Year 2017,
Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 831 - 838, 15.12.2017
Hamiyet Şahin Kol
Sema Aysal Keskin
Kübra Gündüz Vaydoğan
Isıl işlem
görmüş odun dış mekân uygulamalarında geniş bir kullanıma sahiptir. Bu
çalışmanın amacı 190 ve 212 °C sıcaklıkta ısıl işlem görmüş ve hızlı yaşlandırmaya maruz
bırakılmış Sarıçam (Pinus sylvestris
L.), Uludağ göknarı (Abies bornmülleriana
mattf.), Kızılağaç (Alnus glutinosa
subsp. Barbata (C. A. Mey.)), ve Kayın (Fagus
orientalis Lipsky) odunun renklerindeki değişimlerin belirlemektir. Bu
çalışmada hızlı yaşlandırma testleri 288 saat süre ile ASTM G154 standart
metoduna uygun olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Isıl işlem görmüş ve görmemiş
odunların ultraviyole ışınlarıyla fotodedgradasyonu renk açısından
değerlendirilmiştir. Isıl işlem görmüş odunun hızlı yaşlandırma sonrası renginin
işlem görmemiş odundan daha stabil olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Isıl işlem
renk stabilizasyonunu geliştirmede etkili bir metottur.
- 1. Ayadi, N., Lejeune, F., Charrier, F., Charrier, B., & Merlin, A. (2003). Color stability of heat-treated wood during artificial weathering. Holz als Roh-und Werkstoff, 61(3), 221-226.
2. Dubey, M. K., Pang, S., & Walker, J. (2010). Color and dimensional stability of oil heat-treated radiata pinewood after accelerated UV weathering. Forest Products Journal, 60(5), 453-459.
3. Evans PD, Michell A J, Schmalzl KJ (1992) Studies of the degradation and protection of wood surface. Wood Science Technology; 126:151.
4. Feist, W.C. (1983). Weathering and protection of wood. In: Annual meeting of the American wood-preservers’ association. Kansas 79: 195-205.
5. Finnish Thermowood Association. (2003). ThermoWood handbook. Helsinki, Finland, 08-04.
6. Hon DNS (1991). Photochemistry of wood. In: Hon DN-S, Shiraishi N (eds) Wood and cellulosic chemistry. Marcel Decker, New York, pp 525 555.
7. Hon, D.N.S. (2001). Weathering and photochemistry of wood. In: HON, D. N.-S.; SHIRAISHI, N. (eds) Wood and cellulosic chemistry. Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 513-546.
8. Kocaefe, D., Huang, X., & Kocaefe, Y. (2013). Comparison of weathering behaviors of heat-treated jack pine during different artificial weathering conditions.Advences in Modern Mechanical Engineering Journal; 74-79. ISBN: 978-960-474-307-0.
9. Mayes D, Oksanen O. (2002). Thermo Wood Handbook; p. 52.
10. Sivonen H, Maunu SL, Sundholm F, Jämsä S, Viitaniemi P. (2002). Magnetic resonance studies of thermally modified wood. Holzforschung 56:648.
11. Sundqvist, B. (2002). Color response of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), Norway spruce (Picea abies) and birch (Betula pubescens) subjected to heat treatment in capillary phase. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 60(2), 106-114.
12. Syrjänen T, Kangas E. (2000). Heat treated timber in Finland. The International research group on wood Preservation, IRG/WP 00e40158. IRG Secretariat; SE-100:44.
13. Temiz A, Terziev N, Jacobsen B, Eikenes M. (2006). Weathering, water absorption, and durability of silicon, acetylated, and heat-treated wood. Journal of Applied Polymer Science; 102:4506-13.
14. Williams, R.S. (2005). Weathering of wood. In: Rowell, R.M. (ed) Handbook of wood chemistry and wood composites. CRC Press, Florida, pp. 139-185.-163.
Year 2017,
Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 831 - 838, 15.12.2017
Hamiyet Şahin Kol
Sema Aysal Keskin
Kübra Gündüz Vaydoğan
- Heat-treated wood has a
wide usage in outdoor applications. The objective of this research was to
determine changes in the color of heat-treated Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), Turkish fir (Abies bornmülleriana mattf.), Black alder (Alnus glutinosa subsp. Barbata (C. A. Mey.)), Oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) wood at
temperature 190 °C and 212 °C that was exposed to artificial weathering. In
this study, accelerated weathering tests (UV and moisture) were executed
according to the standard method of ASTM G154 for a period of 288 h.
Photodegradation by ultra-violet radiation of both heat-treated and untreated
wood was evaluated in terms of color. The degradation of lignin and extractives
of wood is resulted in an immediate color change of the wood. It was obvious
that the heat-treated wood resulted in more color stability than untreated wood
during weathering. Heat-treatment is an effective method to improve color
- 1. Ayadi, N., Lejeune, F., Charrier, F., Charrier, B., & Merlin, A. (2003). Color stability of heat-treated wood during artificial weathering. Holz als Roh-und Werkstoff, 61(3), 221-226.
2. Dubey, M. K., Pang, S., & Walker, J. (2010). Color and dimensional stability of oil heat-treated radiata pinewood after accelerated UV weathering. Forest Products Journal, 60(5), 453-459.
3. Evans PD, Michell A J, Schmalzl KJ (1992) Studies of the degradation and protection of wood surface. Wood Science Technology; 126:151.
4. Feist, W.C. (1983). Weathering and protection of wood. In: Annual meeting of the American wood-preservers’ association. Kansas 79: 195-205.
5. Finnish Thermowood Association. (2003). ThermoWood handbook. Helsinki, Finland, 08-04.
6. Hon DNS (1991). Photochemistry of wood. In: Hon DN-S, Shiraishi N (eds) Wood and cellulosic chemistry. Marcel Decker, New York, pp 525 555.
7. Hon, D.N.S. (2001). Weathering and photochemistry of wood. In: HON, D. N.-S.; SHIRAISHI, N. (eds) Wood and cellulosic chemistry. Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 513-546.
8. Kocaefe, D., Huang, X., & Kocaefe, Y. (2013). Comparison of weathering behaviors of heat-treated jack pine during different artificial weathering conditions.Advences in Modern Mechanical Engineering Journal; 74-79. ISBN: 978-960-474-307-0.
9. Mayes D, Oksanen O. (2002). Thermo Wood Handbook; p. 52.
10. Sivonen H, Maunu SL, Sundholm F, Jämsä S, Viitaniemi P. (2002). Magnetic resonance studies of thermally modified wood. Holzforschung 56:648.
11. Sundqvist, B. (2002). Color response of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), Norway spruce (Picea abies) and birch (Betula pubescens) subjected to heat treatment in capillary phase. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 60(2), 106-114.
12. Syrjänen T, Kangas E. (2000). Heat treated timber in Finland. The International research group on wood Preservation, IRG/WP 00e40158. IRG Secretariat; SE-100:44.
13. Temiz A, Terziev N, Jacobsen B, Eikenes M. (2006). Weathering, water absorption, and durability of silicon, acetylated, and heat-treated wood. Journal of Applied Polymer Science; 102:4506-13.
14. Williams, R.S. (2005). Weathering of wood. In: Rowell, R.M. (ed) Handbook of wood chemistry and wood composites. CRC Press, Florida, pp. 139-185.-163.