Çok işçili montaj hatlarında istasyon ve kaynak yatırımı maliyetinin enküçüklenmesine yönelik tavlama benzetimi ve tam sayılı doğrusal programlamaya dayalı yeni bir algoritma
Year 2018,
Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 727 - 739, 25.09.2018
Murat Sahin
Talip Kellegöz
İsmet Söylemez
edilmiş ürünlerin üretiminde yaygın olarak kullanılan montaj hatları önemli bir
akış tipi üretim şeklidir. Bu hatların dengelenme problemleri üretim ve kaynak
yatırımı maliyetlerinin minimizasyonu açısından büyük önem arz etmektedir.
NP-zor bir yapıya sahip olan probleme endüstriyel ortamlarda yaygın olarak
karşılaşılmasına karşın makul süreler içerisinde kesin çözüm yöntemleri ile
çözümü mümkün olmayabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada yenilenebilir kaynak yatırımı
maliyetini de dikkate alan çok işçili montaj hattı dengeleme problemine yönelik
yeni bir algoritma sunulmuştur. Önerilen algoritmada tamsayılı doğrusal
programlama ile çözülecek olan alt problemler tavlama benzetimi yöntemi ile
belirlenmiştir. Literatürde montaj hattı dengeleme problemlerinde sıklıkla
tercih edilen rassal sayılar dizisi kullanılarak görevlerin hangi önceliklerle
atanacağı belirlenmiştir. Tavlama benzetimi ve tamsayılı doğrusal
programlamanın birlikte kullanımına dayanan algoritmanın etkinliği test
problemleri üzerinde ölçülmüştür. Tavlama benzetimi sezgiseli C# programlama
dilinde kodlanmış ve oluşturulan her bir alt problemin tamsayılı doğrusal
programlama modeli CPLEX 10.2 çözücü kullanılarak 3.2 GHZ /4 GB Ram’a sahip
bilgisayarda koşturulmuştur. Tavlama benzetiminde aynı alt problemler
oluşturulması durumunda hafızada kaydedilen çözüm ve atamalar kullanmıştır.
Bunun temel nedeni matematiksel model ile çözülen alt problemlerde aynı modelin
oluşturulması durumunda elde edilecek sonuçlara daha önceden ulaşılmış
olmasıdır. Bu sayede algoritmanın daha hızlı bir şekilde çalışması
gerçekleştirilmiş olup, çözülen ve tekrarlanan matematiksel model sayıları
özetlenerek sunulmuştur. Geliştirilen
algoritmanın orta ve büyük boyutlu problem örneklerinde kabul edilebilir
kalitede çözümler üretebildiği gözlemlenmiştir. Montaj hattı problemlerine
ilişkin literatürde bulunan çalışmalar dikkate alındığında, ilgili problem
üzerindeki çalışmaların eksikliğine vurgu yapılmıştır.
- Ağpak, K., ve Gökçen, H. (2005). Assembly line balancing: Two resource constrained cases. Int. Journal of Production Economics, 96, 1, 129-140.
- Akagi, F., Osaki, H., ve Kikuchi, S.(1983). A method for assembly line balancing with more than one worker in each station. The Int. Journal of Production Research, 21, 5, 755-770.
- Becker, C., ve Scholl, A. (2009). Balancing assembly lines with variable parallel workplaces: Problem definition and effective solution procedure. European Journal of Operational Research, 199, 2, 359-374.
- Bukchin, J., Darel, E., ve Rubinovitz, J. (1997). Team-oriented assembly system design: A new approach. International Journal of Production Economics, 51, 1, 47-57.
- Bukchin, J., ve Tzur, M. (2000). Design of flexible assembly line to minimize equipment cost. IIE Transactions, 32, 7, 585-598.
- Cevikcan, E., Durmusoğlu, M., B., ve Unal, M., E., (2009). A Team Oriented Design Methodology for Mixed Model Assembly Systems. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 56, 2, 576-599.
- Corominas, A., Ferrer, L., ve Pastor, R. (2011). Assembly line balancing: general resource-constrained case. International Journal of Production Research, 49, 12, 3527-3542.
- Dimitriadis, S. G. (2006). Assembly line balancing and group working: A heuristic procedure for workers’ groups operating on the same product and workstation. Computers & Operations Research, 33, 9, 2757-2774.
- Fattahi, P., Roshani, A., ve Roshani, A. (2011). A mathematical model and ant colony algorithm for multi-manned assembly line balancing problem. The Int. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 53, 363-378.
- Graves, S. C., ve Lamar, B. W. (1983). An integer programming procedure for assembly system design problems. Operations Research, 31, 3, 522-545.
- Gutjahr, A. L., ve Nemhauser, G. L. (1964). An algorithm for the line balancing problem. Management Science, 11, 2, 308-315.
- Hazır, Ö., Delorme, X., ve Dolgui, A. (2014). A survey on cost and profit oriented assembly line balancing. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 47, 3, 6159-6167.
- Kara, Y., Özgüven, C., Yalçın, N., ve Atasagun, Y. (2011). Balancing straight and U-shaped assembly lines with resource dependent task times. International Journal of Production Research, 49, 21, 6387-6405.
- Kopanos, G. M., Kyriakidis, T. S., ve Georgiadis, M. C. (2014). New continuous-time and discrete-time mathematical formulations for resource-constrained project scheduling problems. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 68, 96-106.
- Kellegöz, T. (2017). Assembly line balancing problems with multi-manned stations: a new mathematical formulation and Gantt based heuristic method. Annals of Operations Research, 253, 1, 377-404.
- Ogan, D., ve Azizoglu, M. (2015). A branch and bound method for the line balancing problem in U-shaped assembly lines with equipment requirements. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 36, 4, 46-54.
- Pekin, N., ve Azizoglu, M. (2008). Bi criteria flexible assembly line design problem with equipment decisions. Int. Journal of Production Research, 46, 22, 6323-6343.
- Petropoulos, D. I., ve Nearchou, A. C. (2011). A particle swarm optimization algorithm for balancing assembly lines. Assembly Automation, 31, 2, 118-129.
- Roshani, A., Roshani, A., Roshani, A., Salehi, M., ve Esfandyari, A. (2013). A simulated annealing algorithm for multi-manned assembly line balancing problem. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 32, 1, 238-247.
- Roshani, A., ve Giglio, D. (2017). Simulated annealing algorithms for the multi-manned assembly line balancing problem: minimising cycle time. International Journal of Production Research, 55, 10, 2731-2751.
- Scholl, A. 1999. Balancing and Sequencing of Assembly Lines. Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag.
- Sivasankaran, P., ve Shahabudeen, P. (2014). Literature review of assembly line balancing problems. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 73, 9-12, 1665-1694.
Year 2018,
Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 727 - 739, 25.09.2018
Murat Sahin
Talip Kellegöz
İsmet Söylemez
- Ağpak, K., ve Gökçen, H. (2005). Assembly line balancing: Two resource constrained cases. Int. Journal of Production Economics, 96, 1, 129-140.
- Akagi, F., Osaki, H., ve Kikuchi, S.(1983). A method for assembly line balancing with more than one worker in each station. The Int. Journal of Production Research, 21, 5, 755-770.
- Becker, C., ve Scholl, A. (2009). Balancing assembly lines with variable parallel workplaces: Problem definition and effective solution procedure. European Journal of Operational Research, 199, 2, 359-374.
- Bukchin, J., Darel, E., ve Rubinovitz, J. (1997). Team-oriented assembly system design: A new approach. International Journal of Production Economics, 51, 1, 47-57.
- Bukchin, J., ve Tzur, M. (2000). Design of flexible assembly line to minimize equipment cost. IIE Transactions, 32, 7, 585-598.
- Cevikcan, E., Durmusoğlu, M., B., ve Unal, M., E., (2009). A Team Oriented Design Methodology for Mixed Model Assembly Systems. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 56, 2, 576-599.
- Corominas, A., Ferrer, L., ve Pastor, R. (2011). Assembly line balancing: general resource-constrained case. International Journal of Production Research, 49, 12, 3527-3542.
- Dimitriadis, S. G. (2006). Assembly line balancing and group working: A heuristic procedure for workers’ groups operating on the same product and workstation. Computers & Operations Research, 33, 9, 2757-2774.
- Fattahi, P., Roshani, A., ve Roshani, A. (2011). A mathematical model and ant colony algorithm for multi-manned assembly line balancing problem. The Int. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 53, 363-378.
- Graves, S. C., ve Lamar, B. W. (1983). An integer programming procedure for assembly system design problems. Operations Research, 31, 3, 522-545.
- Gutjahr, A. L., ve Nemhauser, G. L. (1964). An algorithm for the line balancing problem. Management Science, 11, 2, 308-315.
- Hazır, Ö., Delorme, X., ve Dolgui, A. (2014). A survey on cost and profit oriented assembly line balancing. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 47, 3, 6159-6167.
- Kara, Y., Özgüven, C., Yalçın, N., ve Atasagun, Y. (2011). Balancing straight and U-shaped assembly lines with resource dependent task times. International Journal of Production Research, 49, 21, 6387-6405.
- Kopanos, G. M., Kyriakidis, T. S., ve Georgiadis, M. C. (2014). New continuous-time and discrete-time mathematical formulations for resource-constrained project scheduling problems. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 68, 96-106.
- Kellegöz, T. (2017). Assembly line balancing problems with multi-manned stations: a new mathematical formulation and Gantt based heuristic method. Annals of Operations Research, 253, 1, 377-404.
- Ogan, D., ve Azizoglu, M. (2015). A branch and bound method for the line balancing problem in U-shaped assembly lines with equipment requirements. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 36, 4, 46-54.
- Pekin, N., ve Azizoglu, M. (2008). Bi criteria flexible assembly line design problem with equipment decisions. Int. Journal of Production Research, 46, 22, 6323-6343.
- Petropoulos, D. I., ve Nearchou, A. C. (2011). A particle swarm optimization algorithm for balancing assembly lines. Assembly Automation, 31, 2, 118-129.
- Roshani, A., Roshani, A., Roshani, A., Salehi, M., ve Esfandyari, A. (2013). A simulated annealing algorithm for multi-manned assembly line balancing problem. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 32, 1, 238-247.
- Roshani, A., ve Giglio, D. (2017). Simulated annealing algorithms for the multi-manned assembly line balancing problem: minimising cycle time. International Journal of Production Research, 55, 10, 2731-2751.
- Scholl, A. 1999. Balancing and Sequencing of Assembly Lines. Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag.
- Sivasankaran, P., ve Shahabudeen, P. (2014). Literature review of assembly line balancing problems. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 73, 9-12, 1665-1694.