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Aktif süspansiyon sistemleri için bir elektro-hidrolik eyleyicinin kazanç programlamalı PI kontrolü

Year 2018, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 195 - 203, 04.04.2018


Aktif süspansiyon sistemlerinin kontrolcü mimarileri genellikle, iç döngü ve dış döngü kontrolcüleri olmak üzere, iki döngüden oluşurlar. Yol kaynaklı bozucunun etkilerini bastırmak için, dış döngü kontrolcüsü optimum hedef kuvvetinin hesaplanmasını sağlar. Arzu edilen bu kuvvete en yakın gerçek kuvvetin elektro-hidrolik eyleyiciden elde edilmesi için de iç döngü kontrolcüsü kullanılır. Elektro-hidrolik eyleyici dinamiğinin yüksek derecede doğrusalsızlıklar içermesi iç döngü kontrolcü tasarımını tehditkâr kılmaktadır.

Bu çalışmada, bir hidrolik kuvvet eyleyicisinin doğrusal olmayan modeline karşılık gelen bir kazanç programlamalı doğrusal model üzerinden iç döngü için ağırlıklı geometrik merkez yöntemi ile kazanç programlamalı PI kontrolcü tasarlanmıştır. Önerilen kontrolcü yapısı orijinal olarak bir ileri besleme devresini de içermektedir. Kazanç programlamalı model birbirini izleyen iki adımda kurulmaktadır. Birinci adımda, doğrusal olmayan modeldeki doğrusalsızlık kaynağı olan terimler ölçülebilir veya gözlenebilir değişkenler ile ifade edilerek bir doğrusal olmayan programlama parametresine gömülmektedir. Böylece, programlama parametresi gerçek sistemden sürekli zamanlı olarak çekilebilmektedir. İkinci adımda, doğrusal olmayan sistem denklemi programlama parametresi kullanılarak yeniden düzenlenerek parametre bağımlı doğrusal model elde edilmektedir. Matlab-Simulink bilgisayar programı kullanılarak yapılan simülasyonlar önerilen kazanç programlamalı kontrolcü yapısının doğrusal olmayan eyleyici dinamiklerinin üstesinden gelebildiğini ve arzu edilen kuvveti büyük bir yaklaşıklıkla takip edebildiğini göstermektedir.


  • Chantranuwathana S., Peng H.,(2000). Practical Adaptive Robust controller for Active Suspensions, Proceedings of the 2000 ASME International Congress and Exposition, Orlando, Florida.
  • Chantranuwathana S.,(2001). Adaptive Robust Force Control for Vehicle Active Suspensions, University of Michigan: Ph.D. Dissertation.
  • Çetin Ş., Akkaya A. V.,(2010) Simulation and hybrid fuzzy-PID control for positioning of a hydraulic system, Nonlinear Dyn, 61, 465–476.
  • Fialho I. J., Balas G. J., (2002). Road adaptive active suspension design using linear parameter-varying gain-scheduling, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 10(1), 43-54.
  • Hrovat D., (1997). Survey of Advanced Suspension Developments and Related Optimal Control Applications. Automatica, 33(10), 1781-1817.
  • Ian J. Fialho, Gary Jhon Balas, (2000). Design of nonlinear controllers for active vehicle suspensions using parameter-varying control synthesis, Vehicle System Dynamics, 33(5), 351- 370.
  • Lee Y.H., Kopp R.,(2001). Application of fuzzy control for a hydraulic forging machine, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 118, 99-108.
  • Onat C., Küçükdemiral İ.B., Sivrioğlu S., Yüksek İ., (2007). LPV Model Based Gain-scheduling Controller for a Full Vehicle Active Suspension System, Journal of Vibration and Control, 13(11),1629-1666.
  • Onat C., Küçükdemiral İ.B., Sivrioğlu S., Cansever G.,(2009). LPV gain-scheduling controller design for a non- linear quarter-vehicle active suspension system, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 31(1), 71-79.
  • Onat C., Sahin M., Yaman Y., Prasad E., Nemana S., (2011) Design of an LPV Based Fractional Controller fort he Vibration Suppression of a Smart Beam, CanSmart2011, International Workshop on Smart Materials & Structures and NDT in Aerospace, Montreal, CANADA
  • Onat C., Hamamci S. E., Obuz S., (2012). A Practical PI Tuning Approach For Time Delay Systems, Proceedings of the 10-th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems The International Federation of Automatic Control Northeastern University, Boston, USA.
  • Onat C., (2013). A New Concept on PI Design for Time Delay Systems: Weighted Geometrical Center, International journal of innovative computing, information & control: IJICIC, 9(4),1539-1556.
  • Onat C., (2014).WGC Based Robust and Gain Scheduling PI Controller Design for Condensing Boilers, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 1-13 .
  • Onat C., Daskin M., (2017).Gain Scheduling Linear Model Of An Electro-Hydraulic Actuator, International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences, Istanbul, TURKEY.
  • Pai N.S., Chang S.C., Huang C.T., (2010).Tuning PI/PID controllers for integrating processes with deadtime and inverse response by simple calculations, Journal of Process Control, 20, 726–733.
  • Sang Y.L., Cho H.S,(2003). Fuzzy controller for an electro-hydraulic fin actuator using phase plane method, Control Engineering Practice, 11, 697–708.
  • Shen X., Peng H.,( 2003) Analysis of Active Suspension Systems with Hydraulic Actuators, Proceedings of the 2003 IAVSD Conference, Atsugi, Japan.
  • Yao J., Jiao Z., Yao B., Shang Y., Dong W.,( 2012), Nonlinear Adaptive Robust Force Control of Hydraulic Load Simulator, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 25, 766-775.
  • Zhang Y., Alleyne A.,(2002). A Practical and Effective Approach to Active Suspension Control, Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control, Hiroshima, Japan.
Year 2018, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 195 - 203, 04.04.2018



  • Chantranuwathana S., Peng H.,(2000). Practical Adaptive Robust controller for Active Suspensions, Proceedings of the 2000 ASME International Congress and Exposition, Orlando, Florida.
  • Chantranuwathana S.,(2001). Adaptive Robust Force Control for Vehicle Active Suspensions, University of Michigan: Ph.D. Dissertation.
  • Çetin Ş., Akkaya A. V.,(2010) Simulation and hybrid fuzzy-PID control for positioning of a hydraulic system, Nonlinear Dyn, 61, 465–476.
  • Fialho I. J., Balas G. J., (2002). Road adaptive active suspension design using linear parameter-varying gain-scheduling, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 10(1), 43-54.
  • Hrovat D., (1997). Survey of Advanced Suspension Developments and Related Optimal Control Applications. Automatica, 33(10), 1781-1817.
  • Ian J. Fialho, Gary Jhon Balas, (2000). Design of nonlinear controllers for active vehicle suspensions using parameter-varying control synthesis, Vehicle System Dynamics, 33(5), 351- 370.
  • Lee Y.H., Kopp R.,(2001). Application of fuzzy control for a hydraulic forging machine, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 118, 99-108.
  • Onat C., Küçükdemiral İ.B., Sivrioğlu S., Yüksek İ., (2007). LPV Model Based Gain-scheduling Controller for a Full Vehicle Active Suspension System, Journal of Vibration and Control, 13(11),1629-1666.
  • Onat C., Küçükdemiral İ.B., Sivrioğlu S., Cansever G.,(2009). LPV gain-scheduling controller design for a non- linear quarter-vehicle active suspension system, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 31(1), 71-79.
  • Onat C., Sahin M., Yaman Y., Prasad E., Nemana S., (2011) Design of an LPV Based Fractional Controller fort he Vibration Suppression of a Smart Beam, CanSmart2011, International Workshop on Smart Materials & Structures and NDT in Aerospace, Montreal, CANADA
  • Onat C., Hamamci S. E., Obuz S., (2012). A Practical PI Tuning Approach For Time Delay Systems, Proceedings of the 10-th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems The International Federation of Automatic Control Northeastern University, Boston, USA.
  • Onat C., (2013). A New Concept on PI Design for Time Delay Systems: Weighted Geometrical Center, International journal of innovative computing, information & control: IJICIC, 9(4),1539-1556.
  • Onat C., (2014).WGC Based Robust and Gain Scheduling PI Controller Design for Condensing Boilers, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 1-13 .
  • Onat C., Daskin M., (2017).Gain Scheduling Linear Model Of An Electro-Hydraulic Actuator, International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences, Istanbul, TURKEY.
  • Pai N.S., Chang S.C., Huang C.T., (2010).Tuning PI/PID controllers for integrating processes with deadtime and inverse response by simple calculations, Journal of Process Control, 20, 726–733.
  • Sang Y.L., Cho H.S,(2003). Fuzzy controller for an electro-hydraulic fin actuator using phase plane method, Control Engineering Practice, 11, 697–708.
  • Shen X., Peng H.,( 2003) Analysis of Active Suspension Systems with Hydraulic Actuators, Proceedings of the 2003 IAVSD Conference, Atsugi, Japan.
  • Yao J., Jiao Z., Yao B., Shang Y., Dong W.,( 2012), Nonlinear Adaptive Robust Force Control of Hydraulic Load Simulator, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 25, 766-775.
  • Zhang Y., Alleyne A.,(2002). A Practical and Effective Approach to Active Suspension Control, Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control, Hiroshima, Japan.
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Cem Onat This is me

Mahmut Daşkın

Publication Date April 4, 2018
Submission Date April 7, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


IEEE C. Onat and M. Daşkın, “Aktif süspansiyon sistemleri için bir elektro-hidrolik eyleyicinin kazanç programlamalı PI kontrolü”, DUJE, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 195–203, 2018.
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