Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 7/31/24

Year: 2024

Research Articles


The journal aims to convey scientific and technological developments in fields of Science, Social, Health, Art, Engineering and Architecture to researchers, engineers and relevant audiences. Istanbul Arel University Graduate School, Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovation Studies aims to publish original and innovative interdisciplinary studies in accordance with current scientific norms and ethics of science.

Istanbul Arel University Graduate School Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovation Studies is an interdisciplinary journal covering the fields of Science, Health, Social, Arts, Engineering and Architecture.

You can prepare you manuscript using Author Guideline file. To download the author guideline file, please click (Last revised: 22/12/2022). Information about the guidelnes has also been given below.

Manuscript Title
The first title should be prepared in the language of the article, the other title should be written in the other language (Turkish if the native language is English). Article titles should be in 14 pt size and centered. The first title should be written in bold and the other title should be written in bold and italic style. The first letter of the title should be uppercase and rest of all the letters of the other words should be lowercase. There should be 10 pt and 3pt space before and after the first title and second title. "Times New Roman" font style should be used in all headings. Letters that are not found in the Latin alphabet, such as alpha, beta, delta, should be used with their clear pronunciation.

Author(s) names and affiliations
Only the first letters of the authors' names should be uppercase, and surnames should be written in uppercase. Author names and surnames should be centered on the page and written in italics. 10 pt space should be given after the authors' full names. The address information of the authors (Department, Faculty/Institute, University/Organization Name, City, Country) should be given in the specified order of line. The e-mail addresses of the authors should be given under each address information. If there is more than one author with the same address information, e-mail addresses should be given in author order.

The study should include Turkish and English abstracts. In this section, a summary of the methods used in the study, innovations and the main findings of the study should be given. The abstract text should be justified and should be 9 points. The abstract should contain approximately 100-250 words. For health sciences English keywords should be selected from Medical Search Heading (MesH), Turkish keywords should be selected from Turkey Science Terms. References, figures, table numbers and footnotes should not be used in the abstract. Letters that are not found in the Latin alphabet, such as alpha, beta, delta, should be used with their clear pronunciation. Abbreviations cannot be used as keywords, instead they should be written in their clear form.
Keywords: Keywords should be between 3-6 words. Words must be separated by commas.

All studies submitted for publication in the Istanbul Arel University Graduate School Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovation Studies (JIIS) must have an "Introduction" section. In this section, the aim of the study, its novelty in the literature and the findings of the study are summarized. All articles submitted to the journal should be prepared using MS-Word® 2007 and higher versions.

Page layout
The size of the papers must be in A4 (210 x 297 mm). Margins must be 30 mm from top, 25 mm from bottom, 20 mm from left and 20 mm from right. Abbreviations should be indicated where they first exist in the text and abbreviation should be given in the rest of paper. Letters that are not found in the Latin alphabet should be used with their clear pronunciation.

Headings, Level-1 headings must be bold, 10 pt, and should begin with capital letters. Level-2, Level-3 and Level-4 headings must be in the same format as Level-1 and justified to the left. No headings should be used further than level-4.

Font, Main text should be written in “Times New Roman” font and 10 pt, justified. Before and after spacing of main text and headings should be 4 nk with “Single” line spacing. In the cases requiring emphasis, italic or bold characters can also be used.

Equations, Each equation should be written in a separate row and be enumerated. Equations must be given in the 1x2 tables with hidden borders, where the width of the first cell is 90% and the width of the second cell is 10%. The equation in the first cell should be centered and the equation number in the second cell should be justified to the right. Left and right margins of the cells must be zero. All equations should be written via equation editor in MS-Word® 2007 or further versions.

Figures, All figures should be centered in the column. Extra spaces around the figure, if any, should be trimmed. Figure captions must be below the figures as illustrated in Fig. 1). Figures in the article must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Figures should have a clear appearance. Text in the figure (if any) should be clearly visible and should not exceed the size of the text in the main text. Reference must be given for figures that have been quoted or rearranged.

Figure 1. Sample figure

Tables, Table 1 is given as an example. The title of the table should be above the table.

Table 1. Table format

References, Citations in the text should be numbered in square brackets “[]”. The reference list should be given at the end of the article in the order of appearance in the text. If more than one publication is cited in the text, "," meaning "and", and/or "-" meaning "all publications between" should be used. For example, the spelling of [1], [2], [5] refers to 1, 2 and 5 numbered publications. [3] - [9] refers to all publications between 3 and 9, including 3 and 9.

References section is also numbered and this section should be arranged as given below References numbers [1], [2] refer to articles published in peer-reviewed journals, [3] books, [4] chapters in books, [5] papers presented in symposiums / congresses / conferences, [6] theses, [7] reports / standards, [8] encyclopedias, [9] dictionaries, [10] court decisions, [11] films or videos, [12] web page and [13] refers to newspapers reference given below.

Conclusions, is a numbered section and advanced evaluations are made based on the findings of the study. Authors can mention future studies and topics related to their work.

Acknowledgment, in this section (if any), information about the institution, project, person, etc. can be specified.

Author Contribution Statement, the contribution statement of the author(s) should be included.

Ethics Committee Approval and Conflict of Interest Statement, ethics committee approval is needed according to rules given below:

According to article 8 of ULAKBIM TR Index Journal Evaluation Criteria;
* Ethics committee approval should be obtained for research conducted in all branches of science that requires ethics committee approval, this approval should be stated in the article and the relevant documents should be uploaded to the journal system.
* In studies that require ethics committee approval, information about the permission (name of the committee, date and number) should be included in the method section, and in case reports, information about signing the informed consent/consent form should be included in the article.
Note: In the case that there is no 'Methods' section in studies that do not require ethical committee approval but require legal/special permission, the processes carried out for the ethical aspect of the research should be specified by opening the heading 'Ethical Aspect of the Research' before the 'References' section.
* Studies that require ethics committee approval for research articles are presented below:
Studies Requiring Ethics Committee Permission:
- Any kind of research carried out with qualitative or quantitative approaches that requires data collection from the participants by using survey, interview, focus group, observation, experiment, interview techniques,
- The use of humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
- Clinical studies on humans,
- Research on animals,
- Retrospective studies in accordance with the personal data protection law
* Important Information About Ethics Committee Permission
-Indicating that the "Informed Consent Form" was taken in case reports, obtaining permission from the owners for the use of scales, questionnaires, photographs belonging to others, and stating this in the article,
-Indicating that copyright regulations are complied with for the intellectual and artistic works used,
- Retrospective ethics committee approval is not required for articles produced from master's/doctorate studies (must be specified in the article) and that research data were used before 2020. However, the processes carried out in terms of the ethical aspect of the research (informed consent, permissions, etc.) should be specified in the article.
-Researchers who are not members of the university can also apply to the Ethics Committees in their regions.
-If the study requires the use of human and animal subjects, international declaration, guide, etc. should be declared appropriate.

For original studies, conflict of interest with any author, institution or organization should be stated


[1] Palanci M, Senel SM. “Earthquake damage assessment of 1-story precast industrial buildings using damage probability matrices”. Bull Earthquake Eng, 17, 5241-5263, 2019.
[2] Johnson W, Mamalis AG. “The perforation of circular plate with four sided pyramidally-headed square-section punches”. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 20(3), 801-820, 1990.
[3] Ertürk M. İşletme Biliminin Temel İlkeleri. 8. baskı. İstanbul, Türkiye, Beta yayınları, 2011.
[4] Koçak AM. Kat Hizmetleri Departmanı. Editörler: Kozak N. Otel İşletmeciliği, 67–98, Ankara, Türkiye, Detay Yayıncılık, 2004.
[5] Paksoy P. “Turizm Ekonomisi”. 8. Ulusal Turizm Kongresi, Antalya, Türkiye, 7–11 Eylül 2007.
[6] Ata F. Understanding customer value using data mining applications: A case study of an insurance broker. MSc Thesis, Istanbul Arel University, İstanbul, Turkey, 2018.
[7] T.C. Kalkınma Bakanlığı. “Onuncu Kalkınma Planı 2014-2018”. T.C. Kalkınma Bakanlığı, Ankara, Türkiye, 212, 2013.
[8] Sarç ÖÇ. “Milli Gelir”. İktisat Ansiklopedisi. 2. Cilt. İstanbul, Türkiye, Ak Yayınları, 1973.
[9] Ansiklopedik Ekonomi Sözlüğü. “Japon Ekonomisi”. İstanbul, Türkiye, Dünya Yayınları, 1987.
[10] Anayasa Mahkemesi 13.4.1971 tarih ve E. 1970-63, K.1971-38 sayılı kararı. Anayasa Mahkemesi Kararlar Dergisi. 450-455, 9 Mayıs 1972.
[11] Necati Akpınar (Yapımcı), Yılmaz Erdoğan (Yönetmen), Vizontele I [Film], Türkiye. BKM Film, 2000.
[12] T.C. İçişleri Bakanlığı Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi Başkanlığı. “Türkiye Deprem Tehlike Haritası”. https://deprem.afad.gov.tr/deprem-tehlike-haritasi (01.12.2020).
[13] Hürriyet, “Obezite”, 23.04.2010.

Ethical Principles

In scientific studies including the following issues, documents showing the permission of the ethics committee should be submitted to the journal and necessary information should be provided in the article:

  • Questionnaires, interviews, focus group studies, observations, experiments and interviews, any work carried out with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using techniques are required ethics committee approval.
  • The use of humans and animals in experimental or other scientific studies
  • Clinical studies on humans, clinical studies on animals, retrospective studies in accordance with the law on protection of personal data

In addition, information regarding the signature of consent document in case reports should be included in the article. To use content such as photographs, scales, and surveys that do not belong to the authors of the article, permission should be obtained from the owners of these contents and should be specified in the article.

All studies submitted to the Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovation Studies should not have been published in any language and should not be under evaluation in another journal. All articles should be prepared by considering the general ethical rules specified by the " Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)". In this context, Authors, Reviewers and Editors must adhere to the given international standards.

Authors, Reviewers and Editors must adhere to the given international standards. Some important points are mentioned below:

Qualification and Responsibilities of Editor:

  • He/she Pays attention to freedom of thought.
  • Strives to bring the journal to a better point and to ensure that the studies to be published are of higher quality.
  • Behaves transparently when corrections and explanations need to be made.
  • Pre-evaluates the articles within the scope of the journal, unless there is a significant problem.
  • It prevents problems that may occur during the closed inspection process.
  • Selects according to the subject in the appointment of referees related to the work.
  • Provides and guides the information needed by the referees.
  • Takes action to avoid conflict of interest between the referee and the author.
  • Keeps the identity information of referees and authors confidential.
  • Enables the referees to evaluate the articles in an objective manner in the context of impartiality and scientific.
  • Ensures that referee pools are constantly updated and are large.
  • Communicates effectively with those involved in the entire broadcast process, holds meetings with editorial board members at specific times.
  • Considers the expertise of the board member in the articles to be sent to the board members for evaluation.
  • His/her decisions should be independent of the publisher and the owner.
  • He/she ensures that a fair process based on the principle of impartiality is operated in the evaluation of the articles submitted to the journal and that the evaluation is completed on time.
  • He/she Protects the individual data of readers, reviewers, and authors.
  • He/she Ensures the protection of human and animal rights in the case of human and animal experiments in the articles. In such studies, if the approval of the ethics committee and the necessary permissions are not documented, the article is rejected.

Ethical Principles for Reviewers:

  • In the evaluation of the article, he/she should make constructive comments based on courtesy and avoid derogatory comments.
  • He/she should perform an objective evaluation and should not go beyond the scope of the study. Although closed review, that is, blind arbitration, should not allow matters such as religion, language, race, political opinion and commercial concern to affect the evaluation.
  • He/she should complete the process based on impartiality and confidentiality.
  • Before the article starts the review phase, if he/she detects a possible conflict of interest, he/she should not review the publication and should inform the editor.
  • He/she should refuse evaluation if the study is outside his / her field of expertise.
  • He / she should respond positively or negatively to the invitation for evaluation and conclude the article he / she accepts to evaluate in time.
  • After evaluating the article, the document related to the article should be destroyed.

Ethical Principles for Authors:

  • When he/she sends an article to the journal for evaluation, he /she should not send the same publication to another journal simultaneously.
  • He/ she should make sure that the article he will send to the journal is original.
  • He/she should give the results of a research as a single article without compromising the integrity and quality of that research.
  • Regardless of the state of the article (evaluation, early edition, published), whenever an error is seen in the article, it should inform the editor to correct or withdraw it.
  • In case of situations requiring data usage permission, research permission, ethics committee permission, participant approval in the article, the necessary documents and statements should be submitted.
  • The articles should not include authors who are not contribute in the in study, and should not make requests such as adding and removing authors during the evaluation process and publishing, and changing the order of the author.
  • He/she should accurately cite the sources used in the article and do so within the ethical principles.
  • In the articles that do not require the ethics committee approval, he/she should declare that this permission is not required, on the last page of the article and in the method section.
  • The contributions of the authors to the article should be written in an explanatory way according to author guidelines.

Plagiarism control

All studies submitted to Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovation Studies are checked using IThenticate® plagiarism detection software. In accordance with the similarity report from the software, the editor/editorial board decides if it is rejected or keep further evaluation process with the referees.

Publication Policy

Istanbul Arel University Graduate Education Institute Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovation Studies publishes twice a year (January and July) in the following disciplines and in multi-disciplinary fields that include these disciplines.


Molecular biology and genetics

Engineering, Architecture and Natural Sciences
Computer Science and Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Environmental Sciences and Engineering
Electrical Electronics Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Geomatic engineering
Civil Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Mining Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Materials and Metallurgical Engineering
Mechatronic Engineering
Earth Sciences and Engineering
Interior architecture
City and region planning

Health Sciences
Nutrition and Dietetics
Child Development
Child Health and Diseases
Physical therapy and Rehabilitation
General Surgery
Internal diseases
Healthcare Management
Social Services
Medical Biochemistry
Medical Biology and Genetics
Medical Pharmacology
Medical Microbiology
Medical Pathology

Social Sciences
Atatürk's Principles and the History of the Republic
Western Art and Contemporary Art
Journalism and Media Studies
Developmental Psychology
Visual communication design
Public relations
Public administration
Classical Turkish Literature
Clinical Psychology
Public Finance
Aviation Management
Political Science
Social Psychology
Turkish Language
International Relations
International Trade
Applied Psychology
Management Information Systems

Fine Arts
Traditional Turkish Arts
Plastic arts
Performing Arts
Restoration and Conservation of Artworks

All accepted articles that have completed the referee evaluation process are published online without any publication fee.