Türkiye coğrafyasının %92'sinin deprem bölgeleri içerisinde olduğu, nüfusunun ise %95'inin
deprem tehlikesi altında olduğu bilinmektedir. 2013 nüfus sayımına göre Türkiye nüfusunun
%22,7’si kırsalda (belde ve köylerde) yaşamakta ve bu oran Van bölgesinde %50 civarlarını
bulmaktadır. Bu önemli noktadan yola çıkılarak 2011 Van Depremleri sonrası bölgede çoğunlukla
yığma yapılardan oluşan Erciş ilçesine bağlı yerleşim birimleri incelenmiş ve kırsal alandaki hasar
tespit çalışmaları değerlendirilmiştir. Mevcut yığma yapıların aldığı hasarlar belirlenerek, bu
yapılar hasarsız, az hasarlı, orta hasarlı ve ağır hasarlı/yıkık olmak üzere dört şekilde kategorize
edilmiştir. Her yerleşim birimi için yapılarda meydana gelen hasar tiplerinin toplam hasarlı yapı
sayısına oranlanarak, her hasar durumu için ayrı bir yüzde çıkarılmıştır. Bunlar önerilen hasar
katsayılarıyla çarpılarak rakamsal bir sonuç elde edilmiştir. Hasar durumlarına göre şiddet
değerinin tespit edilebileceği bir skala oluşturulmuştur ve elde edilen sonuç bu skaladan bakılarak
şiddet değeri tespit edilmiştir. Böylece bu çalışmada sadece yığma yapı hasarları ölçüt alınarak
kırsal yerleşim birimleri için daha nicel alternatif bir yapısal şiddet cetveli oluşturulmuştur.
Turkey have two active major fault zones map as
North Anatolian Fault Zone (KAFZ) and East
Anatolian Fault Zone (DAFZ). Mostly due to these
zones, about 92% of Turkey's geography is
defined to be earthquake zones which represent
95% of the population of Turkey to be under risk
of earthquake hazards. The collected data about
severe earthquakes of Turkey including
information about the location, time, magnitude
and intensity of the earthquakes shows a
considerable risk potential. Furthermore,
according to the 2013 census in Turkey, 22.7% of
the population lives in rural areas (towns and
villages) while this ratio for Van and vicinity rises
about 50%. So it is focused on the 2011 Van
earthquakes which have revealed a 644 people
lost their lives and thousands of damaged
building. On the other hand most of the damaged
buildings due to the devastating earthquake are
noted to be in rural area. Because of intensive
earthquake activities in Van region it is necessary
to consider about the rural masonry buildings.
An earthquake (also known as a quake, tremor or
temblor) is the result of a sudden release of
energy in the Earth’s crust that creates seismic
waves. The seismicity or seismic activity of an
area refers to the frequency, type and size of
earthquakes experienced over a period of time.
Layers, earth plates and faults will be briefly
described to define the earthquake. The
earthquakes with epicenter of in Edremit on 23
October 2011 with magnitude 7.2 Mw and 9
November 2011 with magnitude Mw 5.6 caused
huge losses. The masonry building utilization rate
due to the socio-economic situation in the region
after the earthquake in Erciş examined very high
due to settlements in rural areas, towns and
damage assessment were evaluated. Determining
the damage taken by the existing masonry
structures have been categorized in four
categories: undamaged, slightly damaged,
moderately damaged and heavily damaged /
collapsed. How this is done is described in detail
in the classification. Damage caused by dividing
the structure for each residential unit, were
obtained from a separate percentages for each
damage case. According to the type of damage;
the undamaged state "0", less for the damaged
condition "3.33", for moderately damaged
condition "6.67" and the situation is ruined "10"
coefficients were determined. The numerical result
so obtained was found to be multiplied by a
coefficient that damage. Than a value created in
chart has been determined according to the
severity of the damage. This graph and equation is
established between the severities of injury status
value. Intensity values between I-X, damage varies
between states 0-1000. Intensity value is an
integer. The resulting damage is found by looking
of intensity values which were determined by
placing the equation or graph. The strength or
size of earthquake has been measured in two
ways. In beginning of late 19th century,
professional studies to measure the magnitude of
the earthquake were made by the Richter scale.
The other scale deals with what kind of people
that the earthquake and the earthquake that aims
to measure how much damage; the method is to
detect the effects on buildings and nature. Given
the severity of the previous ruler is the Modified
Mercalli Intensity Scale new most widely used.
The sentiment of structural damage as well as live
in these violent rulers were considered. As can be
seen from this chart, the lowest intensity I, the
earthquakes recorded by sensitive instruments;
the largest of XII shows the complete destruction
against earthquake. In this study the aim is to
discuss the masonry buildings and damage taken
by them is taken as a criterion, more quantitative
structural violence an alternative scheme for rural
settlements were established. Thus, after an
earthquake it may be possible to observe
settlements according to the severity of the
situation by looking at the map of violence and
ground situation of this place. The factors such as
material type used in the manufacture of
structures examined in detail, earthquake
structures more resistant aims to assist in the
Other ID | JA86TV59HC |
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | June 1, 2015 |
Submission Date | June 1, 2015 |
Published in Issue | Year 2015 Volume: 6 Issue: 1 |