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Al/Nigrosin/p-Si Yapıların Fabrikasyonu ve Temel Diyot Parametrelerinin Hesaplanması

Year 2018, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 689 - 700, 25.09.2018


Bu çalışmada π bağları açısından zengin organik molekülün (Nigrosin (NIG)) optik özellikleri UV-Vis yöntemiyle belirlendi. Cam altlık üzerinde damlatma yöntemi ile büyütülen NIG ince tabakasının direkt yasak enerji değerleri; 1,42 eV (Q bandı) ve 2,94 eV (B bandı) olarak rapor edildi. Oluşturulan referans Al/p-Si ve Al/NIG/p-Si Metal/Organik aratabaka/Yarıiletken (MIS) yapılarının I-V ölçümleri sonunda tüm yapıların doğrultucu özelliğe sahip oldukları gözlemlendi. Oda sıcaklığında alınan I-V ölçümleri kullanılarak yapıların karakteristik diyot özellikleri belirlendi. Burada Al/NIG/p-Si diyotunun kapasitör özelliği, C-V ölçümleri alınarak incelendi ve yapılan hesaplamalar sonucunda bazı diyot parametreleri elde edildi. Elde edilen sonuçlar, π bağları açısından zengin olan NIG gibi organik malzemelerin elektronik sahasında kullanılabileceğini gösterdi.


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  • Antohe S., Tomozeiu N., Gogonea S., (1991). Properties oft he organic-on-inorganic semiconductor barrier contact diodes In/PTCDI/p-Si and Ag/CuPc/p-Si, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 125, 397-408.
  • Aslan F., Güllü Ö., Ocak Y. S., Rüzgar Ş., Tombak A., Özaydın C., Pakma O., Arsel İ., (2015). Organik arayüzey tabakalı Al/CuPc /p-Inp kontakların fabrikasyonu ve elektriksel parametrelerinin incelenmesi, Batman University Journal of Life Sciences, 5, 263-275.
  • Cakar M., Temirci C., Turut A., (2004). The Schottky barrier height of the rectifying Cu/pyronine-B/p-Si, Au/pyronine-B/p-Si, Sn/pyronine-B/p-Si and Al/pyronine-B/p-Si contacts, Synthetic Met., 142, 177-180.
  • Card H. C., Rhoderick E. H., (1971). Studies of tunnel MOS diodes I. Interface effects in silicon Schottky diodes, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 4, 1589-1601.
  • Cheung S.K., Cheung N.W., (1986). Extraction of Schottky diode parameters from forward current‐voltage characteristics, Appl Phys Lett., 49, 85-.87.
  • El-Nahass M. M., Zeyada H.M., Aziz M.S., El-Ghamaz N.A., (2005). Carrier transport mechanisms and photovoltaic properties of Au/p-ZnPc/p-Si solar cell, Solid-State Electronics, 49, 1314-1319.
  • El-Nahass M. M., Zeyada H. M., Abd-El-Rahman K.F., Darwish A.A.A., (2007a). Fabrication and characterization of 4-tricyanovinyl-N,N-diethylaniline/p-silicon hybrid organic–inorganic solar cells, Solar Energy Mater. Sol. Cells, 91, 1120-1126.
  • El-Nahass M.M.,, Abd-El-Rahman K.F., Darwish A.A.A., (2007b). Fabrication and electrical characterization of p-NiPc/n-Si heterojunction, Microelectronics Journal, 38, 91-95.
  • Farag A.A.M., El-Shazly E.A.A., Rafea M.A., Ibrahim A., (2009). Optical, electrical and photovoltaic characteristics of organic semiconductor based on oxazine/n-Si heterojunction, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 93, 1853-1859.
  • Fonash, S. J., (1983). A reevaluation of the meaning of capacitance plots for Schottky‐barrier‐type diodes, J. Appl. Phys., 54, 1966-1975.
  • Forrest S.R., Kaplan M.L., Schmidt P.H., Feldmann W.L., Yanowski E., (1982). Organic-on-inorganic semiconductor contact barrier devices, Appl. Phys. Lett. 41, 90-93.
  • Forrest S.R., Schmidt P.H., (1986). Semiconductor analysis using organic-on-inorganic contact barriers. I. Theory of the effects of surface states on diode potential and ac admittance, J. Appl. Phys., 59, 513-525.
  • Güllü Ö., Türüt A., (2008). Photovoltaic and electronic properties of quercetin/p-InP solar cells, Solar Energy Materials&Solar cells, 92, 1205-1210.
  • Gullu O., (2010a). Ultrahigh (100%) barrier modification of n-InP Schottky diode by DNA biopolymer nanofilms, Microelectron Eng., 87, 648-651.
  • Gullu O., Asubay S., Biber M., Kilicoglu T., Turut A., (2010b). Electrical properties of safranine T/p-Si organic/inorganic semiconductor devices, Eur. Phys. J-Appl Phys., 50, 10401.
  • Güllü Ö., Kılıçoğlu T., Türüt A., (2010c). Electronic properties of the metal/organic interlayer/inorganic semiconductor sandwich device, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 71, 351-356.
  • Hamidi Ş., (2011). Organik yarıiletken/İnorganik yarıiletken heteroeklem diyodunun elektriksel özelliklerinin incelenmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Dicle Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Diyarbakır.
  • Janardhanam V., Jyothi I., Lee J-H., Kim J.Y., Rajagopal Reddy V., Choi C.J., (2014). Electrical Properties and Carrier Transport Mechanism of Au/n-GaN Schottky Contact Modified Using a Copper Pthalocyanine (CuPc) Interlayer, Materials Transactions, 55, 758-762.
  • Kampen T.U., Park S., Zahn D.R.T., (2002). Barrier height engineering of Ag/GaAs(100) Schottky contacts by a thin organic interlayer, Applied Surface Science, 190, 461-466.
  • Kiliçoǧlu T., (2008). Effect of an organic compound (Methyl Red) interfacial layer on the calculation of characteristic parameters of an Al/Methyl Red/p-Si sandwich Schottky barrier diode, Thin Solid Films, 516, 967-970. Norde H., (1979). A modified forward I-V plot for Schottky diodes with high series resistance, Journal of Applied Physics, 50, 5052-5053.
  • Ocak Y.S., Kulakci M., Kiliçoǧlu T., Turan R., Akkiliç K., (2009). Current–voltage and capacitance–voltage characteristics of a Sn/Methylene Blue/p-Si Schottky diode, Synthetic Metals, 159, 1603-1607.
  • Onganer Y., Tuzemen S., (1996). High barrier metallic polymer/p-type silicon Schottky diodes, Solid-state electronics, 39, 677-680.
  • Özden Ş., Tozlu C., and Pakma O., (2016). Temperature Dependent Electrical Transport in Al/Poly(4-vinyl phenol)/p-GaAs Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor by Sol-Gel Spin Coating Method, International Journal of Photoenergy, 2016, 6157905.
  • Rhoderick E.H., Williams R.H., (1988). Metal-Semiconductor Contacts, Clarendon Press, Second Edition, Oxford.
  • Shaw J. M., Seidler P. F., (2001). Organic electronics, IBM J. Res. Dev., 45, 3-10.
  • Sze S.M., Ng K.K., (2007). Physics of Semiconductor Devices, third ed., Wiley.
  • Vearey-Roberts A.R., Evans D.A., (2005). Modification of GaAs Schottky diodes by thin organic interlayers, Appl. Phys. Lett., 86, 072105.
  • Yağlıoğlu E., Tüzün Özmen Ö., (2014). Au/P3HT:PCBM/n-Si (MPY) Schottky Bariyer Diyotun Bazı Elektriksel Parametrelerinin Frekansa Bağlı Kapasitans-Voltaj (C-V) Karakteristikleri ile İncelenmesi, Journal of Düzce University Sci. and Tech., 2, 227-234.
  • Yakuphanoglu F., (2007a). Electrical characterization and Interface State Density Properties of the ITO/C70/Au Schottky Diode, J. Phys. Chem. C, 111, 1505-1507.
  • Yakuphanoglu F., Kandaz M., Yaraşır M. N., Şenkal B.F., (2007b). Electrical transport and optical properties of an organic semiconductor based on phthalocyanine, Physica B, 393, 235-238.
  • Yakuphanoglu F., (2007c). Photovoltaic properties of hybrid organic/inorganic semiconductor photodiode, Synthetic Metals, 157, 859-862.
  • Yakuphanoglu F., Ocak Y.S., Kilicoglu T., Farooq W.A., (2011). Interface control and photovoltaic properties of n-type silicon/metal junction by organic dye, Microelectronic Eng., 88, 2951-2954.
Year 2018, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 689 - 700, 25.09.2018



  • Akkılıç K., Ocak Y.S., Kılıçoğlu T., İlhan S., Temel H., (2010). Calculation of current–voltage characteristics of a Cu (II) complex/n-Si/AuSb Schottky diode, Current Applied Physics, 10, 337-341.
  • Antohe S., Tomozeiu N., Gogonea S., (1991). Properties oft he organic-on-inorganic semiconductor barrier contact diodes In/PTCDI/p-Si and Ag/CuPc/p-Si, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 125, 397-408.
  • Aslan F., Güllü Ö., Ocak Y. S., Rüzgar Ş., Tombak A., Özaydın C., Pakma O., Arsel İ., (2015). Organik arayüzey tabakalı Al/CuPc /p-Inp kontakların fabrikasyonu ve elektriksel parametrelerinin incelenmesi, Batman University Journal of Life Sciences, 5, 263-275.
  • Cakar M., Temirci C., Turut A., (2004). The Schottky barrier height of the rectifying Cu/pyronine-B/p-Si, Au/pyronine-B/p-Si, Sn/pyronine-B/p-Si and Al/pyronine-B/p-Si contacts, Synthetic Met., 142, 177-180.
  • Card H. C., Rhoderick E. H., (1971). Studies of tunnel MOS diodes I. Interface effects in silicon Schottky diodes, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 4, 1589-1601.
  • Cheung S.K., Cheung N.W., (1986). Extraction of Schottky diode parameters from forward current‐voltage characteristics, Appl Phys Lett., 49, 85-.87.
  • El-Nahass M. M., Zeyada H.M., Aziz M.S., El-Ghamaz N.A., (2005). Carrier transport mechanisms and photovoltaic properties of Au/p-ZnPc/p-Si solar cell, Solid-State Electronics, 49, 1314-1319.
  • El-Nahass M. M., Zeyada H. M., Abd-El-Rahman K.F., Darwish A.A.A., (2007a). Fabrication and characterization of 4-tricyanovinyl-N,N-diethylaniline/p-silicon hybrid organic–inorganic solar cells, Solar Energy Mater. Sol. Cells, 91, 1120-1126.
  • El-Nahass M.M.,, Abd-El-Rahman K.F., Darwish A.A.A., (2007b). Fabrication and electrical characterization of p-NiPc/n-Si heterojunction, Microelectronics Journal, 38, 91-95.
  • Farag A.A.M., El-Shazly E.A.A., Rafea M.A., Ibrahim A., (2009). Optical, electrical and photovoltaic characteristics of organic semiconductor based on oxazine/n-Si heterojunction, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 93, 1853-1859.
  • Fonash, S. J., (1983). A reevaluation of the meaning of capacitance plots for Schottky‐barrier‐type diodes, J. Appl. Phys., 54, 1966-1975.
  • Forrest S.R., Kaplan M.L., Schmidt P.H., Feldmann W.L., Yanowski E., (1982). Organic-on-inorganic semiconductor contact barrier devices, Appl. Phys. Lett. 41, 90-93.
  • Forrest S.R., Schmidt P.H., (1986). Semiconductor analysis using organic-on-inorganic contact barriers. I. Theory of the effects of surface states on diode potential and ac admittance, J. Appl. Phys., 59, 513-525.
  • Güllü Ö., Türüt A., (2008). Photovoltaic and electronic properties of quercetin/p-InP solar cells, Solar Energy Materials&Solar cells, 92, 1205-1210.
  • Gullu O., (2010a). Ultrahigh (100%) barrier modification of n-InP Schottky diode by DNA biopolymer nanofilms, Microelectron Eng., 87, 648-651.
  • Gullu O., Asubay S., Biber M., Kilicoglu T., Turut A., (2010b). Electrical properties of safranine T/p-Si organic/inorganic semiconductor devices, Eur. Phys. J-Appl Phys., 50, 10401.
  • Güllü Ö., Kılıçoğlu T., Türüt A., (2010c). Electronic properties of the metal/organic interlayer/inorganic semiconductor sandwich device, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 71, 351-356.
  • Hamidi Ş., (2011). Organik yarıiletken/İnorganik yarıiletken heteroeklem diyodunun elektriksel özelliklerinin incelenmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Dicle Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Diyarbakır.
  • Janardhanam V., Jyothi I., Lee J-H., Kim J.Y., Rajagopal Reddy V., Choi C.J., (2014). Electrical Properties and Carrier Transport Mechanism of Au/n-GaN Schottky Contact Modified Using a Copper Pthalocyanine (CuPc) Interlayer, Materials Transactions, 55, 758-762.
  • Kampen T.U., Park S., Zahn D.R.T., (2002). Barrier height engineering of Ag/GaAs(100) Schottky contacts by a thin organic interlayer, Applied Surface Science, 190, 461-466.
  • Kiliçoǧlu T., (2008). Effect of an organic compound (Methyl Red) interfacial layer on the calculation of characteristic parameters of an Al/Methyl Red/p-Si sandwich Schottky barrier diode, Thin Solid Films, 516, 967-970. Norde H., (1979). A modified forward I-V plot for Schottky diodes with high series resistance, Journal of Applied Physics, 50, 5052-5053.
  • Ocak Y.S., Kulakci M., Kiliçoǧlu T., Turan R., Akkiliç K., (2009). Current–voltage and capacitance–voltage characteristics of a Sn/Methylene Blue/p-Si Schottky diode, Synthetic Metals, 159, 1603-1607.
  • Onganer Y., Tuzemen S., (1996). High barrier metallic polymer/p-type silicon Schottky diodes, Solid-state electronics, 39, 677-680.
  • Özden Ş., Tozlu C., and Pakma O., (2016). Temperature Dependent Electrical Transport in Al/Poly(4-vinyl phenol)/p-GaAs Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor by Sol-Gel Spin Coating Method, International Journal of Photoenergy, 2016, 6157905.
  • Rhoderick E.H., Williams R.H., (1988). Metal-Semiconductor Contacts, Clarendon Press, Second Edition, Oxford.
  • Shaw J. M., Seidler P. F., (2001). Organic electronics, IBM J. Res. Dev., 45, 3-10.
  • Sze S.M., Ng K.K., (2007). Physics of Semiconductor Devices, third ed., Wiley.
  • Vearey-Roberts A.R., Evans D.A., (2005). Modification of GaAs Schottky diodes by thin organic interlayers, Appl. Phys. Lett., 86, 072105.
  • Yağlıoğlu E., Tüzün Özmen Ö., (2014). Au/P3HT:PCBM/n-Si (MPY) Schottky Bariyer Diyotun Bazı Elektriksel Parametrelerinin Frekansa Bağlı Kapasitans-Voltaj (C-V) Karakteristikleri ile İncelenmesi, Journal of Düzce University Sci. and Tech., 2, 227-234.
  • Yakuphanoglu F., (2007a). Electrical characterization and Interface State Density Properties of the ITO/C70/Au Schottky Diode, J. Phys. Chem. C, 111, 1505-1507.
  • Yakuphanoglu F., Kandaz M., Yaraşır M. N., Şenkal B.F., (2007b). Electrical transport and optical properties of an organic semiconductor based on phthalocyanine, Physica B, 393, 235-238.
  • Yakuphanoglu F., (2007c). Photovoltaic properties of hybrid organic/inorganic semiconductor photodiode, Synthetic Metals, 157, 859-862.
  • Yakuphanoglu F., Ocak Y.S., Kilicoglu T., Farooq W.A., (2011). Interface control and photovoltaic properties of n-type silicon/metal junction by organic dye, Microelectronic Eng., 88, 2951-2954.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Ömer Güllü This is me 0000-0002-3785-6190

Publication Date September 25, 2018
Submission Date December 13, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 9 Issue: 2


IEEE Ö. Güllü, “Al/Nigrosin/p-Si Yapıların Fabrikasyonu ve Temel Diyot Parametrelerinin Hesaplanması”, DUJE, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 689–700, 2018.
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