Kömür yakıcılarında alev görüntüsü temelli çoklu lineer regresyon analizi
Year 2019,
Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 121 - 130, 15.03.2019
Cem Onat
Mahmut Daşkın
Mehmet Emin Tağluk
Muhammed Fatih Talu
İsmail Yüksek
çalışmada, bir CCD kamera ile donatılmış küçük ölçekli bir fındık kömür
yakıcısında alev görüntüsü ile hava fazlalık katsayısı arasındaki ilişki
incelenmiştir. İncelemede alev görüntüsünden anlık olarak elde edilen 11 adet
farklı sayısal veri filtre edilip baca gazı sıcaklığıyla birlikte
değerlendirilmiştir. İlk olarak, alev görüntüsünden elde edilen farklı bilgiler
düşük geçiren bir filtreyle filtrelenmiştir. Bu şekilde yüksek frekans
dinamiklerinden arındırılmış alev görüntüsü parametrelerinin değerlendirilmesi
matris yaklaşımlı çoklu lineer regresyon analiziyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sonuç
olarak, alev görüntüsünden anlık çekilen görüntü matrisi iz değerinin diğer
matris parametrelerine göre daha yüksek bir doğruluk sağladığı görülmüştür.
Böylece, yanma prosesinde verimi en iyi karakterize eden parametre olan hava
fazlalık katsayısını alev görüntüsünden tahmin edecek yapay sinir ağı modelinin
girişi olarak görüntü kaynak matrisi iz değerinin kullanılmasının uygun olacağı
- Astrom, K. J.,Eklund, K., (1972). A simplified non-linear model of a drumboiler–turbineunit, Int J Control, 16,145–9.
- Burkardt, H., (1992). Image analysis and control of combustion processes, The International Seminar on Imaging in Transport Processes, Athen.
- Chen, L.,Xue, H., Sun, B.,Zhou, Z., (2010).H∞ Robust control of Combustion Based on the Radiant Energy Signal, Fourth International Conference on Geneticand Evolutionary Computing, 837-840.
- Chen, J.,Chang, Y.H., Cheng, Y.C., Hsu, C.K., (2012). Design of image-based control loops for industrial combustion processes, Applied Energy, 94, 13–21.
- Chen, J.,Chang, Y., (2013). Performance Design of Image-Oxygen Based Cascade Control Loops for Boiler Combustion Processes, Industrial&Engineering Chemistry Research, 52, 2368−2378
- Docquier, N., Candel, S., (2002). Combustion control and sensors: a review, Prog Energy Combust Science, 28, 107–50.
- Donne, M. S., Pike, A. W., Savry, R., (2001). Application of modern methods in power plant simulation and control, IEE Comput Control J, 12(2), 75–84.
- Hao, Z., Kefa, C., Jianbo, M., (2001). Combining neural network and genetic algorithms to optimize low NOx pulverized coal combustion, Fuel, 80, 2163–2169.
- Hao, Z.,Qian, X.,Cen, K., Fan, J., (2003). Optimizing pulverized coal combustion performance based on ANN and GA, Fuel Processing Technology, 85, 113– 124.
- Basler Ace Camera, Basler. Çevrimiçi Erişim:http://www.baslerweb.com/en/products/area-scan-ameras/ace/aca2500-14gc.Erişim Tarihi: 13-Mart-2017.
- Huang, Y., Yan, Y., Lu, G., Reed, A., (1999). On-line flicker measurement of gaseous flames by image processing and spectral analysis, Meas Sci Technol 10,726–33.
- Huang, B., Luo, Z., Zhou, H., (2010). Optimization of combustion based on introducing radiant energy signal in pulverized coal-fired boiler, Fuel Processing Technology, 91, 660–668.
- Karaman, İ., (2010). Soma linyitinin fiziksel aktivasyonu ve aktiflenmiş ürüne boyarmadde adsorpsiyonu, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi.
- Kohse-Hoinghaus, K., Barlow, R. S., Alden, M., Wolfrum, J., (2005). Combustion at the focus: laser diagnostic and control, Proc Combust Inst, 30, 89–123.
- Kocaarslan, I., (1993). Application of adaptive control concept in a 750 MW coal fired power plant, 12th Triennial world congress, Sydney, Australia.
- Kouprianov, V., Chullabodhi, C., Kaewboonsong, W., (1999). Cost based optimization of excess air for fuel oil/gas-fired steam boilers, RERIC Int Energy J., 21(2), 83–91.
- Lu, G., Yan, Y., Colechin, M., (2004). A digital imaging based multi function a lflame monitoring system, IEEE Trans Inst Meas 53(4), 1152–8.
- Lino, N.,Tsuchino, F.,Torii, S.,Yano, T., (1998). Timewise variation of turbulent jet diffusion flame shape by means of image processing, J Flow Visual Image Process, 275–81.
- Lee, C. L., Jou, C. J. G., (2011). Saving fuel consumption and reducing pollution emissions for industrial furnace, Fuel Process Technology 92, 2335-2340.
- Liu, D. J., Yan, Wang, F.,Huang, Q., Chi, Y., Cen, K., (2012). Experimental reconstructions of flame temperature distributions in laboratory-scale and large-scale pulverized-coalfired furnaces by inverse radiation analysis , Fuel, 93, 397–403.
- Liu, Z., Zheng, S.,Luo, Z., Zhou, H., (2016). A new method for constructin gradiative energy signal in a coal- fired boiler, Applied Thermal Engineering, 101, 446-454.
- Onat, C. Talu, M.F. Daskin, M. Mercimek, M., (2015). Otomatik Beslemeli Kömür Kazanlarında Alev Formu İle Yanma Verimi Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi, Mühendis ve Makina, 669, 70-79.
- Onat, C., (2014). WGC Based Robust and Gain Scheduling PI Controller Design for Condensing Boilers, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 6, 1-13.
- Onat, C., ( 2013). A New Concept on PI Design for Time Delay Systems: Weighted Geometrical Center, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 9(4), 1539-1556.
- Onat, C., Hamamci, S. E., Obuz, S., (2012). A Practical PI Tuning Approach For Time Delay Systems, Proceedings of the 10-th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems The International Federation of Automatic Control Northeastern University, 102-107.
- Rees, N. W., Lu, C. X., (2002). Some thoughts on the advanced control of electric power plants, Trans. Inst. Meas. Control, 24(2), 87–106.
- Sujatha, K., Venmathi, M., Pappa, N., (2012). Flame monitoring in power station boilers using image processing, ICTACT Journal on Image and Video Processıng, 04, 427-434.
- Talu, M.F., Onat, C., Daskin, M., (2017). Prediction of Excess Air Factor in Automatic Feed Coal Burners by Processing of Flame Images, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering 30 (3), 722-731.
- Toth P.,Zhan, Z., Fu, Z.,Palotas, A. B., Eddings, E. G., Ring, T. A.,(2014). Thepotential of on-line optical flow measurement in the control and monitoring of pilot-scaleoxy-coal flames, Experiments in Fluids, 55,1727.
- Wilson, W.,Geiger, L., Madden, S., Mecklin, C. J., and Dong, A. (2004). Multiple linear regression using a graphing calculator, Journal of Chemical Education, 81(6), 903–907.
- Wojcik, W.,Gromazsek, K., Kotyra, A., Lawicki, T., (2012). Pulverized Coal Combustion Boiler Efficient Control, Przegląd Elektrotechnıczny (ElectricalReview), 11b/2012, 316-319.
- Yamaguchi, T.,Grattan, K. T. V., Uchiyama, H., Yamada, T., (1997). A practical fiber optic air-ratio sensor operating by flame color detection, Rev Sci Instrum, 68, 197–202.
- Yang, J. H., Kim, J.E. A., Hong, J., Kim, M.,Ryu, C., Kim , Y., Park, H.Y.,Baek, S. H., (2014). Effects of detailed operating parameters on combustion in two 500-MWe coal-fired boilers of an identical design, Fuel, 144, 145–156.
- Yu, C.C., (2006). Autotuning of PID Controllers (2. Basım). London, UK, Springer-Verlag.
- Zheng, Z.,Yao, M., (2008). Charge stratification to control HCCI: Experiments and CFD modeling with n- heptane as fuel, Fuel, 88, 354–365.
- Zhou, H.,Lou, X.,Yin, H.,Deng, Y.,Gu, Y., Sun, G., (1996). Modeling and simulink research of boiler combustion based on radiant energy, Proceedings of the CSEE, 16,226-229.
Year 2019,
Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 121 - 130, 15.03.2019
Cem Onat
Mahmut Daşkın
Mehmet Emin Tağluk
Muhammed Fatih Talu
İsmail Yüksek
- Astrom, K. J.,Eklund, K., (1972). A simplified non-linear model of a drumboiler–turbineunit, Int J Control, 16,145–9.
- Burkardt, H., (1992). Image analysis and control of combustion processes, The International Seminar on Imaging in Transport Processes, Athen.
- Chen, L.,Xue, H., Sun, B.,Zhou, Z., (2010).H∞ Robust control of Combustion Based on the Radiant Energy Signal, Fourth International Conference on Geneticand Evolutionary Computing, 837-840.
- Chen, J.,Chang, Y.H., Cheng, Y.C., Hsu, C.K., (2012). Design of image-based control loops for industrial combustion processes, Applied Energy, 94, 13–21.
- Chen, J.,Chang, Y., (2013). Performance Design of Image-Oxygen Based Cascade Control Loops for Boiler Combustion Processes, Industrial&Engineering Chemistry Research, 52, 2368−2378
- Docquier, N., Candel, S., (2002). Combustion control and sensors: a review, Prog Energy Combust Science, 28, 107–50.
- Donne, M. S., Pike, A. W., Savry, R., (2001). Application of modern methods in power plant simulation and control, IEE Comput Control J, 12(2), 75–84.
- Hao, Z., Kefa, C., Jianbo, M., (2001). Combining neural network and genetic algorithms to optimize low NOx pulverized coal combustion, Fuel, 80, 2163–2169.
- Hao, Z.,Qian, X.,Cen, K., Fan, J., (2003). Optimizing pulverized coal combustion performance based on ANN and GA, Fuel Processing Technology, 85, 113– 124.
- Basler Ace Camera, Basler. Çevrimiçi Erişim:http://www.baslerweb.com/en/products/area-scan-ameras/ace/aca2500-14gc.Erişim Tarihi: 13-Mart-2017.
- Huang, Y., Yan, Y., Lu, G., Reed, A., (1999). On-line flicker measurement of gaseous flames by image processing and spectral analysis, Meas Sci Technol 10,726–33.
- Huang, B., Luo, Z., Zhou, H., (2010). Optimization of combustion based on introducing radiant energy signal in pulverized coal-fired boiler, Fuel Processing Technology, 91, 660–668.
- Karaman, İ., (2010). Soma linyitinin fiziksel aktivasyonu ve aktiflenmiş ürüne boyarmadde adsorpsiyonu, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi.
- Kohse-Hoinghaus, K., Barlow, R. S., Alden, M., Wolfrum, J., (2005). Combustion at the focus: laser diagnostic and control, Proc Combust Inst, 30, 89–123.
- Kocaarslan, I., (1993). Application of adaptive control concept in a 750 MW coal fired power plant, 12th Triennial world congress, Sydney, Australia.
- Kouprianov, V., Chullabodhi, C., Kaewboonsong, W., (1999). Cost based optimization of excess air for fuel oil/gas-fired steam boilers, RERIC Int Energy J., 21(2), 83–91.
- Lu, G., Yan, Y., Colechin, M., (2004). A digital imaging based multi function a lflame monitoring system, IEEE Trans Inst Meas 53(4), 1152–8.
- Lino, N.,Tsuchino, F.,Torii, S.,Yano, T., (1998). Timewise variation of turbulent jet diffusion flame shape by means of image processing, J Flow Visual Image Process, 275–81.
- Lee, C. L., Jou, C. J. G., (2011). Saving fuel consumption and reducing pollution emissions for industrial furnace, Fuel Process Technology 92, 2335-2340.
- Liu, D. J., Yan, Wang, F.,Huang, Q., Chi, Y., Cen, K., (2012). Experimental reconstructions of flame temperature distributions in laboratory-scale and large-scale pulverized-coalfired furnaces by inverse radiation analysis , Fuel, 93, 397–403.
- Liu, Z., Zheng, S.,Luo, Z., Zhou, H., (2016). A new method for constructin gradiative energy signal in a coal- fired boiler, Applied Thermal Engineering, 101, 446-454.
- Onat, C. Talu, M.F. Daskin, M. Mercimek, M., (2015). Otomatik Beslemeli Kömür Kazanlarında Alev Formu İle Yanma Verimi Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi, Mühendis ve Makina, 669, 70-79.
- Onat, C., (2014). WGC Based Robust and Gain Scheduling PI Controller Design for Condensing Boilers, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 6, 1-13.
- Onat, C., ( 2013). A New Concept on PI Design for Time Delay Systems: Weighted Geometrical Center, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 9(4), 1539-1556.
- Onat, C., Hamamci, S. E., Obuz, S., (2012). A Practical PI Tuning Approach For Time Delay Systems, Proceedings of the 10-th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems The International Federation of Automatic Control Northeastern University, 102-107.
- Rees, N. W., Lu, C. X., (2002). Some thoughts on the advanced control of electric power plants, Trans. Inst. Meas. Control, 24(2), 87–106.
- Sujatha, K., Venmathi, M., Pappa, N., (2012). Flame monitoring in power station boilers using image processing, ICTACT Journal on Image and Video Processıng, 04, 427-434.
- Talu, M.F., Onat, C., Daskin, M., (2017). Prediction of Excess Air Factor in Automatic Feed Coal Burners by Processing of Flame Images, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering 30 (3), 722-731.
- Toth P.,Zhan, Z., Fu, Z.,Palotas, A. B., Eddings, E. G., Ring, T. A.,(2014). Thepotential of on-line optical flow measurement in the control and monitoring of pilot-scaleoxy-coal flames, Experiments in Fluids, 55,1727.
- Wilson, W.,Geiger, L., Madden, S., Mecklin, C. J., and Dong, A. (2004). Multiple linear regression using a graphing calculator, Journal of Chemical Education, 81(6), 903–907.
- Wojcik, W.,Gromazsek, K., Kotyra, A., Lawicki, T., (2012). Pulverized Coal Combustion Boiler Efficient Control, Przegląd Elektrotechnıczny (ElectricalReview), 11b/2012, 316-319.
- Yamaguchi, T.,Grattan, K. T. V., Uchiyama, H., Yamada, T., (1997). A practical fiber optic air-ratio sensor operating by flame color detection, Rev Sci Instrum, 68, 197–202.
- Yang, J. H., Kim, J.E. A., Hong, J., Kim, M.,Ryu, C., Kim , Y., Park, H.Y.,Baek, S. H., (2014). Effects of detailed operating parameters on combustion in two 500-MWe coal-fired boilers of an identical design, Fuel, 144, 145–156.
- Yu, C.C., (2006). Autotuning of PID Controllers (2. Basım). London, UK, Springer-Verlag.
- Zheng, Z.,Yao, M., (2008). Charge stratification to control HCCI: Experiments and CFD modeling with n- heptane as fuel, Fuel, 88, 354–365.
- Zhou, H.,Lou, X.,Yin, H.,Deng, Y.,Gu, Y., Sun, G., (1996). Modeling and simulink research of boiler combustion based on radiant energy, Proceedings of the CSEE, 16,226-229.