Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 531 - 536, 20.06.2019



The author would like to thank Güneş KARABULUT KURT and Wireless Communication Research Laboratory team of Istanbul Technical University for providing equipment support.


  • [1 ]M. Pinuela, P. D. Mitcheson, and S. Lucyszyn, “Ambient RF Energy Harvesting in Urban and Semi-Urban Environments,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 61, no. 7, pp. 2715–2726, Jul. 2013.
  • [2] M. Cansiz, T. Abbasov, M. B. Kurt, and A. R. Celik, “Mobile measurement of radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure level and statistical analysis,” Measurement, vol. 86, pp. 159–164, May 2016.
  • [3] N. Barroca et al., “Antennas and circuits for ambient RF energy harvesting in wireless body area networks,” in 2013 IEEE 24th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2013, pp. 532–537.
  • [4] F. T. Pachón-García, K. Fernández-Ortiz, and J. M. Paniagua-Sánchez, “Assessment of Wi-Fi radiation in indoor environments characterizing the time & space-varying electromagnetic fields,” Meas. J. Int. Meas. Confed., vol. 63, pp. 309–321, 2015.
  • [5] M. Cansiz, T. Abbasov, M. B. Kurt, and A. R. Celik, “Mapping of radio frequency electromagnetic field exposure levels in outdoor environment and comparing with reference levels for general public health,” J. Expo. Sci. Environ. Epidemiol., no. October, pp. 1–5, Nov. 2016.
  • [6] P. Baltrėnas and R. Buckus, “Measurements and analysis of the electromagnetic fields of mobile communication antennas,” Measurement, vol. 46, no. 10, pp. 3942–3949, Dec. 2013.
  • [7] L. Verloock, W. Joseph, F. Goeminne, L. Martens, M. Verlaek, and K. Constandt, “Temporal 24-hour assessment of radio frequency exposure in schools and homes,” Measurement, vol. 56, pp. 50–57, 2014.
  • [8] M. Cansiz and M. B. Kurt, “Drive Test Yöntemi ile Elektromanyetik Kirlilik Haritasının Çıkartılması ve Ölçüm Sonuçlarının Değerlendirilmesi,” Dicle Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Mühendislik Derg., vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 101–110, 2012.
  • [9] P. Ancey, “Ambient functionality in MIMOSA from technology to services,” in Proceedings of the 2005 joint conference on Smart objects and ambient intelligence innovative context-aware services: usages and technologies - sOc-EUSAI ’05, 2005, no. october, p. 35.
  • [10] S. Kim et al., “Ambient RF Energy-Harvesting Technologies for Self-Sustainable Standalone Wireless Sensor Platforms,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 102, no. 11, pp. 1649–1666, Nov. 2014.
  • [11] A. Collado and A. Georgiadis, “Optimal Waveforms for Efficient Wireless Power Transmission,” IEEE Microw. Wirel. Components Lett., vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 354–356, May 2014.
  • [12] A. Collado and A. Georgiadis, “Conformal Hybrid Solar and Electromagnetic (EM) Energy Harvesting Rectenna,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap., vol. 60, no. 8, pp. 2225–2234, Aug. 2013.
  • [13] S. Keyrouz, H. Visser, and A. Tijhuis, “Multi-band simultaneous radio frequency energy harvesting,” Antennas Propag., no. Eucap, pp. 3058–3061, 2013.
  • [14] C. Song et al., “Matching Network Elimination in Broadband Rectennas for High-Efficiency Wireless Power Transfer and Energy Harvesting,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 64, no. 5, pp. 3950–3961, May 2017.
  • [15] C. Song, Y. Huang, S. Member, J. Zhou, J. Zhang, and S. Yuan, “A High-Efficiency Broadband Rectenna for Ambient Wireless Energy Harvesting A High-efficiency Broadband Rectenna for Ambient Wireless Energy Harvesting,” vol. 63, no. MAY, pp. 3486–3495, 2015.
  • [16] M. Cansiz, D. Altinel, and G. K. Kurt, “Efficiency in RF energy harvesting systems: A comprehensive review,” Energy, vol. 174, pp. 292–309, 2019.
  • [17] M. S. Trotter, J. D. Griffin, and G. D. Durgin, “Power-optimized waveforms for improving the range and reliability of RFID systems,” in 2009 IEEE International Conference on RFID, 2009, pp. 80–87.
  • [18] D. Altinel and G. Karabulut Kurt, “Energy Harvesting From Multiple RF Sources in Wireless Fading Channels,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 65, no. 11, pp. 8854–8864, Nov. 2016.
  • [19] J. F. Ensworth, S. J. Thomas, S. Y. Shin, and M. S. Reynolds, “Waveform-aware ambient RF energy harvesting,” in 2014 IEEE International Conference on RFID (IEEE RFID), 2014, pp. 67–73.
  • [20] G. Andia Vera, D. Allane, A. Georgiadis, A. Collado, Y. Duroc, and S. Tedjini, “Cooperative Integration of Harvesting RF Sections for Passive RFID Communication,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 63, no. 12, pp. 4556–4566, Dec. 2015.
  • [21] V. Kuhn, C. Lahuec, F. Seguin, and C. Person, “A Multi-Band Stacked RF Energy Harvester With RF-to-DC Efficiency Up to 84%,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 63, no. 5, pp. 1768–1778, May 2015.
  • [22] Hucheng Sun, Yong-xin Guo, Miao He, and Zheng Zhong, “Design of a High-Efficiency 2.45-GHz Rectenna for Low-Input-Power Energy Harvesting,” IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett., vol. 11, pp. 929–932, 2012.
  • [23] U. Olgun, C.-C. Chen, and J. L. Volakis, “Wireless power harvesting with planar rectennas for 2.45 GHz RFIDs,” in 2010 URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, 2010, pp. 329–331.
  • [24] National Instruments, “” .
  • [25] PowercastCorporation, “” .
  • [26] Powercast, “P2110-EVAL-01 User’s Manual.”

Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting with Frequency Shift Keying Modulation Technique

Year 2019, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 531 - 536, 20.06.2019


Radio Frequency (RF) energy harvesting is a promising alternative energy source to provide power for low power electronic devices through the air. RF energy harvesting technologies are used in many application fields such as building automation, industrial monitoring, data center, security and defense.

In this study, effects of frequency shift keying modulation technique on charging times of RF energy harvesting were measured and investigated in detail. An advanced measurement system was established and this measurement system was performed using an RF energy harvesting circuit, a signal generator, patch antennas and other equipment. The modulated signal at 14 dBm output power was generated by signal generator. Then, the energy produced by the signal generator was obtained from 20 cm to 60 cm at the interval of 5 cm distance by the RF energy harvesting circuit with 6 dBi patch antenna. According to measurement results, the shortest charging time was calculated as 1 s at a distance of 20 cm. In addition to that, the longest charging time was calculated as 7 s at a distance of 60 cm. It was determined that the charging time of the RF energy harvesting decreased as the distance between signal generator and RF energy harvesting circuit reduced.


  • [1 ]M. Pinuela, P. D. Mitcheson, and S. Lucyszyn, “Ambient RF Energy Harvesting in Urban and Semi-Urban Environments,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 61, no. 7, pp. 2715–2726, Jul. 2013.
  • [2] M. Cansiz, T. Abbasov, M. B. Kurt, and A. R. Celik, “Mobile measurement of radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure level and statistical analysis,” Measurement, vol. 86, pp. 159–164, May 2016.
  • [3] N. Barroca et al., “Antennas and circuits for ambient RF energy harvesting in wireless body area networks,” in 2013 IEEE 24th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2013, pp. 532–537.
  • [4] F. T. Pachón-García, K. Fernández-Ortiz, and J. M. Paniagua-Sánchez, “Assessment of Wi-Fi radiation in indoor environments characterizing the time & space-varying electromagnetic fields,” Meas. J. Int. Meas. Confed., vol. 63, pp. 309–321, 2015.
  • [5] M. Cansiz, T. Abbasov, M. B. Kurt, and A. R. Celik, “Mapping of radio frequency electromagnetic field exposure levels in outdoor environment and comparing with reference levels for general public health,” J. Expo. Sci. Environ. Epidemiol., no. October, pp. 1–5, Nov. 2016.
  • [6] P. Baltrėnas and R. Buckus, “Measurements and analysis of the electromagnetic fields of mobile communication antennas,” Measurement, vol. 46, no. 10, pp. 3942–3949, Dec. 2013.
  • [7] L. Verloock, W. Joseph, F. Goeminne, L. Martens, M. Verlaek, and K. Constandt, “Temporal 24-hour assessment of radio frequency exposure in schools and homes,” Measurement, vol. 56, pp. 50–57, 2014.
  • [8] M. Cansiz and M. B. Kurt, “Drive Test Yöntemi ile Elektromanyetik Kirlilik Haritasının Çıkartılması ve Ölçüm Sonuçlarının Değerlendirilmesi,” Dicle Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Mühendislik Derg., vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 101–110, 2012.
  • [9] P. Ancey, “Ambient functionality in MIMOSA from technology to services,” in Proceedings of the 2005 joint conference on Smart objects and ambient intelligence innovative context-aware services: usages and technologies - sOc-EUSAI ’05, 2005, no. october, p. 35.
  • [10] S. Kim et al., “Ambient RF Energy-Harvesting Technologies for Self-Sustainable Standalone Wireless Sensor Platforms,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 102, no. 11, pp. 1649–1666, Nov. 2014.
  • [11] A. Collado and A. Georgiadis, “Optimal Waveforms for Efficient Wireless Power Transmission,” IEEE Microw. Wirel. Components Lett., vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 354–356, May 2014.
  • [12] A. Collado and A. Georgiadis, “Conformal Hybrid Solar and Electromagnetic (EM) Energy Harvesting Rectenna,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap., vol. 60, no. 8, pp. 2225–2234, Aug. 2013.
  • [13] S. Keyrouz, H. Visser, and A. Tijhuis, “Multi-band simultaneous radio frequency energy harvesting,” Antennas Propag., no. Eucap, pp. 3058–3061, 2013.
  • [14] C. Song et al., “Matching Network Elimination in Broadband Rectennas for High-Efficiency Wireless Power Transfer and Energy Harvesting,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 64, no. 5, pp. 3950–3961, May 2017.
  • [15] C. Song, Y. Huang, S. Member, J. Zhou, J. Zhang, and S. Yuan, “A High-Efficiency Broadband Rectenna for Ambient Wireless Energy Harvesting A High-efficiency Broadband Rectenna for Ambient Wireless Energy Harvesting,” vol. 63, no. MAY, pp. 3486–3495, 2015.
  • [16] M. Cansiz, D. Altinel, and G. K. Kurt, “Efficiency in RF energy harvesting systems: A comprehensive review,” Energy, vol. 174, pp. 292–309, 2019.
  • [17] M. S. Trotter, J. D. Griffin, and G. D. Durgin, “Power-optimized waveforms for improving the range and reliability of RFID systems,” in 2009 IEEE International Conference on RFID, 2009, pp. 80–87.
  • [18] D. Altinel and G. Karabulut Kurt, “Energy Harvesting From Multiple RF Sources in Wireless Fading Channels,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 65, no. 11, pp. 8854–8864, Nov. 2016.
  • [19] J. F. Ensworth, S. J. Thomas, S. Y. Shin, and M. S. Reynolds, “Waveform-aware ambient RF energy harvesting,” in 2014 IEEE International Conference on RFID (IEEE RFID), 2014, pp. 67–73.
  • [20] G. Andia Vera, D. Allane, A. Georgiadis, A. Collado, Y. Duroc, and S. Tedjini, “Cooperative Integration of Harvesting RF Sections for Passive RFID Communication,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 63, no. 12, pp. 4556–4566, Dec. 2015.
  • [21] V. Kuhn, C. Lahuec, F. Seguin, and C. Person, “A Multi-Band Stacked RF Energy Harvester With RF-to-DC Efficiency Up to 84%,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 63, no. 5, pp. 1768–1778, May 2015.
  • [22] Hucheng Sun, Yong-xin Guo, Miao He, and Zheng Zhong, “Design of a High-Efficiency 2.45-GHz Rectenna for Low-Input-Power Energy Harvesting,” IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett., vol. 11, pp. 929–932, 2012.
  • [23] U. Olgun, C.-C. Chen, and J. L. Volakis, “Wireless power harvesting with planar rectennas for 2.45 GHz RFIDs,” in 2010 URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, 2010, pp. 329–331.
  • [24] National Instruments, “” .
  • [25] PowercastCorporation, “” .
  • [26] Powercast, “P2110-EVAL-01 User’s Manual.”
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Mustafa Cansız 0000-0003-2534-9770

Publication Date June 20, 2019
Submission Date May 7, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 10 Issue: 2


IEEE M. Cansız, “Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting with Frequency Shift Keying Modulation Technique”, DUJE, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 531–536, 2019, doi: 10.24012/dumf.561336.
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