 years) in
Diyarbakir and he had performed the most popular
of his inventions here. He is called ethnically in the
current literature as “Muslim”, “Arab”, “Kurd”,
and “Turk”. Mostly, Kurdish people live in Cizre. So
it can be thought that ethnically he was probably
The Scientific Accomplishments of Al Jazari
He was an extraordinary scientist designed water
controlled robots and water machines working by
just water and some mechanical instruments. AlJazari
is known as physicist, water and mechanical
engineer, as well as a genius in the robotic, matrix,
and cybernetics sciences. He is known the first in the
history of technology who did robot.
The Works of Al Jazari
His most popular book is in Arabic and its name is
“El-Câmi‘ Beyne’l ‘İlm ve’l ‘Amel En Nâfi‘ Fî EsSınaâ‘ti’l
Hiyel”. Its name can be translated in
Turkish as “Olağanüstü Mekanik Araçların Bilgisi
Hakkında Kitap” and in English as “The Book of
Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices”. The
work consists of six chapters and includes
explanations about 50 of different inventions with
their technical drawings. The original print of the
book does now not exist but 15 of hard copies of it
currently exist separately on the world.
Literature on Al Jazari
Numerous studies on Al Jazari can be found in the
international literature. However, the same
argument cannot be made for the national literature,
because only a few studies can be reached from the
national literature. On the other hand, some
information about Al Jazari given in the national or
international studies is incorrect or contradictory.
Furthermore, there are many unconfident materials
on the life of Al Jazari in the existing literature.
“The Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical
Devices” edited by Donald Hill is the most popular
work published on Al-Jazari.
The first scientists who internationally reintroduced
to El-Cezerî are Wiedemann, Hauser, Vaux,
Coomaraswamy, Sarton, Winter, Needham, White,
and Drachmann.
The first scientists who nationally reintroduced to
El-Cezerî are Konyalı, Akman, Bir, Şen, Tekeli,
Dosay, Unat, and Yaşın.
Discussions and Recommendations
An assessment on the related literature is essentially
needed. So, in this work, the existing literature is
abstracted, discussed, and reviewed. In this way, Al
Jazari is reintroduced to literature more correctly
and more confidently for future generations.
It is suggested that; 1) It will be useful to make
activities on El-Cezeri at the regions he lived and he
performed his inventions. 2) His name can be given
to universities, research centers, museums, schools,
parks, streets at the regions. 3) The movies and
documentary films present his life and his inventions
should be made.
Especially it will be very very good to establish a
university with the name of “Al Jazzari Technology
University (El Cezeri Üniversitesi)” in Diyarbakir.

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Other ID JA27YZ69RJ
Journal Section Articles

Yusuf Korkutata This is me

Z. Fuat Toprak This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2013
Submission Date June 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 4 Issue: 1


IEEE Y. Korkutata and Z. F. Toprak, “El-Cezerî ile ilgili yapılan çalışmaların değerlendirilmesi”, DUJE, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 37–49, 2013.
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