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Tarihi yığma yapıların malzeme özelliklerinin belirlenmesi ve uygulama önerileri

Year 2016, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 387 - 398, 01.12.2016


Tarihi yığma yapıların iyileştirme sürecinde uygun malzemelerin seçimi, yapıyı oluşturan özgün
malzemelerin bilimsel analiz sonuçları referans alınarak gerçekleştirilmeli ve bu durum, anılan yapıların
kültürel değerinin yanı sıra özgün kimliğinin korunması açısından zorunluluk kapsamında
değerlendirilmelidir. Söz konusu husus gözetilerek gerçekleştirilen bu araştırma; 1800’lü yıllarda hastane
binası olarak inşa edilerek zaman içerisinde farklı işlevsel özelliklerle hizmet veren ve günümüzde üniversite
eğitim binası olarak kullanılan tarihi yığma bir yapının iyileştirme sürecini içermektedir. Bu çalışma
kapsamında, ilk aşama olarak yapının farklı noktalarından temsili numuneler alınarak malzeme
karakteristikleri belirlenmiştir. Malzeme örneklerinin içerik analizleri; kalsinasyon, asitle muamele, asitle
reaksiyona girmeyen agregaların analizi, agrega boyut dağılımlarını gösteren elek analizi, suda çözünen tuz
analizleri, petrografi gibi kimyasal ve mineralojik analiz yöntemleri kullanılarak yapılmıştır. İkinci
aşamada, analiz verileri değerlendirilerek yapı üzerinde gerçekleştirilecek koruma ve onarım önerileri
sunulmuştur. Bu araştırmada; yapıyla ilgili müdahale kararları ve koruma önlemlerinde ölçülebilir veriler
esas alınarak yapısal anlamda geri dönüşümü olmayan hatalı uygulama olasılığını ortadan kaldırmak ve
yapının özgün yapısının muhafaza edilmesi amaçlanmıştır.

The determination of material properties of historical masonry structures and application suggestions

Year 2016, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 387 - 398, 01.12.2016


To determine the material properties of the
structural members, especially in historical
buildings, is considered as an important step in
performed recently rehabilitation process as a result
of the reduced level of its strength and durability as
partially or significantly over time due to
environmental conditions and false using.
The choice of appropriate materials for
rehabilitation of historical masonry structures
should be made a decision by the reference to
scientific analysis of original materials the
mentioned structures, and this fact is evaluated in
terms of the protection of the original identity as
well as the cultural value of the said structures. The
Research which is carried out considering this
aspect involves the rehabilitation process of a
historical masonry structure that was built as a
hospital building in the 1800s, serving in different
functional properties in time, and now used as a
college education building.
In this study, referring the building to be used as a
university education building; i. Investigation of the
historical process, ii. Determination and gathering
of the representative sample locations, iii. Material
characteristics of mortar, plaster and wooden
samples is specified in the scope of chemical and
mineralogical analyses. Application proposals,
evaluating the obtained data, are presented for the
preservation and repairing of the examined
In the first stage of the study, chemical and
mineralogical tests of eight samples including
mortar, plaster and wooden taken from building’s
different locations is performed on laboratory
environment. In the macroscopic and microscopic
examination, material characteristics are
determined by the methods of chemical and
mineralogical analyses such as calcination,
petrographic, grain size distribution analyses, water
soluble salt analyses, acidic treatment and fine layer
The second stage of the study consists of
preservation and repair proposals evaluating
analysis results. The mentioned application
recommendations are presented: i. The removing of
mineral plasters which is applied via recent repairs
on the exterior facade surfaces of the building, and
replaced with the specified content, ii. The using of
the impregnated original material type in the all
renovated and repaired wooden members, iii. The
using of brickwork mortar determined according to
the results of the analysis of brickwork mortar and
plaster the interior surface taken from water cisterns
and storage that were preserved the originality, iv.
Determination of insufficient material strength of the
structure by making search rasp in interior and
exterior wall surfaces due to the lack of required
data in the current situation for a detailed
assessment in the existing strength of the structure in
order to rehabilitation of the examined structure.
In the investigation performed on under the abovementioned
issues; it is aimed to maintain
the building's original structure and eliminate the
irreversible improper application in the intervening
decisions and preservation measures based on
measurable data regarding the examined structure

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Other ID JA35SG52FN
Journal Section Articles

Barış Sayın This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2016
Submission Date December 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 7 Issue: 3


IEEE B. Sayın, “Tarihi yığma yapıların malzeme özelliklerinin belirlenmesi ve uygulama önerileri”, DUJE, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 387–398, 2016.
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