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Yenilikçi Girişimcilik ve Hizmet Endüstrisinin Gelişimi: Makro İktisadî Bir Perspektif

Year 2021, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 69 - 75, 30.04.2021


Bu makale yenilikçi girişimcilik ile hizmet endüstrisinin gelişimindeki artış trendi arasındaki bağlantıyı incelemektedir. Piyasa başarısızlığı teorileri hizmetlerin farklı örgütlenme şekillerinin varlığını özellikle dijital mübadele networklerinde doğrulamaktadır. Hizmet inovasyonuna alternatif yaklaşımlar araştırmamızı hizmetlerin geliştirilmelerindeki inovasyonları analiz etmek üzere daha ileriye taşımamıza yol açmaktadır. Hizmet inovasyon kavramlarının çağdaş sınıflandırmaları hizmet gelişim modeli kurmak için gerekli araçları sağlamaktadır. Bu amaçla, çalışmamızda hizmet inovasyon fonksiyonunu, girişimcilikle genişletilmiş üretim fonksiyonunun özel bir versiyonu olarak tanımlıyoruz. Hizmet gelişim sistemi ile birlikte üretim faktörleri yerine değişim faktörlerinin parametrelendirilmesi hizmet endüstrisinin dinamiklerine dair daha net bir anlayış ortaya koymaktadır. Örgütsel iktisat paradigmasının aksiyomlarının üzerine temellendirilen hizmet gelişim modeli yeni hizmet inovasyonlarının piyasalara entegre olma yöntemlerini göstermektedir.


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  • [30] Tarasova T, Usatenko O, Makurin A, Ivanenko V, Cherchata A. “Accounting and features of mathematical modeling of the system to forecast cryptocurrency exchange rate”. Accounting, 6(3), 357-364, 2020.
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  • [32] Tellis GJ, Prabhu JC, Chandy RK. “Radical innovation across nations: The preeminence of corporate culture”. Journal of marketing, 73(1), 3-23, 2009.
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Innovative Entrepreneurship and Development of Service Industry: A Macroeconomic Perspective

Year 2021, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 69 - 75, 30.04.2021


This article examines the link between innovative entrepreneurship and increasing trend on development of service industry. Market failure theories justify the existence of different forms of organization of services especially in digital exchange networks. Alternative approaches to service innovation allow us to further our research to analyze theoretical aspects of innovations in the development of services. The contemporary classification of service innovation concepts supplies us sufficient tools to construct the service development model. For this end, in our study we define service innovation function which is a special version of entrepreneurship augmented production function. Together with service development system, parametrization of factors of change rather than factors of production gives clearer understanding of the dynamics of service industry. The service development model founded on the axioms of organizational economics paradigm indicated the integration methods of new service innovations to the markets.


  • [1] Andrianto Y, Diputra Y. “The effect of cryptocurrency on investment portfolio effectiveness”. Journal of finance and accounting, 5(6), 229-238, 2017.
  • [2] Arrow KJ. “The economic implications of learning by doing”. In Readings in the Theory of Growth (pp. 131-149). Palgrave Macmillan, London, 1971.
  • [3] Barrett M, Davidson E, Prabhu J, Vargo SL. “Service innovation in the digital age”. MIS quarterly, 39(1), 135-154, 2015.
  • [4] Brauneis A, Mestel R, Riordan R, Theissen E. “How to measure the liquidity of cryptocurrencies?” Available at SSRN 3503507, 2015.
  • [5] Chen JS, Tsou HT, Huang AYH. “Service delivery innovation: Antecedents and impact on firm performance”. Journal of Service Research, 12(1), 36-55, 2009.
  • [6] Cheng Y, Du D, Han Q. “A hashing power allocation game in cryptocurrencies”. In International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory (pp. 226-238). Springer, Cham, 2018.
  • [7] Coase RH. “The nature of the firm: meaning”. Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization, 4(1), 19-32, 1988.
  • [8] Coccia M. “Sources of technological innovation: Radical and incremental innovation problem-driven to support competitive advantage of firms”. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 29(9), 1048-1061, 2017.
  • [9] Drejer I. “Identifying innovation in surveys of services: a Schumpeterian perspective”. Research policy, 33(3), 551-562, 2004.
  • [10] Eggink M. “The components of an innovation system: a conceptual innovation system framework”. Journal of Innovation and Business Best Practices, 2013.
  • [11] Fellesson M, Salomonson N. “The expected retail customer: Value co-creator, co-producer or disturbance?”. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 30, 204-211, 2016.
  • [12] Flikkema M, Jansen P, & Van Der Sluis L. “Identifying neo-Schumpeterian innovation in service firms: A conceptual essay with a novel classification”. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 16(7), 541-558, 2007.
  • [13] Forde TK, Doyle LE, O'Mahony D. “Ad hoc innovation: distributed decision making in ad hoc networks”. IEEE Communications Magazine, 44(4), 131-137, 2006.
  • [14] Fréchet M, Goy H. “Does strategy formalization foster innovation? Evidence from a French sample of small to medium-sized enterprises”. M@n@gement, 20(3), 266-286, 2017.
  • [15] Godin B, Lucier P, sur la Culture CFD. “Innovation and conceptual innovation in Ancient Greece”. Project on the Intellectual History of Innovation, 1-31, 2012.
  • [16] Hesterly WS, Liebeskind J, Zenger TR. “Organizational economics: an impending revolution in organization theory?”. Academy of Management Review, 15(3), 402-420, 1990.
  • [17] Hölmstrom B. “Moral hazard and observability”. The Bell journal of economics, 74-91, 1979.
  • [18] Jaworski B, Kohli AK “Co-creating the voice of the customer”. The service dominant logic of marketing: Dialog, debate and directions, 109-117, 2006.
  • [19] Klein B, Crawford RG, Alchian AA. “Vertical integration, appropriable rents, and the competitive contracting process”. The journal of Law and Economics, 21(2), 297-326, 1978.
  • [20] Lanzolla G, Pesce D, Tucci CL. “The digital transformation of search and recombination in the innovation function: Tensions and an integrative framework”. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 38(1), 90-113, 2021.
  • [21] Lasagni A. “How can external relationships enhance innovation in SMEs? New evidence for Europe”. Journal of small business management, 50(2), 310-339, 2012.
  • [22] Markman GD, Gianiodis PT, Phan PH, Balkin DB. “Innovation speed: Transferring university technology to market”. Research policy, 34(7), 1058-1075, 2005.
  • [23] Narayanan A, Bonneau J, Felten E, Miller A, Goldfeder S. Bitcoin and cryptocurrency technologies: a comprehensive introduction. Princeton University Press, 2016.
  • [24] Nelson RR. “Issues and suggestions for the study of industrial organization in a regime of rapid technical change”. In Economic Research: Retrospect and Prospect, Volume 3, Policy Issues and Research Opportunities in Industrial Organization (pp. 34-58). NBER, 1972.
  • [25] Ndubisi NO. “Entrepreneurship and service innovation”. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 2014.
  • [26] Samoilikova A. “Financial Policy of Innovation Development Providing: The Impact Formalization”. Financial Markets, Institutions and Risks, 4(2), 5-15, 2020.
  • [27] Scott B, Loonam J, Kumar V. “Exploring the rise of blockchain technology: Towards distributed collaborative organizations”. Strategic Change, 26(5), 423-428, 2017.
  • [28] Spulber DF. “Transaction Innovation and the Role of the Firm”. In The Economics of the Internet and E-commerce. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2002.
  • [29] Stadler C, Helfat CE, Verona G. “Transferring knowledge by transferring individuals: innovative technology usage and organizational performance in multi-unit firms”. Organization Science, 2021.
  • [30] Tarasova T, Usatenko O, Makurin A, Ivanenko V, Cherchata A. “Accounting and features of mathematical modeling of the system to forecast cryptocurrency exchange rate”. Accounting, 6(3), 357-364, 2020.
  • [31] Tasca P. “Digital currencies: Principles, trends, opportunities, and risks”. Trends, Opportunities, and Risks, 2015.
  • [32] Tellis GJ, Prabhu JC, Chandy RK. “Radical innovation across nations: The preeminence of corporate culture”. Journal of marketing, 73(1), 3-23, 2009.
  • [33] Wang CN, Day JD, Farid M. “Service innovation model of the automobile service industry”. Applied Sciences, 9(12), 2403, 2019.
  • [34] Williamson OE. “Markets and hierarchies: analysis and antitrust implications: a study in the economics of internal organization”. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's Academy for Entrepreneurial Leadership Historical Research Reference in Entrepreneurship, 1975.
  • [35] Wolter C, Veloso FM. “The effects of innovation on vertical structure: Perspectives on transaction costs and competences. Academy of Management Review, 33(3), 586-605, 2008.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Volkan Hacıoğlu This is me 0000-0003-2848-5399

Publication Date April 30, 2021
Submission Date April 12, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


APA Hacıoğlu, V. (2021). Innovative Entrepreneurship and Development of Service Industry: A Macroeconomic Perspective. Disiplinlerarası Yenilik Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1(1), 69-75.
AMA Hacıoğlu V. Innovative Entrepreneurship and Development of Service Industry: A Macroeconomic Perspective. Disiplinlerarası Yenilik Araştırmaları Dergisi. April 2021;1(1):69-75.
Chicago Hacıoğlu, Volkan. “Innovative Entrepreneurship and Development of Service Industry: A Macroeconomic Perspective”. Disiplinlerarası Yenilik Araştırmaları Dergisi 1, no. 1 (April 2021): 69-75.
EndNote Hacıoğlu V (April 1, 2021) Innovative Entrepreneurship and Development of Service Industry: A Macroeconomic Perspective. Disiplinlerarası Yenilik Araştırmaları Dergisi 1 1 69–75.
IEEE V. Hacıoğlu, “Innovative Entrepreneurship and Development of Service Industry: A Macroeconomic Perspective”, Disiplinlerarası Yenilik Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 69–75, 2021.
ISNAD Hacıoğlu, Volkan. “Innovative Entrepreneurship and Development of Service Industry: A Macroeconomic Perspective”. Disiplinlerarası Yenilik Araştırmaları Dergisi 1/1 (April 2021), 69-75.
JAMA Hacıoğlu V. Innovative Entrepreneurship and Development of Service Industry: A Macroeconomic Perspective. Disiplinlerarası Yenilik Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2021;1:69–75.
MLA Hacıoğlu, Volkan. “Innovative Entrepreneurship and Development of Service Industry: A Macroeconomic Perspective”. Disiplinlerarası Yenilik Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 1, no. 1, 2021, pp. 69-75.
Vancouver Hacıoğlu V. Innovative Entrepreneurship and Development of Service Industry: A Macroeconomic Perspective. Disiplinlerarası Yenilik Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2021;1(1):69-75.